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Adversarial Attack on Skeleton-based HumanAction RecognitionJian Liu, Naveed Akhtar, and Ajmal Mian,

Abstract—Deep learning models achieve impressive perfor-mance for skeleton-based human action recognition. However,the robustness of these models to adversarial attacks remainslargely unexplored due to their complex spatio-temporal naturethat must represent sparse and discrete skeleton joints. This workpresents the first adversarial attack on skeleton-based actionrecognition with graph convolutional networks. The proposedtargeted attack, termed Constrained Iterative Attack for SkeletonActions (CIASA), perturbs joint locations in an action sequencesuch that the resulting adversarial sequence preserves the tempo-ral coherence, spatial integrity, and the anthropomorphic plau-sibility of the skeletons. CIASA achieves this feat by satisfyingmultiple physical constraints, and employing spatial skeleton re-alignments for the perturbed skeletons along with regularizationof the adversarial skeletons with Generative networks. We alsoexplore the possibility of semantically imperceptible localizedattacks with CIASA, and succeed in fooling the state-of-the-artskeleton action recognition models with high confidence. CIASAperturbations show high transferability for black-box attacks.We also show that the perturbed skeleton sequences are ableto induce adversarial behavior in the RGB videos created withcomputer graphics. A comprehensive evaluation with NTU andKinetics datasets ascertains the effectiveness of CIASA for graph-based skeleton action recognition and reveals the imminent threatto the spatio-temporal deep learning tasks in general.

Index Terms—Adversarial attack, Adversarial examples, Ac-tion recognition, Skeleton actions, Adversarial perturbations,Spatio-temporal.


Skeleton representation provides the advantage of captur-ing accurate human pose information while being invari-ant to action-irrelevant details such as scene background,clothing patterns and illumination conditions. This makesskeleton-based action recognition an appealing approach [1]–[6]. The problem is also interesting for multiple applica-tion domains, including security, surveillance, animation andhuman-computer interactions etc. Recent contributions in thisdirection predominantly exploit deep models to encode spatio-temporal dependencies of the skeleton sequences [7]–[10], andachieve remarkable recognition accuracy on benchmark actiondatasets [11]–[14].

Although deep learning has been successfully applied tomany complex problems, it is now known that deep modelsare vulnerable to adversarial attacks [15], [16]. These attackscan alter model predictions at will by adding imperceptibleperturbations to the input. After the discovery of this intriguingweakness of deep learning [15], many adversarial attacks havesurfaced for a variety of vision tasks [17]–[20]. Developingand investigating these attacks not only enhances our under-standing of the inner workings of the neural networks [21], but

Fig. 1. Constrained Iterative Attack for Skeleton Actions (CIASA) schematics.Model gradients are computed for input action sequence to iteratively min-imise the model’s loss for a target label in small step, while accounting forthe relevant spatio-temporal constraints. A generator-discriminator frameworkfurther ensures anthropomorphic plausibility of the sekeltons. Besides cross-model transferability, the attack can also affect RGB videos generated withcomputer graphics using the skeletons perturbed by CIASA.

also provides valuable insights for improving the robustnessof deep learning in practical adversarial settings.

Deep models for skeleton-based action recognition mayalso be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, adversarialattacks on these models are yet to be explored. A majorchallenge in this regard is that the skeleton data representationdiffers significantly from image representation, for which theexisting attacks are primarily designed. Human skeleton datais sparse and discrete that evolves over time in rigid spatialconfigurations. This prevents an attacker from freely modi-fying the skeletons without raising obvious attack suspicions.Skeleton actions also allow only subtle perturbations along thetemporal dimension to preserve the natural action dynamics. Insummary, adversarial attacks on skeleton data must carefullyaccount for the skeleton’s spatial integrity, temporal coher-ence and anthropomorphic plausibility. Otherwise, the attack








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may be easily detectable. These challenges have so far keptskeleton-based action recognition models away from beingscrutinized for adversarial robustness.

In this work, we present the first adversarial attack on deepskeleton action recognition. In particular, we attack the (most)promising branch of graph convolutional networks [22] forskeleton-based action recognition [8]. These models representactions as spatio-temporal graphs that encode intra-body andinter-frame connections as edges, and body joints as nodes.Graph convolution operations are leveraged to model thespatio-temporal dependencies within the skeleton sequences.The physical significance of nodes and edges in these modelsimposes unique constraints over the potential attacks. Forinstance, the graph nodes for a skeleton sequence can not beadded or removed because the number of joints in the skeletonmust remain fixed. Similarly, the lengths of intra-body edges inthe graph can not be altered arbitrarily as they represent bones.Moreover, inter-frame edges must always connect the samejoints along the temporal dimension. Rooted in the skeletondata, such constraints thoroughly distinguish the adversarialattacks on skeleton-based action recognition models from theattacks developed for other kinds of graph networks [23].

We develop an iterative scheme called Constrained IterativeAttack for Skeleton Actions (CIASA), to generate the desiredadversarial skeleton sequences, see Fig. 1. For a given action,CIASA iteratively perturbs its skeleton sequence in small stepsto minimize the model prediction loss for a pre-selected targetclass while satisfying multiple physical constraints to keepthe resulting adversarial sequence natural. In particular, itaccounts for spatio-temporal constraints that preserve intra-skeleton joint connections, inter-frame joint connections, andthe skeleton bone lengths using a mechanism termed ‘spatialskeleton realignment’. For perturbation imperceptibility, itrestricts the `∞-norm of the added noise. Additionally, itimposes external temporal dynamics constraints for imper-ceptible evolution of the adversarial patterns in the skeletonsequence. To further ensure anthropomorphic plausibility ofthe adversarial skeleton sequence, it exploits the GenerativeAdversarial Network (GAN) framework [24]. The used GANconfiguration reduces the difference between the distributionof adversarial samples generated by our iterative scheme andthe clean ground truth samples.

We analyze the proposed attack by allowing different modesin which CIASA can be used by an attacker. Analogous tostandard image based attacks, we allow perturbation of allskeleton joints in the basic mode. In a localized mode, weprovide the flexibility of perturbing only localized regions,e.g. legs of skeleton. This type of attack is particularly suitableto skeleton actions where an attacker may independently altermotion of the least relevant joints for an action to changethe prediction. We also introduce an advanced attack modethat further allows a hierarchical magnitude variation in jointperturbations based on the graph structure of the joints.

