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2nd  Round  National  Managers  Application  

Package    AIESEC  Australia    

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Ê  Impact  of  National  Managers    

Ê  General  Overview    

Ê  Expectations  for  National  Managers    

Ê  Job  Descriptions    

Ê  FAQ  

Ê  Contacts  

Ê  Application  Form    

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AIESEC  Australia  MC  13-­‐14  With  2014  marking  the  50th  Anniversary  of  AIESEC  in  Australia,  Generation  13/14  is  all  about  creating  as  many  international  internships  and  leadership  experiences  as  possible.  We  plan  on  leading  AIESEC  Australia  to  the  next  level  by  being  BIGGER,  BETTER  and  SMARTER.    

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Impact  of  National  Managers  

In  order  to  bring  AIESEC  Australia  to  the  next  level,  we  need  support  from  the  national  network  to:  

Ê  Make  strategies  relevant  for  LCs  

Ê  Provide  more  guidance  than  the  MC  has  the  ability  to  do  on  their  own  

Ê  Expose  our  highest  potential  members  to  national  level  leadership  opportunities    

TOGETHER,  we  can  make  AIESEC  Australia  BIGGER,  BETTER  and  SMARTER  

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General  Overview    

Ê  Deadline  for  2nd  Round  Applications:    

Ê  OGX,  FIN:  May  27  at  11.59  PM  AEST  

Ê  The  application  contains  3  parts:  Ê  A  general  Application    Ê  Function  Specific  Application  Ê  Your  CV  

The  Questionnaires  are  available  at  the  end  of  this  document.    

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General  Overview  

Ê  Selection  Process  Ê  Application  Submission    

Ê  Interview  –  the  MC  member  responsible  for  each  function  you  apply  to  will  interview  you  once  your  application  is  submitted  

Ê  Results-­‐  you  will  notified  of  the  results  at  the  latest  31st    May  2013    

Ê  Attendance  at  National  Managers  Summit  is  compulsory    Ê  Most  likely  in  Sydney  or  Brisbane    in  July  depending  on  your  

function  (TBC)  

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Ê  Time  commitment  of  approximately  10  hours  a  week.  

Ê  The  role  demands  a  strong  commitment  to  communication  and  keeping  deadlines.    

Ê  It  is  necessary  and  demanded  to  be  able  to  work  independently  as  most  of  the  work  will  be  handled  virtually.    

Ê  The  National  Manager  role  requires  the  ability  to  play  a  leadership  role  by  bringing  progressive  ideas  and  understanding  of  national  and  global  direction.  

Ê  Attendance  at  JulyCon  is  strongly  recommended.    

Ê  Term  Dates:  1st  June  –  31st  Dec  2013  

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Finance  NM  Job  Description  Ê  Role  title:  Finance  Manager    

Ê  Finance  Manager  will  work  with  MCVP  FIN&  OD  to  improve  or  develop  processes  and  systems  to  improve  the  operational  capacity  and  financial  sustainability  of  the  organization,  as  well  as  educating  LCVP  FIN  about  the  required  financial  knowledge  and  skills.  

Ê  Preferred  Background:  Ê  Understanding  of  existing  financial  tools  and  systems  in  Australia  

Ê  Knowledge  and  experience  in  accounting  and  finance  (academic  and/or  working)  is  preferred  

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Finance  NM  Job  Description  Ê  Role  Responsibilities:    

Ê  Assist  MCVP  in  educating  LCVP  FIN    Ê  Assist  MCVP  in  improving  the  efficiency  of  existing  systems,  as  well  as  

researching,  developing  and  implementing  new  financial  processes  and  systems  to  support  ELD  operations  

Ê  Assist  MCVP  in  preparing  for  Finance  Sub-­‐Committee  prior  to  national  conferences  

Ê  Assist  MCVP  in  book  keeping  tasks  and  transactions  

Ê  KPIs:    Ê  Delivery  of  finance  training  sessions  (exact  number  to  be  confirmed)  Ê  Co-­‐delivery  of  existing  system  improvements  and  implementation  of  new  

tools  and  systems  with  MCVP  Ê  Completion  of  all  book  keeping  tasks  and  transactions  with  MCVP    Contact  Masson  Man  ([email protected]  )  for  more  information      

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OGX  NM  Job  Description  

Ê  All  National  OGX  managers  have  a  basic  set  of  requirements  and  conditions    Ê  As  an  OGX  manager  you  will  be  responsible  for  supporting  national  

initiatives  and  bringing  them  to  the  local  level.  Ê  The  role  demands  a  strong  commitment  to  communication  and  keeping  

deadlines.  Ê  Ability  to  be  able  to  work  independently  as  most  of  the  work  will  be  

handled  virtually  Ê  The  manager  role  requires  good  understanding  of  national  and  global  

direction.  Ê  The  managers  will  be  in  charge  of  designing,  developing,  and  

implementing  tools  for  LC  OGX  processes,  as  well  as  OGX  knowledge  management  on  the  national  level  

