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    Post-Award Reference Documentsunder USAIDs AmbassadorsFund Program

    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Programme

    National Project Office:

    House # 10, Street #30, Sector F 7/1Islamabad, Pakistan

    T: 051-2656433-35; Fax. No. 051-2656436Email: [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    USAID Disclaimer: This application guideline and form for the Ambassadors Fund Program is made possible with support from

    the American people delivered through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the

    sole responsibility of National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United

    States Government.

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Table of Contents



    Award of Contract ..............................................................................................5

    Payments to Grantees........................................................................................5

    Unused funds .....................................................................................................6

    Income generated from the grants ....................................................................6


    Monthly Progress Report.....................................................................................7

    Monthly Expenditure Report SGAFP Funding....................................................9

    Monthly Expenditure Report Grantee Cost Share...........................................10

    Grant Disbursement Request Form..................................................................11


    Grant Modification Request Form.....................................................................15

    Grant Completion Report..................................................................................17

    Grant Completion Certificate............................................................................21

    Grant Closeout Plan.......................................................................................... 22

    Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet.................................................25

    3. Pre-Award Certifications .................................................................................28Drug-free Workplace Certification.................................................................... 28

    Debarment and Suspension Certification.........................................................30

    Local Cost Financing.........................................................................................32

    Cost Sharing Certification.................................................................................34

    Certification Regarding Terrorist Financing......................................................38

    Certification Regarding Operational Transparency...........................................40

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program



    Post-award reference documents is a set of SGAFPs official documents undercontractual obligations that give an insight about the bindings of grantee after

    entering into grant agreement with Small Grants & Ambassadors Fund Program.

    Three types of the post-award reference document include the following:

    1. Post-award payments and refunding of the unused budget

    2. Post-award grantee reporting requirements and templates

    a. Monthly progress reports

    b. Monthly expenditure report

    i. SGAFP funding

    ii. Grantee cost share

    c. Grant disbursement request formd. Timesheet

    e. Grant modification request form

    f. Grant completion report

    g. Grant completion certificate

    h. Grant closeout plan

    i. Contractor employee biographical data sheet

    3. Pre-award certifications

    a. Drug-free workplace certification

    b. Debarment and suspension certification

    c. Local cost financingd. Cost sharing certification

    e. Certification regarding terrorist financing

    f. Certification regarding operational transparency

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    Award of Contract

    Following the receipt of final approval from USAID, the SGAFP project office willinitiate contract preparation and the same will be negotiated with the Granteeorganizations. The Grantee organizations will have to meet the pre-conditions byproviding the following documents before the contract is signed:

    A designated bank account number, internal bank code and swift code;

    A bank reference letter on prescribed format issued by the bank;

    A work plan and month-wise budget as per the given format;

    The grantees shall maintain current bank accounts. However if the grant exceedsUSD 120,000 per year, an interest bearing bank account shall be required.

    Interest earned on interest bearing accounts will be remitted to USAID if it ismore than USD 250 per year.

    In addition, the grantee organization is required to sign the followingcertifications as a pre-condition:

    Drug free workplace certification

    Debarment and suspension certification

    Local cost financing certification

    Cost sharing certification

    Certification regarding Terrorist Financing

    Certification regarding Operational Transparency

    After meeting the above conditions, the SGAFP project office will sign a contractagreement with the Grantee Organization.

    Payments to Grantees

    Grant payments are linked to achieving task milestones. Advances to granteeswho have limited cash flow shall be restricted to the minimum amount needed tomeet current disbursement needs under each immediate milestone.

    All payments are supported by a grantee certification that the respectivemilestone has been successfully achieved using the disbursement request form.SGAFP reserves the right to independently verify milestones. 80% or more ofthe prior tranche must have been utilized prior to the submittal ofapplications for the release of subsequent tranches, (however, this rulemay be reviewed in exceptional circumstances and with the prior approval of theDCOP).

