Page 1: Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Model of a Dual … · 2020. 10. 20. · design has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams

2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE)Mexico City, Mexico. November 11-13, 2020

Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Modelof a Dual-System UAV

Yael F. Lopez-BrionesEscuela Superior de Ingenierıa

Mecanica y Electrica-IPNMexico City, MEXICO

[email protected]

Luz M. Sanchez-RiveraUMI-LAFMIA


[email protected]

Alfredo Arias-MontanoEscuela Superior de Ingenierıa

Mecanica y Electrica-IPNMexico City, MEXICO

[email protected]

Abstract—In this paper, we present the use of reverse-engineering like techniques to analyse the proposal of a Dual-System Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Such vehicles are capable ofperforming vertical flight with the use of a multi-rotor systemand then transition into horizontal flight without modifying theirstructure. The main features and dimensions are captured. Aprototype was built and then modeled using Computer-AidedDesign (CAD) software. Aerodynamic characteristics for themodel were obtained using accurate computational analysis tools,namely XFLR5, Xfoil and ANSYS Fluent®. Simulation results forthe airfoil, the wing and the complete airframe are presented andcompared. Results were studied and adapted for the longitudinalmodel of the UAV by means of the stability derivatives. The studyserves as good basis to implement the aerodynamic data in themathematical model of the platform and perform future controlsimulations. Besides, it lays the foundation for future researchand improvement on the knowledge of the characteristics andcapabilities of this type of aircraft.

Index Terms—Dual-System UAV, Fixed-Wing VTOL, HybridUAV, Aerodynamic Study, Multi Rotor


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been widely usedworldwide to perform diverse tasks which would be otherwiseimpossible for conventional aircraft. Nowadays, their useextents not only to military, defence or reconnaissance appli-cations, but to civil operations, such as transport, agricultureor photography.

In general, UAVs’ configuration can be classified as ei-ther Fixed-Wing or rotorcraft. Whereas Fixed-Wing vehiclesperform better during horizontal flight and have remarkableadvantages regarding cruising speed, flight range or enduranceover rotorcraft vehicles, they usually lack simplicity for takeoffand landing, requiring large runways or especial equipment,not to mention the wide space they need in order to maneuverin cruise flight. Here is where the rotorcraft UAVs play a veryimportant role in ensuring the safety and reliability for thevehicle during takeoff and landing, as well as other missionstages where hovering is preferred to cruise flight.

Clearly, both configurations have very specific character-istics depending on the application. However, it is possibleto combine them in a single platform, a task that has beenattempted over the last decade by means of hybrid vehicles.These integrate the flight advantages of Fixed-Wing and ro-torcraft aeroplanes.

The type of hybrid vehicle addressed in this paper is knownas Dual-System, which make use of a multi-rotor system forvertical operation and a pusher/puller rotor for cruise flight [1].This concept aircraft stands out for its stability and simplifiedmechanical design, giving the aircraft reliability and simplicity.Furthermore, it requires little maintenance and, if the aircraftcharacteristics were to be studied, the analysis for each flightphase could be performed in a separate manner. Due to itseffectiveness, many platforms of this kind have been designedand some others, initially being Fixed-Wing models, wereadapted for its use as a Dual-System [2].

Development of Dual-System vehicles and of UAVs ingeneral encompasses various stages. After a mission planningdefinition and platform configuration is selected, design andweight estimation follows, including selection of on-boardequipment. Afterwards, Finite Element Method (FEM), Com-putational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or control analyses mayfollow. Only after an iterative process of redesign based onthe results of each stage the final platform is manufactured,and flight tests are conducted. Nonetheless, these steps take along time and it is not possible to properly cover each one indetail.

Generally speaking, the approach taken in the analysis ofDual-System UAVs has unfortunately led to studies that onlycover conceptual design where the final product is never builtor studies where even though the platform is manufactured,inaccurate research techniques are used [3]. This in turn couldalso lead to poor vehicle performance. Another approach is tomake use of known theory for adequate sizing but using pooraccuracy numerical analysis [4].

