
What does agile mean to our clients? Agile is a business strategy.

Delivers on your business KPIs


Engage your people better

Helps you adapt to change


Aligned to strategy:

* Action plus strategy * C-level experience

* Long term view

Our clients trust us because we represent:

Focused on quality:

* Excellent design* High quality

* Industry leading


Focused on users:

* User-centric* Open to change

* Real world

Achieving results:

* Tangible results * Value for you

* Innovation in context


Our culture


Wemanity in numbers

1 team of

certified coaches with 20+ co-operators

10+ companies

in our Wemanity incubator5 sites in Europe (London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Madrid)

€11M+ turnover in 2015

30 Clients from startups to global names

+130 People in Europe

Client case study

Situation What we did Benefits• Organisational silos

• Several problems with existing DevOps initiatives

• Need to reduce time to market

• Seeking to provide agility across the whole organisation

• Launching a UX based on 8 ‘moments of truth’

• Perform organisational audit

• Created an organisational model based on SAFe

• Trained and certified more than 100 employees in Scrum and SAFe

• Nurtured the implementation of agile principles through dedicated teams and guilds

• A common vision developed with stakeholders

• Increased the cross functional exchanges within the value chain by 90%

• 98% success rate in the Scrum Master certification

Large scale agile transformation with 100 collaborators 3 Wemanity coaches

7 months

Banking client, 11k employees

Client case study

Situation What we did Benefits• Project funding dependent on

Agile organisational restructuring

• Expectation from investors of significant increase in revenues

• Low quality of deliverables

• Recurring delays and cost overruns

• Technical migration

• Provided servant leadership

• Reformulated 2 out of 4 internal strategic services

• Delivered working POC’s to launch redefined services

• Co-developed DevOps strategy & priorities

• Transitioned offshore teams

• Achieve 20% higher revenue from post-acquisition of

• Delivered 12 sprints with 4 features per sprint on average (6 months project)

• Raised sprint velocity by 25%

• Redesigned key security architecture elements

Online dating, 400 employees Product Ownership in 3 major projects 4 Wemanity coaches

10 months

Situation What we did Benefits• Coordinate « Content

Accelerator » using Lean Startup

• Select & train staff and help them develop into agile ‘intrapreneurs’ teams

• Train management to apply Lean Startup practices

• Delivered prototypes for growth projects

• Funnelled ideas into profitable businesses

• Target revenues end 2016: €20M

Publishing, 15.5k employees

• Publishing industry under pressure due to digital competition

• Boom of mobile consumption

• Explosion of tablet adoption

Client case studyBuilding an innovation culture

1 Wemanity coach + small development team 10 months

Situation What we did Benefits

• Silo-ed organisation with high levels of compartmentalisation

• Sub-optimised value chain

• Seeking to develop collective intelligence

• Urgent need to increase client and employee satisfaction rates

• Co-created a new culture value set

• Trained 11 agile coaches

• Trained all top/middle managers

• Trained staff in agile principles

• Transformed 75% of bank projects using agile (Scrum, Kanban) in 12mths

• Learning organisation

• Improved innovation and creativity dynamics

• Aligned and enhanced collaboration services

• A collaborative and initiative rich ecosystem

• A satisfaction rate up to 70% higher

Large scale agile transformation with 300 collaborators 20-strong Wemanity team

12 months

Bank, 1.3k employees

Client case study

Sector Project Description

Manufacturing Developed strategy to introduce Lean and agile across the different business units

Insurance Responsible for the re-development of an e-commerce platform and its UX evolutions

Energy Responsible for the Lean design, creation and Product Ownership of a Partner Portal in a Scrum environment

Service Built a RESTful API for connecting Magento to the new iPad app using continuous integration under an agile environment (Jira and SCRUM)

Banking Agile transformation (Scrum, Kanban and Continuous Delivery) and coordination of international teams for the improvement of banking operations

Transportation Development of software signalling and monitoring systems for international railway clients. Included end-user training and change management

Shorter duration case studies


How we achieve results?

Design Thinking

Lean Startup for corporations

Agile CoachingAgile Software Machine

DevOps Scaling Agile

Innovation outsourcing Co-incubation

Enterprise-wide innovation Lab R&D services

Digital Transformation


Dominic Mason [email protected]

+44 7972107920 / @dom_mason