    All funds will be transferred to Grantee Accounts through official bankingchannels only. The grantee must provide:

    1. Request for funds (as indicated in budget) being duly signed by therelevant authority

    2. For subsequent tranches, bank statement and bank reconciliationstatement shall be submitted to SGAFP.

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    Upon receiving the fund request the SGAFP will open a Ledger Account in thename of Grantee and allocate an account code. All transactions will be recordedin Grants Database for tracking purposes. The funds will be transferred tograntees account and booked as Advance to the grantee.

    Unused funds

    The grantee is required to refund any unused funds that were disbursed by theSGAFP. The grantee does not have any right to disburse from the unallocatedfunds after project completion.

    SGAFP reserves the right to require a refund by the recipient of any amountwhich the recipient did not spend in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe grant agreement.

    Income generated from the grantsProgram income is income earned by the grantee that is directly generated by asupported grant activity or earned as a result of the grant award during theperiod of the grant agreement. Program income may be earned both fromgrantee activities and from services provided by an individual performing a rolein the grant activity.

    Recipients shall have no obligation for program income earned after the end ofthe project/grant period. The grantee will inform SGAFP of any program incomegenerated under the grant.

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    Monthly Progress Report

    For the month of:Name of the Grantee

    Organization:Project Title:Grant Agreement Number: Project Startup Date: Project end


    Project Location: Province District: Tehsil: UnionCouncil:

    Summary of Achievements

    Project ActivitiesTotal


    Targets Achievements Variance

    Reasons of VarianceCurrentmonth

    As ofthis




    As ofthis



    As ofthis


    A B C D E = A-C F = B-D


    Please give brief notes on the following

    1. Major outcomes/impacts of the activities undertaken so far

    2. Major issues during project implementation and suggestions to overcome these issues:

    3. Major activities planned for the next month:

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    Signature of Project Director/Authorized Person Date:

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Monthly Expenditure Report SGAFP Funding

    Name of Grantee

    Organization:Project Title:For the Month


    Grant Agreement


    Budget line items

    Grant Agreement Funds (PKR)

    Total SGAFPbudget

    Fundsreceived to


    Expenditurefor the period


    To date



    A B C D E = A-D F = B-D


    Invoice-wise Breakup of Expenditure

    Invoice Number Date Description of Expenditure Amount (PKR)



    I, the undersigned, certify that the above information is correct, and that upon request, supporting documentation will befurnished to SGAFP. Furthermore, all expenditures have been made according to the terms of the Grant Agreement, and in theevent of disallowed costs a prompt refund will be made to SGAFP.

    __________________________________________Signature of Project Director/Authorized Person Date:

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Monthly Expenditure Report Grantee Cost Share

    Name of Grantee

    Organization:Project Title:For the Month


    Grant Agreement


    Budget line items

    Grantee Cost Share (PKR) (Cash/in-kind)

    Total cost shareExpenditure for the



    To date

    Cost sharebalance

    A B C D = A-C


    Invoice-wise Breakup of ExpenditureInvoice/payment

    voucher/referencedocument number

    Date Description of Expenditure Amount (PKR)


    DeclarationI, the undersigned, certify that the above information is correct, and that upon request, supporting documentation will befurnished to SGAFP. Furthermore, all expenditures have been made according to the terms of the Grant Agreement, and in theevent of disallowed costs a prompt refund will be made to SGAFP.

    __________________________________________Signature of Project Director/Authorized Person Date:

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Grant Disbursement Request Form

    This request form must be sent with relevant financial reports

    1. Name of Grantee Organization

    2. Grant Agreement Number

    3. Project name4. Date that funds are required:

    5. Funding Request Summary (PKR)

    Project months covered under thisdisbursement:

    Amount requested through thisdisbursement

    Total funds received to date:Total Expenditure to date:

    Unspent Funds:

    Current Request:Funds to transfer:

    Budget line/Activity TotalBudget




    BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATION: I certify that, to the best of myknowledge and belief, the data reported above and the attached monthlyfinancial statements are correct and that this request and our entire grantprogram are in full compliance with the terms and conditions of the grantagreement.

