Page 1: Advent Opportunities rumpet… · blessed me, but how you have blessed so many in the community surrounding

Inside this issue:

Mission: To follow Christ through the ministries of worship, education, and service.

Vision: To be a major Christian presence in the Highland Lakes Area, proclaiming the Gospel

of Jesus Christ.






As we enter the Advent season, we recall

God’s gift of Christ’s Incarnation, and we

also await his Second Coming with hope

and anticipation. In this in-between time,

Christ’s Light within us shines forth like a

candle to illuminate His presence in the

world today.

As bearers of His Light, we at Trinity can

give hope for a brighter, warmer future to

some of our neighbors who are in the midst

of personal crises. These include parents

and children who have suffered abuse and

trauma, children who need but cannot af-

ford mental health services, individuals

and families who do not have enough to

eat, older adults who cannot prepare their

own food adequately, and children who

have unmet medical needs.

Fortunately, many organizations in our

community minister to our neighbors who

are in vulnerable situations. By supporting

these ministries, our Lights can make the

world brighter, safer and more secure for

those in need.

During Advent, we have several opportuni-

ties to support these ministries.

The Fourth Annual Giving Fair, Sunday,

December 1, offers a chance to learn about

seven different groups that serve our

neighbors experiencing a wide range of

needs. The Giving Fair offers an alterna-

tive giving opportunity - a chance to give a

donation in the name of a family member

in lieu of a

physical gift, or

give the gift of

your time and

talent when you

offer to volun-

teer. Informa-

tion about the

organizat ions

coming to the

Giving Fair is in

the Narthex.

From now until December 15, you may

donate a gift or a Wal-Mart gift card to

provide a present for a child served by

CASA, the Court Appointed Special Ad-

vocates. Just pick out an angel on the board

in the Narthex and bring your gift or gift

card to Herb Lewis at church.

From now until December 15, you may

donate a Wal-Mart gift card for the High-

land Lakes Family Crisis Center. These

gift cards will be used by the parents resid-

ing in the Crisis Center’s shelter to pur-

chase Christmas gifts for their children.

Our goal is to donate $25 for each of the

37 beds in the shelter. The donation box is

in the Narthex on a poster.

On December 15, we will have our Food

Pantry Sunday, with emphasis on foods

that are part of traditional Christmas cele-

brations. Food donations, or checks pay-

(Continued on page 15)

Advent Opportunities

Advent Lessons and


Giving Fair

Outreach Grants

Have You Met


Identical Twin T


y T



Advent Opportunities

By Madeleine Manigold

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December 2013 Trinity Trumpet Page 2

As I write this, Thanksgiving is just a few days off, so

I have a heightened sense of the many things in my life

for which I am thankful. Truly, my blessings are too

many to number, but as I remember my family, my

health, and our home, I also give thanks for having

been called to this amazing parish. I give thanks to

God for you all daily, not only for how you have

blessed me, but how you have blessed so many in the

community surrounding us. You are, truly, a sign to

the world of God’s blessing. Thank you.

Though the culture around us has been in full holiday

swing for the better part of a month now, as Christians

we recognize that we cannot arrive at Christmas until

we have first passed through the season of Advent. It is

increasingly difficult to maintain an Advent focus dur-

ing the month of December.

One of the ways in which we keep our attention prop-

erly focused during Advent is through our worship.

Our Sunday morning worship is very much focused on

themes of waiting, anticipation, and preparation, as we

rehearse some of the events leading up to the birth of

Jesus so many years ago, and make sure that we are

prepared for his return. Unlike many Christian de-

nominations, Episcopalians do not sing Christmas car-

ols during Advent, but have a whole section of our

hymnal devoted to Advent themed hymns. Our music

is a powerful resource in maintaining an Advent focus.

Another great way of keeping a proper Advent focus is

by attending our annual service of Advent Lessons and

Music at 6:00 on Wednesday, December 18th. This

traditional Anglican

service is a series of

scriptures (we typically

use six readings here at

Trinity), each followed

by a musical response.