Ê  Able  to  attend  a  1  hour  weekly  meeting  through  Skype  


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OGX  NM  Job  Description  

Ê  National  Manager  Structure    


MCVP  OGX  Jhair  J  Vega  

EP  Experience  Manager  

Education  Manager   ER  Manager   oGIP  


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OGX  NM  Job  Description  

Ê  Role  Title:  National  EP  Experience  Manager    

Ê  Role  Responsibilities:  Ê  Support  to  design  and  implement  strategies  to  handle  XPP  cases  

Ê  Support  to  design  and  implement  strategies  for  EP  reintegration  

Ê  Support  to  design  and  implement  strategies  for  EP  preparation  

Ê  Support  and  design  the  Outgoing  preparation  seminar  

Ê  KPIs:  Ê  #  of  XPP  successfully  solved  

Ê  #  of  EP  reintegrated  and  having  a  team  leader/member  position  

Ê  #  of  delegates  to  the  Outgoing  Preparation  Seminar  

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OGX  NM  Job  Description  

Ê  Role  Title:  National  oGIP  Manager    

Ê  Role  Responsibilities:  Ê  Support  to  design  and  implement  OGX  GIP  products  

Ê  Support,  train  and  coach  the  LCs  that  are  managing  OGX  GIP  projects  

Ê  Support  to  design  and  implement  strategies  to  improve  the  recruitment  process  for  GIP  EPs  

Ê  KPIs:  Ê  Ratio  between  Applicants  on  PODIO  and  Raised  

Ê  Ratio  between  EP  Raised  and  Matched  

Ê  Other  measurements  to  be  defined    

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I  am  doing  an  internship  in  Australia  during  the  NM  term.  Can  I  still  apply?    

Yes,  but  it  is  not  a  reason  to  expect  less  from  you  in  your  NST  position  –  you  should  be  very  aware  of  the  extra  workload  you  can  expect  to  face.    

I  am  abroad  during  my  NM  term.  Can  I  still  apply?    

Generally  you  should  not  be  abroad  during  your  NST  term.  Exceptions  might  apply.  Mention  your  absence  clearly  in  your  application  and  during  your  interview  to  discuss  possible  solutions.    

What  is  the  time  consumption  of  my  potential  NM  role?  

 The  time  expected  from  you  to  invest  in  your  role  differs  a  lot  from  role  to  role.  Expect  a  minimum  of  10  hours  a  week.  However  it  is  best  to  talk  to  other  people  who  currently  are  or  who  have  been  in  the  position  you  are  applying  for.    


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I  have  not  been  VP  or  LCP.  Can  I  still  apply  for  the  NM?    

Depending  on  the  position  you  are  applying  for  the  required  profile  differs.  Unless  stated  otherwise  generally  every  position  is  free  for  everyone  to  apply.    

Can  I  apply  for  more  than  one  position  in  the  NM?  

 Yes.  But  make  sure  you  fill  out  all  needed  parts  of  the  application  form  (for  all  positions  you  are  applying  for)  and  to  state  a  priority  of  your  applications  in  the  general  questionnaire.    

Will  the  NM  be  present  on  national  conferences?  

NM  are  encouraged  to  attend.  Subsidies  for  NM  are  TBC  

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I  cannot  attend  the  NM  summit.  What  consequences  does  that  have  for  my  application?  

 Non-­‐attendance  on  the  NM  summit  can,  but  does  not  necessarily  have  to,  be  a  reason  for  either  not  selecting  you  or  for  your  dismissal  from  the  NM.  Best  is  you  openly  address  the  topic  in  your  application  straight  away.    

Do  I  have  to  pay  for  the  NM  summit?  

 The  MC  pays  for  the  cheapest  flight  to  Sydney.  All  delegates  sleep  in  the  MC  house.  Everybody  has  to  cover  food  and  drinks  during  the  NM  summit.    


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Contact  Information    

For  any  role-­‐  specific  questions,  contact  the  relevant  MC  member.    


