Page 1: AIRMAX TELEMATICS POLICY AND PROCEDURE€¦ · Airmax telematics will be fitted to the Dorset Police fleet by Airmax Group using their engineers and by vehicle manufacturers as part

Reference No.


Implementation date 12 May 2016

Version Number 1.1

Policy/Procedure Government Security Classification

Handling Instructions

POLICY OFFICIAL Suitable for Public Publication

PROCEDURE OFFICIAL Suitable for Public Publication

Linked documents

Reference No: Name.

P24:2004 Driver Authorisation Policy and Procedure

P01:2011 Driver Permit Scheme Procedure

P01:2010 Police Vehicle Collisions Policy and Procedure




Page 2: AIRMAX TELEMATICS POLICY AND PROCEDURE€¦ · Airmax telematics will be fitted to the Dorset Police fleet by Airmax Group using their engineers and by vehicle manufacturers as part

GSC - Official Handling Instructions: Suitable for Public Publication

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Table of Contents

1 Policy Section ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Statement of Intent – Aim and Rationale ......................................................................... 1

1.2 Police Mission .................................................................................................................. 1

1.3 People, Confidence and Equality ..................................................................................... 1

2 Standards .............................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Legal Basis ...................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Equality Impact Assessment ............................................................................................ 2

2.3 Monitoring / Feedback ..................................................................................................... 2

3 Procedure Section ................................................................................................................ 3

3.1 Airmax Telematics Overview ........................................................................................... 3

3.2 Installation Program ......................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Driver Authorisation, Identification & Operation of the Device ......................................... 4

3.4 Journey / Incident Data .................................................................................................... 5

3.5 Runlock ............................................................................................................................ 5

3.6 Driver Behaviour .............................................................................................................. 5

3.7 Storage of Data/Data Requests ....................................................................................... 6

3.8 Data Protection ................................................................................................................ 6

3.9 Professional Standards .................................................................................................... 7

3.10 Reported Accidents.......................................................................................................... 7

3.11 Unreported Accidents ...................................................................................................... 7

3.12 Human Rights Act 1998 Compliance ............................................................................... 8

3.13 Statement of Rights ......................................................................................................... 8

3.14 Disclosure ........................................................................................................................ 8

4 Consultation and Authorisation .......................................................................................... 9

4.1 Consultation ..................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Authorisation of this version ............................................................................................. 9

5 Version Control ..................................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Review ............................................................................................................................. 9

5.2 Version History ................................................................................................................ 9

5.3 Related Forms ............................................................................................................... 10

5.4 Document History .......................................................................................................... 10

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1 Policy Section

1.1 Statement of Intent – Aim and Rationale This policy / procedure is intended to inform all interested parties that Airmax telematics recorders are used in the majority of Dorset Police mobile assets including vehicles, motorcycles and marine section rib to support IPCC guidelines and comply with the underwriting terms of the Force insurance provider. Telematics recorders in vehicles enhance vehicle fleet management in terms of efficient and appropriate use, leading to reductions in costs, risk and the environmental impact and members of the public can feel safe in the knowledge that Dorset Police monitor the driving standards of their vehicle users. There is also a duty of care on employees to ensure best practice and the requirement to manage work-related road safety. This policy, depending on the individual circumstances can apply to both the Chief Constable as the employer of Police Officers and Police Staff and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner as the employer of staff employed by them. Where the phrase ‘’Dorset Police’’ is stipulated, this policy may apply to the Chief Constable or the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, or potentially both. It explains the process through which the force will operate telematics recorders fitted to its fleet of vehicles and the procedures followed for requesting the data.