    Signature of AuthorizedPerson

    Name: Date:


    Signature of ManagerFA&C

    Name: Date:

    Authorized by

    Signature of DCOP Name: Date:


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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Cheque #: Cheque Amount: Date:

    Note: Grantees are required to acknowledge the receipt of funds.

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program


    All the SGAFP project staff/consultants/volunteers shall fill in this form on monthly basis.



    Reporting Period From


    Account Category

    Monthly Timesheet columns of weekends & official holidays must be highlighted

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10























    Total days/hours worked:


    Employee/Consultant /Volunteers:

    I certify that the above time and attendance information is true andcomplete to the best of my knowledge.

    Supervisor or Project Director:

    I certify that the above time and attendance information is trueand complete to the best of my knowledge.

    Signatures of Employee/Consultant /Volunteers Signatures of Supervisor/Project Director

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Date: Date:

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    Grant Modification Request Form

    SGAFP DCOP/Grants Manager,

    We hereby request to modify the [GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER] on behalfof [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] as follows:

    Justification for the proposed modification in comparison to the original

    grant agreement:

    Proposed budget revision and justification, if any:























    ce in


    t (PKR)





    * if this is only a time extension, please request this with your justification,no amounts are required.

    If less than 10% of the original budgeted amount a formal modificationrequest may not be necessary, in such cases please contact the SGAFPstaff for guidance.

    We fully understand that this will not result in an overall increase in thegrant budget. We will not consider this approved until we receive writtenapproval from SGAFP.

    We certify that the modification will not affect the original objectives of theproject and the modification does not include any new line items which areunallowable expenditures under the grant agreement.

    Thank you for your consideration.


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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Authorized Signature:

    Name: Designation:

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Grant Completion Report

    Report Submission Date:

    Project title:

    Grantee organization:

    Grant agreementnumber:

    Period covered by


    From: To:

    Activities Targets Achievements Variance Remarks


    ActivitiesTarget Actual

    Men Women Men Women

    SGAFP Fund Position Amount (PKR)

    Total Project Budget

    Amount received under this agreement

    Total Expenses

    Remaining Balance

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Grantees Cost Share Position Amount (PKR)

    Total agreed cost share

    Total Expenses

    Remaining Balance

    Activities and Achievements

    Describe to what extent the objectives of the agreement were accomplished: Please use additional sheets ifneeded

    1. Overall Progress of the Project & Impacts- support with the help of numbers, employment generated,improvement in the status of health/education/infrastructure etc.




    2. Progress against each objective please provide details on the progress against each objective

    Objective No. 1:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





    Objective No. 2:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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    Issues, Recommendations and Lessons Learnt

    Major Issues Faced During the Project Implementation

    Issues/problems faced Steps taken to resolve the issues

    Lessons Learned & Recommendations




    Signature of authorizedrepresentative:

    Name of authorized representative:

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    Narrative reports must contain, as a minimum:

    A comparison of actual accomplishments against planned objectives, any obstacles should be included.

    Other information includes analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.

    Two copies of any publications, including books, brochures, newsletters, bulletins, and single copies of all other productssuch as newspaper clippings, project announcements, and audited financial statements (if available) should be included.

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Grant Completion Certificate

    Grantee Organization: __________________________________________________

    Project Title: _________________________________________________________

    Grant Agreement Number: _______________________________________________

    With reference to the SGP/AFP Grant Agreement, that was entered intowith NRSP/SGAFP in my capacity as the Grantee Agent, I hereby certifythat:

    Technical Completion With reference to all material aspects of ourtechnical proposal, and any subsequent mutually agreed-uponmodification(s), my organization has achieved the stated grant objectivesand verifiable results as presented in the Grant Agreement, with the

    exception of the following:

    (Please write if any or write NIL)

    Financial Plan With reference to the Grant Agreement the final financialreconciliation is as follows:




    Variance Action Required orResolutionAgreement

    Thus, it is hereby agreed by the grantee and NRSP/SGAFP that alltechnical, administrative, and financial aspects of the referenced SGP/AFPAgreement have been brought to a condition of completion, and as such,neither the Grantee nor NRSP/SGAFP has any further obligations of anynature with regard to the aforementioned Grant Agreement.

