Page 1: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised


Advent Lutheran Church

June 21, 2020

Page 2: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

GatheringCountdown Music (Tom Kent) & Bell Ringing

Prelude (Tom Kent)

Call to Worship & Welcome

One: In worship, All: May we be as welcoming as Sarah and Abraham, who were

quick to serve the stranger.

One: In faith, All: May we proclaim that nothing is too big for God.

One: In moments of holy surprise, All: May we laugh with deep abiding joy.

One: For God is in the holy surprise. All: God is in the winding path.

One: And God is in our presence today. Let us worship Holy God, All: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Gathering Song “Today Is the Day” (Lincoln Brewster)


I'm casting my cares aside I'm leaving my past behind I'm setting my heart and mind on You Jesus

I'm reaching my hand to Yours Believing there's so much more Knowing that all You have in store for me is good Is good

Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it

And I won't worry about tomorrow I'm trusting in what You say Today is the day

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Apostolic Greeting

One: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

All: And also with you.


I'm putting my fears aside I'm leaving my doubts behind I'm giving my hopes and dreams to You Jesus

I'm reaching my hands to Yours Believing there's so much more Knowing that all You have in store for me is good Is good

Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it

And I won't worry about tomorrow I'm trusting in what You say Today is the day Today is the day

I will stand upon Your truth (I will stand upon Your truth) And all my days I'll live for You (And all my days I'll live for You)

I will stand upon Your truth (I will stand upon Your truth) And all my days I'll live for You For You

Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it Today is the day You have made I will rejoice and be glad in it

And I won't worry about tomorrow I'm giving You my fears and sorrows Where You lead me I will follow I'm trusting in what You say Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day

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Kyrie (Congregational Response, Alleluia Liturgy, Tom Kent)

In peace, let us pray to the ….

Hymn of Praise (Alleluia Liturgy, Tom Kent))


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Page 6: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

Prayer of Confession

One: God of unexpected joy and answered prayers,

All: We confess that sometimes things feel too good to be true, While at other times we wonder if you hear us at all. When life unravels for the worst—we blame you. But when life unravels for the best, filling our days with holy surprise— We tend to praise ourselves, thinking we’ve earned this unexpected joy. Forgive us. Help us to see you in our midst. And with every breath that turns into a laugh, draw us closer to you. Amen.

Words of Assurance

WordPrayer of the Day

One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

One: Let us pray... All: Generous and surprising God,

when we thought that death had claimed your only Son, you amazed us with the resurrection. Surprise us again with your ability to turn these humble offerings into gifts that will transform the world through our witness to your love. We lay our very lives at your feet, O God, knowing that you will use us to proclaim and embody the gospel. Amen.

Father’s Day Video 5

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Gospel Verse (Alleluia Liturgy, Tom Kent)

Scripture Lesson Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7 Lector: Carol Kent

1 The Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. 2 He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed down to the ground. 3 He said, “My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant. 4 Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 6

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5 Let me bring a little bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on—since you have come to your servant.” So they said, “Do as you have said.” 6 And Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Make ready quickly three measures of choice flour, knead it, and make cakes.” 7 Abraham ran to the herd, and took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to the servant, who hastened to prepare it. 8 Then he took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree while they ate. 9 They said to him, “Where is your wife Sarah?” And he said, “There, in the tent.” 10 Then one said, “I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent entrance behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?” 13 The Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, and say, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?’ 14 Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? At the set time I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.” 15 But Sarah denied, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she was afraid. He said, “Oh yes, you did laugh.” 1 The Lord dealt with Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as he had promised. 2 Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. 5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. 6 Now Sarah said, “God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.” 7 And she said, “Who would ever have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.”

L: Word of God. Word of Life. C: Thanks be to God!


Page 9: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

Sermon Kids & Adults

For Kid’s to Ponder: Our Scripture LessonSarah and Abraham really wanted to have children of their own, but Sarah was not able to have a baby. Then, one day when Sarah was really old, an angel appeared and told her that she was going to have a child, and Sarah laughed out loud because the news felt too good to be true. Sometimes God can surprise us and unravel our plans with unexpected joy and surprise.