1.2 Police Mission Our Mission for policing is: To make communities safer by upholding the law fairly and firmly; preventing crime and antisocial behaviour; keeping the peace; protecting and reassuring communities; investigating crime and bringing offenders to justice. This mission is set nationally and adopted locally by Dorset Police. Code of Ethics The Code of Ethics underpins every day policy, procedures, decision and action in policing today. The Code of Ethics is an everyday business consideration. This document has been developed with the Code of Ethics at the heart ensuring consideration of the 9 Policing principles and the 10 standards of professional behaviour. Monitoring is carried out through the Equality Impact Assessment process which has been designed to specifically include the Code of Ethics. National Decision Model The National Decision Model (NDM) is the primary decision-making model used in Dorset Police. The NDM is inherently flexible and is applied to the development and review of all policy, procedure, strategy, project, plan or guidance. Understanding, using and measuring the NDM ensures that we are able to make ethical (see Code of Ethics), proportionate and defensible decisions in relation to policy, procedure, strategy, project, plan or guidance.

1.3 People, Confidence and Equality Throughout history policing has been most effective when the community and the police work together, helping each other to reduce crime and fear of crime. Our priorities have been based on today’s risks and from what our communities have told us are areas of concern.

This document seeks to achieve the priority of increasing the public satisfaction in the delivery of policing in Dorset.

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This document also recognises that some people will be part of many communities defined by different characteristics. It is probable that all people share common needs and expectations whilst at the same time everyone is different. Consultation and engagement has identified a common need and expectation for communities in Dorset to be:-

Listened to

Have their needs understood

Have their expectations met where possible

Be kept informed

2 Standards

2.1 Legal Basis This procedure is required in order to ensure that the monitoring of driving standards is treated with transparency and consistency.

To ensure it can provide a duty of care towards its employees: Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

To provide additional public reassurance in police driving standards. (Independent Police Complaints Commission recommendations)

2.2 Equality Impact Assessment

During the creation of this document, this business area is subject to an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA). Its aim is to establish the impact of the business area on all people and to also ensure that it complies with the requirements imposed by a range of legislation.

2.3 Monitoring / Feedback This document will be monitored by the Head of Transport Services and Fleet Development Manager. Policy monitoring and review will take place annually and any amendments will be reported to the Fleet Strategy Board for approval. Feedback relating to this policy can be made in writing or by e-mail to:

Head of Transport Services Department, Dorset Police, Weymouth West Police Station Radipole Lane, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 9WW E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01305 226698

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3 Procedure Section

3.1 Airmax Telematics Overview Airmax telematics based system addresses the Home Office/Association of Chief Police Officers Intelligent Transport System ‘Driver & Vehicle Data Management System’ (DVDMS) requirement which will implement common standards of officer and vehicle monitoring across police forces in the UK. Airmax Group has valid ISO 14001:2004 and 27001:2013 certification awarded by UKAS accredited body and are cyber essentials approved. The Airmax telematics recorder is not a Type Approved device, as authorised by the Secretary of State, for corroborating excess speed offences but it is sufficiently accurate to be used to offer advice to drivers where appropriate. An Airmax telematics recorder is a permanently installed electronic device which can record and store selected data from many sensors within the vehicle i.e. driver identification, acceleration, braking, rotation, direction, speed, use of lights, indicators, emergency equipment etc. Telematics provide evidence of vehicle use and can be used for collision investigation purposes to be used as independent evidence that could corroborate driver statements and greatly reduce investigation times.

Telematics record vehicle journey and incident information that can provide:

Driver identification. Replacing the current paper logbook with a swipe of a fob. Information on vehicle usage to assist the Transport Services Department to provide

preventative maintenance and monitor vehicle faults. Information to help Dorset Police to assess the deployment and size of the vehicle fleet

including utilisation data. Information on driver behaviour to improve driving instruction and education on

environmental factors. Evidence to contest or confirm complaints received about driving standards. Evidence to defend insurance claims arising from collisions involving third parties.