    On Behalf of the Grantee: On Behalf ofNRSP/SGAFP:

    __________________________ __________________________Grantee Agent Date COP-SGAFP


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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Grant Closeout Plan

    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    A. General information

    Type of Grant:Ambassadors Fund /Small Grants:


    1. Name of Grantee Organization:


    2. Grant Number: ______________ 3. Grant Duration: From: _________ To:


    4. Project Name: _______________________________________________________

    5. Location: Province(s): ___________ District(s): _____________ Tehsil(s):

    _________Union Council(s): ______________________________________________________

    6. Total Grant Amount (PKR): ________ SGAFP Share: _______ Grantee

    Share: _______

    B. Post-project activities with surplus budget (if any)

    Activity PurposeEstimate

    d cost(PKR)



    Note: in case organization does not foresee any surplus at the completion

    of project, this table can be left blank.

    C. Non-cash assets procured from Grants Fund & post-project


    Type of Asset CurrentValue(PKR)

    Proposed Post-Project Use

    ResponsiblePerson forOperation &


    Note: Provide details of all assets procured under with SGAFP funding and

    also explain how your organization plans to use this equipment after the

    completion of project.

    D. List of activities to be undertaken to close the project



    Activity Completion


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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Note: Provide details of the activities that your organization will

    undertake to close the project. For example submission of arranging

    project ending workshop if needed, preparation for financial and programaudit if required by SGAFP and responding to the audit queries etc.,

    sharing information with project beneficiaries and other stakeholder, post-

    project follow ups with beneficiaries and technical assistance etc.

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    E. Project audit and evaluation

    In case SGAFP request a project closeout audit and/or project evaluation,

    please provide details of the concerned persons and their roles and

    responsibilities to coordinate the activity:Activity Person(s)


    Financial auditProject evaluationCompliance of actionssuggested after auditand/or evaluation

    Closeout Plan Preparation Date:

    Closeout plan submitted by:

    Name Designation Signature

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet

    1. Full Name 2. Contractors Name

    3. Employees Address 4. Contract Number 5. Position Under Contract

    6. Proposed Salary 7. Duration of Assignment

    8. Telephone Number (include city code) 9. Place of Birth 10. Citizenship

    11. Names, Ages, and Relationship of Dependents to Accompany Individual to Country of Assignment

    12. EDUCATION (include all college or university degrees) 13. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY

    Name and location ofinstitution

    Major Degree Date LanguageProficiency





    1. Give lasts three (3) years. List salaries separate for each year. Continue on separate sheet of paper if required to list all employment

    related to duties of proposed assignment.

    2. Salary definition basic periodic payment for services rendered. Exclude bonuses, profit-sharing arrangements, commissions,

    consultant fees, extra or overtime work payments, overseas differential or quarters, cost of living or dependent education allowances.

    Position title

    Employers name andaddress

    Point of contact &telephone number

    Dates of employment(mm/dd/yyyy)

    Annual salary

    From To Rupees

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    15. SPECIFIC CONSULTANT SERVICES (give last three (3) years)

    Services performed

    Employers name andaddress

    Point of contact &telephone #

    Dates ofemployment

    (mm/dd/yyyy)Days at


    Daily rate

    In dollarsFrom To

    16. CERTIFICATION: To the best of my knowledge, the above facts as stated are true and correct.Signature of Employee Date

    Grantee certifies that he/she has taken reasonable steps to verify the information contained in this form. Contractor understands thatUSAID may rely on the accuracy of such information in negotiating and reimbursing personnel under this contract. The making ofcertifications that are false, fictitious, or fraudulent, or that are based on inadequately verified information, may result in appropriateremedial action by USAID, taking into consideration all of the pertinent facts and circumstances, ranging from refund claims to criminalprosecution.