In addition to the previous problems, to the best of ourknowledge, Dual-System UAVs have not yet been manufac-tured in Mexico, the platform is instead acquired from foreigndevelopers, as in the case of the Arcturus Jump 20 [1]. Ascan be seen, insufficient infrastructure obligates the countryto expend a considerable amount of resources in what wouldotherwise be easily affordable technology.

Therefore, the main contribution of this study is to com-putationally estimate the aerodynamic derivatives for a Dual-System as a mean to use them in the mathematical model andcontrol system design for flight simulation as future work.Although the results of this methodology could be compared

978-1-7281-8987-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Page 2: Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Model of a Dual … · 2020. 10. 20. · design has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams

against theoretical or experimental methods, to the best of ourknowledge, theory does not cover the complex effects of theflow and the experiments will be included in future research.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. SectionII presents the development of the Dual-System aircraft andincludes the mathematical model of the vehicle. In SectionIII CFD simulations are undertaken as well as the underlyingtheory is described. Next, in section IV aerodynamic deriva-tives are obtained and a discussion of results is given. Finally,in section V, conclusions are presented and future work isestablished.


A. Airplane Description and Prototype Construction

The prototype was adopted from a commercially availableplatform due to its proven ease of construction and rigidityonce built, the FT Explorer [5]. Nevertheless, the originaldesign has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing(VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams or motor pods havebeen added under the wing on each side of the symmetricalplane of the UAV. Each extremity of the pods will carry amotor with its respective propeller, comprising the multi rotorsystem.

Fig. 1. CAD Design of the Dual-System.

Fig. 1 shows the aircraft modeled using Autodesk® In-ventor® Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. As previ-ously stated, its functioning comprises two systems that areoperationally separated. During takeoff, only the multi rotorsystem is turned on and motion is controlled by the differentialthrust from the lifting rotors. Yaw, roll and pitch control issimilar to that of a quadrotor. For the transition phase fromhovering to horizontal flight, the pusher rotor is used to giveforward acceleration and gradually reach the desired cruisingspeed. This is usually the most crucial phase in all hybridvehicles, because they present instabilities and the integrityof the aircraft is at risk. However, the Dual-System tends toovercome this problem thanks to the geometry of the platform.In particular, the wing aids in the process of keeping theaircraft airborne. Finally, during cruise flight the multi-rotorsystem is no longer needed and lifting rotors can be turnedoff. Control is achieved by the push motor and control surfacessuch as ailerons, elevators and rudders [3].

The selected multi-rotor configuration is known as the ”H”or ”11” fixation method, where the motor pods are parallel to

each other, instead of the ”X” method typical in quadrotors.This fixation method has proven to be more efficient [6]. Itis less affected by the rotational motion of the propeller andproduces less interference in the flow during flight. The wingalso has a dihedral angle of 2° as a mean for providing lateralstatic stability [7].

Airplane manufacture was started. The main material usedfor construction is cardboard foam, which is practically inex-pensive and easily acquired. Besides, manipulation is simpleand it gives flexibility in case more changes were needed.An image for the fuselage structure is presented in Fig. 2a.,whereas Fig. 2b. shows an image of the wing.

(a) Fuselage structure. (b) Wing structure.

Fig. 2. Dual-System UAV Prototype.

Table I lists the principal components for the platform andan initial mass estimation. ”Others” comprise additional butlightweight electronics and equipment. As can be seen, thefinal mass for the prototype will not exceed the usual valuesfor this type of airplane, which are above 1.5 kg.


Component Quantity Mass (kg)Airframe 1 0.290Battery 1 0.288

Lifting Motors 4 0.240Pusher Motor 1 0.076

Propellers 5 0.030Others - 0.200Total - 1.124

B. Flight Profile

The flight mission profile is shown in Fig. 3. Takeoff iswhere the multi rotor system for hovering is firstly used. Be-sides, during transition from hovering to cruise a little altitudeis lost. The mission may include a loiter phase where theaircraft patrols a certain area. Finally, for the next transition,speed is reduced and the mission concludes with a verticallanding.

