Page 1: Aeroplane map, undated reverse · 2011-06-28 · app,!a fJlll~.I,.J, 10 liHl'-P!A ;)·lltl;)!Il!I[QUlV =l-unoJI/: lS;)A~ ~nru (; 'I~WJ 005


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10 miles

Vicinity of Gilt Bank p(JS.~

B,OOO reeL (Nurth) 8,000 feet. (Soutllj .

10,155 feet. Second ill height of the mountain

The St. Mary Yalley st. 1\'Tary Vollcy is lhe largest valley on the cast side

f lhe Continental Dividc aml contains ,I. wcalLl! uf HI:1g­

nifkent scenery. The vaJley is generally broa.d und open compared to othel' llIountain vallcys and it too shows lilc evi­dence of hu.vinp; ueen p luwed out by H great glacier. The grcat charm of St, :Mary Valley is the lake itself which is bcautifully framed by imposing mounLuim; :m bot h s ides of it. The de vation of the lakc'i-i !mrfaee is "·400 feet while the summits of the surrounding mo!lfItaiIl,~ are ovcr 9000 feet-nearly a /lJik above the water. St. Mary eh.'llds arc locateu at tile lower end of the lake. Just ah()~'c the narl'ows, 9 miles up lake, ure tlw: Going-to-lhe-Sull C\wlds, perehed IOO fcct above lhe water 01

ock project.ion at the base of Go<.t.t Mountain. ~'rom th por('hes of t.he Ckllds one p.·els a Itw.n·elous picture lool~inp; far lip the valley toward the C":ontinent<ll Di\'ide

Principa) Features of St. :.\Iary Region Vici11itll of St. Mm'll Chalets


From tlIi~ peak Divide Crf'ek er start toward the Gulf

.Just to the south of Di\'Ic1e

~,ooo feet. Next to Di\'ide i\'o in. ij miles

of the Diorite

On .st. :\hrv L.:Ike

J{(I1'!/ [,(Ike, in order ff'OtlL cast (0 '/!:est

~lImed after the BlrH'kfeet cllle"i' feet.

Vicinitv of IIead of St. :'\larv Val1e\,


les to wostwanl mnes to 110rthwestward


Vicinity of Gunsight Pass

N.:uned C'usle

nt .Tack;mn Jackson

Glaciers Accessible from Going--to -tlle-Sun Chalets

Two glaciers may be rt'aciled with compn r.'lti.v~ I':nse from Going-to-thc-Sun Chalets

Sexton Glacie.)·, <L sJllali shelf glader on the Goin,!!-to-thc-Sn rL Mountain, is only six miles ItW

trail leads lo the summil of it

sout.h s ide of 1 a goot!

nlltckfeet Glacit-'l', the lar)!"est in the Purk, is 12 miles away t el.lIl he NlSily reached. Tt !les on the Borth silie of the

Continental Divide just C;lSt of .Mount Jackson

heel long

Other glaCiers that. may he seen from the trails, but not easily explored exeept lIy experienced mountain dimbl':l's, arc Pit:gnll Glaciel' on Piegall .:\]onntuin, and sl':\'erul smull glaciers which are visihle from the trail over GUllsight Pass

The Red EaO'le Valle,., '"

This \'Itlle~r io; one of till! und{~velopet1 oncs but it cou ns some of the fincst scenic effccts in the Park

There arc no hotds (II' camp uccolntnodl;ttiolls at present It is most c;lsily entered by starting frolll St. iVTary Chalets The Rer! Eaglc is the. first valley north of Glader Park St.ation \\-'hkh is drail1f~d to Hudson's Hay. Its waters reach St. Mury Lake through Red EUJ?le Creek. The highest wlltf'rf1tll in t hl': Park is in this Y{l\lcy, viz., Chif':f li'.'I11R, which llIl s 1\ ell'OP of nearly 2000 feet; Red Eagle l.ake and t.he F.lIgh~ Glal'it-'l' nre: the rrl~ll()lIlinl.lnt scenic feJ.l.tures. The lake ('(Illtain~ lwth'e cut-lhro.ul t rout llnd affords splendid (i~h irl g.