    Signature of Grantees Representative Date

    InstructionsIndicate your language proficiency in block 13 using the following numeric interagency Language Roundtable levels (Foreign ServiceInstitute levels). Also, the following provides brief descriptions of proficiency levels 2, 3, 4, and 5. S indicates speaking ability and Rindicates reading ability. For more in-depth description of the levels refer to USAID Handbook 28.

    2.Limited working proficiencyS. Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements.R. Sufficient comprehension to read simple, authentic written material in a form equivalent to usual printing or typescript on familiarsubjects.

    3. General professional proficiencyS. Able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informalconversations.

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    R. Able to read within a normal range of speed and with almost complete comprehension.

    4. Advanced professional proficiencyS. Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all levels.R. Nearly native ability to read and understand extremely difficult or abstract prose, colloquialisms and slang.

    5. Functional native proficiencyS. Speaking proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of a highly articulate well-educated native speaker.R. Reading proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of the well-educated native reader .Paperwork reduction act informationThe information requested by this form is necessary for prudent management and administration of public funds under USAID contracts.The information helps USAID estimate overseas logistic support and allowances; the educational information provides an indication ofqualifications; the salary information is used as a means of cost monitoring and to help determine reasonableness of proposed salary.Paperwork reduction act noticePublic reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average thirty minutes per response, including the time forreviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing thecollection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, includingsuggestions for reducing this burden, to both of the following address:United States Agency for International DevelopmentProcurement Policy Division (M/OP/P)Washington, DC 20523-1435;

    Office of Management and BudgetPaperwork Reduction Project (0412-0520)Washington, DC 20503

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    3. Pre-Award Certifications

    Drug-free Workplace Certification(To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement)

    The grant beneficiary of this Grant Agreement hereby certifies the


    1 That this certification is a material representation of fact from the grantbeneficiary upon which reliance was placed when SGAFP awarded thegrant;

    2 That the grant beneficiary understands that if it is later determined that

    the grant beneficiary knowingly rendered a false certification, orotherwise violated the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act,SGAFP , in addition to any other remedies available, may take actionauthorized under the Drug-Free Workplace Act; and

    3 That the Beneficiary currently maintains and will continue to maintainand provide throughout the life of the grant a Drug-Free Workplace by:

    a. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawfulmanufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of acontrolled substance is prohibited in the grant beneficiary's

    workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken againstemployees for violation of such prohibition:

    b. Establishing a Drug-Free awareness program to inform employeesabout:

    i. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;ii. The grant beneficiarys policy of maintaining a Drug-Free

    Workplace;iii. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee

    assistance programs; and

    iv. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drugabuse violations occurring in the workplace;

    c. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in theperformance of the grant be given a copy of the statement requiredby paragraph (a);

    d. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a)that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employeewill:

    i. Abide by the terms of the statement; and

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    ii. Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for aviolation occurring in the workplace no later than five days aftersuch conviction;

    e. Notifying SGAFP within ten days after receiving notice under

    subparagraph (d) (3) from an employee or otherwise receiving actualnotice of such conviction:

    f. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving noticeunder subparagraph (d) (3), with respect to any employee who is soconvicted:

    i. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, upto and including termination; or

    ii. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug

    abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for suchpurposes by local health law enforcement, or other appropriateagency;

    g. Making a good-faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-freeworkplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)and (f).

    The grant beneficiary further certifies that the site(s) for the performanceof work to be done in connection with the grant is:

    Street address:

    City, postal code:

    The grant beneficiary certifies that, as a condition of the grant, it will not

    engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession,

    or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity with the grant.