Some of the music is congregational, some are an-

thems sung by the choir. These songs are not

“Christmas Carols,” but rather songs with strong Ad-

vent themes, each of which relates to the reading

which precedes it.

As in past years, the Parish Life Commission will be

hosting an “Advent Soiree” immediately following this

service, with a simple but elegant reception including

wine and hors d’oeuvres. This is a wonderful way to

“celebrate the season” without jumping ahead too far!

A final recommendation for keeping an Advent focus

is to make it a spiritual discipline during the month of

December to attend Adult Christian Education. We

will spend this time discussing Advent themes, and

hearing from different church groups about how to

stay properly focused during Advent. These sessions

will be both informative and inspiring.

It is not easy to maintain an Advent focus during the

month of December. But for us who have known the

joy of the Incarnation, Advent only enhances the joy of

that annual celebration. Some things are worth the




From the Rector

By The Rev. David Sugeno

Blue Christmas

Our First Wednesday Worship offering in December will be a “Blue Christmas” service. This time of year,

though filled with joy and promise, is for many very painful. Those who have experienced loss, whether in the

recent or distant past, may feel those losses more keenly during the holiday season. Those who are having diffi-

culty in life, illness, joblessness, etc., may have conflicted feelings about the celebrations they see around them.

For those who are having any such difficulty this year, we are offering a “Blue Christmas” service. This service

of scripture readings, songs, and prayers is designed to offer comfort, healing, and hope to those who may be in

need of Christ’s healing presence this Advent season. If you have any questions about this service, please con-

tact Dave or Cathy at the church office.

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From the Associate Rector

By The Rev. Cathy Boyd

“Keep awake! You do not know on what day your Lord is coming!” These words

from the gospel reading for Advent I (Matthew 24:36-44) set the tone for the new sea-

son. The sense of urgency and watchfulness that characterizes Advent is meant to set

our teeth on edge a little, to make us sit up a little straighter and brace ourselves for

the coming of God.

It would be easy, and natural, during the first weeks of December simply to focus on

getting the Baby’s room ready. Sure, we have decorating and other things to do, but

we must not settle too soon into the relaxing and cozy side of Christmas.

The season of Advent invigorates us with images of “laying aside the works of dark-

ness” and “putting on the armor of light.” (See Romans 13:11-14.) If you make time

to practice the discipline of the Advent season—read the lessons assigned for the day, say a special Advent

prayer every day…whatever works for you—this will make your Christmas observance that much sweeter.

Advent and Christmas Activities

December 1 Giving Fair (Following both services)

December 4 5:30 pm Blue Christmas - A Service of Darkness and Light (First

Wednesday Service)

December 18 5:30 pm Service of Advent Lessons and Music

6:30 pm Advent Soiree

December 22 Greening of the Church (Following 10:30 Service)

Christmas Eve 4:45 pm Celebration of Carols

5:00 pm Christmas Eve Festival Eucharist Rite II

8:00 pm Christmas Eve Festival Eucharist Rite II

Christmas Day 10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II (One Service Only)

December 29 8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I and Carol Sing

10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II and Carol Sing

Advent Retreat for Women Led by Cathy Boyd and Molly Bennett

When: One night: 5:30 p.m. December 6 through lunch, Saturday, December 7.

Where: The Antlers Hotel, Kingsland (overnight accommodations optional).

How might attention to the Advent themes of hope and waiting deepen our experience of the very busy holiday

season? A retreat setting affords a unique opportunity for Trinity’s women to relax, enjoy fellowship and build

community. Email to [email protected] for more information.

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Advent Lessons and Music

And Parish Soiree

By Ann Ragsdale

“O come, let us sing unto the Lord!” Psalm 95

Wednesday, December 18th,, beginning at 5:30, is the date for this year’s service of Les-

sons and Music followed by our third annual Parish Soiree. This is a time during Advent

when our church family can gather to sing and worship while we wait for the light to

come into the darkness. Our Trinity choir, under the leadership of Phil Kuhne, will lead

us into the Christmas season with songs of anticipation.