The notion of localized perturbation also leads to semanti-cally imperceptible perturbations under CIASA where signif-icant perturbation still remains hard to perceive because it isapplied to the least significant joints for the original actionsemantics. Besides demonstrating high fooling rates for the

state-of-the-art graph skeleton action recognition model ST-GCN [8] on NTU [11] and Kinetics [25] datasets, we alsoshow high cross-model transferability of the proposed attack.Additionally, we show that videos generated (using computergraphics) from the adversarial skeletons (CIASA’s advancedmode) result in lower action recognition accuracy implyingthat the attack can be launched in the real world. To the bestof our knowledge, this is the first of its kind demonstrationof transferability of adversarial attacks beyond a single datamodality.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. We reviewthe related literature in Section II. The relevant concepts ofgraph skeleton action recognition are revisited in Section IIIalong with the problem formulation. In Section IV, we givethe implementation details of the proposed attack scheme.Experimental results are provided in Section V. The articleconcludes in Section VI.


A. Skeleton-based Action Recognition

The use of skeleton data in action recognition becomespopular as reliable skeleton data can be obtained from modernRGB-D sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect), or extracted fromimages taken from a single RGB camera [26]. A skeletonaction is represented as a sequence of human skeletons, whichencode rich spatio-temporal information regarding humanmotions. Early research in skeleton-based action recognitionformulated skeleton joints and their temporal variations astrajectories [2]. Huang et al. [27] incorporated the Lie groupstructure into the task, and transformed the high-dimensionalLie group trajectory into temporally aligned Lie group featuresfor skeleton-based action recognition.

To leverage the power of convolutional neural network, Duet al. [3] represented a skeleton sequence as a matrix byconcatenating the joint coordinates. The matrix is arrangedas an image which can be fed into CNN for recognition. Sim-ilarly, Ke et al. [5] transformed a skeleton sequence into threeclips of gray-scale images that encode spatial dependenciesbetween the joints by inserting reference joints. To fit thetarget neural networks, these methods re-size the transformedimages. Liu et al. [28] proposed a universal unit “skepxel” tocreate images of arbitrary dimensions for CNN processing.In addition to CNNs, Recurrent Neural Networks are alsoemployed to model temporal dependencies in skeleton basedhuman action analysis [29]–[31].

To directly process the sparse skeleton data with neuralnetworks, graph convolutional network (GCN) [22] is usedfor action recognition. Since GCN is particularly relevant tothis work, we review its relevant literature and application toaction recognition in more detail.

B. Graph Convolution Networks

The topology of human skeleton joints is a typical graphstructure, where the joints and bones are respectively inter-preted as graph nodes and edges. Consequently, there havebeen several recent attempts in modeling human skeleton

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actions using graph representation and exploiting the spatio-temporal dependencies in skeleton sequences with the help ofgraph-based convolutional network (GCN).

Yan et al. [8] used graph convolutional networks as aspatial-temporal model (ST-GCN) that aims to capture embed-ded patterns in the spatial configuration of skeleton joints andtheir temporal dynamics simultaneously. Along the skeletonsequence, they defined a graph convolution operation, wherethe input is the joint coordinate vectors on the graph nodes.The convolution kernel samples the neighboring joints withinthe skeleton frame as well as the temporally connected jointsat a defined temporal range.

Tang et al. [32] incorporated deep reinforcement learningwith graph neural network to recognize skeleton-based actions.Their model distills the most informative skeleton frames anddiscards the ambiguous ones. As opposed to previous workswhere joints dependency is limited in the real physical con-nection (intrinsic dependency), they proposed extrinsic jointdependency, which exploits the relationship between jointsthat have physical disconnection. Since, graph representationof skeleton is crucial to graph convolution, Gao et al. [33]formulated the skeleton graph representation as an optimiza-tion problem, and proposed graph regression to statisticallylearn the underlying graph from multiple observations. Thelearned sparse graph pattern links both physical and non-physical edges of skeleton joints, along with the spatio-temporal dimension of the skeleton action sequences.

To justify the importance of bones’ motions in skeletonaction recognition, Zhang et al. [34] focused on skeletonbones and extended the graph convolution from graph nodes tograph edges. Their proposed graph edge convolution definesa receptive field of edges, which consists of a center edgeand its spatio-temporal neighbours. By combining the graphedge and node convolutions, they proposed a two-stream graphneural network, which achieved remarkable performances onbenchmark datasets. Similarly, Shi et al. [35] also proposed atwo-stream framework to model joints and bones informationsimultaneously.

C. Adversarial Attacks on Graph Data

Adversarial attacks [15] have recently attracted significantresearch attention [36], resulting in few attacks on graph dataas well. However, compared to the adversarial attacks forimage data [16], [37]–[39], several new challenges appearin attacking graph data [40]. First, the graph structure andfeatures of graph nodes are in discrete domain with certain pre-defined structures, which leaves a lower degree of freedom forcreating adversarial perturbations. Second, the imperceptibilityof adversarial perturbations in graph data is neither easy todefine nor straightforward to achieve, as the discrete graphdata inherently prevents infinitesimal small changes [23].

Dai et al. [41] focused on attacking structural information,i.e. adding/deleting graph edges, to launch adversarial attackson graph structured data. Given the gradient information oftarget classifier, one of their proposed attacks modifies thegraph edges that are most likely to change the objective. Inaddition to modifying graph edges, Zugner et al. [23] adopted

an attack strategy to modify the graph node features as wellas graph edge structure. To ensure the imperceptibility ofadversarial perturbations, they designed constraints based onpower-law [42] to preserve the degree distribution of graphstructures and feature statistics.

Being atypical graph data, human skeletons have severalunique properties. In a human skeleton, the graph edgesrepresent rigid human bones, which connect finite number ofhuman joints to form a standard spatial configuration. Unlikegraph data with mutable graph structure (e.g. social networkgraph [43]), the human bones are fixed in terms of bothjoint connections and bone lengths. This property implies thatattacking human skeletons by adding or deleting bones willbe detected easily by observers. The hierarchical nature ofhuman skeleton data is also different from normal graph data,as in human skeleton the motion of children joints/bones areaffected by their parents’ behaviours. This chain-like motionkinetics of human skeletons must be considered when launch-ing adversarial attacks on skeleton actions. Hence, despite theexistence of adversarial attacks on graph data, robustness ofskeleton based human action recognition against adversarialattacks remains largely unexplored.