When do you feel joy? Can you think of a time when you were really surprised? What makes you laugh?

Hymn of the Day “Give Us Laughter Unexpected” (Stephen M. Fearing)

1. Give us laughter unexpected, mirth that mothers us to health, Bubbling up from deep within us, endless source of wondrous wealth. May our tears flow o’er our cheekbones, not of sorrow but of mirth, Freely flowing silly giggles, ones that mend this broken earth.

2. Though our grief can be so heavy - burdens break our brittle bones There exists a salve that softens hurt amid the mournful moans. Laughter charges not a copay, needs no credit to obtain. All may gather at the fountain, for a moment, heal the pain.

3. When we think creation’s over, when we think there is no more, Lead us to rethink our logic, help our joyous song restore. There’s a cheerful balm that saves us from the sorrow and the sting. Laughter is the gift within us, sprouting up from joyous spring!

4. Blessed are you who weep with sorrow; soon the laughter comes to save. God, our joyful source of mercy, raises you up from the grave. Never cease to loose your chuckles, laugh out loud and let it fly. Hold yourself in holy humor, share God’s joy in strong supply. 8

Page 10: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

Affirmation of Faith

I believe in God, the Great Sewer— Who weaves us together in community, Collecting our loose ends and turning them into belonging. I believe in the Holy Spirit— Who hems us in before and behind, Catching us when we fall and writing us into God’s holy narrative. And I believe in Jesus Christ— Who loved and claimed the people society had thrown out, refusing to disregard anyone as scrap. I believe God has woven part of God’s self into the fiber of our being, Making us inherently worthy of love and belonging. I believe the fabric of my life is weak, That I am prone to error and need God’s handiwork to remind me of love. I believe in the Church, and that like a quilt of different fabrics, She is designed to be as diverse and beautiful as God’s creation. And I believe that when life unravels, God is there to stitch my wounds together, To hold me in the palm of God’s hand, to tell me of love, And to invite me into a new journey. Amen.

Church Council Installation One: The Jon, Linda, and Tom have been elected by our congregation as

members of the church council, Robin, Linda, Amy, and Scott have been subsequently elected as officers of the congregation. We give thanks for their willingness to serve. In baptism we are welcomed into the body of Christ and sent to share in the mission of God; we rejoice now that these sisters and brothers will lead us in our common life and our mutual mission as a congregation.

A reading from First Corinthians: There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) 9

Page 11: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

You have been elected to positions of leadership and trust in this congregation. You are to see that the words and deeds of this household of faith bear witness to God, who gathers us into one together with the whole church. You are to seek to involve all members of this congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and support, so that the mission of Christ is carried out in this congregation, in the wider church, in this community, and in the whole world. You are to be faithful in your specific area of serving, that the Spirit who empowers you may be glorified. You are to be examples of faith active in love, fostering peace, harmony, and mutual understanding in this congregation.

On behalf of your sisters and brothers in Christ, I ask you: Will you accept and faithfully carry out the duties of the offices to which you have been elected?

Council Members: I will, and I ask God to help me. One: People of God, I ask you: Will you support these, your newly

elected leaders, just as you support all other council members and will you share in the mutual ministry that Christ has given to all who are baptized?

All: We will, and we ask God to help us. I now declare you installed council members and officers of this congregation. Almighty God bless you, and direct your days and your deeds in peace, that you may be faithful servants of God.

All: Amen.

Prayers of the Community One: God of new beginnings, God of sacred endings,

we gather this morning in this in-between time and space, an old reality gone, a new reality not yet realized, unsure of what the future holds … awaiting transformation, renewal, the chance to begin again. Our times are in Your hands, O God, give us hope for the journey. God of new beginnings,

All: hear our prayer. 10

Page 12: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

One: We are here with our feet on the ground— as we try to walk without fainting: through life changes. We need your strength to not grow weary as we continue to hope for new life amidst conflict, illness, and uncertainty. We long to run and not grow faint, We long for healing, wholeness, and peace for all people, and all creatures, and our very planet Earth. God of love,

All: hear our prayer.