“May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ - And the love of God our Father - And the ‘fellowship, and the fel-

lowship’ - Of the Holy Spirit be with us!...”

The Advent Soiree will once again provide a time of fellowship for our parish family. The Parish Life commis-

sion will host an elegant affair in the Narthex directly following the service. A group of Trinity’s best cooks will

provide appetizers and festive beverages for all to enjoy. This would be a great time to invite a friend to come

and experience the hospitality that makes Trinity so warm and welcoming.

For questions or to volunteer to help, call Ann Ragsdale (512) 755-0032 or [email protected]

Save the Date!

Trinity’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19th, at 11am. On that day we will combine

our two services, having a single service at 10am, with the parish meeting immediately following. At that meet-

ing we will hear a report from the rector and other leaders of the parish, hear the state of our finances from our

treasurer, and elect new members to the vestry.

This year we are also planning to have an added celebration; a “Burn the Note” party to celebrate the retirement

of our construction debt! Hope you will plan on being at this very important annual event in the life of this par-


The Trinity Floral Committee has posted a sign-up sheet for those persons who would like to donate a poinsettia

plant for the 2013 Christmas altar décor. The red poinsettias will be large plants in 8 inch pots with foil cover

and will cost $20.00 each. There will be nine 6 inch white poinsettias which will cost $8.00 each. Please make

checks payable to Trinity Episcopal Church with a notation that it is for poinsettias. Please drop the check in the

collection plate or turn it in at the office. We encourage donors to pick up the plants after the church services on

Sunday, January 5, 2014.

Order Poinsettias For Holiday Season Now

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Please join us for Trinity Episcopal Church’s 4th

Annual Giving Fair, Sunday, December 1st, from

9:00am to 12:30pm.

Trinity’s Ministry and Outreach Commission are

pleased to once again sponsor a Giving Fair on Sun-

day, December 1st. What a great recommendation by

Rev. Dave four years ago, and we quickly invited sev-

eral organizations to participate.

Advent is always a time of expectation, with attitudes

of giving and serving others in celebration of all that

the Lord brings us of hope and salvation.

The Giving Fair gives us a great opportunity to hear

directly from local organizations with feet on the

ground about their mission and purpose in our commu-

nity. So many at Trinity are already engaged in work-

ing with our local service groups and this gives so

many more the opportunity to learn about their efforts

and how we can help.

We can each make a difference and have an impact

with our talents and, yes, financial gifts. In this season

of giving we can be purposeful and very meaningful

with gifts of our time and/or donations in the name of

our loved ones. As we

serve our Lord we are

so blessed to work

with people and or-

ganizations that are

dedicated to caring for

those in need every


Look to Proverbs for

some wise verses and

consider this special

time of Advent and

our blessings of Jesus

Christ our Lord.

Proverbs 11:25

A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others

will himself be refreshed.


A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into

the presence of the great.


He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he

will reward him for what he has done.


A generous man will himself be blessed for he shares

his food with the poor.

Organizations participating in this year’s Giving Fair:

Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center

Seton Highland Lakes Hospital -Seton Care-a-


Camp Phoenix/Phoenix Center

WBC Opportunities - Burnet County Meals on


CASA for the Highland Lakes

Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center

The Helping Center - Food Pantry for Southern

Burnet County

Giving Fair

By Rita Marquess

The Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center was rep-

resented by Amy Sugeno at the 2012 Giving Fair.

Rita Marquess

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By Madeleine Manigold

Good news! Trinity is making an enormous difference in

the lives of people in vulnerable situations in our commu-

nity. By supporting non-profit organizations that minister to

these individuals, we are serving Christ and proclaiming His


Thanks to the generous gift of Dick and Marian Repert, the

Trinity Foundation and the Vestry tasked the Ministry and

Outreach Commission with allocating $32,000 for outreach

grants early in 2013. In April, ten groups received grants

ranging from about $1,900 to $4,000. The amounts granted

were based upon the amounts requested by the groups. Fi-

nal reports on the use of the funds are due April 15, 2014.