The Many-Glacier ReglOn I'hc nexl ,"alley nOl'lh of St. Mary is the Swift Current, drain

the Swift Current River to Hudson Buy. Thc -'H'C/! <'It hc."{d lIey am1 <~ontiguous to it is known rLS the Many

gioll. This is lhe focal point from which t.rrLils 5,everal directions

I'l1e !\-Tflny-Glacicl" Hotel and Chalets are located on the hankfl f McDermott f.'ike. The Hotel is the largest Df its kind in

the Xorthwest nnn wiII house over 500 guests, From here one 'hir tripfi by f(}ot. or horseback may be mane to Cra<~kcr T.ak Tceberg T.ake, Grinnell Lake, Grinnell Gl:l.cier, Granite Park IIld Piegan Pass. This also is the starting point for campin/!

trips to the neliy River coulltry and the unrleveloped portiolls in the northern purt of the Park


• li';)f-1~UlV

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Mountains of ~lany-Glacicr H~gion

}Jrincipal Lakes


Bird Grinnell Qosing

of the T'llrk'.~ 1ll0.~t Id :\10untain, J\'lount

Visible fmm Pic

Granite Park and Vicinity Nine nliles west of l'rfIHly-Glader Hotel ure the Grllllit

PIJfk Chalets. These two small Sb"H~ Ilttildings ,Lrc perched Up on an oIT-shoot of the Continenta l Diyide nearly 7000 fcd abo~'c sea level


s! as;)ljl JO lS;)PIO <lll.r. lQ11.I1S PU;},\~S ,\\aIA 01

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.1IUT.lO[OJ }P01{ 11l;J:Jlf! u.1lUJ\[

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p;)n.IIquo .('11 P.;)JB ;).1;),\' !lPlOJ a111 pun PdlS1SJad ![!lR 'uonu.fhU.lOJ ol{:j. _-i:q PH;)!!;).I .-i:llllZins q:ifnOlnIU 'a.tnss;}.ld :;ll(.T, 'S}[<Jo.I ;}Ill JO .l1u!p[oJ ;)41 ,\q P!la.1 punoJ A~Hn p;}l1:: lnwn;):JtJ s~ssaJ1S alll sn pUlJ ~t4.UAOWW! ;).1;).\\

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nnm:lIlding one for scenic views and s nob!(] for these inspiriHg, stupendous mountai!l scenes

ralhe r limn for any trips in tile immediate vicinity. Ft'om Granite Park Chalets and lhc adjacent Swift · CUI'n;nt Pass 11 tremendous pi.UlOri.lma of mounlains is o\'erlookcu. The most important of thcsc pel:lks are

Principal Peaks fl.lId Trails

height of til(l monntnins of ur l' l"e.~idellt Cleveland. l:l

tllck. 8 miles lWl'l!


les to Gning· l.o Ule

north IS milc:s lo foot of \Vutertoll Lake 9 miles east to i\lan}'·Clader Ilole!

Sperry · Glacier Chalets An attractive group of stone Imildings set in a nne glacial

cirque four miles west of C:unsight Pal,s and seven miles ellst f T.ake McDonald. The haturc of lhis region is Sperry

Glacier, one of the fille ice sheets lhat is easily climbcd. The mountains in this region lIre

cirque on tJle west side 01 MOIIIlLain

Belton and Lake McDonald RegIOn Belton Station on the Greut K01'thern Rail\\"u.\', is the

western entrance to the Park and to the cnt.irl': I.ake )lcf)onalrl Region. La.kt.· .!\1CD01Wld is the largest body f water in the Park. It o~cupies the lower enrl of the

McDonald VaUey and diselmrges its water to the Flathead River, thence tn the Pacific Coast. It is well framed wilh beautiful mountains well \\-'ood.ed and with gentlc slopes. It is the gatewllY lo the ('(·nt.nll part of the Purk, wilh horsc trails leadin g to Sperry Gla~ier, Granite P ark and :\.\'alanche Lnke. Sen~I·i.ll )·CS01·ts haye been b uilt on lhe lowe-r 111)(1 t.he upper end. I.ewifl Hotd 10 mi les up is an attractive hotel n icely located with accommodation!'l fOI' 200 people. Good fishing in the bike am! the creek which feeds it also ill Flat head River from Belton to Columbia Falls


z l11luozpoq lI;);}q ;}A(!l{ lsmu • .(nuatll)",suoo puu ;}~UI .to puod ,\\01 IlHls 11 II! p;)l!sod"p :;l.Ioj;}J~ljl ;}.Iri.\\ SP;)q ;}11l JO lsoI,~ ·Slll!.Id

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SJU;).{ JO SUO![UlU IB.1;},t;)S ~;)vq ofl .1SHUI ;).\1. Spn -l.;).\iSUU 0.1