In this work, we specifically focus on adversarial attacks onhuman skeleton sequences to fool skeleton-based action recog-nition models. To design effective and meaningful attacks, wetake the spatial and temporal attributes of skeleton data intoaccount while creating the adversarial perturbations. Due toits wide-spread use in graph convolution network based actionrecognition, we select ST-GCN [8] as our target model, andlaunch our attack against it. However, our attack is genericfor similar graph based model. In the section to follow, weformulate our problem in the context of skeleton based humanaction recognition.


To formulate the problem, we first briefly revisit thespatio-temporal graph convolutional network ST-GCN [8]for skeleton-based action recognition. Using this prerequisiteknowledge, we subsequently formalize our problem of adver-sarial attacks on skeleton action recognition.

A. Revisiting ST-GCN

An action in skeleton domain is represented as a sequence ofT skeleton frames, where every skeleton consists of N bodyjoints. Given such N × T volumes of joints, an undirectedspatio-temporal graph G = (V,E) can be constructed, whereV denotes the node set of graph and E is the edge set. Here,V = {vti|t = 1, . . . , T, i = 1, . . . , N} encodes the skeletonjoints. An element ‘v’ of this set can also be considered toencode a joint’s Cartesian coordinates. Two kinds of graphedges E are defined for joints, namely; intra-body edge ES

and inter-frame edge EF . Specifically, ES is representedas an N × N adjacency matrix of graph nodes, where thematrix element ESij = 1|i 6= j identifies that a physical boneconnection exists between the body joint vi and vj . The inter-frame edges EF denotes the connections of the same joints

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between consecutive frames, which can also be treated astemporal trajectories of the skeleton joints.

Given the spatio-temporal skeleton graph G, a graph con-volution operation is defined by extending the conventionalimage-based convolution. Along the spatial dimension, graphconvolution is conducted on a graph node vi around itsneighboring nodes vj ∈ B(vi):

fout(vi) =∑



Zi(vj)fin(vj) · w(li(vj)), (1)

where B is the sampling function to define a neighboringnode set for the joint vi, fin is the input feature map, w isthe weight function which indexes convolution weight vectorsbased on the labels of neighboring nodes vj , and Zi(vj) is thenumber of neighboring nodes to normalize the inner product.The labels of neighboring nodes are assigned with a labellingfunction l : B(vi) → {0, . . . ,K − 1}, where K definesthe spatial kernel size. ST-GCN employs different skeletonpartitioning strategies for the labelling purpose. To conductgraph convolution in spatio-temporal dimensions, the samplingfunction B(v) and the labelling function l(v) are extendedto cover a pre-defined temporal range Γ, which decides thetemporal kernel size.

ST-GCN [8] adopts the implementation of graph convolu-tion network in [22] to create a 9-layer neural network withtemporal kernel size Γ = 9 for each layer. Starting from 64,the number of channels is doubled for every 3 layers. Theresulting tensor is pooled at the last layer to produce a featurevector ffinal ∈ R256, which is fed to a Softmax classifier forpredicting the action label. The network mapping function iscompactly represented as:

ZG,c = Fθ(V,E) = arg max < softmax(ffinal) >, (2)

where θ denotes the network parameters. We use ZG,c todenote the probability of assigning spatio-temporal skeletongraph G to class c ∈ C = {1, 2, . . . , ck}. After training,the network parameters are fine-tuned to minimize the crossentropy loss between the predicted class c and the ground truthcgt that maximizes the probability ZG,c|c = cgt for the datasetunder consideration.

B. Adversarial Attack on Skeleton Action Recognition

Given an original spatio-temporal skeleton graph G0 =(V 0, E0), and a trained ST-GCN model Fθ, our goal is toapply adversarial perturbation to the graph G0, resulting ina perturbed graph G′ = (V ′, E′) that satisfies the followingbroad constraint:

ZG′,c = Fθ(V ′, E′), s.t. c 6= cgt (3)

Below, we examine this objective from various aspects tocompute effective adversarial perturbations for the skeletonaction recognition.

1) Feature and structure perturbations : As explained inSection III-A, V denotes the skeleton joints whose elementscan be represented as the Cartesian coordinates of joints,e.g. vti : {xti, yti, zti}. For a particular node vti in the skeletongraph G, an adversarial attack can change its original location

such that v′ti = v0ti+ρti, where ρti ∈ R3 is the adversarial per-turbation for the node vti. We refer to this type of perturbationas feature perturbation. Alternatively, one can define structureperturbation that aims at changing the adjacency relationshipin a graph such that E′ij 6= E0

ij |i, j ∈ V , where V denotes theset of affected graph nodes.

In a spatio-temporal skeleton graph G, perturbing edgeshave strong physical implications. Recall that intra-body con-nections of joints define the rigid bones within a skeleton,and inter-frame connections define the temporal movements ofthe joints. Changes to these connections can lead to skeletonsequences that cannot be interpreted as any meaningful humanaction. Hence, the objective in Eq. 3 must further be con-strained to preserve the graph structure while computing theperturbation. To account for that, we must modify the overallconstraint to:

ZG′,c = Fθ(V ′, E0), s.t. c 6= cgt. (4)

2) Perturbation imperceptibility: Imperceptibility is animportant attribute of adversarial attacks, as adversaries arelikely to fool deep models in unnoticeable ways. Here, weexplore perturbation imperceptibility in the context of skeletonactions. This leads to further constraints that must be satisfiedwhen launching adversarial attacks on a skeleton graph G.

For the conventional image data, imperceptibility of pertur-bations is typically achieved by restricting ‖ρ‖p < ξ, where‖ · ‖p denotes the `p-norm of a vector with p ∈ [0,∞), andξ is a pre-defined constant [44]. For the skeleton graph data,however, the graph structure is discrete and graph nodes aredependent on each other, which makes it more challengingto keep a valid perturbation fully imperceptible. We tacklethe challenge of perceptibility for skeleton perturbations frommultiple point of views that results in multiple constraints forthe overall objective, as explained in the following paragraphs.

Joints variation constraint:Focusing on feature perturbation on skeleton graph, the

location of a target skeleton joint is changed such that v′ti =v0ti + ρti. It is intuitive to constrain ρ of every target jointin a small range to avoid breaking the spatial integrity of theskeleton. Hence, we employ the following constraint:

‖ρti‖∞ 6 εi | t ∈ [1, . . . , T ]; i ∈ [1, . . . , N ], (5)

where ‖ · ‖∞ denotes `∞-norm, and εi is a pre-fixed constant.By restricting the joint variations to a small `∞-ball, weencourage perturbation imperceptibility. From the implemen-tation view point, when the ball radius ε is constant for alljoints, we call it global clipping of the perturbed joints, andwhen the value of εi is joint-dependent, we call it hierarchicalclipping.