    Certified by: [Signature of Authorized Representative of

    Grantee Organization]

    Name: [Name of Authorized Representative]

    Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]

    Date: _________________________________

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Debarment and Suspension Certification

    (To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement)

    A. The grant beneficiary certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief,

    that it and its principals:

    1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from coveredtransactions by any United States Federal Department or agency;

    2. have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal beenconvicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them forcommission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection withobtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal,State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission ofembezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction ofrecords, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;

    3. are not presently indicated for or otherwise criminally or civillycharged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) withcommission of any of the offenses enumerated in this certification;and

    4. have not within a three-year period preceding thisapplication/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal,State or local) terminated for cause or default.

    B. The grant beneficiary agrees that, unless authorized by the SGAFP , itwill not knowingly enter into any sub-agreements or contracts under

    this grant with a person or entity that is included on the Lists ofParties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-ProcurementPrograms.

    C. The grant beneficiary further agrees to include the following provisionin any sub-agreements or contracts entered into under this grant.

    D. The Beneficiary/contractor certifies that neither it nor its principals ispresently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declaredineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transactionby any Federal department or agency.

    E. The policies and procedures applicable to debarment, suspension andineligibility under AID-financed transactions are set forth in 22 CFR Part208.

    On behalf of the grant beneficiary, I hereby acknowledge our

    understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this


    Certified by: [Signature of Authorized Representative of

    Grantee Organization]

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Name: [Name of Authorized Representative]

    Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]

    Date: _________________________________

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Local Cost Financing

    (To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement)

    a. Financing local procurement involves the use of appropriated funds to

    finance the procurement of goods and services supplied by localbusinesses, dealers or producers, with payment normally being in thecurrency of the cooperating country.

    b. All locally financed procurements must be covered by source, origin ornationality waivers as set forth in USAID ADS Chapter 310, with thefollowing exceptions.

    1. Locally available commodities of U.S. origin, which are otherwiseavailable for financing, if the value of the transaction does notexceed the local currency equivalent of $100,000, exclusive oftransportation costs.

    2. Commodities of geographic Code 935 origin if the value of thetransaction does not exceed the local currency equivalent of$5,000.

    3. Professional Services contracts estimated not to exceed $250,000.4. Construction Services contracts estimated not to exceed

    $5,000,000.5. Commodities and Services available only in the local economy (no

    specific transaction value applies to this category). This categoryincludes the following items:

    A. Utilities including fuel for heating and cooking, waste disposal,

    and trash collection;B. Communication - telephone, fax, postal, and courier services;C. Rental costs for housing and office space;D. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants for operating vehicles and

    equipment;E. Newspapers, periodicals, and books published in the cooperating

    country; andF. Other commodities and services that, by their nature, or as a

    practical matter, can only be acquired, performed, or incurred inthe cooperating country, e.g. vehicle maintenance, hotelaccommodations, etc.

    Certified by: [Signature of Authorized Representative of

    Grantee Organization]

    Name: [Name of Authorized Representative]

    Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]

    Date: _________________________________

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Cost Sharing Certification

    (To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement when cost

    sharing is applicable)

    a. For each year (or funding period) under this grant, the grantee agreesto expend from non-USAID funds an amount at least equal to __________as agreed in the cost share budget provided. The schedule of this grantmay also contain restrictions on the application of cost sharing(matching) funds.

    b. Eligibility of funds applied to satisfy cost sharing (matching)requirements under this grant are set forth below:

    1. Charges incurred by the grantee as project costs. Not all chargesrequire cash outlays by the grantee during the project period;examples are depreciation and use charges for buildings andequipment;

    2. Project costs financed with cash contributed or donated to thegrantee by other non-Federal public agencies (may include publicinternational organizations or foreign governments) and institutions,and private organizations and individuals; and

    3. Project costs represented by services and real and personal property,or use thereof, donated by other non-Federal public agencies andinstitutions, and private organizations and individuals.

    c. All contributions, both cash and in-kind, shall be accepted as part ofthe grantee's cost sharing (matching) when such contributions meet all

    of the following criteria:

    1. Are verifiable from the grantee's records;2. Are not included as contributions for any other Federally assisted

    program;3. Are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient

    accomplishment of project objectives;4. Are types of charges that would be allowable under the applicable