After six months, there is very Good News!

The Boys and Girls Club provides after-school and sum-

mer programs for youth. The grant of $3,840 was used to

offer aviation summer camps. Club members learned prin-

ciples of flight, thereby reinforcing skills in math, science,

technology, and engineering and broadening their career

horizons. Campers also got a 20 minute flight courtesy of

the Freedom Flyers based at the Burnet airport!

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) trains and

supports advocates for abused and neglected children.

The grant of $3,840 supported staff travel for home visits

and court appearances. This allowed the staff to help find

permanent homes for children involved in the most seri-

ous cases.

The Christian Women's Job Corps helps women develop

job readiness and other skills. The grant of $3,328 was

used to buy Microsoft Office software to install on do-

nated laptops so the clients could learn to use Word and

Excel. This allows the participants to improve their job

readiness skills and become better able to provide for their


The Helping Center is the primary food pantry in southern

Burnet County. The grant of $3,200 was used to buy

meat to serve the ever-increasing number of clients. As a

result, more hungry people were able to receive nourish-

ing meals.

The Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center serves clients

who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual assault.

The grant of $3,968 was used to help residents in the shel-

ter move into independent living and self-sufficiency.

Without this assistance, economic difficulties might force

abused clients to go back to their abuser.

The Hill Coun-

try Children's

A d v o c a c y

Center pro-

vides forensic

interviews and

support ser-

vices to chil-

dren who have

e x p e r i e n c e d

s e x u a l o r

physical abuse. The grant of $2,944 was used in part to

improve the sound proofing and functionality of the foren-

sic interview room. This improved the quality of the

DVD of the interview and ensures that the children only

have to re-live their experience once.

Meals on Wheels Burnet County provides lunch and daily

contact to homebound and other people in need, Monday

through Friday. The grant of $1,920 was used to offset

budget cuts so that all current clients could continue re-

ceiving nourishing meals and human contact.

The Open Door Recovery House provides women residen-

tial care and support so they can enter recovery from sub-

stance abuse. The grant of $3,200 was used to complete

the remodeling of a new home that can serve more clients

in a facility appropriate for their needs. As a result, more

women will have a chance to transform their lives.

The Phoenix Center provides affordable mental health ser-

vices to children and their families. The grant of $3,840

enabled the number of children and parents receiving ther-

apy to double by expanding the hours of a therapist from

half- to full-time. The therapy will help the children grow

into healthy adults.

Seton Care-A-Van provides affordable medical care to

children in their local community using a mobile van.

The grant of $1,920 will be used to purchase digital ther-

mometers to give to children's families who receive medi-

cal care at the Van. This will allow families to monitor

their children's health more effectively.

In sum, the Good News regarding the progress of these

grants after just six months predicts very successful out-

comes by the end of the grant year. Through these minis-

tries, Trinity truly is living into its vision of becoming a

major Christian presence in the Highland Lakes area, pro-

claiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Dave was born in Baton Rouge, La., and graduated from U.T.

with a B.E.S. degree. He is currently a part time energy consult-

ant in the Houston area.

Bernadette was born in Dubois, Penn., and also graduated from

UT with a BS in Pharmacy. She is currently a relief pharmacist

for various Marble Falls independents.

Dave and Bernadette have three children: a son, 30, in law

school at Baylor; a son, 27, in the MBA. Program at Baylor; and

a daughter,18, a freshman at Wake Forest. They have an 11-

month-old grandson in Waco.

Dave enjoys boating, flying, golfing, and outdoors activities. Bernadette enjoys reading, hiking, and outdoor activi-


The Ellises have spent the last 30 years at The Church of the Holy Spirit in Houston. At Trinity, Bernadette is serving

as chalice bearer and is a member of DOK. Dave is interested in becoming involved in ushering and community ac-

tivities. They enjoy the clergy and all the Trinity members and find our small size church welcoming.