Bone length constraint:In a skeleton graph G, the intra-body graph connections

ES represent rigid human bones, hence their lengths must bepreserved despite the perturbations. In the case of ESij = 1|i 6=j, the length of the bone between joint i and j at frame t can becalculated as Bij,t = ‖vti−vtj‖2. After applying perturbationsto the graph, the new bone length B′ij,t = ‖v′ti−v′tj‖2 should

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satisfy the following:

Bij,t = B′ij,t | t ∈ [1, . . . , T ] s.t. ESij = 1. (6)

Temporal dynamics constraint: Due to the spatio-temporalnature of skeleton action graphs, we disentangle the restric-tions over perturbations into spatial and temporal constrains.Previous paragraphs mainly focused on the spatial constraints.Here, we analyze the problem from a temporal perspective.

A skeleton action is a sequence of skeleton frames thattransit smoothly along the temporal dimension. A skeletonperturbation may lead to random jitters in the temporal tra-jectories of the joints and compromise the smooth tempo-ral dynamics of the target skeleton action. To address thisproblem, we impose an explicit temporal constraint overthe perturbations. Inspired by [26], we penalize accelerationof the perturbed joints to enforce temporal stability. Givenconsecutive perturbed skeleton frames f ′t−1,f ′t , and f ′t+1, theacceleration is calculated as f ′t = f ′t+1 + f ′t−1 − 2f ′t . Notethat, f ′t = {v′ti|i = 1, . . . , N}, where N is the number ofperturbed skeleton joints. The calculation of acceleration isconducted on individual joints. We optimize our attacker, A(discussed further below) by including the following temporalsmoothness loss in the overall objective:

Lsmooth(A) =1

T − 1


f ′t =1

T − 1



v′ti, (7)

where T denotes the number of time steps considered. In thetext to follow, we use f ′t to denote the joint acceleration fornotational simplification.

3) Anthropomorphic plausibility: After adversarial pertur-bation is applied to a skeleton, the resulting skeleton canbecome anthropomorphically implausible. For instance, theperturbed arms and legs may bend unnaturally, or significantself-intersections may occur within the perturbed armature.Such unnatural behaviour can easily raise attack suspicions.Therefore, this potential behavior needs to be regularized whilecomputing the perturbations.

Let P define the distribution of natural skeleton graphs.A sample graph G0 is drawn from this distribution withprobability P(G0). We can treat an adversarial skeleton’sgraph G′ to be a sample of another similar distribution P ′. Thelatter distribution should closely resemble the former under therestriction of minimal perturbation of joints and anthropomor-phic plausibility of the skeletons. Hence, to obtain effectiveadversarial skeletons we aim at reducing the distribution gapbetween P and P ′. To that end, we employ a Generative Ad-versarial Network (GAN) [24] to learn appropriate distributionin a data-driven manner.

Specifically, we model a skeleton action ‘attacker’ as afunction A such that G′ = A(G0). In the common GAN setup,the attacker can be interpreted as a generator of perturbedskeletons (see Fig. 1). We set up a binary classification networkas the discriminator D. The discriminator accepts either thenatural graph G or the perturbed graph G′ as its input, andpredicts the probability that the input graph came from P .The G and G′ are kept ‘unpaired’, implying G and G0 aredifferent graphs sampled from the distribution P . To formulate

the adversarial learning process, we leverage the least squaresobjective [45] to train the attacker A and the discriminator Dusing the following loss functions:

Ladv(A) = EG′∼P′ [(D(G′)− 1)2], (8)

Ladv(D) = EG∼P [(D(G)− 1)2] + EG′∼P′ [D(G′)2]. (9)

During training, A and D are optimized jointly. We discussthe related implementation details in Section IV.

4) Localized joint perturbation: Unlike the pixel space ofimages, a skeleton action graph has highly discrete structurealong both spatial and temporal dimensions. This discretenessposes unconventional challenges for adversarial attacks inthis domain. Nevertheless, it also gives rise to interestinginvestigation directions. For instance, it is intriguing to de-vise a localized adversarial attack which fools the model byperturbing only a particular part of the skeleton graph. If weclosely observe a skeleton action, it is clear that differentbody joints contribute differently to our perception of actions.Additionally, most of the human actions are recognizableby the motion patterns associated with the dominant bodyparts, e.g. arms and legs. Such observations make localizedperturbations particularly relevant to the skeleton data.

Localized joint perturbations allow for less variations in theoverall skeleton, which is beneficial for imperceptibility. Theyalso provide a controlled injection of regional modification tothe target skeleton action. To allow that, we define a subsetof joints within a skeleton as the attack region. Only thejoints in that region are modified for localized perturbations.Consequently, all the constraints in Section III-B2 still holdfor the attack.


A. One-Step Attack

First, we adopt the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) [16]as a primitive attack to create skeleton perturbation V ′ in asingle step. This adoption allows us to put our attack in abetter context for the active community in the direction ofadversarial attacks. For the FGSM based attack in our setup,the perturbation computation can be expressed as:

V ′ = V 0 + ε sign(∇V 0L(Fθ(V 0, E0), cgt)) (10)

where Fθ denotes trained ST-GCN [8] model, L is the cross-entropy loss for action recognition, and ∇V 0 is the derivativeoperation that computes the gradient of ST-GCN loss w.r.t. V 0,given the current model parameters θ and the ground truthaction label cgt. The sign of gradient is scaled with a parameterε, and added to the original graph V 0. The FGSM-based attackis computationally efficient as it takes only a single step in thedirection of increasing the recognition loss of the target model.

The basic FGSM attack does not specify the label for themisclassified action, and therefore is a ‘non-targeted’ attack.If we specify a particular label for cgt in Eq. 10, and subtractthe gradient’s sign from the original graph V 0 (instead ofadding it, as in Eq. 10) the resulting attack becomes a targetedattack [46] that is likely to change the predicted label of theconsidered action to a pre-specified label.

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B. Iterative Attack

The FGSM attack takes a single step over the model costsurface to increase the loss for the given input. An intuitiveextension of this notion is to iteratively take multiple stepswhile adjusting the step direction [47]. For the iterative attack,we also adopt the same technique for the skeleton graph input.However, here we focus on targeted attacks. This is because(a) targeted attacks are more interesting for the real-worldapplications, and (b) non-targeted attacks can essentially beconsidered a degenerate case of the targeted attack, wherethe target label is chosen at random. Hence, an effectivetargeted attack already ensures non-targeted model fooling.To implement, we specify the desired target class and takemultiple steps in the direction of decreasing the predictionloss of the model for the target class.