Telematics can provide benefits to the driver, the vehicle maintainer, the budget holder, the collision investigator and the incident commander. The data obtained by the Airmax telematics recorder will be automatically uploaded to the secure Airmax server via GPRS signal from an embedded SIM installed within the hardware in the vehicle. In promoting this policy it will allow Dorset Police to continue their role:

To ensure it can provide a duty of care towards its employees. Corporate Manslaughter

and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 To provide additional public reassurance in police driving standards. (IPCC

recommendations) To ensure we are getting the best return from the investment in the vehicle fleet. To ensure compliance with environmental legislation and targets.

A previous awareness campaign has been undertaken with articles in General Orders and Fleet Strategy Board bulletins. The previous communication campaign was designed to inform staff of the operation of the equipment, purpose, storage and use of data, and that where necessary

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stored data may be disclosed for legal and disciplinary proceedings. Staff can access links to policy and procedure on the Transport Services SharePoint site.

3.2 Installation Program

An upgrade program is underway to install the Airmax device into all Force vehicles which have been identified as requiring telematics in accordance with IPCC recommendations and guidelines. Vehicles will be fitted with Airmax with the current following exceptions:

Those that are part of a car scheme for employees, e.g. lease vehicles and ACPO cars

Sensitive covert vehicles Airmax telematics will be fitted to the Dorset Police fleet by Airmax Group using their engineers and by vehicle manufacturers as part of a turnkey option for new orders. Faults relating to the Airmax system should still be reported via +MSS/15 and both Airmax and the Fleet Development Manager will be advised by the relevant Workshop Manager for appropriate action. The fleet will be continually monitored by Airmax Support to ensure that any faults or issues are identified in a timely manner negating vehicle downtime and inconvenience to Dorset Police fleet users.

3.3 Driver Authorisation, Identification & Operation of the Device

It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure they have the correct authorisation groups to drive a Dorset Police owned vehicle - see +DPR/8. Further guidance can be found in the Driver Authorisation Policy P24:2004. Staff driving Dorset Police vehicles must be authorised by Driving Training Unit. The Organisational Helpdesk will have governance over the issue and management of driver identification fobs. Once fitted on a vehicle the driver will be aware of the following:

Vehicles fitted with an Airmax telematics recorder will have an audible and visual alert

signifying the vehicle is fitted with this device and the vehicle will continue to notify the driver when the ignition is turned on via an audible warning sound until the driver has identified themselves i.e. swiped their fob over the reader. This procedure will need to be followed each time the ignition is turned on. The Airmax system will not prevent a driver from using a vehicle for which they do not have driver authorisation but it will record the occurrence.

The driver identification reader is positioned on the vehicle headlining in close proximity to the interior courtesy light.

During the roll-out program all staff authorised to drive police vehicles will be issued with an updated Airmax fob. The database for authorised drivers and fobs issued is held on an updatable spreadsheet held within the Organisational Helpdesk. Airmax fobs that are lost or faulty should be reported as soon as possible to the Organisational Helpdesk via email to .Helpdesk who will arrange for a replacement fob to be issued.

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Shared use of an Airmax fob is not permitted, The use of another drivers’ identification fob will not only result in that drivers behaviour being incorrectly attributed but may also be the subject of investigation that could lead to disciplinary action. Vehicle log books will be fully withdrawn from service when the Airmax roll-out is complete and staff will be will be notified by General Orders entries and an update on SharePoint.

3.4 Journey / Incident Data

In addition to the journey data the device will store and retain incident data (IDR) in the following ways:

As a result of an impact the Airmax CRASH module will automatically activate itself to record additional data

Where the manner in which the vehicle is being driven causes the device to store and retain data, for example, harsh braking or excessive speed over traffic calming humps

3.5 Runlock

Runlock is an ignition override device that is fitted to many of our operational fleet. It allows the engine of a stationary vehicle at a scene to remain running with the ignition key removed and the doors locked. The device ensures the vehicle battery remains fully charged whilst the emergency lights are in operation. When Runlock is in operation data is being recorded against the driver who last identified themselves when starting the vehicle. If there is a change of driver when such a vehicle is being moved or driven off, the ignition must be turned off and the new drivers must go through the engine start-up process to identify themselves to the Airmax telematics recorder.

