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CMS Content Upload Help

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Table of Contents


● How to create a new app?

● How to design the new app?


● How to publish the app to stores?


How to create Info / Home screen?

How to add People?

How to add Company?

How to add FAQ?

How to add Blog?

How to add Polls?

How to add Webviews?

How to add Agenda?

How to send Push Notifications?

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Create a New App

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Create and Name app

1. Login to

2. Click on New

3. Provide the name of your app

4. Click Create

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Design the App

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Upload App Logo

1. Click on Design

2. Click on Change and upload image of your choice.

3. App Logo Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 1024 X 1024

4. Click Save

Upload Image

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Upload Splash Screen

1. Click on Change and upload image of your choice.

2. Splash Screen Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 1080 X 1920

3. Click Save

Upload Image

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Choose App Theme

1. Select any one of predefined theme

2. Use Customize option to change Primary and Secondary color.

3. Click on Advanced for the below customization

a. Background 1 Color

b. Background 2 Color

c. Text on Background Color

d. Primary Dark Color

e. Primary Color

f. Text on Primary Color

g. Secondary Color

h. Text on Secondary Color

i. Card Color

j. Text on Card Color

k. Tab Color

l. Text on Tab Color

4. Click on Save


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How to choose and arrange features in the app?

1. Drag and Drop the Feature from Available panel to Added to your App panel

2. Use Remove Icon to remove any Feature from the App

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Feature Settings1. Click on Settings Icon for a


2. You can customize feature Name, Icon.

3. Color stands for the tag that appears for a notification in the timeline.

4. A feature can be hidden by checking Feature Status checkbox.

5. Click on Save

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Publish the App

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App Description1. Click on Description.

2. Provide info in the Short Description and Description text box field.

3. Click on Proceed button

Note - To send the app to the stores, following are the mandatory collaterals required

a. Logo

b. Splash Screen

c. Description

The remaining content can be added progressively.

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Play Store Cover Image1. Click on Cover image

2. Click on Change and upload image of your choice

3. Click on Proceed button

Upload Image

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Create content for your App

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Add Contact Information

1. Click on Content.

2. Add Email

3. Add Phone number

4. Add Website link

PS : Add details of the main point of contact for your business.

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Add Banner Images

1. Click on Banner Images

2. Click Change

3. Repeat for other banner images - You can have a maximum of 4 images.

4. Specifications

a. File Type - PNG/JPG

b. Size - 2MB

c. Dimension - 460 X 340

Upload Image

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Add Venue Location

1. Click on Venue Location

2. Add Latitude

3. Add Longitude

PS : Add GPS location of your venue, so that it is easier for your audience to get to the location.

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Add Basic Information - Tab

1. Click on New Tab

2. Choose Is Visible To

3. By default it is ‘EveryOne’. You can have different content displayed for each the Group.

4. Add Title.

5. By default, the language is ‘English’

6. You can change the language by clicking on the dropdown on right.

7. Click Done.

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Add Basic Information - Section

1. Click on New Section

2. Add Title

3. Add Description

4. Click Done

PS : Changing the language of the content possible across each feature in the app.

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Publish Info

1. You can add as many Tabs and Sections, as per your requirement.

2. Once completed, click Save & Publish.

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Add Groups (1 of 2)

1. Click People under Core Content.

2. Click on SetUp (Figure 1)

3. Click ‘+’ (Figure 2)

4. Add Group

Note : Previously created users can be added to a newly created group. Click on a user, update details and click ‘Save’.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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Add New Users/People

Adding users can be done in two ways :

1. Add each user

2. Import CSV

Note : Users can be a part of a group. To add a user to a group, the group must be created beforehand.

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Add Groups (2 of 2)

1. Add Group Name

2. If you wish that Phone numbers of users in the group is to be hidden. Choose ‘No One’ in Show Phone. By default, Phone numbers of People within a group is visible to all.

3. Similarly, choose Show Email.

4. People can book meeting with users based on available slots, if Show Request Meeting is enabled.

5. If the user does not wish to approve/reject meeting requests, check Auto Accept First Meeting for a slot.

6. Click Save.

Figure 3

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Add New User

1. Click Add

2. Add details First Name, Last Name, Phone etc.

3. Note : First name and Email are mandatory for all users.

4. Add image

5. Profile Image Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 185 X 185

6. Choose the Groups to which the user must belong.

7. By default, the pin for logging into the app is 1111.

8. Click Save

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Add Users- Import CSV

1. Click Import From CSV.

2. Click Download Template.

3. Add values under the columns. Note - First Name and Email are mandatory for a user.

4. Once all data is added, choose and upload the file.

5. Click Import.

Note - If details like Photograph, status, about etc are to be added later, click on individual user and edit.

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Display Users in App

1. Click People under Features.

2. Check the groups that you wish to display.

3. Click Save & Publish.

Note - By default, all groups are checked, which means all groups are listed.