C. Mathematical Model

The mathematical model shown here is based on the equa-tions presented in [8] and [9], which use the Newton-Eulerformulation. Although the previous studies develop a modelfor a Dual-System, in the former the aerodynamic parameters

Page 3: Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Model of a Dual … · 2020. 10. 20. · design has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams

Fig. 3. Flight profile of the vehicle.

were not taken from the original platform and in the latter theobjective was control optimization.

If we consider the components of total force acting on arigid body, given by:∑

δma′x = X ;∑

δma′y = Y ;∑

δma′z = Z (1)

where δm is the incremental mass at point p(x, y, z) inthe rigid body and a′x, a

′y, a′z are the components of inertial

acceleration. These components are represented as:

a′x = U − rV + qW ; a′y = V − pW + rU

a′z = W − qU + pV(2)

In these equations, p, q and r are angular velocity componentsabout the ox, oy and oz axes, respectively. Velocity andacceleration components along the same axes are denoted by(U, V,W ) and (U , V , W ) respectively.

After substitution (2) in (1) and rearranging, the resultingtotal force components with respect to the body frame arewritten in matrix form as: UV



rV − qWpW − rUqU − pV





In (3), m is the the total mass of the body and the externalforces are: [


= Fg + Fa + Fp,m + Fp,p (4)

where Fg is force due to gravitational effects, Fa is forcedue to aerodynamic effects, Fp,m is propulsion force due tothe multi-rotor system and Fp,p is propulsion force due tothe pusher propeller. In this work, the necessary derivativesfor the computation of Fa will be obtained through CFDsimulations. Even though the aerodynamic effects includethose of the rotors, the wing and the fuselage, the wing isthe main contributor to the flow characteristics.


Forces acting on a solid body immersed in a fluid are dueto pressure distribution and shear stress over the body surface[10]. Lift (L) is the force component of the net aerodynamicforce, perpendicular to the flow direction, drag (D) is theforce component along the flow direction [11]. However, tocharacterize the flow over a body regardless of its shape, it isconvenient to use dimensionless parameters derived from the

above description. For that, the lift CL, drag CD and momentCM coefficients are defined in (5), (6) and (7) as:













In these equations, ρ∞ and V∞ are the freestream densityand velocity, respectively. S is equal to the wing planformarea for an aircraft [12] and c is equal to the Mean Aerody-namic Chord (MAC), traditionally used in stability and controlstudies [7]. In the case of an airfoil, the equations are slightlymodified, the coefficients are denoted by lowercase letters (cl,cd and cm) and the reference area S = c(1) = c since forcesand moments are per unit span. This is useful, because it makescomparison of the aerodynamic properties between an airfoiland a 3D wing possible.

CFD simulations considered longitudinal symmetric flight.However, propeller wake will not be included in the analysisbecause the propellers in the motor pods will be powered offand aligned with the flow to improve efficiency in real flight.Flow conditions were established and geometric dimensionswere measured directly from the airplane, both appear inTable II. Aspect Ratio (AR) is the ratio between the wingspan (b) and the MAC. The Reynolds Number (Re) is animportant parameter that represents either the smooth andregular (laminar) or random (turbulent) nature of the flow [10].


Wing Span (b) MAC Wing Area (S) AR0.955 m 0.1211 m 0.0997 m2 9.15

Viscosity (µ) Cruise Speed (V) Density (ρ) Re1.7894e-5kg/m-s 25 m/s 1.225 kg/m3 0.216e6

To study the aerodynamic properties of the prototype, threedifferent software packages were used. For every one of them,the selected speed was V = 25 m/s because it is within thetypical cruising speed value for an UAV. In addition to that,the selected range of angles of attack is from α = −20o toα = 20o. This range is used because, even though 2D softwaredata predictions are considered valid just beyond maximum liftcoefficient, an appropriate outlining of the drag polar can bemade.