One: We thank you, God, for drawing us to this place and time and for interrupting us with your gift of life in Christ. Whether we have heard the news many times over, or are this day listening with brand new ears, surprise us with your justice and righteousness, that our lives might turn in the right direction. God of justice,

All: hear our prayer.

One: Startle us with your goodness and mercy, that we might receive your empowering forgiveness; Stagger us with your hope and peace, that our eyes will remain wide open as we leave this place, wondering what you will be doing this week in our world and in us. God of mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

One: The future stretches out before us full of mystery and full of surprise. We need You, God of New Beginnings, to set the course, and guide our feet in the way of righteousness. Our times are in Your hands, Triune God, give us life. God of hope,

All: hear our prayer.


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All: hear our prayer.

One: Let us celebrate the irrepressible power of God breaking out with life where we least expect it! Receive these prayers, O God, and those too deep for words; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Meal Sharing of the Peace

One: The peace of Christ be with you always!

All: And also with you.

Offering & Special Music “Imagine” (Tom Kent)

Offertory Prayer

One: Let us pray... All: God of Heaven and Earth,

you call us to leave behind our preoccupations and to follow you into the future. Sometimes we find your call challenging. We are comfortable, maybe even complacent, in our present. May this act of giving be a gesture of our willingness to follow where you lead. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

The Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. 12

Page 14: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

One: It It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God, for your mysteries well up from ancient depths, assuring us that we will be with you forever.

In the first of your mighty works, you created the earth and filled it with life. You rescued a people from slavery and called them to choose between wisdom and foolishness, between serving you and making their own gods.

In your child, Jesus, you have again called us to choose - to live in readiness for the promised return of the one who died and rose again, or to waste our opportunities and squander what you have given us. We choose to serve you, and with hearts full of gratitude we trust in your protection and look for the day when at the trumpet’s sound the dead will arise and all will be embraced in the marriage of earth and heaven.

Therefore we join with the church in heaven and God’s people on earth, singing …

Sanctus “Holy” (Alleluia Liturgy, Tom Kent)


Page 15: Advent Lutheran Church A… · son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. 4 And Abraham circumcised

Eucharistic Prayer

On the night of his betrayal and arrest, as he shared a meal with his friends, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his followers, saying: “Share this bread among you; this is my body which will be broken for justice. Do this to remember me.”

When supper was over, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to his disciples, saying: “Share this wine among you; this is my blood which will be shed for liberation. Do this to remember me.”

God of love, spirit of compassion, bless us and this bread and wine. May this meal be food and drink for our journey— renewing, sustaining, and making us whole.

When we eat this bread and drink from this cup we experience again the presence of Jesus in our midst.

The table is ready. All are welcome. Come, for the feast is spread.

The Lord's Prayer

One: Let us pray the prayer that Jesus taught us.

All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 14

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The Meal Is Shared

As the bread and wine are shared, these words are said:

“The bread of life for all who hunger.” “The cup of compassion for a broken world.”

Table Blessing

One: May this meal nourish us and refresh us, may it strengthen us and renew us, may it unite us and keep us in God’s gracious love, now and forever.

All: Amen.

Prayer after Communion

One: Let us pray together... All: God our Father,

you fill the hungry with good things and send the self-satisfied away empty. In this eucharist you have filled us with the word and the bread of life of your Son Jesus Christ. Make us hunger now for his coming in the hearts and the homes of all. Fill us with his spirit of service and self-forgetting love, that through us, he may become near to people. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen

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King David sang, “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” (Psalm 116:1-2)

May you know The peace of God The love of God The justice of God The healing and mercy of God This day and all days Amen

Announcements (see page 16)

Sending Song “Good You Reign” (Lincoln Brewster)


You paint the night You count the stars and You call them by name The skies proclaim God You reign Your glory shines You teach the sun when to bring a new day Creations sings God You reign

God You reign God You reign Forever and ever God You reign

You part the seas You move the mountains with the words that you say My song remains God You reign You hold my life You know my heart and You call me by name I live to say God You reign Hallelujah Allelu. (4x)

God You reign God You reign Forever and ever God You reign

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One: Go in peace, serve the Lord! All: Thanks be to God!


