Page 1: · Web viewDream Home Word Search Author Amanda McKinney Created Date 07/02/2014 08:13:00 Last modified



Finding An Agent That’s Right For You

E N U T R O F X P C H C S T R C C O N S T R U C T I O N D E A V A D M Y Q M W H E I O F A P E L S I K F E P D R N I L L S L P K L G I A E P A O S O I C E H E L V R S E M R I N O T R V A T I G I U E M C T E R Y E A B C O G L R R U H C M P D A T E H N B O E B A Y E I L I T O T U A F D M L I L S D A G I R Q P R E L E V A T I O N I O B M S E L G N A T C E R J T N I A R C H I T E C T S I X A D T E S U B U R B A N X H X L S E C N A N I F M A N S I O N .

Dream Home Word Search



In this issue >>>

July 2014 >>>

“The road to success is always under construction.”

Lily Tomlin “Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”

Ernest Hemingway

Welcome Parents and


Welcome Parents & Students

Online Resources

Extension Activities

Abraham Maslow

Dream Home Word Search

Life is meant to be lived, not just survived. “You’re time is limited; don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And

most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything

else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

Welcome to the 2014 Summer ECU/Pitt County Schools AIG Camp. During the camp, we will be

discussing the differences between geographical areas and learning the

environmental differences for those homes. Students will be asked to determine where they

want most to live as adults. They will be looking at homes on a grander scale to

determine their personal wants and needs for their dream home. They will then begin to

understand and utilize sketching Blueprints by hand using all the proper tools and materials. Once they have completed their Blueprint by

hand they will then be implementing their design into SketchUp, an online and virtual

tool. Daily we will be uploading pictures of both their hand drawn Blueprints as well as their

SketchUp design to the camp website. The final blueprints will also be displayed on the final

day of camp. We look forward to seeing their designs come

onAn Insight into Blueprints & Custom Home Building


Page 2: · Web viewDream Home Word Search Author Amanda McKinney Created Date 07/02/2014 08:13:00 Last modified


Synonymous with computer-aided design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM), which is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a project, these systems are the virtual cornerstone of buildings; a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility.

So where does SketchUp, a 3D modeling software that claims to be the “antidote to complicated, expensive CAD software”, fit in?

SketchUp was originally developed by startup company @Last Software in 1999 as a general-purpose 3D content creation tool, envisioned as a program that would allow design professionals to emulate the feel and freedom of working with pen and paper.

The idea was that if architects, designers, builders, makers and engineers were not unnecessarily bogged down by figuring out how to work the interface, they could focus on what they could create with it.

Attracted to its Google Maps plugin, Google bought the program in 2006. Under the hands of the internet search giant, SketchUp grew in size and scope, so that by 2012 – the time of its acquisition by surveying and navigation equipment company Trimble – it had approximately two million active users every week.t they could create with it.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

“Some things you’re built for, some things you’ve got to build for.”

Further Your Knowledge >>>

Real World Problem >>>

Extension Activities

How does one incorporate custom design applications in their dream home plan

while meeting both environmental

expectations as well as

“If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

Abraham Maslow

Now that you have created a paper pencil blueprint and turned into a

virtual floor plan, we would like for you to research the price of

blueprints, both paper pencil and virtually created. Are you confident

with your ability to create a blueprint or do you feel you will need to purchase the blueprint?

Are you considering all aspects of your wants and needs?http:// site is terrific! It does offer a lot of interesting information. We would like to draw your attention to the lesson plans offered. Everything you will need to follow through on other design learning experience is right at your fingertips under the educators tab. While you are there stop in and visit the families and student tabs.

This site will allow you to enter the Louvre to become familiar with its layout. This site will also show you some the artifacts that are stored here and will give you a brief history of those artifacts to read. This site also has a few videos (but they are in French), that will also show you around the museum. This is a great site to further your

This is a national site that will keep you informed with information relevant to the home building community. Because this is a national site I recommend this for current events and for furthering your knowledge not just for fun. you can add in the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, garage type and browse through pre-made homes. When you are ready you can tweak the pre-made plans to fit your wants and needs.

This site is set up to give the user the opportunity to learn about Frank Lloyd Wright. This site is easy to navigate through; you can design your own home and even check out other peoples creations.

Self-Actualization: Living life to its fullest potential- This is the most complicated level where people need to find purpose, personal growth and awareness of their potentials. People on this level are fully functional, acting purely on their own ambition and have a resilient character.Ego & Self Esteem Needs: On this level, people value the choices of others. This is a matter of self-respect through respect for others.Social with Love & Belongingness Needs: On this level, people need to feel loved. Loving one's self has not been fully discovered. Security & Safety Needs: On this level we include living in a safe area away from threats.Body & Physiological Needs: this is the lowest level and is the most basic of needs to include food, water, shelter and clothing. People often neglect some of these basic needs in normal life by eating junk food, going without sleep, exercise, or not furthering their knowledge.

Job Requirements-Becoming an architect usually requires earning a 5-year bachelor's degree, completing an internship and obtaining state licensure. The following table outlines common requirements to become an architect:

Common Requirements

Degree Level

Bachelor's degree is standard, typically a 5-year professional bachelor's degree is required; a master's degree may expand career opportunities*

Degree Field Architecture


About 3 years of training before sitting for licensure*; 5,600 hours of training through the Intern Development Program (IDP)**

Licensure and Certification

A state-issued license is required, though requirements vary between states; voluntary certifications are available*

Key Skills

Strong communication and analytical skills, critical-thinking and organizational skills, visualization skills, creativity*

Computer SkillsProficiency in computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software*

We encourage you to explore the prices of homes over the last twenty years and predict

prices of the next twenty years.

Check out your local High School CTE programs. Do they offer drafting, electrical trades, business education or other engineering classes that you

Tech It Out >>>

Online Resources

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology that states, behind everything thing we do is a need that wants to be satisfied. We have instincts that keep us alive and continue our species. But there are other needs that go beyond our body's instincts. Maslow’s theory also urges us to meet higher needs and is laid out in the form of a pyramid. The five needs in Maslow's Hierarchy include:

Ponder This…By controlling dimensions and accuracy in your SKETCHUP design you are customizing a useable real world floor plan/blueprint/document.