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  • 8/4/2019 Adwea Final


    ADWEA Plans & DevelopmentProjects

    Presented by;

    Dr. Hamda A. Al-Thani, DirectorNational Energy & Water Research Center, ADWEA

    Jan. 21st, 2010

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.1

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    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.2

    ADWEA Plans & Development Projects: Outline

    ADWEA Profile

    ADWEA Group of Companies and IWPPs

    Electricity Demand Forecast

    Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction

    ADWEA Ongoing Approaches in CarbonDioxide Emission Reduction


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    ADWEA Profile

    Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA) is a publicorganization wholly owned by the Abu Dhabi government with a separatelegal identity and financial & administrative independence. ADWEA isresponsible for implementing government policy regarding water and

    electricity sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

    ADWEA was established in March 1998 pursuant to Abu Dhabi Law No.2of 1998 and replaced the former Water and Electricity Department (WED).The amendments to Law No.2 of 1998 became effective from July, 2007with the issue of Law No. 19 of 2007.

    ADWEA determines all business relating to the formulation, developmentand implementation of the policy of the government in relation to the

    water and electricity sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including allmatters relating to the privatization of the water and electricity sector.

    ADWEA serves and supplies electricity and potable water to more than 1.5

    million people (more than 39 per cent of the total population of the UAE)over an area of approximately 67,340 square kilometres (about 87 per centof the total area of the UAE).

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.3

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    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.4

    ADWEAs Group of Companies

    ADWEC Single Procurer of water and electricity output and capacityfrom producers under various power and water purchaseagreements (PWPAs) and charges the distribution companiesfor W&E delivered via The TRANSCO Networks under BulkSupply Tariff (BST).

    TRANSCO It receives supplies of W&E from the production companiesconnected to AD W&E grids for onward transmission to thedistribution Companies.

    ADDC Distribution and Selling Water of 800 mm to 50 mm andElectricity at low voltage of 33 and 11 kV and customer supply.

    AADC Distribution water of 800 mm to 50 mm and electricity at lowvoltage of 33 and 11 kV and customer supply.

    AMPC Operates three power stations at Al Mirfa, Madinat Zayed, & Al

    Ain. Total power capacity of 380 MW. Water production is at AlMirfa station only (capacity of 38.7 MIGD).
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    ADWEA Privatization Program

    Eight IWPPs have been introduced on a build, own and operate (BOO)basis via joint venture arrangements between ADWEA and variousinternational companies

    In each IWPP, ADWEA retains a 60% share holding while the remaining40% share holding is owned by overseas private investors.

    All these IWPPs sell water and electricity from their production plant to

    the single buyer of the sector, ADWEC, under long-term Power and WaterPurchase Agreements (PWPAs).

    ADWEA Investment Arm: TAQA

    TAQA Company was established in 2005 mainly to invest the shares ofADWEA in the IWPP's, of which ADWEA owns 51%, within its privatizationprogram implemented in production sector.

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.5

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    ADWEAs IWP-Producers

    Emirates CMSPower Company

    Location: Abu DhabiAl Taweelah Site (A2)

    The licensed capacities are 710 MW forelectricity, and 50 MIGD for water. Thecompany sells its production to ADWEC.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA and 40% CMSGeneration.

    Gulf TotalTractable Power



    Location: Abu Dhabi

    Al Taweelah site (A1)

    The licensed capacities are 1,350 MW forelectricity, and 84 MIGD for water. Thecompany sells its production to ADWEC.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA, 20% Total Fina Elf,and 20% Tractebel.

    Shuweihat CMSInternational

    Power CompanySCIPCO S1

    Location: Shuweihat,Jabel AlDhana site

    The licensed capacities are 1,500 MW forelectricity, and 100 MIGD for water. Thecompany sells its production to ADWEC.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA, 20% CMS, and 20%International Power.

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    ADWEAs IWP-Producers

    Arabian PowerCompany APCO

    Location:Umm Al Nar

    Abu Dhabi

    The capacities are 1,550 MW for electricity and 95MIGD for water. The company sells its production toADWEC.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA, and 40% consortium of:International Power, Tokyo Electricity, and Mitsui)

    Taweelah Asia

    Power Company



    Abu Dhabi

    Operating two power generation and desalinationplants. B plant and B2 extension) at Al Taweelahcompound with a total licensed capacity of 2,000 MWand 160 MIGD. The company sells its production toADWEC.

    Owners: 60 % ADWEA., and 40% consortium of :Marubeni Corporation of Japan, Powertek of Malaysia,BTU Group, and JGC of Japan.

    EmiratesSembCorp WPC



    at Qadfaa/Fujairah

    Produces 861MW of power and 100 MIGD ofdesalinated water. The majority of the water is beingtransferred to Abu Dhabi through a pipeline ownedand operated by TRANSCO. Owners: 60 % ADWEA.,

    and 40% Sembcorp Utilities of Singapore.

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    ADWEAs IWP-Producers

    Fujairah AsiaPower Company

    FAPCO- F2


    at Qadfaa/Fujairah

    The company generates 2000 MW of power anddesalinates 100 MIGD of potable water in addition to30 MIGD of potable water produced by reverseosmosis technology.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA, and 40% consortium of:

    International Power, and Marubeni

    Ruwais PowerCompany




    Abu Dhabi

    Project under development and aims to produce by2011/2012 a total 1600 MW of power and desalinate100 MIGD of potable water.

    Owners: 60% ADWEA and 40% consortium of:

    Suez Tractable, and Marubeni.

