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Page 1: Airport Commerce

City CommissionCity Commission


Carlos Diaz & AssociatesCarlos Diaz & Associates

4101 Ravenswood Road.4101 Ravenswood Road.

Page 2: Airport Commerce

Existing ConditionsExisting Conditions

ZONING: Industrial Research Office, ZONING: Industrial Research Office, Marine (IROM) & Commercial (C-4)Marine (IROM) & Commercial (C-4)


4 office buildings currently on site. 4 office buildings currently on site.

Page 3: Airport Commerce

Elevations in2008

Today’s Elevations

Page 4: Airport Commerce

PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION The applicant received conditional site plan and The applicant received conditional site plan and

variance approval to construct a 9,277 square variance approval to construct a 9,277 square foot office building on October 14, 2008. foot office building on October 14, 2008.

CURRENT REQUEST The applicant has stated that the project has The applicant has stated that the project has

been delayed due to the current state of the been delayed due to the current state of the economy.economy.

Applicant is requesting a two (2) year extension, Applicant is requesting a two (2) year extension, until October 14, 2011.until October 14, 2011.

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Staff RecommendationStaff Recommendation

Approval for two (2) years, per the Approval for two (2) years, per the applicant’s request, with the same applicant’s request, with the same conditions placed on the site plan as conditions placed on the site plan as originally identified.originally identified.

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Page 7: Airport Commerce

Proposed DevelopmentProposed Development A 5A 5thth office building is proposed on a portion of the office building is proposed on a portion of the

parking lot on the west side of the property.parking lot on the west side of the property.

Total building square footage for the entire site will be Total building square footage for the entire site will be 89,936. 89,936.

The development of the 5th building will not alter the The development of the 5th building will not alter the ingress/egress of the property. ingress/egress of the property.

A wall along a portion of the south property line and a A wall along a portion of the south property line and a retention berm along the west property line to contain the retention berm along the west property line to contain the water on the site. water on the site.

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Page 9: Airport Commerce

VarianceVariance To restrict landscape review to the scope of work To restrict landscape review to the scope of work


Code requires new construction greater than 500 s.f. to Code requires new construction greater than 500 s.f. to meet existing landscape requirements within vehicle use meet existing landscape requirements within vehicle use area. area.

The applicant is requesting a variance to restrict The applicant is requesting a variance to restrict landscape review to the scope of work area.landscape review to the scope of work area.

The existing site’s vehicle use area is non-conforming in The existing site’s vehicle use area is non-conforming in the following areas:the following areas:

• Some terminal islands do not meet the 10’ required width.Some terminal islands do not meet the 10’ required width.• Many of the landscape islands do not have minimum 2 trees.Many of the landscape islands do not have minimum 2 trees.• One row of parking does not have a landscape island every 12 One row of parking does not have a landscape island every 12

parking spaces. parking spaces.

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Pervious AreaPervious Area

The built parcel (east) is zoned C-4 & The built parcel (east) is zoned C-4 & requires 25% pervious area, 16.3% requires 25% pervious area, 16.3% pervious area is provided. pervious area is provided.

The development parcel (west) is zoned The development parcel (west) is zoned IROM & requires 20% pervious area; IROM & requires 20% pervious area; 31.5% is provided. 31.5% is provided.

This property is providing a proposed total This property is providing a proposed total pervious area of 20%.pervious area of 20%.

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Site PlanSite Plan The site plan was reviewed by the Fire Marshal, Public The site plan was reviewed by the Fire Marshal, Public

Services, the City’s landscape consultant and the Services, the City’s landscape consultant and the Planning Division. The following items must be Planning Division. The following items must be addressed by the applicant addressed by the applicant priorprior to issuance of a building to issuance of a building permit: permit:

Applicant must address all 8 comments made by the City’s Applicant must address all 8 comments made by the City’s Landscape Consultant.Landscape Consultant.

Additional fire hydrant must be provided at north end (Fire Additional fire hydrant must be provided at north end (Fire Marshal).Marshal).

Provide update site plan reflecting additional hydrant to Fire Provide update site plan reflecting additional hydrant to Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal).Prevention (Fire Marshal).

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Existing Site ImprovementsExisting Site Improvements

Applicant has indicated the following Applicant has indicated the following improvements will be done on the existing built improvements will be done on the existing built site (east):site (east):

Repair existing irrigation system.Repair existing irrigation system.

Provide concrete pavers at all entrances.Provide concrete pavers at all entrances.

Install new lighting throughout the site.Install new lighting throughout the site.

Improve existing building facades.Improve existing building facades.

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Planning and Zoning Board Planning and Zoning Board RecommendationRecommendation

September 17, 2008 the Planning & Zoning Board September 17, 2008 the Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval of the variance & site plan recommended approval of the variance & site plan provided staff comments are addressed & the applicant provided staff comments are addressed & the applicant meet w/neighbor to try & reach an agreement regarding meet w/neighbor to try & reach an agreement regarding the dedication of land for cul-de-sacs.the dedication of land for cul-de-sacs.

Staff RecommendationStaff RecommendationVARIANCEVARIANCEAt the discretion of the City Commission.At the discretion of the City Commission.

SITE PLANSITE PLANApproval, provided the variance is granted and the Approval, provided the variance is granted and the

applicant addresses all staff comments applicant addresses all staff comments priorprior to issuance to issuance of a building permit.of a building permit.