We implement the iterative targeted attack while enforcingthe constraints discussed in Section III-B2. The resulting al-gorithm is termed as Constrained Iterative Attack for SkeletonActions (CIASA). At the core of CIASA is the followingiterative process:

V ′0 = V 0; V ′N+1 = C(V ′N − α (∇V ′NLCIASA(V ′N , ctarget))),

(11)At each iteration, V ′N is adjusted towards the direction ofminimizing the overall CIASA loss LCIASA using a step sizeα. This is equivalent to a gradient descent iteration with αas the learning rate, where the skeleton graph V ′N is treatedas the model parameter. Hence, we directly exploit the AdamOptimizer [48] in the PyTorch library1 for this computation.The operation C(.) in Eq. 11 truncates and realigns the valuesin its argument with pre-set conditions, explained below.

In Eq. 11, the overall CIASA loss LCIASA consists of thefollowing components:

LCIASA = Lpred + λ(Lsmooth + Ladv)) (12)

where Lpred is the cross-entropy loss of the model predictionon V ′ for the desired target class ctarget. Lsmooth is thetemporal smoothness loss calculated according to Eq. 7. GANregularization loss Ladv is a combination of Ladv(A) andLadv(D) given in Eq. 8 and Eq. 9. λ is a weighting hyper-parameter to balance the individual loss components.

Implementing the process identified by Eq. 11 produces theperturbed skeleton V ′ that fools the model into miscalssifyingthe original action as ctarget, while complying to the spatio-temporal constraints derived in the previous Sections. Thepseudo-code of implementing the process of Eq. 11 as CIASAis presented in Algorithm 1. The algorithm starts with aforward-pass of V ′ through the target model Fθ(), i.e. ST-GCN. The respective losses are then computed to form theoverall CIASA loss LCIASA. At line 6, Ladv is computed asthe accumulation of the losses defined in Eq. 8 and Eq. 9.Here, we replace G with V based on the algorithm context.Dω denotes the discriminator network which is parameterizedby ω. Note that, the real data V and the perturbed data V ′

are unpaired, as discussed in Sect. III-B3. On line 8, thegradient information is obtained through the back propagation


Algorithm 1 Constrained iterative attacker A to fool skeleton-base action recognition.Input: Original graph nodes V 0 ∈ R3×N×T , trained ST-GCNmodel Fθ(), desired target class ctarget, perturbation clippingfactor ε, max iter=M , learning rate αOutput: Perturbed graph nodes V ′ ∈ R3×N×T .

1: set initial V ′ = V 0

2: while i < M do3: feed forward Z = Fθ(V ′)4: Lpred = CrossEntroyLoss(Z, ctarget)

5: Lsmooth = 1T−1

∑Tt=2 f


6: Ladv = (Dω(V ′)− 1)2 + (Dω(V )− 1)2 +Dω(V ′)2

7: LCIASA = Lpred + λ(Lsmooth + Ladv)8: (LCIASA).Backward()⇒ gradients

9: V ′, ω = AdamOptimizer([V ′, ω], gradients)

10: if |V ′ − V 0| > ε then11: V ′ = Clip(V ′) ∼ [V 0 − ε, V 0 + ε])

12: end if13: Skeleton realignment V ′ = SSR(V′)

14: i = i+ 1

15: end while16: return V ′

operation denoted as ‘.Backward()’. We employ the AdamOptimizer [48] to update the skeleton joints V ′ and thediscriminator parameters ω. Clipping operation is then appliedto truncate V ′ to pre-set ranges. In our case, the scaling factorε restricts the `∞-norm of the perturbation at graph nodes.For global clipping, ε ∈ R is a scalar value that results inequal clipping on all joints. For the hierarchical clipping,ε ∈ RN defines different clipping strengths for differentjoint. The clipping imposes the joint variation constraintover the perturbations. To impose the bone length constraint,Spatial Skeleton Realignment (SSR) is proposed to realignthe skeleton bones within the clipped V ′ according to theoriginal bone lengths. Note that the operations of clipping andrealignment constitute the function C(.) shown in Eq. 11. Weempirically set the weight factor λ as 10, and the base learningrate for the Adam Optimizer α as 0.01. Below we discuss theimplementation of SSR and discriminator network D.

1) Spatial Skeleton Realignment: We propose SpatialSkeleton Realignment (SSR) to preserve the bone lengthconstraint as we perturb the skeleton graph. SSR is executedat each iteration after V ′ is updated and clipped in order torealign every perturbed skeleton frame based on the originalbone lengths. Specifically, for every updated skeleton joint v′j ,we find its parent joint v′i along the intra-body edge ES . Thebone between joints i and j is defined as a vector b′ij = v′j−v′i.Then, we modify the joint v′j along the vector direction b′ij tomeet the constraint in Eq 6. The modification applied to v′jis also applied to all of its children/grandchildren joints. Tocomplete the SSR, the above process starts from the root jointand propagates through the whole skeleton.

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2) GAN Regularization: To enforce the anthropomorphicplausibility of the perturbed skeleton action, the adversarialregularization term Ladv is optimized jointly with the otherattack objectives. Taking per-frame skeleton feature map, sayX as the input, a discriminator network D is trained to classifythe skeleton as fake or real (i.e. perturbed v.s original), whilethe attacker A is competing with D to increase the probabilityof the perturbed skeleton being classified as real.

We leverage the angles between skeleton bones to constructthe feature map X . For a pair of bones bij and buv , thecorresponding element in the feature map is defined as thecosine distance between the bones as:

xij−uv =bij · buv‖bij‖‖buv‖


We select a group of major bones to construct the feature mapX , while insignificant bones of fingers and toes are excludedto avoid unnecessary noise. The resulting feature map hasdimension X ∈ RC,H,W , where C = 1, and H = W equalsto the number of selected bones. We model D as a binaryclassification network that consists of two convolution layersand one fully-connected layer. The convolution kernel size is3, and the number of channels produced by the convolutionis 32. D outputs values in the range [0, 1], signifying theprobability that X is a real sample.


Below we evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed attackfor skeleton-based action recognition. We examine differentattack modes on standard skeleton action datasets. We alsodemonstrate the transferability of attack and explore general-ization of the computed adversarial perturbations beyond theskeleton data modality. Lastly, an ablation study is provided tohighlight the contributions of various constraints to the overallfooling rate achieved by the proposed attack.