    Federal cost principles;5. Are not paid by the Federal Government under another grant or

    agreement (unless the grant or agreement is authorized by Federal

    law to be used for cost sharing or matching);6. Are provided for in the approved budget when required by USAID;and

    7. Conform to other provisions of this paragraph.

    d. Values for grantee in-kind contributions will be established inaccordance with the applicable Federal cost principles.

    e. Specific procedures for the grantee in establishing the value of in-kindcontributions from non-Federal third parties are set forth below:

    1. Valuation of volunteer services: Volunteer services may be furnishedby professional and technical personnel, consultants, and otherskilled and unskilled labor. Volunteer services may be counted as

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    cost sharing or matching if the service is an integral and necessarypart of an approved program.

    i. Rates for volunteer services: Rates for volunteers should beconsistent with those paid for similar work in the grantee's

    organization. In those instances in which the required skills are notfound in the grantee's organization, rates should be consistentwith those paid for similar work in the labor market in which thegrantee competes of the kind of services involved.

    ii.Volunteers employed by other organizations: When an employerother than the grantee furnishes the services of an employee,these services shall be valued at the employee's regular rate ofpay (exclusive of fringe benefits and overhead costs) providedthese services are of the same skill for which the employee isnormally paid.

    2. Valuation of donated expendable personal property: Donated

    expendable personal property includes such items as expendableequipment, office supplies, laboratory supplies or workshop andclassroom supplies. Value assessed to expendable personal propertyincluded in the cost (matching) share should be reasonable andshould not exceed the market value of the property at the time of thedonation.

    3. Valuation of donated nonexpendable personal property, buildings,and land or use thereof:

    i. The method used for charging cost sharing or matching for donated

    nonexpendable personal property, buildings, and land may differaccording to the purpose of the grant as follows:

    A. If the purpose of the grant is to assist the grantee in theacquisition of equipment, buildings or land, the total value of thedonated property may be claimed as cost sharing or matching.

    B. If the purpose of the grant is to support activities that require theuse of equipment, buildings, or land; depreciation or use chargesfor equipment and buildings may be made. The full value ofequipment or other capital and fair rental charges for land maybe allowed provided that AID has approved the charges.

    ii.The value of donated property will be determined in accordancewith the usual accounting policies of the grantee, with thefollowing qualifications:

    A. A. Land and buildings: The value of donated land and buildingsmay not exceed its fair market value at the time of donation tothe grantee as established by an independent appraiser, andcertified by a responsible official of the grantee.

    B. Nonexpendable personal property: The value of donatednonexpendable personal property shall not exceed the fairmarket value of equipment and property of the same age and

    condition at the time of donation.

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    C. Use of space: The value of donated space shall not exceed thefair rental value of comparable space as established by anindependent appraisal of comparable space and facilities in aprivately owned building in the same locality.

    D. Borrowed equipment: The value of borrowed equipment shall not

    exceed its fair rental value.

    f. The following requirements pertain to the grantee's supporting recordsfor in-kind contributions from non-Federal third parties:

    1. Volunteer services must be documented and, to the extentfeasible, supported by the same methods used by the grantee for itsemployees.

    2. The basis for determining the valuation for personal services,material, equipment, buildings and land must be documented.

    g. Individual expenditures do not have to be shared or matched providedthat the total expenditures incurred during the year (or funding period)are shared or matched in accordance with the agreed-upon amount orpercentage set forth in the schedule of the grant.

    h. If at the end of any year (or funding period) hereunder, the grantee hasexpended an amount of non-Federal funds less than the agreed-uponamount or percentage of total expenditures, the difference may beapplied to reduce the amount of USAID funding the following year (orfunding period), or, if this grant has expired or been terminated, thedifference shall be refunded to USAID.

    i. Failure to meet the cost sharing (matching) requirements set forth inparagraph above shall be considered sufficient reason for terminationof this grant for cause in accordance with paragraph a. entitled "ForCause" of the standard provision of this grant entitled "Termination andSuspension".

    j. Notwithstanding paragraph, the parties agree that in the event of anydisallowance of expenditures from USAID grant funds providedhereunder, the grantee may substitute expenditures made with fundsprovided from non-Federal sources provided they are otherwise eligiblein accordance with paragraph b. of this provision.