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    UAE National Electricity Map

    Arrows indicate power plantsSource: ADWEC

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    ADWEA Electricity DemandForecasts

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.10

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    Global & System Electricity Peak DemandForecasts



    Year (Winter 2008/2009)

    Source: ADWEC



    Rate: 1.4 GW per Year

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    12/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.12

    ADWEAs Regional Electricity Peak DemandForecast

    Source: ADWEC



    Year (Winter 2008/2009)



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    Global Electricity Peak Demand Forecast bySector

    Source: ADWEC



    Year (Winter 2008/2009)

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    Industrial Electricity Peak Demand Forecast

    Source: ADWEC


    Year (Winter 2008/2009)

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    Carbon Dioxide EmissionReduction

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.15

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    The UAE's CO2 emissions increasedfrom 60,809,000 tonnes in 1990 to94,163,000 tonnes in 2002.

    UAE has one of the highest per capitaemission rates in the world[Source:ADNOC-2009]. This is also knowfrom the Ecological Footprint.

    Due to better technology and transitionto more natural gas in power plants,emissions of CO2 per capita havedecreased.

    In 1990, the UAE emitted 32,6 tonnes CO2per person per year. In 2002, the figure haddropped to 25,1 tonnes per person per year,

    leaving UAE as number 4 on the topemitter per capita global ranking list.

    Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction

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    17/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.17

    Annual Fuel Consumption by Fuel Type













    1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

    Gas Crude Oil Gas Oil Fuel Oil

    Source: Operating Power and Desalination Plants in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

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    18/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.18

    Carbon Dioxide Calculated Emission fromPower Plants in Abu Dhabi Emirate

    CO2 Emission in Tons as calculated from fuel consumption.Year


    ion(Tons) CO2 Emission

    ForecastedAssuming No

    Reduction Attempts

    CO2 EmissionAs calculated

    based onHistorical FuelConsumptions

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    19/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.19

    Carbon Dioxide Calculated Emission fromPower Plants in Abu Dhabi Emirate (Contd)






    2 3E+12x+2E+15







    1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020


    Forecas Noreductiont

    Forecast 10%reduction

    Co2Emission 20%reduction

    CO2 EmissionAs calculated

    based on

    Historical FuelConsumptions

    CO2 EmissionForecasted

    Assuming No

    Reduction Attempts

    20% Reduction

    10% Reduction

    CO2 Emission Reduction in Tons as calculated from fuel consumption.

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    ADWEAs Ongoing Approach inCarbon Dioxide Emission Reduction

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.20

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    Monitoring of CO2 Emitted from ADWEAsfacilities at Abu Dhabi Emirate

    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.21

    Applying emission monitors, that are operatedand controlled by the operating companies.

    Seven ambient air quality monitoring stationsare located in the vicinity of the power &desalination plants. These stations are operatedand controlled by ADWEAs National Energy andWater Research Center.

    Indirectly monitoring and calculating carbonemission through monitoring the natural gasfuel consumption by each of ADWEAs power &

    desalination plant.

    ADWEA is monitoring the CO2 emitted from power anddesalination plants directly and indirectly, through:

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    23/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.23

    Transition to Cleaner Fuel: Natural Gas Fuel

    Energy generation by type ofgenerator in Abu Dhabi Emirate1998.

    Energy generation by type ofgenerator in Abu DhabiEmirate 2006.











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    24/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.24

    Transition to Renewable Energy ProductionSources: Support Renewable Energy Policy in

    the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

    ADWEA support the concept of theintroduction of renewable energy

    strategies, in the Emirate of Abu DhabisWater and Electricity Sector.

    In furtherance of such strategies,ADWEA in Conjunction with otherentities will develop tariffs and adopt amulti-phased approach to technologyselection in order to encourage andsupport the renewable energy

    companies to produce 5-7% of therequired power capacity.

    Several Solar pilot projects are ongoing

    for technology selection and power andefficiency optimization purposes.

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    25/28Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.25

    Transition toward Capture and Storage CarbonEmitted from Power & Desalination Plants

    Main Objectives:

    Demonstrate full systemoperation on actual flue gas.

    Prove the design concept

    feasibility in support of largescale demonstrations.

    Process improvement.

    Post-Combustion CO2

    Capture Pilot Testing Plant

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    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.26

    Remotely Control Power Consumption of DistrictStreet Lighting: Pilot Project

    Using high technologies, the street lighting systems ofdistricts can be dimmed during the day (almost after mid-night).

    Pilot project is conducted over 50 sites in Al Ain city toremotely control power consumption by street lightingsystem.

    This results in power reduction of 30%, which indirectlyreduce the carbon emission fro the power generationplants.

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    Carbon Capture & Storage & Cleaner Fossil Fuels Strategies Forum Jan. 21st, 2010 P.27


    ADWEA is doing its best effort to adhere with the AD ClimateChange Policy.

    Monitoring of carbon emission, air quality in the vicinity of power

    plants, natural gas fuel consumption, plant efficiency and systemupgrading is ongoing process that ADWEA is carrying out.

    ADWEA support the AD renewable energy policy and ADWEA is

    working in conjunction with other entities on developing tariffs.

    ADWEA adopt a multi-phased approach to technology selection inorder to encourage and support the renewable energy companies to

    produce 5-7% of the required power capacity.

    Several projects are implemented in pilot scales to reduce carbonemissions and to adopt renewable technologies as secondary

    energy green source.

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    Thank you..