Firstly, 2D CFD simulations were performed in the popularXFLR5 and Xfoil programs. Both are oriented to the designand analysis of low Reynolds number airfoils and operate in asimilar manner. In the particular case of Xfoil, the software isbased on the use of panel methods, which could be reviewedin [10], with Boundary Layer (BL) estimations for viscousanalysis. To perform an analysis, the user imports the airfoilgeometry and inputs flow data like Reynolds number andangle of attack. For the airfoil selection, the cross section

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of the wing was matched to the Wortmann FX 77-W-121airfoil, in a similar manner to [13]. Based on the averageresults of the 2D simulations, the airfoil maximum lift co-efficient is (Clmax = 1.3909) at 10.25o. The zero-lift angleof attack (αL=0 = −2.7o) and maximum lift-to-drag ratio(Cl/Cd = 75.0019) at 10o. Calculations considered StandardSea-Level Conditions (SSL).

Secondly, since a more accurate analysis was crucial, an-other series of CFD simulations were performed in the high-fidelity ANSYS Fluent® software. The CAD model wasfurther simplified and prepared to reach corvengence in thesolution. The complete airframe of the UAV and a straightrectangular wing with no dihedral but with the prototypedimensions were analysed separately. Since no asymmetricalconditions were to be analysed and the UAV is symmetricalalong the longitudinal axis only half of the airplane was used,saving computational cost and time. The fluid domain is arectangle and the quarter-chord point of the wing of the modelswas placed at the origin. The rectangle extended from -6 mto 34 m in X (platform longitudinal) direction, from -6 m to6 m in Y direction and from 0 to -6 m in the Z direction.Apart from the main enclosure, an additional rectangle in thevicinity and downstream of the model was added in orderto refine the mesh later in Fluent® and accurately capture thecharacteristics of the wake. The final boundary conditions are avelocity inlet in the front part of the rectangle, a pressure outletwith atmospheric condition at the back, a symmetry planefor the mid-plane of the domain and walls at the remainingsurfaces, including those of the UAV and the wing.

The type of flow for our case is turbulent according to theReynolds number, therefore an appropriate turbulence modelshould be selected for the analysis. ANSYS® Documentationrecommends either the use of the Realizable k−ε or SST k−ωturbulence models for standard cases [14]. In UAV analysis,boundary layer separation may occur and resolving the viscoussublayer is recommended if affordable, however, the k − ωmodels usually require a finer mesh near the wall, otherwiseaccuracy may be lost. For that reason, the Realizable k − εmodel with Standard Wall Treatment will be used.

The Realizable k − ε model is part of the ReynoldsAveraged Navier-Stokes Simulation (RANS) based models.Since turbulent flow is considered, the properties of the flowfluctuate over time but not their statistically averaged value andthe governing equations are modified through what is calledReynolds-averaging to obtain the RANS equations [14]. Atthe same time, the k − ε model is a two equation modelthat includes two additional transport equations to representthe turbulent properties of the flow. k is the turbulent kineticenergy and is a measure of how much energy is contained inthe fluctuations, its transport equation is given by (8).

∂t(ρk) +

∂xj(ρkuj) =






]+Gk +Gb − ρε− YM + Sk


On the other hand, ε is the turbulent dissipation and itis a measure of the rate at which turbulent kinetic energy

dissipates, its transport equation is given by (9).

∂t(ρε) +

∂xj(ρεuj) =






]+ρC1Sε − ρC2


k +√νε

+ C1εε

kC3εGb + Sε


The previous equations are already embedded in the soft-ware and there is no need to modify them. Essentially, if k ishigher there will be more fluctuations and the contrary is truefor ε, the higher its value the fewer fluctuations. It is importantto have in mind that these quantities are based on experimentalresults and are not known beforehand, therefore, the defaultvalues of the solver will be used.

Taking everything into account, mesh generation took place.For that, a Poly-Hexcore mesh that took advantage of AN-SYS® mosaic meshing technology was used instead of thetraditional tetrahedral mesh. This is also practical because itproduces a high quality mesh with less computational power.Besides, the Realizable k − ε model requires the first cell ofthe mesh to be located at a y+ value of approximately 1and a growth rate no higher than 1.2. A grid independencestudy was performed, and finally, a mesh consisting of 1.5million elements with a maximum skewness value of 0.92and a minimum orthogonal quality of 0.08 was achieved onaverage for all simulations. These values ensure that the qualityof the mesh is sufficient for the accuracy needed.