A. Dataset and Evaluation Metric

NTU RGB+D: NTU RGB+D Human Activity Dataset iscollected with Kinect v2 camera and includes 56,880 actionsamples. Each action has RGB, depth, skeleton and infra-reddata associated with it. However, we are only concerned withthe skeleton data in this work. For the skeleton-based actionrecognition with ST-GCN, we follow the standard protocolsdefined in [11], i.e. cross-subject and cross-view recognition.Accordingly, two different ST-GCN models are used in ourexperiments, one for each protocol. We denote these modelsas NTUXS and NTUXV for cross-subject and cross-viewrecognition. While the original dataset is split into trainingand testing sets, we only manipulate the testing set, as noseparate training data is required for the attack.

Kinetics: Kinetics dataset [25] is a large unconstrainedaction dataset with 400 action classes. For skeleton-basedaction recognition using this data, the original ST-GCN [8]first uses OpenPose [49], [50] to estimate 2D skeletons with18 body joints. Then, the estimation confidence ‘c’ for everyjoint is concatenated to its 2D coordinates (x, y) to form a tuple(x,y,c). The tuples for all joints in a skeleton are collectively

considered as an input sample by the ST-GCN model. For theadversarial attack, we mask the channel of confidence valuesand only perturb the (x,y) components for the Kinetics dataset.

Evaluation metric: The evaluation metric used to evaluatethe success of adversarial attacks is known as fooling rate [36].It indicates the percentage of data samples over which themodel changes its predicted label after the samples have beenadversarially perturbed. In the adversarial attacks literature,this is the most commonly used metric to evaluate an attack’sperformance [36]. In the case of targeted attacks, it determinesthe percentage of the samples successfully misclassified as thetarget label after the attack.

B. Non-targeted Attack

Since this is the first work in the direction of attackingskeleton-based action recognition, it is important to put ourattacking technique into perspective. Hence, we first conducta simpler non-targeted attack on NTU and Kinetics datasetsusing the one-step attack discussed in Section IV-A, Eq. (10).We compute the fooling rates for both datasets under differentvalues of the perturbation scaling factor ε. Both cross-view andcross-subject protocols were considered in this experiment forthe NTU dataset. The fooling rates achieved with the one-stepmethod for various ε values are summarized in Fig. 2. Ascan be seen, the non-targeted fooling is reasonably successfulunder the proposed formulation of the problem for skeleton-based action recognition. The fooling rates for all protocolsremain higher than 90% once the ε value reaches 0.02. Thisis still a reasonably small perturbation value that is equivalentto one twentieth of the average skeleton height.

To visualize perturbed skeletons, Fig. 3(a) shows a success-ful attack on NTU dataset for cross-view fooling. The originaland perturbed skeletons are plotted with green and red colorsrespectively. Note that, in this illustration and the examplesto follow, we provide a positional offset between differentskeletons for better visualization. For the shown sequenceof skeleton frames, the original label is ‘Brush hair’, that ispredicted as ‘Wipe face’ after the attack is performed. Thetemporal dimension evolves from left to right. Ignoring thepositional offset, it is easy to see that the perturbation generallyremains hard to perceive in the skeleton.

C. Targeted Attack

We use the proposed CIASA attacker explained in Sec-tion IV-B, Alg. 1 to conduct targeted attacks on both NTU andKinetics datasets. We specify the least-likely action predictionof the ST-GCN models as the target label ctarget as describedin Eq. 11, implying that the most challenging misclassificationtarget is chosen to launch attacks. CIASA is configured tolaunch attacks in three modes; namely, basic mode, localizedmode, and advanced mode. Below we discuss these modesalong the experimental results.

Figure 3(b) shows an example of CIASA attack in the basicmode. We apply the global clipping discussed in Section III-B2in this attack mode, where all the skeleton joints are perturbedwith the same scaling factor ε = 0.02. With this setting, theoriginal action of ‘Cheer up’ in Figure 3(b) is misinterpreted

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Fig. 2. Fooling rates (%) achieved by one-step non-targeted attack withdifferent perturbation scaling factors for NTU and Kinetics datasets. Bothcross-subject NTUXS and cross-view NTUXV protocols are considered forthe NTU dataset.




ε (× 1e-3) 4 6 8 10 12

Kinetics 82.5 92.5 96.5 97.5 99.3NTUXS 89.4 96.6 98.7 99.2 99.8NTUXV 78.2 85.5 93.3 98.9 99.6

as ‘Kicking’ with confidence score 99.4%. In the basic mode,the comparison of fooling rates with different ε values for thetwo benchmark datasets are summarized in Table I. Firstly,the results demonstrate successful fooling even for very low εvalues. Secondly, it is noteworthy that for similar ε values,higher fooling rates are generally achieved by CIASA fortargeted fooling as compared to the non-targeted fooling of theone step method in Fig. 2. This demonstrates the strength ofCIASA as a targeted attack. In our experiments, we observedthat the least-likely label of ST-GCN model remains similarfor multiple actions. Whereas the presented results do notdiversify the target labels of such actions to strictly follow theevaluation protocol, it is possible to manually do so. Looseningthe evaluation criterion on these lines will further improve thefooling rate of CIASA.

In Fig. 3(c), we shows an example of CIASA attack inthe localized mode, where the localized joint perturbationdiscussed in Section III-B4 is applied. In this example, twolegs of skeleton are set to be the attack regions, which allow8 active joints for perturbations. The remaining joints areunaffected by the computed perturbations. Compared to thebasic mode, fewer joints contribute to the overall perturbationin the localized mode. To compensate for the reduced numberof active joints, we loose the perturbation scaling factor and setε to 0.08 for this experiment. For the shown example, CIASAachieves fooling with 93.2% confidence for this mode, whichis still competitive to the 99.4% confidence in the basic mode.




Attack region set-1 set-2 set-3 set-4

NTUXS 90.8 93.3 61.3 83.3NTUXV 85.2 91.7 60.0 81.7

To further evaluate the localized mode of CIASA withdifferent attack regions, we split the skeleton joints into 4 sets,as illustrated in Fig. 4. Then, we conduct CIASA localizedattack on NTU dataset for the 4 sets separately. Global clippingis applied for these experiments with the scaling factor ε =0.04. The chosen value of ε is intentionally kept lower than thatin Fig. 3(c) because we focus on analysing the fooling prowessof different attack regions instead of simply achieving highfooling rates for all the regions. The results of our experimentsare summarized in Table II. It is clear that the CIASA localizedattack achieves impressive fooling rates by perturbing only asmall set of joints within the skeleton. In addition, differentsets of active joints affect the fooling performance differently.In Table II, set-1 and set-2 achieve higher fooling rates thanthe other two sets. This can be explained by the observationthat many dominant movements in the NTU dataset occur atthe upper part of human body.