Have You Met…

Dave and Bernadette

By Mardi Cockerham

Penny was born in Plainview, TX, and lived there until she went

to college. She attended WTSU. and received a BS in Nurs-

ing. Bubba was born in Bryan, TX, and also attended WTSU

where he received a degree in agriculture. Penny and Bubba

were married after college and moved to Muleshoe for a year,

then moved back to Plainview.

Penny worked as a nurse until the birth of their first child.

Bubba and a partner started a medical supply company where he

worked for 15 years.

The Lloyds have 3 children: a son who is a banker, a daughter who is an artist, and another daughter who is a parale-

gal in Marble Falls. They have a 4-year-old granddaughter who lives in Austin.

Penny enjoys cooking, sewing, and golfing. Bubba enjoys riding motorcycles, golfing, and fishing. They both enjoy

taking their motor home to Port Aransas and enjoying the beach.

Penny was raised in the Methodist church and Bubba was raised in the Presbyterian church. They raised their chil-

dren in the Christian Church where Penny was involved in Bible School, providing meals for the church youth, and

was a member of the church board. Bubba was a Deacon and sang in the choir.

The Lloyds came to the Highland Lakes because of the trees, lakes, hills, and schools. They came to Trinity because

of the friendliness of the congregation. Penny states they have not been to such a welcoming church since they lived

in Plainview.

Have You Met…

Bubba and Penny

By Mardi Cockerham

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~A look back ~

Blessed are those who call themselves “Cradle Episco-

palians” for they have escaped God’s preachers of hell-

fire. Those of us born to evangelical Christian homes

saw way too much hellfire and brimstone; heard the

cries and piteous pleas of those condemned to the hor-

rors of an eternal hell. There were some preachers who

could describe hell in a way that would shame Dante

Alighieri and leave your clothes smelling of burning


Why would adults in that era subject their young chil-

dren to such graphic and disturbing scenes of pain and

misery; in the name of God yet! Maybe those preachers

were pointing their message at adults who were actu-

ally guilty of a few sins. But didn’t they realize that

there were young children in the audience who were

being traumatized by their good intentions? Did I want

to go to church on Sundays? Hell no! While sitting in

church, I would let my mind take me to a more pleas-

ant place; usually to mom’s roast beef and fixins in the

oven - awaiting the survivors of yet another Sunday in


But enough of hell; what about heaven? While hell was

being presented in fine and fiery detail, the preacher

couldn’t seem to make Heaven all that tempting. We

were told of a land of “milk and honey;” I wasn’t hun-

gry; I was scared! We were told of streets paved with

gold – who cares? We would stand before an alabaster

throne praising God all day long. Are you kidding me?

Two hours of

church was

driving me

over the edge!

And then

there was the

blood: blood

of the Lamb,

blood sacri-

fice, the sa-

cred blood of

atonement. We no longer sing “Washed in the Blood of

the Lamb.” When I was 6 yrs old and hearing of an

eternal hell, folks were singing about being washed in

the blood of a lamb. Uh-oh! When is that going to hap-

pen?! Yeck! I don’t want to be washed in a lamb’s

blood. I like the Episcopalian way of removing the

younger children to another area before the sermon so

they won’t hear what they can’t understand (or might

understand all too well!)

Episcopalians preach God’s love and forgiveness

through the teachings of Christ Jesus; as it should be.

Hellfire preachers preach the fear of God and the dam-

nation of human nature: and their only intent was to

increase membership by gathering those who only

wished to avoid hell. But leave the children alone. Je-

sus said, “Let the little children come to me; for it is to

such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” I wish

my parents had been Episcopalians!

Preachers - A Look Back

By Carl Ragsdale

Ryan Eberst led an Adult Forum class on social

media. The two session were well attended with

focus on safely using Facebook as well as other

applications like Twitter and Instagram.

