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Ainsleigh TothLethbridge College

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SIMULTANEOUS BILINGUALISM When a child learns two languages from infancy it is called simultaneous bilingualism

This means they acquire two first languages Both these languages surround the child constantly causing them to become fluent in both

They learn language just as a monolingual child

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HOW IT HAPPENS The child must be exposed to both languages before the age of 2-3 and continue through until their language is fully developed (age 14-16)

Children must have equal chance to execute each language Language is learned the same between everyone in the world

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VARIABLE AFFECTS ON HOW CHILDREN LEARN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES How often they are exposed to each language Quality of language being spoke around them Opportunity to use language Environmental factors

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HISTORICAL BELIEFS Historically people believed exposure to multiple languages creates confusion and delays the children's development

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MODERN THOUGHTS ON BILINGUALISM Children have innate ability to learn languages Bilingualism will not create delays, but if there is a delay it will be in both languages

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IN THE BRAIN Language is developed mostly in the cerebral cortex. There are two parts responsible for language;

Wernicke's area is responsible for comprehension of a language(speech)

Broca’s area is responsible for the production of language

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HOW LANGUAGES DEVELOP Nativist theory belief in the language acquisition device which credits children to an innate predisposition to learn languages.

Empiricist theory the belief that language is acquired due to the input of language surrounding a child

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PROS OF BECOMING BILINGUAL AT A YOUNG AGE The affects are onset of Alzheimer's decreases in someone that is bilingual

Metalinguistic ability – capacity to think about language

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CONS OF BECOMING BILINGUAL AT A YOUNG AGE Socially it will be natural to eventually make one of these languages dominant and result in being weaker in one language

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BILINGUALISM IN CANADA Canada is an official bilingual country with English and French English is the dominant language though To live in a country as such means that; services must be provided in both languages, for example, labels must be in French and English, federal government functions in both languages, and promotes lower level government to function like federal government in both languages.

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More than half of the world is bilingual

Many countries are considered bilingual including; Canada, Finland, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico, Wales and IrelandSome countries make it a requirement in school to take a second language

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GROWTH OF BILINGUALISM THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Technology is giving access to more people to make it easier to learn multiple languages

Globalization and an interconnected world is making international relations require the knowledge of more than one language

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APPLYING IT TO MY LIFE I plan to live in a different country one day, and become fluent in that language. With that I one day want to raise a family and will require my children to have the education for multiple languages. I believe it is an extremely valuable skill.

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REFERENCES Simultaneous bilingualism (n.d.) In Wikipedia. Retreived October13, 2015 from Https://

Bilingualism (n.d) in Wikipediea. Retreived October 13,2015 from Bilingualism (n.d) In Wikipedia. Retreived October 13, 2015 from Official Bilingualism (n.d) In Wikipedia. Retreived October 21, 2015 from

Language Acquisition Device (n.d) In Wikipedia. Retreived October 21,2015 from

Language Development (n.d) In Wikipedia. Retreived October 21,2015

Official Bilingualism in Canada (n.d.) In Wikipedia. Retreived October 21, 2015

Staniforth, L Child language delvelopment in bilingual and multilingual enviroemnts. [PowerPoint Slides] Retrieved