We also extend the localized mode of CIASA to an ad-vanced mode by replacing the global clipping by hierarchicalclipping discussed in Section III-B2. In that case, the scalarclipping value ε is replaced by ε ∈ RN , where N is the numberof active joints to be perturbed. Here, we allow various activejoints to change in pre-defined ranges by using differentiatedclipping values. One strategy to differentiate the clippingstrength is applying incremental ε variables from parent jointsto their children joints, based on the observation that childrenjoints normally move in larger ranges than their parents. Fig-ure 3(d) illustrates an example of successful advanced attackon NTU dataset with two legs activated for the attack. The εvariables are set to 0.01, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25 for the joint hips,knees, ankles, and feet, respectively. Note that we intentionallyamplify the perturbation ranges at certain joints such as anklesand feet, which results in noticeable perturbations at the attackregion. We will justify the intuition behind this differentialclipping in the paragraphs to follow. For now, notice that inFig. 3(d), the original label of ‘Cheer up’ is misclassified as‘Kicking’ with a confidence score 96.1% with the advancedattack.

Although the CIASA attack in advanced mode apparentlysacrifices the visual imperceptibility of the perturbation, itis able to maintain the “semantic imperceptibility” for theperturbed skeleton. We corroborate this claim with the fol-lowing observations. First, in Fig. 3(d), the dominant bodymovements for ‘Cheer up’ action mainly occur in the up-per part of the skeleton, while the fooling is conducted byperturbing the lower body to which less attention is paid forthis action. Consequently, the attack does not incur significant

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Fig. 3. TOP: (row a) One-step attack with ε = 0.02 is shown where “brush hair” action is misclassified as “wipe face”. BOTTOM: CIASA targeted attackin different modes are shown. (row b) The basic mode that perturbs all joints with ε = 0.01. (row c) The localized mode with only two legs allowed to beperturbed. Global clipping is applied with ε = 0.08. (d) The advanced mode where the same two legs are perturbed with hierarchical clipping. The attacks inall modes successfully fool the recognition model with confidences higher than 90%. The temporal dimension evolves from left to right.

Fig. 4. The skeleton of NTU dataset is spitted into 4 attack regions, eachof which is activated to apply CIASA localized attacks. Every attack regionconsists of roughly the same number of joints.

perceptual attention in the first place. Furthermore, due to thespatio-temporal constraints with CIASA attacks, the injectedperturbation patterns remain smooth and natural. This furtherreduces the attack suspicions, as compared to any small butunnatural perturbations, e.g. shakiness around the joints.

Further to the above discussion, the perturbations generatedin the advanced mode can not only fool the recognition modelin skeleton spaces, but can also be imitated and reproducedin the Physical world. Imagine an end-to-end skeleton-basedaction recognition system using a monocular camera as itsinput sensor. For that, RGB images taken from the Physicalworld are first converted to skeleton frames, which are then

passed through the skeleton-based action recognition model.For this typical pipeline, it may be inconvenient to interferewith the intermediate skeleton data for the attacking purpose.However, the adversarial perturbations can be injected into theinput RGB data by performing an action in front of the camerawhile imitating the perturbation patterns with selective bodyparts. The advanced mode of CIASA allows the discoveryof perturbation patterns for such attacks. This is elaboratedfurther in Section V-D2 with relevant context.

D. Transferability of Attack

We examine the transferability of the proposed CIASA at-tack from two perspectives. First, we evaluate the cross-modeltransferability of the generated perturbations. Concretely, weattack a skeleton action recognition model A to generateperturbed skeletons. Then, we predict the label of the perturbedskeletons using model B and examine the fooling rate formodel B. We respectively chose ST-GCN and 2s-AGCN [10]as model A and B in our experiments.

Second, we analyze the cross-modality transferability ofCIASA attack. i.e. we generate perturbations for one datamodality and test their fooling capability in another datamodality. We formulate this task as transferring perturbationsfrom skeleton data to RGB data, as RGB cameras are widelyused as input sensors for the real world systems. For the cross-modality test, we generate perturbed skeletons by attacking theST-GCN. Then, those skeletons are converted to RGB actionsusing a graphics rendering pipeline. To examine whether the

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Original Accuracy 93.7 93.2 95.1Attacked Accuracy 13.5 6.8 11.8

Fooling rate (%) 86.1 93.1 88.4

adversarial information can be preserved during the conver-sion, we predict the label of RGB actions under the usualskeleton-based action recognition pipeline for the ST-GCN.

1) Cross-Model Transferability: The 2s-AGCN [10] is atwo-stream adaptive graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition. This network is significantly differ-ent from the ST-GCN [8] as it models a learnable topology ofthe skeleton graph. In addition to the joint locations, 2s-AGCNalso models the bone directions, which results in a two-streamnetwork structure.

We first generate perturbed skeleton actions based on ST-GCN model. The basic mode of CIASA with global clip-ping is employed, where the perturbation scaling factor ε isempirically set to 0.012. The cross-view protocol of NTUdataset is adopted to create perturbed skeletons, which arethen evaluated by 2s-AGCN models. We compare the changeof recognition accuracy before and after the attack, and recordthe fooling rates for three different configurations of the 2s-AGCN, i.e. joint only (Js-AGCN), bone only (Bs-AGCN) andensemble (2s-AGCN). The results in Table III show that theperturbations generated with ST-GCN significantly degradesthe recognition performance of 2s-AGCN. This demonstratethat the proposed CIASA attacker is able to generalize wellon ‘unseen’ action recognition models.

2) Cross-Modality Transferability: To transfer the pertur-bations from skeleton to RGB space, we adopt a human posesynthesis technique [51] to create RGB actions based on theperturbed skeleton sequences generated with the advancedmode of CIASA. The adopted synthesis pipeline can producerealistic RGB actions with diversified human models, back-grounds, cloth textures and illuminations. Moreover, the tem-poral dynamics of the underlying action is also reproducible inthe synthesized RGB video. We demonstrate successful cross-modality transferability in Fig. 5. The rows (a) and (d) arethe original and perturbed skeleton sequences respectively. (b)and (e) show the RGB actions generated using [51] with (a)and (d) used as the inputs skeleton sequences.