It seems like the trend among youth is away

from Facebook as their parents and grandpar-

ents are joining up to monitor what is being

posted. Instagram seems to be the new Face-

book for the younger crowd.

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What Is it Like to Be an Identical Twin?

By Joan Hallum

This is a question often asked of twins and the simple

answer can be: great, terrific, wonderful, awesome or

miserable, annoying, irksome and repetitive. Each

would be perfectly descriptive, depending on the time,

place, situation, and person doing the inquiring.

The two most irksome questions asked of twins are,

“Which one are you?” and, “What’s the difference?” In

my experience, younger people can more accurately

tell twins apart than older people. As for the second

question, there is a lot of difference, because twins are

two individual persons.

Twins do not get through school gleefully trying to

confuse the teacher, it just happens no matter how

much the instructor tries to separate them in the class-

room. Without even knowing what the other will write,

draw or say, the end result is the same…identical an-

swers. My twin and I did it often in art class…same

drawing. Only our mother could always tell us apart.

Our paternal grandfather died never being able to tell

us apart.

The great, wonderful and awesome features of being a

twin are too many to count. From even before birth and

then throughout your life, a twin has had a built-in

roommate. A mate who, as C.S. Lewis once said,

knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to

you when you have forgotten the words. That other

person is there whenever or wherever you may be…far

or near. My twin and I have often sensed, felt and ex-

perienced similar physical and emotional events. We

developed a sense of oneness and often used what we

jokingly called, “the royal WE.” WE need to see, do or

attend to something.

My twin and I have lived in a very special world, one

that has always provided wonder, delight and happi-

ness. There is never any need to explain, apologize or

ask when a situation arises because WE will deal with

it and come out better and happier than ever before.

Joan and Arthur Hallum

Bulletin Boards

The next time you walk down the hallway to the church

office take some time to look at the bulletin boards. Mary

Ashcroft is the Keeper of the Boards and there’s always

something interesting to read.

This one about Phil Kuhne’s 30th year at Trinity has sev-

eral interesting photos of Phil through the years. Mary

had help from Mitzi Reneau for this one. [More pictures

from the Phil Kuhne 30th year celebration on page 12.]

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Jonah didn’t want to be a prophet. Oh no; that

was a dangerous business. Most of a prophet’s

work was taking a message of God to people who

didn’t want to hear it. The Lord’s command to

Jonah: “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and

cry against it; for their wickedness has come up

before me.” (Jon 1:2) Jonah didn’t want to go.

Nineveh was a huge city to the north of Israel –

“the bloody city, all full of lies and booty.” (Nah

3:1) It had to be bad news or God wouldn’t be

sending him as oracle.

Jonah decided to run from God. He would get a

fast ship at Joppa and sail to Tarshish (at the

western end of the Mediterranean); God would

never find him there. So, in the dark of night, Jo-

nah set out. But God found him. God had attached

a GPS chip to Jonah when He thought he might

run. Oh yeah; God knew GPS, DNA, and IBM;

He just hadn’t announced them yet.

God sent a great storm that threatened to destroy

the ship. The crew cast lots to determine who

among them was incurring God’s wrath. (Have

you noticed that whenever the Hebrew people are

confronted with a daunting situation, they always

cast lots to solve the dilemma?)

Well the lot fell upon Jonah as the culprit. Jonah

agreed to be thrown overboard; he had rather

drown than face an angry God. When Jonah was

thrown overboard, the seas calmed and the storm

passed. But God was not through with Jonah just


A great fish gulped him down, clothes, staff, GPS

chip and all! Aw man, where am I? It was dark,

dank and smelled like sushi. I don’t know much

about marine biology but Jonah could have ex-

pected a shower of enzymes and digestive juices

and within 24-36 hours be rendered a pile of fish

poop on the ocean floor!

