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Agile Lifecycle, Tools, Techniques

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2013 IM Symposium

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2013 IM Symposium

Agile Lifecycle:•Release Planning(creates Priority List)•Iteration Planning(creates Iteration backlog)•Daily Standup•Fixed-length Iterations•Iteration Review(Review product deliverables from increment /sprint, increasing visibility.)

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Agile Principles apply holistically to all team members.

Agile Practices and Disciplines are applied as appropriate to each area of the team. Planning Analysis Design/Dev QA


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Release Planning (creates Priority List/Product Backlog) Business Owners List their requirements

in order of priority. Delivery of work for BA, Dev and QA

teams is set.


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Start work based on Priority List.Review First Draft requirements document

with Dev and QA. Ensures “right-sized” documenting - Simplicity Fosters shared context Facilitates Task Estimation at Iteration Planning Prompts thoughts about Acceptance Testing


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Iteration Planning (creates Iteration Backlog) Requirements already reviewed by entire team. Dev Team estimates tasks and hours - enough

to fill 2-4 weeks of work. QA team knows what to expect and prepares

“just enough” to test what is agreed upon BA team works on next wave if Requirements

based on Priority List


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2013 IM Symposium

Start work based on Priority List. Write code and Check-In (Daily at a Minimum) Generate Automated Unit Tests while coding Review with BA early and often Completed code incorporated into Daily Build

– fostering Continuous Integration

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Iteration Planning (creates Iteration Backlog) Dev team displays working code. QA team knows exactly what is testable. Entire Team Critiques the Prior Iteration –

makes suggestions for improvements. Dev Team works on next wave of

Requirements based on Priority List.


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2013 IM Symposium

Test Delivered Code QA team wrote scripts during

development. Submit Bugs/Defects. Create Automated test scripts to serve as

regression suite.

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Lots of Tools available Task specific packages

Planning Analysis Development QA

Holistic products – Does IT All Open Source Packaged products SaaS products


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Planning: Started with:

SaaS – Subscription – Rally Up and running instantly 1 year contract – basic support

Currently Use: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Team

Foundation Server Required separate Server Consultants hired to train


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Analysis: Started with:

Microsoft Word SharePoint – document management

Currently Use: No change


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Development: Started with:

IDE – RAD Source Control – CVS Build Engine/Server – Cruise Control

Currently Use: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Team

Foundation Server IDE Source Control Build Engine/Server

Kony AntHillPro – Environment Deployments


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QA: Started with:

Quality Center Currently Use:

No Change


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How to Select the “right tools”… Ask your team. Consider technologies. Assess your commitment to Agile

Adoption. Evaluate start up and maintenance



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2013 IM Symposium



Customer Web Portal– Go-Live

Adopt Tools:

•Source Repository - CVS•Build Server – Cruise Control•Planning Tool – “Rally”

Hire Agilists

•Developers•Build Manager•SCRUM Master

Leverage Quality Center for Performance Testing

Apr - 450 Tier 3 Customer Sites Live

Customer Web Portal Kick-Off

6 Portal Releases / Yr

Executive Dash Board Live

Review Tool Sets to prepare for next level of Adoption

Automated Promotions across Environments

Target Unit Testing Practices / Discipline

Quality Center for Automated QA Regression

ISD Dash Board

Add 450 Tier 2 Customer Sites Live

SharePoint 2010 & Silverlight 4.0 Prototyping

Upgrade Tools:

•Source Repository - TFS•Build Server – AntHillPro•Planning Tool – TFS

Coded UI Recordings supplement Unit Testing

ISD Dash Board Phase 2

Marketing Dash Board Live

6 Portal Releases / Yr

Automated Build Engine calls and executes Coded UI

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2013 IM Symposium



Customer Web Portal– Go-Live

Adopt Tools:

•Source Repository - CVS•Build Server – Cruise Control•Planning Tool – “Rally”

Hire Agilists

•Developers•Build Manager•SCRUM Master

Leverage Quality Center for Performance Testing

Apr - 450 Tier 3 Customer Sites Live

Customer Web Portal Kick-Off

6 Portal Releases / Yr

Executive Dash Board Live

Review Tool Sets to prepare for next level of Adoption

Automated Promotions across Environments

Target Unit Testing Practices / Discipline

Quality Center for Automated QA Regression

ISD Dash Board

Add 450 Tier 2 Customer Sites Live

SharePoint 2010 & Silverlight 4.0 Prototyping

Upgrade Tools:

•Source Repository - TFS•Build Server – AntHillPro•Planning Tool – TFS

Coded UI Recordings supplement Unit Testing

ISD Dash Board Phase 2

Marketing Dash Board Live

6 Portal Releases / Yr

Automated Build Engine calls and executes Coded UI

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Provide Increased Visibility PM’s present in Daily Stand-Up Project Web Access PMO Dashboard Working Code demonstration every 2


Adherence IBC ITIL Processes Proposed and delivered E-Signoff via



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Continuous Planning and Prioritization: Some features get prioritized out of a release:

Can be perceived as failure to deliver “original” requirements Can be perceived as money never spent on low value


Development Disciplines: Source code repository only as accurate as the last

check in. Unit Testing a challenge if not part of culture/skill set. Tools can help “promote” disciplines, but are no

guarantee. Continuous Integration requires a lot of up front

coordination and commitment.


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Getting TEAM Buy-In: There are times to insist on a process and ensure it is

adopted: Prioritization Estimations Code Check-In Continuous Integration

There are times to implement a process and let the team suggest how to improve it:

Combining Release planning and Iteration Planning when all artifacts are ready.

Do away with Stand-Ups for an Iteration and have only weekly meetings.

Make the deal that suggestions get a full Iteration to live and breathe and then review if they “worked”


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Transforming This…


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2013 IM Symposium

Promoting This…

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Not as easy as it seems Experienced Agile delivery leader Key Some will always oppose change Leverage Automation Tools for visibility Get tools when Self-Discipline wanes/fails Stakeholders buy in when they see results


To have a disciplined practice, teams must practice their disciplines and have the discipline to practice.


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Executive Sponsorship – Long Term Populate team with experienced “Agilists”:

Technical Lead / Certified Scrum Master. Developer(s) skilled in Unit Testing methods. Source code and Build server Specialist.

Team Empowerment from Exec. Sponsor No fear when making decisions. Expected experiment, innovate, and LEARN from mistakes.

Continuous Business Prioritization Reviews Changes are Expected Team shares Impact of Changes

Continuous Code Integration – Automated on Code Check-In

Commitment & Consistency Daily Stand-Ups Iteration Reviews & Retrospectives

Continuous Improvement – as the team evolves


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Nelson Neill, CSM Manager, Provider AssessmentsIndependence Blue Cross, [email protected]


2013 IM Symposium