S;)pllpnnoq }I.I1ld din UIl(H& p;HIJtqUO;) ;).11

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ntlll.i lStl.IlIP;)AO S)A\;)'I ;)'IL

l!C,\\U lllo.Il uj"Ulunoul .caHillii' 'UllTn.T;)l(SU 11 S! auo J! 'S.I;)A!.I ;)In lIT pUll S;)'IHI "4.l U! lllOll 'l!"U!lIWlj .IoJ. lllap! ;).IlI puc 'S;}.IOlIS J!;Jql WOJJ Ja~lls ;)S!.l tl:l!I{M. ~~e;Jd <lIn J.oJ..qm S.lap?A1 [f;);).lJi ' ll!lS '{Ha10 JO ,\UU pun [l;)JPUllI( 0,\\1 ;uu ;).Irilll- sad11lJs pUll 8;)Z!!'l AUt/UI JO <1.Ill S;)!-f111


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;)pnTD pUll dUn UjUUl (1Jl[lau!1uo;)sun.q S,,\UA~T!UH u.Iatjl.TO_'l l1);).I:) ;}4.1 UiO.IJ. P,!;)·luslno-:lp!.\lU p-1lu;:JunUO;) :)l!l li'U!.IT1;)q pUB P'''df 1I;)S :),\Oqu S:;lIlUi OAq 01 ;]U!.IU;;,.I : SUP.!PU! P;)J){:>uIH ;)ljl .-Cq P;)UlUU '\Ilupmb :;)U01S:;llfln .~\On:)<{ puu ;)mp~.IU U;);U.a

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pun01J3AUld U!UlUnoJ\1 V '){lBd 18!DUID l[llld' 11lUO! .IopeID '33j1l'I aupJpaw: OM-I. pn-e U"AUf";lOR lUnOI/il 'Sl3["Ct{:)


Glac r..~"""". S­" ,' ~ ~t~·~ National

}Iountllins and Lllkes L:lke McDonald


the mountain from Lewis

Wild Life ted States, where hunt

the home of Jnllnv

The ''Vildtiowers

Ther ure found

t in large num ManuoLs are

large numbers

FOI' thc luxUl'iOllSness and variety of its wildflowers Gla cier Nationul Park is remarkuble. In thc vallen of thc Park, and particularly along the shores of its ~lakes and streams, oftcntimes in close proximity to the glaciers, wild flowers arc everywhere. Over llO vHrj~ties of wildflowers arc native to the Park. They bOl"der lhe trails and roarls and every valley <HId hillsirle seems to he deeomted w ith their varie gated hues , Canyon Crcek, Cl'aekcr Lake, Picgan Pincs! Grin nell Luke and. Granit.e Park a.rc a few of the rt'gions of the Park that urc espedally notable fur plant life,

Below are listed the more prominent varieti!';s of the Park's wildflowel's, herries and grasses

Queen'R Cup Blliebcll. Twinftower BrewberTY. Thlmblcberl)' Pigconberr}' ].,O<~" ,


Bear Grass or Indian Busket Grass. Sweet nruss nell I' 'V"'ed


Horseback Ridmg Glacier Park has over 300 miles of :Mount.ain Tra.ils. Horse

back lrips of a ft;w hours or of several days form one of the popul.:tr pl1stimcs. Over 600 saddle horsefi broken to mountain trail work required to meet the dem'Hlll of tourists fol' l"(:,.g Illady tlcheduled trips and for special t.rips. !-Iol'fles lind guides oblainable ut Ginder P!:l.l'k Hotel, i\"lany-Glacier " I-Iotel, GOill).!:-to-the-Sun Chalct and at Lewis's 'Hotel on Lake :\1cl)onald

IIiking" One of the hest means of seeing the bcauties of the Park

a.nd also combining a healthful form of exercise is to alk hom hotel to holel and also covel' the val"lous side

tr ips which are available at the various Hotcls liml Chalets Guirlt-.s arc not l"(~qujred Oil w;))killg trips liS is the case when horses Ilrc used, althoug'h walldng guides are avuilable for this purpose if desired

Mountain Climlllng :Mountain climbing is fl heulthful hut more strenuous form

of sporl tlWIl eithcl' horseback rilling or "Hiking." It has not as yet reached the degree of popularity in this country lhat il has in Switzcrland, but the opporlunity is here. In Gladet· Park especially eonditjons lire· j(leal fol' indulging jn this form of rec l'cation

There are many peaks that are comparatively casy of ascent; others quite difficult and some that so far hll\'e defied the most h.1.nly and expert climbers. New cl!mbing clubs

rc lleing formed ellch year and memhers of these clubs ,! beginning lo realil:e that Glacier Purk offers a virgiu field to conque