I suppose God used his knowledge of DNA and

pisces metabolism to shut down the fish’s diges-


As retold By Carl Ragsdale

tive process. After 3 days God restored the fish’s natural

rhythms and forced the much maligned creature to barf Jo-

nah out on the dry ground. While Jonah was getting the

slime and sushi cleaned off, God appeared and said, “Now

Jonah, about your trip to Nineveh” - Jonah winced and said

“yeah, yeah, I’m on it, looking forward to it.” Oh the life of

a recalcitrant prophet!

Jonah arrived in Nineveh and delivered the oracular state-

ment, “Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be over-

thrown!” (Jon 3:4) The whole city including the king re-

pented and covered themselves in sack cloth and ashes.

Even the animals were draped in sack cloth. God was

pleased and impressed. He forgave them and showed them

great mercy.

Jonah was furious! He had hoped that God would do a

Sodom and Gomorrah number on them. I mean after all his

trouble?! But the important thing to be learned here is:

never be disobedient to God even when it scares the sushi

out of you!

Scripture doesn’t say whether or not God ever used the

prophet Jonah again. Rumor within the POGG (Prophets of

God Guild) says that he retired to the wine country of

France where he offers his services as “Taster,” plays a lit-

tle golf, avoids the sea altogether and became a Vegan!

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Thank You

Note from Ryan and Shayla Eberst

As Shayla and I prepared for the arrival of our new son, Liam

James, we tried to get everything in order. We got registered and

had our first shower in Dallas with my family. We fixed his

room up and got it ready for him. And we tried to prepare our

household for our new arrival. But there was one uncertainty re-


At our job, there is no paid maternity leave, so Shayla just has to

deplete her vacation time. We have tried to save it up as much as

possible, but being pregnant and working full time is not always

the easiest. Days were missed. As the date came closer we real-

ized she was going to be about two weeks short, which meant we

would have to go without a full paycheck. We have some saved

up, but knew that those first weeks with a baby were not going to

be cheap. We were doing our best to trust God, but we had no idea how we were going to make it through those

two weeks without a check.

We knew that we would have a shower with our Trinity family,

but we never dreamed we would receive as much as we did. We

knew that you all would be there for us, no matter what. But we

never imagined that our financial situation would be taken care

of without ever having to mention it. As we added up the gift

cards, we both had tears in our eyes as we realized that we

would have more than enough to get through those two weeks.

God is alive and at work in our church community. Without

ever knowing there was a financial concern, Trinity came

through and God met our needs through you. Shayla and I have

never been so blest with such a wonderful church family.

So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for

your gifts that help put us at ease before our baby comes. But

thank you more for being such a presence of God in our life.

Thank you for being the church, the Body of Christ, to us, and

allowing us to love, participate and fellowship with you. Thank


A truck for baby Liam filled with gift

cards for everything else he will need.

Ryan and Shayla with Shayla’s mother,

Elaine Andress, and her grandmother, Pat


Vestry Election

Election of new members of the Vestry will be held at the annual meeting on January 26, 2014. The nominating

committee consists of the out-going vestry members: Rod Miller, Ashley Harper-Oberle, and Bob Link. The

committee is currently seeking nominees for the election. This is a critical time for our church as we move for-

ward in addressing the issues developed during our visioning process. The work associated with our facility ex-

pansion will be especially important for the new vestry. Please contact a member of the nominating committee

or the clergy if you have any interest in serving on the Vestry.

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December 2013 Trinity Trumpet Page 12

Trinity celebrated Phil Kuhne’s 30th year as music director on Nov 17.

Beautiful cake and sumptuous treats provided by

Parish Life.

Phil with his sister-in-law Lyndith Kuhne and her cousin

Goldie Lease.

Two of Phil’s friends from Austin, Barbara Morris

and Tom Buckle, joined us for the celebration.

Barbara is a former member of Trinity's choir. We are so blessed to have Phil as our choir and

music director. Thank you Phil for all you do!

