
Copyright © 2010 Applied Growth Transitions, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1

SALVADOR Z. ZAMUDIOPh 760.504.5942 Fax 503.623.5260

P.O. Box 7547 Salem, OR. 97303


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Ni todos son Mariachis Ni Todos son Cowboys

Presentation by: Salvador Z. Zamudio MBA President, Applied Growth Transitions

Training/Cultural Consultant

Nitan Juntos Nitan Revueltos

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How to connect in the U.S.Objectives

• Growing Business Relationships• Cultural intersects• From Business to Business People• Managing the Fear Stage effectively• Handling the Incertitude Stage• Supporting the Transition Stage • Overcoming the Resistant Stage • Avoiding the traps of the Resignation Stage• Maneuvering through the New Business • Transition Scale to achieve the Integration Stage

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The Total Business Owner Involvement business system



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The Communication CYCLE


FEAR STAGENew Business Owner does not understand world around them 1

INCERTITUDE STAGE New Owner is not sure about new situation. Comparison between the old and the new take place 2

TRANSITION STAGEAdaptation, Participation -Owner feels he/she can work with new conditions and looks for opportunities to become involved) 3

RESENTMENT STAGENegative event triggers digression to previous stage- Owner becomes disgruntled 4

RESIGNATION STAGE Owner accepts new conditions –Owner could fall back with a negative attitude 5

INTEGRATION STAGE (Owner assumes responsibility) Sees value in learning new things, language and other skills) 6

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Business Model





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Cultural intersects and

dynamic challenges




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Are we different really–

The First Shock in the Fear Stage

 Business requires a business plan. Most information is required in English instead of the applicant’s native language. Often, it is impersonal with no interview process lacking the human touch. Businesses have to be registered for tax purposes. Individualistic meritocracy.

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The owners are Preparing to Go to open the business Owner may be experiencing high

anxiety levels and high apprehension.

Select someone to help guide you that has some understanding of the business culture.

This cannot be a book to read get someone to help hold your hand.

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Phone use

State your name, name of the business and the reason you are calling.

Be courteous, never use foul language even in Spanish

If nobody picks up, leave a message with a number for people to call you back.

Only call the contact person, escalate to the next level only if absolutely necessary.

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Part of the business

from Day One

Take time to introduce yourself during networking meetings work the room.

Talk about your business, don’t be bashful.

Explain who you are, and what company you come from, most important say why you are doing what you are doing.

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The “Deer in the Headlights” Look

Be direct and willing to ask, and to question authority, or ask clarifying questions.

When you are talking to business prospects be direct, look at people in the eyes, this is a meritocracy.

Just because someone speaks, Spanish or English, does not mean they can communicate effectively with the Spanish or English Speaking business owners.

In many cases, the barriers are absolutely basic have all information about your business in English. Most of your business comes from English speakers.

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What to Do During the Adjustment

Period? Make sure all learn to treat one

another with respect in the US men and women are equal.

Discourage favoritism and Nepotism perceptions. (U.S. businesses are very sensitive to this concept.)

As a business owner in the US, you have the power of ownership privileges.

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ADAPTATION, NEW HORIZONS DO’s: Do provide all information in English/Spanish.

Do plan and prepare for meetings and provide any estimate in writing.

Do Prepare contracts to hand to your customers as agreements even if they are only hand written

Do, Stick to a promise once you have made it. Do keep records of everything you do.

Do figure out your cost and once given do not change it.

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DO’s: continued

Do After greeting a person for a business meeting, get it going don’t wait.

Do explain why they should do business with you: Service Product Capabilities sheet, this sheet tells the customer what

products and services you offer. Do develop a Suggestion Program where customers can help

you improve. This is called feedback, in US feedback is expected and appreciated.

  Do institute the concepts of Team Development and Total Quality Management controls.

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Don’t avoid eye contact.

Don’t be late to any meeting

Don’t make fun of people in front of their peers.

Don’t say you are going to do something if you are not going to do it.

Don’t give conflicting instructions. Don’t disobey the rules, the rules are the rules.

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Don’t stop a project because of differences of opinion.

Don’t provide written information without adequate translation and or interpretation.

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The Concepts of Family, Work, and Recreation:

Work is often considered utmost importance family come second.

Every business has a bank account, debit or credit cards, Business accounts are separate from family accounts.

Work hard to play hard, risk taking mentality.

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Delegation is a common practice.

God provides the opportunity it is up to me to follow it.

Time is money don’t waste it.

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Delegation: -(continued)

Everything is done with a plan nothing is left to chance.

When you show you can handle more you are given more.

The boss is right but the boss can be questioned.

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Acceptance of Control:

In the U.S. there are three types of people in business.

LeadersManagers (often consider leaders)FollowersHence the phrase, (lead, follow, or get out

of the way)

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Acceptance of Control: Since many employees are willing to

question authority, Hispanic supervisors often surprised

Control is questioned because the individual may feel they have a better idea.

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Loyalty: Loyalty is reserved for he company

not the person. Business contracts change quickly if

better service or product is offered elsewhere. There is a cost to doing business this way.

Loyalty comes from trust; if trust breaks, loyalty may disappear.

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Competition: Fierce competition in all aspects of


Work hard party hard, Safety is always a guiding principle. (I will drive, you drink)

Self reliant, follow own path.

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Time is precious, meetings are planned and follow rigorous agendas

The present does not take center stage over anything else.

Meetings will always start on time regardless of who is missing

Time to eat, time to present, time to dance, time for applause, time to go.

Concept of Time:

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The Concept of Planning: Planning is short term, midterm and long


Today’s plans are history what counts is what we are going to do tomorrow.

The more unstable of the situation the more there is a need for a long term plan.

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Most have high school or higher. Well red, constantly in a book, or some

type of self learning. Classroom education may continue for a

lifetime. Knowledge transfer uses all formats

visual, auditory, kinesthetic.

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Ethics: Honesty and transparency earns you


Communication is direct and unencumbered.

Truth above all else, no ones feelings are going to get hurt with the truth.

Confrontation is learned at a young age.

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Titles: Titles of authority are often very

important as a form of recognition. The title can denote power, and

power means one has more responsibility and obligation with the rest of the team.

The person with the title can command a great deal of respect from a sense of having made it.

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Give up, work harder, or die trying.

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    Could be Accusing somebody of wrongdoing.

    Could be Disrespecting him or her in public.

     Could be Insulting their religion and or national heritage.

     May lead to giving someone Unwanted responsibilities.

    Could lead to Exercising excessive control over the person.

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Treating him or her differently from others.

Not including him or her in department functions, company functions, and/orother events.

Not including the family in company events. Major pay differences for similar work. Tyrannical and abuse of power.


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THE RESIGNATION STAGE 1.    Makes huge effort to show ability and capability (work is work for 8 hours and that is it).

2.    Might look for ways to do as little as possible in hard physical labor situations.

3.    People are punctual, on time unless a major problem occurs.

4.    Might feel guilty for not being on time.

5.    Appears argumentative and highly political.

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Each one of these stages may represent a challenge for both the new owner and the customer and other businesses.

Many of us work in this country because we enjoy working with people and owning our business.

May you be successful in

In Growing your Business!

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SALVADOR Z. ZAMUDIOPh 760.504.5942 Fax 503.623.5260

P.O. Box 7547 Salem, OR. 97303