3.6 Driver Behaviour

Although the fitting of an Airmax telematics recorder is an effective fleet monitoring tool and a technological response to police vehicle collision/damage reduction and investigation, its effectiveness is partly psychological from the realisation that driving performance is being monitored. There are clear guidelines for all users of Dorset Police vehicles regarding standards of driving. These are available in the ‘Driver Authorisation Combined Policy and Procedure’ and ‘Response and Pursuit’ policies both of which are available on Sharepoint. The College of Policing Authorised Professional Practice (APP) for ‘Driver Training’ and ‘Pursuit Management’ are available via their website. The Computer Audit Officer, from the Professional Standards Department, will conduct weekly checks of the Airmax telematics recorder. A report will be generated for all vehicles travelling at speeds that members of the public would be prosecuted by the Force without justification (no emergency equipment in use). The matter will be locally resolved by sending a memo to the driver’s line manager requesting the ‘policing purpose’ for driving at that speed. It is to be made clear to the officer or member of police staff that the matter is not being dealt with as a misconduct offence. Where appropriate the line manager may well decide to liaise with the Force Driver Training Manager to ensure the driver is properly educated. If a driver repeatedly falls

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below Force driving standards consideration will be taken to raising this as a misconduct offence with the head of Complaints and Misconduct. Data collected from Airmax will be available to the Force Driver Training Manager to analyse, evaluate and target driver training towards those drivers who do not demonstrate the level of skill required by the Dorset Police Standards.

3.7 Storage of Data/Data Requests

Data from Airmax telematics could be used as additional information in court proceedings and for disciplinary purposes therefore the security and management of the data is important. The system’s administrator (Dorset Police Fleet Development Manager) will control who has access to the system and operating instructions will be in place detailing which posts/positions will have access to the data following consultation with the Fleet Strategy Board and Head of Transport Services. Data that is downloaded by CSV, PDF or Excel reports for policing purposes will always be the master copy. This should be used for analysis purposes and to make additional copies if required. The officer conducting the download of the data will ensure that the data is suitably referenced and stored in line with current procedures for storage of such material. The data will be retained by Airmax for seven years in line with current policy on the storage of such similar data and available for investigative and civil litigation processes. Formal requests for vehicle and driver data can be made via email to .Computer Audit Officer where they will be assessed to ensure disclosure is for an official policing purpose. Access to the Airmax portal will be granted after consultation with the head of Transport Services. Access will be regularly reviewed and updated as appropriate e.g. when a person changes role.

3.8 Data Protection

All staff and officers handling/storing data associated with this system must ensure that they are aware of their individual responsibilities with regard to the Data Protection Act 1998. Management of Police Information defines the procedures and operating rules to be followed when obtaining, using or disclosing data. No unauthorised disclosure of information held on Force or National systems is permitted. Data held on these systems may only be disclosed in compliance with the Force’s Data Protection registration requirements. The Dorset Police Staff Guide to Data Protection covers most aspects of disclosure. Where any doubt exists, users should seek the advice and guidance of the Force Data Protection Officer. These operating rules will be made available to those staff who, during the course of their investigations, have access to this data. All staff should be reminded that failure to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 or the operating rules, may lead to criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary proceedings.

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Training will be provided by the Fleet Development Manager, Transport Services Department in conjunction with Airmax on the download and interpretation of data reports. Access to data is restricted by the administrator.