Newcomers’ Dinner - Left: Mardi Cockerham organized another well-received newcomers’ dinner with help

from Sandra Travis (pictured), Nannette Watkins, Rita Marquess, and Olivia Cribbs. Right: Penny Lloyd, Rev.

Boyd, and Bernadette and Dave Ellis.

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Fellowship Sunday

This year’s Fellowship Sunday was another

great success organized by Celebrator-in-

chief Ann Ragsdale. The food was great and

people found places all over the church to

celebrate the day.

More Photos from the Newcomers’ Dinner - Left: BJ and Penny Lloyd. Right: Nannette Watkins with her

mom, Beverly Smith.

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All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful:

The Lord God made them all.

Blessing of the Animals

This year’s Blessing of the Animals on

Oct 6 was a beautiful day with a large

congregation of parishioners and ani-

mals. Mostly dogs and cats, but some

unusual pets as well.

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December 2013 Trinity Trumpet Page 15

able to The Helping Center, will help meet the emergency food needs in our community.

On Dec. 15, The Trinity Center at our Sister parish, St. David’s in Austin, is having a Christmas party for their

neighbors who do not have permanent homes. The Trinity Center has requested donations to help pay for the

hoodies and fleece blankets that will go in each of 200 gift bags. A gift of $20 will pay for both a hoodie and a

fleece blanket for one person. If you feel so called, please mail a check payable to The Trinity Center, 304 E. 7th

St., Austin, TX 78701, to help warm the lives of our Sister parish’s neighbors.

May the Light within us demonstrate to all the power of Christ’s love. Let There Be Light!

(Continued from page 1)

What? Informal discussion group for book study

Who? Everyone who wishes to participate; facilitated by EFM graduates

When? Every second and fourth Wednesday: 1:00 to 2:30 PM; first meeting Jan. 22

Where? Trinity Episcopal Church, library

Why? Fellowship, fun and learning

Books are chosen by participants and read in chapter clusters of approximately 30 pages. The first book is " Em-

bracing Grace: A Gospel for All of Us" by Scot McKnight. See or call Bruce Lomax or Penny Miller for details

or questions.

New Year Adult Education Invitation

By Abbi Breckwoldt

I’m working on a building

Working on a building

Working on a building

For my Lord, for my Lord

It’s a holy ghost building

A holy ghost building

A holy ghost building

For my Lord, for my Lord

If you want to listen to the

music, Click on one of the

names below:

Rev. Sugeno

Elvis Presley

The Oak Ridge Boys

Trace Adkins

B.B. King

“Rest eternal grant to them O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.”

The quarterly schedule for The Trumpet does not usually allow for death notices. This week, however, is an

exception as we have lost two parishioners: John Garland and Micki Hudson.

Please hold Kathy and Trey Garland, and Pat Hudson and all their children and other family in your prayers.

May they be enfolded and upheld by the love of Him who created John and Micki and called them by name,

and who now has called them home.

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P.O. Box 580

Hwy. 1431 E. at Ave. D

Marble Falls TX 78654-0633

830-693-2822 Fax 830-798-9172

Links to Internet Sites of Interest

Trinity Episcopal Church Marble Falls Trinity Facebook Page

Episcopal Diocese of Texas Bishop Andy Doyle’s Blog

Episcopal Church of the US Book of Common Prayer

Bible (NRSV) Forward Day by Day

This Month at Trinity - December 2013

Here are some of the upcoming events during Advent and into the new year. Be sure to read

This Week at Trinity for reminders of these and other events.

12/1 Giving Fair, following both services

12/4 Blue Christmas (First Wednesday Service), 5:30pm

12/6-7 Advent Retreat for Women

12/18 Lessons and Music, 5:30pm

Advent Soiree, 6:30pm

12/24 Celebration of Carols, 4:45pm

Christmas Eve Service, 5pm

Christmas Eve Service, 8pm

12/25 Christmas Day, one service only at 10am

1/19/14 Annual Parish Meeting