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Add New Company

1. Click New Company

2. Add Name, About

3. Choose if the company is Sponsor or Exhibitor.

4. Upload Company Logo.

5. Logo Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 185 X 185

6. Upload Banner Image

7. Banner Image Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 640 X 360

8. Add Email, Phone, Website and Address.

9. Click Save.

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Add Category

1. Click ‘+’ on the right of Category.

2. Add Title. For e.g. Gold Sponsor, Platinum Sponsor etc.

3. Click Save.

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Partner Listing

1. Click Sponsor

2. Click New

3. Choose Company

4. Choose appropriate Category

5. Click Save.

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Publish Partners

1. Each company can be individually published, by clicking on Publish.

2. Click Publish All to publish all companies and any new edits.

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Add New FAQ

1. Add Title of FAQ Section.

2. Add Description.

3. Click Save.

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Add New FAQ Question

1. Add Title (question)

2. Add Description (answer).

3. Click Save.

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Publish FAQ

1. There can be as many FAQ sections and Q&A under them.

2. Once all the sections and Q&A are added, click Publish.

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Add New Blog

1. Click Add New Blog to add a blog.

2. Add Cover Image.

3. Image specification

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 640 X 360

4. Add Title

5. Add Content

6. Choose Creator

7. Choose Location

Change Image

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Send Notification for Blog

1. Add Notification Title

2. Add Message

3. Click Save

Note - The blog will be listed under ‘Draft Blogs’ prior to publishing it.

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Publish Blog

1. Click Publish to publish the blog.

2. Click Edit to edit the blog.

3. Click Delete to delete the blog.

Note - Once it is published, it will appear under ‘Published Blog’ tab.

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Add New Poll

1. Click Text or Image to choose the type of Poll. By default, a poll is of type text.

2. Add Image.

3. Image Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 640 X 360

4. Upload Image

5. Add Question

6. Add Options

7. To add more options, click Add New Option and add.

8. Click Save Poll.

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Add Custom Notification

A custom notification can be sent to inform users about the Poll.

1. Click Custom Notification

2. Add the text for notification

3. Click Save Poll.

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Publish Poll

1. Click Publish to publish the poll in the app.

2. Note - The poll will be under the ‘Current Polls’ prior to publishing it. Once it is published, it will appear under Current Polls tab.

3. Click Hashout to project the Poll to a screen of your choice.

4. Click Edit to edit the poll.

5. Click Delete to delete the poll.

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Close Poll

1. Click Close to close the poll in the app. Users will no longer be able to vote for the poll.

2. Note - The poll will be under the ‘Closed Polls’ once it is closed.

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1. Add the URL for the external link that you wish to share.

2. Click Save & Publish.

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Add Track

1. Click ‘+’ to the right of Track.

2. Add Title

3. Choose Color to highlight each session track.

4. Click Save.

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Add Location

1. Click ‘+’ to the right of Location.

2. Add Title

3. Add Address

4. Add Latitude

5. Add Longitude.

Note - This is required for provide the map to the location.

6. Click Save.

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Add Category

1. Click ‘+’ to the right of Category

2. Click on Change

3. Upload Thumbnail image

4. Thumbnail Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 185 X 185

5. Add Title

6. Click Save.

Upload Image

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Add New Sessions

Adding sessions can be done in two ways :

1. Add individual sessions

2. Import CSV

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Add individual sessions

1. Click on Add

2. Add details Session Title, Description.

3. Speakers can be chosen from the list of users added under ‘Speakers’ group in People.

4. Add Start Time

5. Add End Time

6. Note : Title, Description, Start Time and End Time are mandatory for all users.

7. Choose Track, Location and Category.

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Add Sessions - Import CSV

1. Click Agenda.

2. Click Import From CSV.

3. Click Download Template.

4. Add values under the columns. Note - Title, Start Time and End Time are mandatory for a session.

5. Once all data is added, choose and upload the file.

6. Click Import.

Note - If details like Location, description etc are to be added later, click on individual session and edit.

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Publish Sessions

1. Each session can be individually published, by clicking on Publish.

2. Click Publish All to publish all session and any new edits.

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Showtime - Push Notifications

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Send Now - New Push Notification

1. Click Text or Image to choose the type of Notification. By default, a notification is of type text.

2. Add Image.

3. Image Specifications

a. Size - 3MB max

b. Type - PNG/JPEG

c. Dimension - 640 X 360

4. Upload Image

5. Add Notification Title

6. Add Notification Description

7. Click Send Now.

The push notification will be listed under Sent Notification.

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Send Later

1. Click Send Later to save and send the notification at a later point of time.

Note -The notification will be listed under Draft Notifications

2. Once you are ready to send the notification, click Send Now

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Links in Push Notification

There are two types linking that can be done using a push notification -

1. External link - URL to website

a. Add title for the URL

b. Add URL

2. Internal Link : Deep-link to a screen within the app

a. Choose the app screen from the dropdown to link to the notification.

External Link

Internal Link

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Ms. Aarsha Gopinathan+91 [email protected]


