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Artificial IntelligenceAssignement-2Date given : 25.09.2012Last date for submission: 28.9.2012(Friday)Represent these axioms in predicate calculus; skolemize as necessary and convert each formula to clause form. Prove the unsatisfiability of the set of clauses by resolution.

Q1.Consider the following axioms: 1. Every child loves Santa. 2. Everyone who loves Santa loves any reindeer. 3. Rudolph is a reindeer, and Rudolph has a red nose. 4. Anything which has a red nose is weird or is a clown. 5. No reindeer is a clown. 6. Scrooge does not love anything which is weird. 7. (Conclusion) Scrooge is not a child. Q2.Consider the following axioms: 1. Every child loves anyone who gives the child any present. 2. Every child will be given some present by Santa if Santa can travel on Christmas eve. 3. It is foggy on Christmas eve. 4. Anytime it is foggy, anyone can travel if he has some source of light. 5. Any reindeer with a red nose is a source of light. 6. (Conclusion) If Santa has some reindeer with a red nose, then every child loves Santa.

Q3.Consider the following axioms: 1. Anything that is played by any student is tennis, soccer, or chess. 2. Anything that is chess is not vigorous. 3. Anyone who is healthy plays something that is vigorous. 4. Anyone who plays any chess does not play any soccer. 5. (Conclusion) If every student is healthy, then every student who plays any chess plays some tennis.

Q4.Consider the problem: 1. Anyone passing his history exams and winning the lottery is happy. 2. But anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all his exams. 3. John did not study but John is lucky.4. Anyone who is lucky wins the lottery. 5. Is John happy?

Q5. Consider the set of axioms:A1:Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone.A2:Anyone who kills an animal is loved by no one.A3:Jack loves all animals.A4:Either Jack or Curiosity kills the cat Tina.A5:Cats are animals.Prove:B: Curiosity kills the cat TinaQ6.Translate the following English sentences in to First order definite clauses1. Every gardener likes the sun2. You can fool some people all of the time3. All purple mushrooms are poisonous4. Clinton is not tall.5. Every farmer who owns a donkey buys hay6. There are exactly two purple mushrooms7. The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold it to by Colonel West.who is an American.


Unify the following azioms, if there exists:1. Unify(knows(john,x),knows(John,Jane)2. Unify(knows(john,x),knows(y,bill)3. Unify(knows(john,x),knows(y,Mother(y))4. Unify(knows(john,x),knows(x,elizabeth)