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Church Address 5901 San Juan Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 916-966-7242

Pastor Gabi’s Cell Phone & eMail 650-476-7641 [email protected]


NEW CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS Our new officers are the same as the “old” officers. Scott Barbu (Vice President), Linda Belchem (Secretary), Robin Bevier (President), Amy Gariano (Treasurer). Thank you to all for for accepting their election. May God give you imagination,

patience, love, grace and hope to carry out your elected office.

FEELING ISOLATED? WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE? If you are in need of a sympathetic ear or just someone to talk to

during this period os social distancing, feel free to call any of the following: Barbara Olson: (916) 765-3147 Diane Peterson: (916) 300-4756

Cornelia Chancellor: (916) 281-8397

SUNRISE CHRISTIAN FOOD MINISTRY Hours: 8:00-11:30am Donations are received and sorted 11:30-3:000 Open to the Public (drive-through only)


Office eMail Address [email protected]

ANNUAL MEETING ELECTION RESULTS With 76 members voting (constituting a quorum), the results are as follows:• All resolutions passed.• Resolution 4, regarding the issue of action on the

mortgage:  2/3 vote for Option 2.• All nominees for the council, endowment committee, and

nominating committee, as well as both synod assembly voting members were approved.

• From the church council standpoint, members being added for this next term are Tom Werth, Dorothy Slade, Jon Schedler, and Linda Belchem.

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PRAYER CONCERNS DEATHS Let us join Joyce Duncan and family, who are mourning the passing of Joyce's son, Keith.

Keith passed away peacefully in his sleep during the night early on June 8. A memorial service and graveside service were held at East Lawn Cemetery on June 15.

COVID-19 Maureen, Robin Bevier’s sister, prayers for healing and wholeness Ken Bancroft, prayers for healing, increased energy, and restored health

ACUTE PRAYER CONCERNS IN THE IMMEDIATE ADVENT COMMUNITY Phyllis Almgren, recovering from pneumonia and sepsis at Sacramento Post-Acute

(5255 Hemlock Street, Sacramento, CA 95841) Vic Barbu, Scott’s brother, who had a stroke Linda, Nancy King’s sister-in-law, diagnosed with breast cancer Keith Duncan, son of Joyce Duncan, cancer has spread from his pancreas to his liver, prayers for

strength and hope and prayers of thanksgiving that his sister Sandy is now him and Joyce Jack Fox, brother-in-law of Kathy Henricks, undergoing dialysis 3 days a week; prayers that he

may continue to heal from his peritonitis and diverticulitis and for his dialysis to work well Maynard Johnson, spiral fracture of his upper arm, prayers for full recovery; prayers that his

blood counts will go up as he continues with the current round of chemotherapy Jann Knutson, for her breathing to improve Lorraine Kowalke, sister-in-law of Lorna Mymka, prayers for the success of chemo therapy

treatments and that Lorraine may continue to be at peace Jackie Michehl, recovering at home from medical issues Joyce Montag, for a successful outcome of her upcoming hiatal hernia repair surgery on June 10 Joan Neubauer, undergoing repeat chemo therapy treatment through June 11 Lois Sellers, prayers for strength and courage, continues to have dialysis three times per week Dorothy Slade, now on hospice care after multiple successive strokes Lou Smith, prayers for recovery from a blood disorder that began 1 1/2 years ago Rod Sorenson, Karen’s brother-in-law, fighting cancer Val Wells, niece of Twila Engler, prayers for healing after mastectomy and for success of


PRAYERS FOR THE COMMUNITY-AT-LARGE Prayers of thanksgiving for all teachers, that they may recover over the Summer from the

stress of this school semester; thank you for your chosen vocation & service! Prayers for all elected leaders, especially those who provide leadership in states with rising

numbers of COVID-19 infections Prayers for our African-American neighbors that centuries of lived trauma and discrimination

may give way to equality and justice Prayers for all law enforcement officers who work towards keeping our communities safe

for all residents, regardless of their racial-ethnic backgrounds and income levels Prayers for our country, that we may find ways to unite and work together for racial justice and


ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS Terri Britt, friend of Karen Franz, stage 4 cancer; Greg Seo, friend of Dorothy Slade, cancer; Julie Wright, cousin of Amy Gariano, brain cancer


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