Firstly, the successful generation of realistic RGB videos in(b) and (e) affirms that the skeleton perturbations generatedby CIASA are useful in producing action perturbations inthe Physical world beyond the skeleton space. Secondly,we observe that the adversarial information remains largelypreserved during the cross-modality transfer. In Fig. 5, we useVNect [26] as a 3D pose extractor to recover 3D skeletonsdirectly from the synthesized RGB actions. The recoveredskeleton sequences are then fed to the trained ST-GCN model

for action recognition, mimicking the typical pipeline for theskeleton-based action recognition for RGB sensors.

The VNect-recovered 3D skeletons from clean and per-turbed RGB data are respectively shown in rows (c) and (f) ofthe figure. As can be seen, the recovered skeletons generallyfollow the motion patterns encoded in the respective sourceskeletons. For the clean data, the recovered skeletons in (c)and the source skeletons in (a) are both correctly recognized as‘Throw’ action. For the perturbed data, the recovered skeletonsequence in (f) has fooled the ST-GCN into miscalssifying theaction as ‘Back pain’. Although the fooling is not in the exactleast likely class as in row (d), misclassifcation due to CIASAattack for this very challenging scenario is still intriguing. Wenote that the attack here is naturally degenerating into an un-targeted attack.

To further scale up the cross-modality experiment, we ran-domly select 240 skeleton actions for the cross-view protocolof the NTU dataset. Then, we conduct the cross-modalitytransfer for all those sequences. We only use a subset of theNTU dataset because of the unreasonable computational timerequired to render videos for the complete dataset. Subse-quently, we predict action labels with ST-GCN on the VNect-recovered skeleton sequences for both clean and perturbeddata. With this setting, the recognition accuracy is recordedas 53.3% for the clean data, and 38.9% for the perturbeddata. Compared to the original NTU cross-view accuracy of88.3% [8], lower performance is observed on the clean datadue to inaccurate 3D pose extraction by VNect. Nevertheless,the proposed attack is still able to preserve its adversarialcharacteristics to further cause a significant accuracy drop inthis challenging scenario.

E. Ablation Study

For the CIASA attack, we have proposed a set of spatio-temporal constraints to achieve high-quality adversarial per-turbations in terms of both temporal coherence and spatialintegrity of the perturbed skeletons. Here, we provide anablation study to compare the contributions of these constraintsin the overall results.

To enforce temporal smoothness in the perturbed skeletonsequences, we penalize the joint accelerations between theconsecutive skeleton frames. Figure 6 compares the perturbedskeletons with and without this temporal constrains in thebasic mode of CIASA, where the original and perturbedskeletons are highlighted with green and red color respectively.It is apparent that the perturbed skeletons in (b) move moresmoothly than those in (a) along the temporal dimension.This ascertains the effectiveness of temporal smoothing in ourattack. Both perturbations in (a) and (b) successfully fool therecognition model to miscalssify “Drink action” as the “Jumpup” action.

To enforce spatial integrity and anthropomorphic plausibil-ity, we use spatial skeleton realignment (SSR) and GAN reg-ularization. Such spatial constrains are particularly importantfor the CIASA localized attacks, where only a given subset ofthe joints is permitted to be changed. Figure 7 compares theperturbation results with and without the spatial constraints

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Fig. 5. TOP: Clean data of different modalities. (a) Original skeleton sequences. (b) RGB video rendered from the original sequence. (c) Recovered 3D posesequence extracted from (b) using VNect [26]. BOTTOM: Perturbed data of different modalities. (d) Perturbed skeleton sequences created with the advancedmode of CIASA. (e) RGB video rendered from (d). (f) 3D poses extracted from (e) using VNect [26].

for a localized attack on skeleton legs. Without any spatialconstrains, the perturbed skeletons in (a) shows unrealisticpose configurations and arbitrary lengths of bones. With onlySSR enabled in (b), lengths of the perturbed bones are moreconsistent with their original values, however, the resultingposes are still not realistic in terms of plausibility. By addingthe GAN regularization, the skeletons in (c) are more realistic.The skeleton sequences in the figure clearly demonstrates theeffectiveness of SSR and GAN regularization in our attack.All sequences in Fig. 7 (a), (b) and (c) successfully fool therecognition model in predicting the label “Drink water” as“Jump up”.


We present the first systematic adversarial attack onskeleton-based action recognition. Unlike the existing attacks

that target non-sequential tasks, e.g. image classification, se-mantic segmentation and pose estimation, we attack deepsequential models from a spatio-temporal perspective. Withskeleton-based action recognition model ST-GCN [8] as thetarget, we demonstrate its successful fooling by mainly per-turbing the joint positions. The proposed attack algorithmCIASA imposes spatio-temporal constraints on the adversarialperturbations to produce perturbed skeleton sequences withtemporal smoothness, spatial integrity, and anthropomorphicplausibility. The proposed algorithm works in different modesbased on the needs of the attack. With the localized modeof CIASA, we are able to perturb only a particular set ofthe body joints to launch localized attack. Such attacks canbe used to inject regional perturbations to pre-specified partsof the body, without interfering with the dominant actionpatterns that are performed by the other joints. Comparedto the basic mode that perturbs all the joints with global

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Fig. 6. Temporal smoothness in CIASA. (a) Perturbed skeleton sequencewithout temporal smoothness constrains. (b) Perturbed sequence with temporalsmoothness constrains. The original and perturbed skeletons are shown inGreen and Red colors respectively.

Fig. 7. Effectiveness of spatial constraints in CIASA. A localized attack islaunched on two legs of the skeleton. (a) No spatial constraints: Pose config-uration and bone lengths change randomly. (b) Spatial Skeleton Realignment(SSR): Constrained consistent bone lengths, but unnatural poses. (c) GANregularization: Realistic poses that can correspond to the real-world skeletonmotions.

clipping, an advanced mode utilizes localized attacks withhierarchical joint variations to disguises the attack intentionswith realistic motion patterns. Our experiments show that theproposed CIASA perturbations generalize well across differentrecognition models. Moreover, they also have the ability totransfer to RGB video modality under graphics renderingpipeline. This indicates that CIASA generated perturbationscan allow attackers to mimic semantically imperceptible ad-versarial patterns in the real world to fool skeleton based actionrecognition systems.


This research is supported by the Australian ResearchCouncil (ARC) grant DP190102443. The Tesla K-40 GPU

used for this research is donated by the NVIDIA Corporation.


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