Scott  (TM)    [email protected]  

Laura  (MCP)    [email protected]  

Jhair  (OGX)    [email protected]  

Ala  (MAC)    [email protected]  

Sarthak  (BD)    [email protected]  

Mei  (BD)    [email protected]  

Damian  (ICX)    [email protected]  

Masson  (FIN  &  OD)    [email protected]  

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Application  Form  AIESEC  Australia  

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General  Questionnaire  Your  application  should  be  no  longer  than  6  pages.  It  should  consist  of  three  parts:  

Ê  General  Questionnaire  Ê  Functional  Questionnaire  (If  you  are  applying  for  more  than  one  function,  an  

additional  2  pages  is  available  for  your  application)  Ê  Your  CV  Applications  are  due  27th  May  11.59PM.  Applications  are  to  be  sent  to  [email protected]  and  to  the  MC  responsible.    

Ê  Profile  Ê  Name  Ê  Phone  Number    Ê  Email  Address  Ê  Date  of  Birth    Ê  Current  LC/Region  Ê  Country  

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General  Questionnaire  Ê  General  Questions    

Ê  What  AIESEC  Conferences  have  you  attended  in  the  past?    

Ê  Are  you  attending  QCon  2013?  

Ê  Please  describe  your  three  most  recent  AIESEC  experience  based  on  the  following  criteria:  position,  duration,  main  responsibilities,  and  results  achieved,  key  learning  points  

Ê  What  are  your  three  main  strengths  and  weaknesses  and  how  will  they  affect  your  work  in  the  NM?  

Ê  Why  are  you  running  for  a  national  leadership  and  what  do  you  expect  from  it?  

Ê  What  is  your  promise  to  make  this  virtual  team  experience  success?  If  you  have  previous  virtual  team  experience,  include  examples.    

Ê  International  Applicants  Ê  How  will  you  make  sure  you  engage  LCs  working  from  abroad?  

Ê  How  will  you  up  to  date  to  our  current  reality?  

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FIN  Questionnaire  

Ê  Why  are  you  applying  for  this  role?  

Ê  What  skills  and  knowledge  do  you  possess  that  would  enable  you  to  succeed  in  this  role?  

Ê  What’s  the  role  of  finance  in  driving  the  growth  of  ELD  programs  (TMP,  TLP,  GCDP,  GIP)?  

Ê  Please  evaluate  the  current  state  of  the  finance  function  in  AIESEC  Australia  (i.e.   processes   &   systems,   areas   of   improvements,   functional   culture,  experience  of  finance  members,  etc.).  What  changes  would  you  make?  

Ê  What  commitments  do  you  have  outside  University  from  June  –  November  this  year?  How  many  hours  can  you  commit  to  this  role  every  week?  


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OGX  Questionnaire  

Ê  EP  Experience  Manager  Ê  What  would  be  your  main  strategies  to  handle  XPP  issues?  –  How  will  

you  support  those  strategies?  (be  as  specific  as  possible)  

Ê  Why  do  we  need  to  have  a  process  in  place  to  reintegrate  our  EPs  in  our  LCs?  –  Which  portfolio  out  of  OGX  should  be  our  main  support?  (TM,  ICX,  MKT,  etc)  

Ê  What  would  be  your  main  strategies  to  reintegrate  our  EPs  in  our  LCs?  –  How  will  you  support  those  strategies?  (be  as  specific  as  possible)  

Ê  Why  do  we  need  to  prepare  our  EPs  before  they  go  abroad?  –  What  tangible  results  we  might  have?  

Ê  What  would  be  your  main  strategies  to  prepare  our  EPs  to  go  abroad  despite  OPS?  –  How  will  you  support  those  strategies?  (be  as  specific  as  possible)    

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OGX  Questionnaire  Ê  oGIP  Manager:  

Ê  How  LCs  can  improve  their  OGX  GIP  recruitment  process-­‐?  (Please  mention  strategies,  channels,  target  audience,  materials,  etc.)  

Ê  Please  mention  3  strategies  to  improve  the  matching  ratio  at  national  level-­‐?  

Ê  Please  mention  3  GCPS  from  the  Network  what  we  can  implement  at  national  level  and  how  we  can  tailor  them  to  AIESEC  Australia  reality  to  drive  growth  in  OGX  GIP.  

Ê  Create  a  campaign  /  challenge  to  motivate  the  LCs  to  boost  the  growth  in  the  OGX  GIP  portfolio.  Please  for  the  campaign  consider  the  following  criteria:  Message,  LCs  involved,  channels,  target  audience,  key  indicators,  goals  to  achieve,  timeline  (July-­‐December)  and  reward  to  the  LCs.  

Ê  Choose  and  explain  3  key  focuses  for  your  term  as  National  OGX  GIP  Manager.  Please  be  specific  on  why  is  that  a  priority,  how  is  it  going  to  happen  and  what  are  the  expected  outcomes  of  the  actions  you  set    