For the solution, since flow is incompressible, the steadyand pressure-based Fluent® solver settings were selected. Theonly modified reference values for post-processing were thereference area (A = 0.049851 m2) and velocity, which corre-sponds to cruising speed. The reference length did not have tobe modified thanks to the location of the origin. The schemechosen for the solution was the Semi-Implicit Method forPressure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) to save computationalpower. However, discretization was of second order and thegradient setting was Least Squares Cell Based. To monitorsolution convergence, residuals of continuity, velocity, k ande required to be less than 1e−03. Even though convergencecriteria is established, it is important to monitor additionalphysical quantities to confirm that they converge to a certainvalue, only after that it can be said that a final and accuratesolution was reached. For that, monitors of the aerodynamiccoefficients and mass balance were verified. In those caseswere the solution fluctuated, the Under-Relaxation Factorshelped to reach a slow but stable solution [14].

Fig. 4 shows the lift coefficient versus angle of attack com-parison for all numerical simulations. As may be observed, theslope is very similar and the graphs are homogeneous for thefour cases. Besides, both the XFLR5 and the Xfoil predictionsare very close to each other, as expected. Nonetheless, it shouldbe remembered that just above stall these values are not preciseanymore. For both 2D programs a little increment in lift isobserved after stall, which in reality is not true. Instead theUAV has a gentle stall because a turbulent boundary layer hasmore resistance to flow separation, as it is easily observedin the 3D graphs. Another remark is that the maximum lift

Page 5: Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Model of a Dual … · 2020. 10. 20. · design has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams

coefficient is highest for the airfoil, reduces for the wing andis minimum for the complete airframe.

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Angle of attack [deg]














t co



t [-


UAV Fluent ®

Wing Fluent ®



Fig. 4. Lift coefficient versus angle of attack.

Fig. 5 presents the drag coefficient versus angle of attackcomparison for all numerical simulations. Again, the valuesof the airfoil curves match accordingly. There seems to be acertain “drag bucket” in the curve for values from −10o to11o, but this behaviour only appears at certain laminar flows,after this region, the slope increases again. There also appearsa substantial increase in drag for the three-dimensional cases,this is mainly due to the fuselage because it has not beenoptimised.

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Angle of attack [deg]














g c





UAV Fluent ®

Wing Fluent ®



Fig. 5. Drag coefficient versus angle of attack.

In Fig. 6 the moment coefficient versus angle of attackis presented. The airfoils present longitudinal static stabilitybecause the slope is negative and the pitching moment wouldbe restoring [7]. In the case of the wing and the airframe,the slope is positive, this may be due to the fact that neitherthe selected airfoil nor the fuselage geometry are appropriatefor turbulent flow. To compensate for this instability, thecomponents of the airplane could be easily changed so thatthe center of gravity lies in a position that overcomes the non-restoring pitching moment.

The pressure variation over the surface with flow-pathsat 14o, where maximum lift coefficient was achieved, ispresented in Fig. 7a. Sanity checks were done and it wasverified that the pressure was higher at the lower surface,

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Angle of attack [deg]

















UAV Fluent ®

Wing Fluent ®



Fig. 6. Moment coefficient versus angle of attack.

which indicates a resultant lift force. Meanwhile, Fig. 7bshows flow-paths near the wing tips, where tip vortices andconsequently more induced drag are being generated. Induceddrag is an unfavorable three-dimensional effect [10], an effectthat could be reduced by adding winglets on the airplane. Theeffect of the motor pods in the structure is also noticeable,when the flow collides with them several disturbance andmore drag is being generated. Since the prototype conceptwas directly modeled with no changes in geometry futurework may include adding winglets and observing the flow-paths again.

(a) Pressure Contours on the surfaceof the UAV.

(b) Wing tip vortices of the flow.

Fig. 7. Pressure Contours and Flow-Path Lines (Re = 0.216e6, α = 14o).

Lastly, Fig. 8a shows the pressure contours at an XY planelocated at Z = -0.37 m and it is compared with Fig. 8b whichshows velocity vectors at the same location. At this locationthe boundary layer thickness has increased considerably. Infact, further to the wing tips there exists reversal of the flow,a consequence of flow separation. This is also a consequenceof the high angle of attack, at this point flow has separatedfrom the surface and the airplane has begun to stall.


