  • 8/12/2019 Afro-Cuban Report Finished


    Kirby Welch

    Afro-Cuban Styles Report


    Country: Puerto RicoOrigins: The Bomba originates li!e so many Puerto Rican styles "ith an accompanying #ance$ These#ifferent #ances are all connecte# the the actual instrument that plays in e%ery #ance this #rum beingthe bomba $ Also calle# the bombo this #rum "as a "oo#en barrel co%ere# "ith a goats!in$ To#ay theyare referre# to as Barriles or bulas meaning &barrel$' The style originates from the African sla%es"or!ing the sugar plantations along the coastline of Puerto Rico "here the highest percentage ofAfrican #escent is foun#$ The #ance is highly energetic an# often sensuous "ith men an# "omenseparate# an# ne%er touching$ The bomba #ance is #ri%en by the rhythmic element of the #rum somuch that the melo#y accompanies the #rum an# not the other "ay aroun#$ The accompaniment is

    pro%i#e# by "oo#en stic!s (palillos) an# maracas$ The style "oul# later blen# instruments in#icati%e tothe nati%e Taino *n#ians in a##ition to their #ances "ith the areyto chant$ +o#ern Bomba is acon%ersation bet"een the #rummer an# the #ancers "ith the #rummer engaging in call-an#-response"ith the lea# singer$ The solo #rum is calle# the bomba primo or the ,uinto$

    Orchestration: Barriles One large an# one small (primo) Cua +aracas .uiro (carracho)


    &Bomba in 1oi2a Puerto Rico 34' - http:55"""$youtube$com5"atch6%74"8r.WB9- .;feature7f%"rel

    Bomba on Sesame Street - http:55"""$youtube$com5"atch6%7-/fonal# e#$ an# translate#$ Music in Puerto Rico: A Readers Anthology. Scarecro" Press*nc$ 4??4 (pg$ @ -@@)Bloch Peter . La-Le-Lo-Lai: Puerto Rican music and its performers $ Plus ltra /#ucational Publishers*nc$ 9 @D (pg$ D?-DD)http:55"""$salferreras$com5"ritings5Sal-Eerreras-Thesis$p#f

    Patterns Ra l Berr os S nche2 an# Tato Conra#$ B mbula Bomba Puertorrique a. San 8uan PuertoRico 4?99
  • 8/12/2019 Afro-Cuban Report Finished


    Kirby Welch


    Country: Puerto Rico

    Origins: Often consi#ere# to be the most famous Afro-Puerto Rican form of music$ 1i!e the Bomba itis a blen# of Taino an# Afro influences though many belie%e it originate# in the African suburbs ofPonce$ The Plena %ery ,uic!ly sprea# to the full country ma!ing it one of the most influential forms of#ance an# song$ A plena is simplifie# an# #i%i#e# into t"o parts that can be repeate# as often as the

    performer or au#ience #esires$ The lyrics are usually about contemporary issues in the community suchas crimes committe# or political issues ho"e%er many plenas are satirical an# fun$ A plena can often

    be performe# "ithout #ancing unli!e the Bomba "here it is essential$ The primary instruments thatma!e the plena are three tambourine-li!e frame #rums calle# pan#eretas each a #ifferent si2e "ith a#ifferent soun#$ 1i!e a bomba it often has a ,uiro maraca an# lea# #rum accompaniment$ Plena isoften associate# "ith the Bomba because of their similar origins lyrical content an# musical #irection$The main #ifference is the types of #rums use#$

    Orchestration: Three Panderetas

    o .uintoo Segun#oo Tumba#or


    /0amples:Pan#eretas - &+usic as a Worl# Phenomenon /p$9 Plena' - http:55"""$youtube$com5"atch6%7#ps>OynOKh/&Puerto Rico Percussionistas' - http:55"""$youtube$com5"atch6%7F+Pa+D,p%TA;playne0t79;list7P1?/B4B>?9CD AG ?>;feature7resultsH%i#eo&Plean a +ayague2' - http:55"""$youtube$com5"atch6%7W9 g,fIJP?/;list71PmSro A+. %A;in#e07G;feature7plcp

    Bibliography:Thompson >onal# e#$ an# translate#$ Music in Puerto Rico: A Readers Anthology. Scarecro" Press

    *nc$ 4??4 (pg$ @ -@@)http:55"""$musicofpuertorico$com5in#e0$php5genre5plena5Pattern 8ose Aponte