3.9 Professional Standards

When investigating criminal complaint or misconduct allegations or the performance of an individual, data from the system can be supplied to the investigating officer/member of staff but only after the completion of a CA1 form (accessible on Microsoft Word) which has been duly authorised by either the Head of PSD (or a person delegated by them for this purpose) or the Head of Personnel Services (for police staff conduct) All requests must be sent via email to .Computer Audit Officer who will then conduct the required searches and provide the data. The data will also be used by the Central Ticket Office Manager to investigate instances where Speeding Enforcement Notices have been issued, to identify a driver. Data provided may be used to quality assure compliance with policy and procedures of the force. Should the analysing of data for any purpose indicate that a criminal or road traffic offence might have been committed; the data will be passed to the Professional Standards Department for investigation.

3.10 Reported Accidents

The Dorset Police Vehicle Collisions Policy and Procedure P01:2010 sets out the responsibility of supervisors for the investigation of police collisions and damage found during investigations. Nothing within this policy alters the responsibility for the investigation of such incidents. Where any driver of any police vehicle, which is fitted with this device, reports an accident to a line supervisor they must also contact the Fleet Development Manager via .Transport who has the ability to interpret and download this data.

Where a serious incident occurs involving any vehicle fitted with a recorder and where a trained Collision Investigation Officer from the Collision Investigation Unit attends the scene they will be able to download the data to aid with the investigation. The data is independent and will be used with all other available evidence to determine the cause of the collision. It is not intended to replace the current investigation procedures. This data will also be used in the defence of the Force in any insurance related claim.

3.11 Unreported Accidents

When a vehicle is presented to the Transport Services Department with unreported damage the Fleet Development or Workshop Manager must be contacted at the earliest opportunity in order that the information from the Airmax recorder may be interrogated. Information obtained by the Transport Services Department will be sent to the Divisional Commander/Department Head and PSD for further investigation.

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Nothing in this policy changes the present need for a driver to report impacts to the vehicle, i.e. “kerb strikes”, “grounding” or collision via the +MSS/15 defect reporting system.

3.12 Human Rights Act 1998 Compliance

Consideration has been given to the compatibility of this policy and related procedures with the Human Rights Act 1998. Particular attention has been given to the legal basis of its precepts, the legitimacy of its aims and the justifications and proportionality of the actions intended by it. Care has been exercised, when writing this policy, to ensure that whenever there is the potential to infringe a person’s human rights the action taken is the least intrusive option with the lowest impact necessary to achieve the aims.

3.13 Statement of Rights

In respect of internal grievance, the existing management structure of the Force and the formal grievance procedures with an appeals facility/right to make representation will cater for any such issues. As regards external complaints civil remedies are available in addition to an individual’s rights under the IPCC Procedures.

3.14 Disclosure

The disclosure principles, as contained within Force Policy, which deal with the Attorney General’s guidelines on disclosure, need to be applied to the data stored on a telematics recorder. Officers investigating police-owned vehicle collisions will ensure the completed file is forwarded to Criminal Justice Unit Manager for a decision to be made, contains the appropriate information regarding the incident data and any statement interpreting such data, thus allowing decision makers to be in possession of all information on which to base their decision.

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4 Consultation and Authorisation

4.1 Consultation

Version No: Name Signature Date

Police & Crime Commissioner

Police Federation

Superintendents Association


Other Relevant Partners (if applicable)

4.2 Authorisation of this version

Version No: 1.1 Name Signature Date


Quality assured:



5 Version Control

5.1 Review

Date of next scheduled review Date: 16 May 2017

5.2 Version History

Version Date Reason for Change Created / Amended by

1.0 17/04/2015 Initial Document 8144 Wayne FOURNIER

1.1 22/08/2017 Document placed onto revised policy template.

Policy Co-ordinator (6177)

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5.3 Related Forms

Force Ref. No. Title / Name Version No.

Review Date

5.4 Document History

Present Portfolio Holder Head of Transport Services

Present Document Owner PC 1527 Graham PINNEY

Present Owning Department Transport Services

Details only required for version 1.0 and any major amendment i.e. 2.0 or 3.0:

Name of Board: Operational Command Board

Date Approved: 12 May 2016

Chief Officer Approving: ACC D LEWIS

(Template version August 2017)