The estimation of the longitudinal stability derivatives de-veloped here is based on [7]. Since flow is incompressible,dependency of the aerodynamic coefficients on speed is in-significant and the corresponding terms are omitted. First, theaxial force due to axial velocity, normal velocity, pitch rate,rate of change of normal velocity and elevator are:

Xu = −2CD ; Xw = CL −dCDdα

Xq = 0 ; Xw = 0 ; Xη = 0(10)

Page 6: Aerodynamic Analysis for the Mathematical Model of a Dual … · 2020. 10. 20. · design has been also adapted as a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) platform. Therefore, two beams

(a) Pressure contour plots around theairfoil.

(b) Velocity vectors around the air-foil.

Fig. 8. Pressure and Velocity on Plane Z = -0.37 m (Re = 0.216e6, α = 14o).

Secondly, the normal force due to axial velocity, normalvelocity, pitch rate, rate of change of normal velocity andelevator is given by:

Zu = −2CL ; Zw = −(a+ CD)

Zq = −V Ta1 ; Zw = Zqdεdα

Zη = −STSa2


And thirdly, the pitching moment due to axial velocity,normal velocity, pitch rate, rate of change of normal velocityand elevator are:

Mu = 0 ; Mw = −aKn

Mq = ZqlTc

; Mw =Mqdεdα

Mη = −V Ta2


Additional values for the estimation are defined as follows.First, the relative position of the center of gravity with respectto the MAC h = 0.6308. The wing-body aerodynamic centerlocation for a subsonic wing h0 = 0.25. The tail momentarm, which is the distance between the aerodynamic centersof the wing and the tailplane lt = 0.352 m. The tailplanearea S = 0.0239 m2. The z coordinates of the aerodynamiccenters of the wing zW = −0.0273 and the tailplane zT =0.0455 with respect to the center of gravity. The wing-bodylift curve slope a = dCL/dα = 5.5123 1/rad. The tailplaneand elevator lift curve slope a1 = a2 = dCLT /dαT = 2π =6.2831 1/rad assuming symmetric airfoils [10]. The wing-body drag curve slope dCD/dα = 1.232 1/rad. The valueof the rate of change of downwash with incidence at the taildε/dα = 0.3643. The tail moment arm from the center ofgravity lT = 0.3058 m. The tail volume ratio V T = 0.6046.Finally, the neutral controls-fixed neutral point hn = 0.6881and the static margin Kn = 0.0573.

The constant derivatives written in American coefficientformat, for α = 0° are written next. The only derivatives thatvary with angle of attack are CXu , CXα , CZu and CZα .

CXu = −0.167 CZu = −0.534 Cmu = 0CXα = −0.965 CZα = −5.596 Cmα = −0.316

CXq = 0 CZq = −7.598 Cmq = −19.188CXα = 0 CZα = −2.768 Cmα = −6.990CXδe = 0 CZδe = −1.504 Cmδe = −3.799

The computed parameters will improve performance of thecontrol strategy, as they provide data of the surface from which

the majority of lift comes (the wing). However, due to theapproach of the article, a control implementation to observeits performance will be treated in a future stage of the project.


Estimation of the longitudinal stability derivatives for themathematical model of a Dual-System UAV was performed.The aerodynamic characteristics were obtained from XFLR5,Xfoil and ANSYS Fluent® software packages. The resultsshowed a substantial increment in the drag force for the wholeairframe and longitudinal static instability, in comparisonwith the 2D analyses. However, it was demonstrated that thegeometry of the platform highly influences the efficiency andstability of the aircraft. Consequently, balancing the center ofgravity in the final prototype will compensate the non-restoringmoment.

As future work, the aerodynamic efficiency will be im-proved by selecting an appropriate airfoil and geometry forthe wing. Furthermore, the effect of the propellers and itsinteraction with the wing will be included in the mathematicalmodel by means of further CFD studies or bench tests, inorder to complement a more extensive work. Finally, thederivatives will be added to a controller of the model to finishthe construction of the prototype and perform flight tests.


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