    Certified by: [Signature of Authorized Representative of

    Grantee Organization]

    Name: [Name of Authorized Representative]

    Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]

    Date: ____________________________________

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    Small Grants and Ambassadors Fund Program

    Certification Regarding Terrorist Financing

    (To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement)

    As a condition to entering into the referenced agreement, the organizationlisted below hereby certifies that it has not provided and will not providematerial support or resources to any individual or entity that it knows, orhas reason to know, is an individual or entity that advocates, plans,sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in terrorist activity, including butnot limited to the individuals and entities listed in the Annex to ExecutiveOrder 13224 and other such individuals and entities that may be laterdesignated by the United States under any of the following authorities:219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1189), the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), or 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration andNationality Act, as amended by the USA Patriot Act of 2001, Pub. L. 107-56

    (October 26, 2001)(8 U.S.C. 1182). The below named organizationfurther certifies that it will not provide material support or resources toany individual or entity that it knows, or has reason to know, is acting asan agent for any individual or entity that advocates, plans, sponsors,engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist activity, or that has been sodesignated, or will immediately cease such support if an entity is sodesignated after the date of the referenced agreement.

    For purposes of this certification, material support and resourcesincludes currency or other financial securities, financial services, lodging,training, safe houses, false documentation or identification,communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances,

    explosives, personnel, transportation, and other physical assets, exceptmedicine or religious materials. For purposes of this certification, engagein terrorist activity shall have the same meaning as in section 212(a)(3)(B)(iv) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(iv)).

    For purposes of this certification, entity means a partnership,association, corporation, or other organization, group or subgroup.

    This certification is an express term and condition of the agreement andany violation of it shall be grounds for unilateral termination of the

    agreement by USAID prior to the end of its term.

    Solicitation Number:___________________________________________

    Grant Agreement Number (if applicable): ___________________________

    Date of Application: ___________________________________________

    Name of Grantee Organization: __________________________________

    Name and Title of authorized representative: ________________________

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    Signature: ______________________________ Date:________________

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    Certification Regarding Operational Transparency

    (To be submitted by grantee on signing of grant agreement)

    The grant beneficiary of this Grant Agreement hereby certifies to the bestof its knowledge and belief, that:

    A. The grant beneficiary has never been involved in any financialmalpractices.

    B. The grant beneficiary was never blacklisted by any national orinternational donor agency.

    C. The grant beneficiary will maintain financial and programmatictransparency.

    D. In case of any willful misconduct by any employee of the grantee,the grant beneficiary will instantly document the incident and

    inform SGAFP office in black and white and take disciplinary actionagainst the guilty staff.E. In case the grant beneficiary faces any undue pressure from any

    stakeholder, including the staff of SGAFP, the same shall bereported to SGAFP

    F. The grant beneficiary will provide conducive work environment toall employees working with it under SGAFPs sponsored project

    The grant beneficiary understands that:

    1. SGAFPs staff in regions is not the sole representative of USAID.

    2. SGAFPs staff cannot exert influence over the grant beneficiary forprocurement of goods and services from a particular place/ personand grantee has no pressure to abide by the oral or writteninstructions of SGAFPs employee thereof until and unless,otherwise, directed by the SGAFPs DCOP from the central office.

    3. The grant beneficiary has no bar in contacting with SGAFPs centraloffice for issues pertaining to SGAFPs project duringimplementation and/or unacceptable, undue and authoritativedirections of SGAFPs regional staff.

    On behalf of the grant beneficiary, I hereby acknowledge ourunderstanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this


    Certified by: [Signature of Authorized Representative of

    Grantee Organization]

    Name: [Name of Authorized Representative]

    Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]

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    Date: ____________________________________