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Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world, next to Asia.

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Africa is HUGE!

Africa is almost an island.

Egypt connects to Asia.

Africa is about 4 times the size of the United States.

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• Africa has a flag to represent each of their countries, just like we have a flag. Here are six to show you.

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Countries in Africa also have presidents, just like we have a

president.South Africa’s


Nelson Mandela

The USA’s president

Barack Obama

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• There are about 748 million people living in Africa.

• Many of them are children like you!

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Let’s take a look at the children in Africa.

They like to play...

dress up…and read!

Just like you!

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Here are some of the books they read.

They are all written in a language called Swahili.

Swahili is one of many languages spoken in Africa.

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Swahili is different than English.

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Look at this school in Africa!

The students go to school in a mud and stick hut.

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Not all children go to such schools! Look at these kids.

This boy is working at his desk.These boys have to wear uniforms to school.

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Children in Africa are even involved in other activities.

This is a group of children singing in a choir.

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Children in Africa love to play sports just as much as you do!

Boy’s football

Girls’ Football

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Some children have to make

their own balls.

This ball is being made with paper and string.

Homemade balls are just as fun!

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More Info

If you want to know more about Africa, check out these cool websites!

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