Boatmg The Lakes of Glacier Park nJd perhaps :IS milch to nttJ'fI('

tiVf'.ness as the mountains themselves, Two Medicine Lake, 3-IcDermott Luke, St. )'lary Lake and 1.ake McDonald have good f\cetfi of row boats on them nnd .'Ifi'ord splendid oppor tunities for !L few hours on the water in the s hadows of the massive rock sides of the sUlTounding mountains

Camping Out GladeI' Pm'k has hundreds of flplcntlid Rheams as well as kes and probubly- no NatiOlll-ll Park in the world offers ore or bettcr opportunities to those \VI1O like the more prim

iOve method of "ge~ting close to nature," which a tent, a blanket., nnd fty pan offers. Along t.he bank of wlli<:king streams or in a sheltered spot on all cndmnled lake one can take the life as hard or us )cisurely as one desires

In <.'a§e the camping trip is s1Ich that the camp is to b mo ved from place to place frequf'ntly, ptlck horses ure re­quircd to transport it as well as the supplies a.nd sadri\{' hors(~s for the people, This form of ouling is, for onc or two people, quite cxpensive but wlwn there are six or eigh t


to divide the expense ltd.wecn will cost only about $I~.OO to .$15.QO pel' duy per person.

This form of outing appeols to many because it practico.IIy (;()H1hilH~s all the other forms of recreation. Arrangements must be made well in ad\'ance for camping trips

Fish and Fishmg the finel;t kind of trout

.Park Service! in conjunctioll with the I'i(>;;, have built and operate ll. fish lJatch­

ery at. Glacicr .Park. In <lddilion to t.he hlaek spotted trouL an'd the cut-thrO[Lt trout which :u'e native to these waters. Sl~\'crtll other va.rieties have been introdltced, viz., Easlern brook, r a inbow, steelhead /lnd gr;l~' ling. '"I.'be two laUer arc not yet developel1. Seyeral mill ion young lrout are planted each rear anll it i!j doubtful if bettcr and Illore dependable trout fi shing can he found anywhere jn the counlry and ccr­tainly not within a few minutes walk from a comfortable hotel

The best fishing .\vuter s arc Two :Yled!cine Lake!. ror mack Spo1.te<1 or Easlern Brook l"IkDermott and Josepbille I.lIkes, I:talnbow fllld Eastern Brook Grinnell Lake . . Cut·tllI'oat. Rainbow Cmeker Lfll-:e , • llIack Spotted. (jlln!lijl;lit Lake. .Cut-till·oat. Raintow Bed Eagle Lake . CuL-throat. Cut Dank River ,Cut·throat. EUf' lIrook St. ~lnry l.ake • Mackinaw or "Lake Trout Korth Fork o( Kf'llnetly Creek ,nlaek SpOLteli Belly Rh·el·. (T1"'tlils Lake ,CuL·1.1u·Oflt.. I.ake ~k.Donald .Ilaintow, nlllck Spotted, Cut·throat Flathead River .Rainbow. Cut-thJ"O:lt.

The fly casting rod and lHlificial ny is the method generally used. No license is necessary within the Park. '1'1 limit is ]0 fish per day, no fish under seven inches to be taken The luke fishing is usua lly better than the stJ'eam fishing, as the strealTls evidently drop too rapidly down the mountain slopes and do not form enough deep pools. Casting from shore or from a boat is the best. metbod.

If fishing in waters out!-1ide the Park a State fishing license is reqllil'ed hy law. This COIl he procured on application at Glacier 1'lll·k Stati01r.

July and August are tlte mont.hs when the trout rise to the fly the most freely. A grasshopper or small spinner is some times used to auvantage.

TheRe trout arc not "easy" to get. They are very shy. They strike quiek and fight ha.rd, but patience, perseverance, some skill and a little Im'k will rewa.rd the fisherma.n with IJS good a string 8.S one could ask, and the hotels will gladly cook them to YOUl" Ol·dcr.

Further information regarding Glacier National Park may be obtained from any railroad ngent or 1'oUJ'ist companY, 01' bv 1I1dressiog the nearest company's represcntath'e.

Fishing Tackle and Clothing for Sale

A complete line of flies most suitable to the waters in Glacier Pa.rk are on sale at all holel!'l lLnd chalets. Also a full lint! of rods, f1!" books, various haits, spinncI's, lin,:!;; hooks! landing nets, etc., are earril'd and sold at prices no higher thun one would f1IlY in eastern cities fo r similar elass of merchandise Also a complete line of outing clothing, riding habits for boll men and WOHlen, golf sock s , fihoes a nd boots <Ire sold at Glacier Park und Many-Glacier Hotels


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