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Penny LintonWk6-1 PPT

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About the Previous AnimationI a n i m a t e d a l l o f t h e s e a n i m a t i o n s i n Po w e r p o i n t a n d b u i l t t h e m s p e c i fi c a l l y f o r t h i s p ro j e c t . T h e fl o w e r a n i m a t i o n t o o k m e f o re v e r b e c a u s e I h a d t o l e a rn a s I w e n t . T h e t ex t u re s I u s e d f o r t h e p e t a l s a n d t h e fl o w e r w e re b u i l t i n P h o t o s h o p a n d i m p o r t e d a s j p e g s t o Po w e r p o i n t w h e re I u s e d t h e m a s fi l l s . I d re w i n d i v i d u a l m o t i o n p a t h s f o r e a c h p e t a l i n Po w e r p o i n t a n d a d d e d e ff e c t s s u c h a s f a d e t o t h e m . T h e re a s o n I b u i l t t h i s f o r t h i s exe rc i s e i s t h a t I a m , b y n a t u re a v i s u a l p e r s o n a n d s i n c e I c l a i m t o b e a n a l l - p u r p o s e c re a t i v e , I fi g u re d I m i g h t a s w e l l s h o w p a r t o f t h e p ro c e s s . I l o v e p u s h i n g m y s k i l l s a n d m y s o f t w a re a s h a rd a s i t w i l l g o a n d c a n ’ t i m a g e a d a y g o i n g b y t h a t d o e s n o t i n v o l v e d e s i g n i n g o r a t l e a s t t h i n k i n g a b o u t d e s i g n ! A g o o d f r i e n d l a b e l e d m e h i s “re s i d e n t c re a t i v e g e n i u s ” a n d c a l l s m e a d i g i t a l Le o n a rd o . I a m n o t s u re I w o u l d g o t h a t f a r b u t I o f t e n w o n d e r w h a t d a V i n c i w o u l d t h i n k o f o u r t e c h n o l o g y n o w.

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Strengthso My creativity I was blessed to be born with. Ever since I was a child, I knew my spirit was a creative one and I was never doing

“normal” things but instead went the road less traveled.

o Educational paths that I have walked the last eight years. I have achieved a good deal of what I set out to learn. I also am always

striving to learn more in regards to design skills. To end the learning process would certainly mean the death of my soul.

o Connections to people, places, things and family, that allow me to be inspired. It is true that inspiration is all around you if you

open your eyes and ears and look for it.

o Optimism Those who know me best would say that I have six years of higher education in and don’t know what the word “fail” means. There is truth in that! I might not do as well as I liked, but

at the end of the day I rest easy knowing I gave the task everything I had and there is always tomorrow!

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FamilyOur daughter, Kate ,who

is 8.5. Her cat, Becca. Her dad, my mom, and me (the baby in white). I

would be nowhere without the love and support of my family.

Through the hours sacrificed as I work and through medical issues, my family has remained

faithful .

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Photography P


g with



Pa s s i o n

Life is Short -

Dare to be Different

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Sometimes life can

get a little messy

like your art

supplies after

finals and things can get blurry

. My secret is to just keep

going. Even in

the biggest messes there is

inspiration and hope!

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Playing with my original photos

Field Corn and

Freezer ice +

desperate for a

subject= si-fi

universe !

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Completed Digital Works

“Color My World” color wheel assignment for

Color Theory Class

Untitled concept art for class using illustrator

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Completed Digital Art

Final in illustration class using Illustrator and Photoshop

Project in Ad Design class using Photoshop

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Completed Work in Traditional Media

Top Left : Oil Pastel Bottom Left : Chalk Pastel

Right : Art Markers

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Completed Work in Traditional Media

Left : Mixed Media “ Morning News”Right : Colored Pencil Frank Lloyd

Wright’s “Fallingwaters”

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Completed Work in Traditional Media

Left : Acrylic Study Right : “ Octopus’s Garden” Acrylic

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Completed Work in Traditional Media

Top Left : young Bob Dylan Bottom Left : Editorial Illustration

Right : “My Favorite Things”All graphite

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WeaknessesI like to think of weaknesses in terms of areas that I can learn to overcome so that I might turn them into strengths.

Some of my weaknesses include:

• Working in graphite and colored pencil

• Not having a Wacom Tablet to save me time

• Needing to beef up my skills in HTML

• Needing to beef up skills in software where I am weaker

• My own personal health issues

• Continuing to practice my newly learned communication skills

• I WILL NOT hoard books or art supplies

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Works in ProgressAs I said before, I am not as strong as I would like to be in some areas of my craft and to these ends I will share some of my WIPS’s. I also have been working with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript around my other studies to become more proficient in these areas.

The rose is part of a WIP for a friend who lost her husband to cancer. It’s all Photoshop and mouse-no tablet. IE the hard way. Perspective is an area I intend to revisit when I am out of school so that I can better master it

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This is my last iteration of my resume for this class and probably what I have come to like the most. I think it looks really nice and information is easy to find, including the h on the end of Pittsburgh!

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OpportunitiesI think there are good opportunities to be had in the small rural area where

I live.

• No one has really set up a true design/art studio other than some sign companies but those are not much competition.

• The arts are not supported here including the fact that, in my daugher’s school system, they fired the art teachers due to funding issues. I plan to

fill the void by writing a business plan and taking it to the Chamber of Commerce because I believe the best thing you can offer a child is the

opportunity to be creative before they lose that skill by not using it.

• I also believe in seeing opportunities, as in the community need for art above, by paying attention to the culture and climate in your area.

Community bulletin boards are excellent places to leave your business material as well as any dr. office etc where it is common practice to leave

merchandising materials.

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ThreatsThere are several threats to my working as a designer that I can see

potentially occurring.Times are still hard in our rural area which will force businesses and private clients to look to in-house or DIY designs instead of paying a professional designer to create them. I plan to mitigate this somewhat by working for a reduced amount and then , when I have an established clientele, I will be able to afford to increase my rates.

Working for reduced rates might cause me to not be able to keep up with technology as I would like. I have no other designers near me with whom I might be able to share resources such as tablets or computers. I am not sure what to do about this threat except to keep up via media on new techniques and new products.

The last threat is my own health. I almost died last August from complications of a burst appendix. The whole experience served as a wake up call to take better care of my health. When I get working and making money, I am going to get a family plan to the local YMCA so we can all enjoy better health.

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Thank YouI want to take a moment and thank you for watching my presentation. I was dreading this class, in all honesty, but it has turned out to be one of the most beneficial ones I have taken of late. The thing I most enjoyed was creating my resume because now I can be sure that it will be an attention getter. I also know that it is well crafted and can be proud, not wondering, when I place it in the next interviewer’s hands or need to send in a copy.

I wish each of you every success as most of us near graduation!

Thanks again, Penny Linton