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ADHD Awareness Expo

September 12th – 18th

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Conquer Clutter and Chaos…Achieve Order and Balance!

Are You Tired of Living in Disorganized Chaos?

If you've been diagnosed with AD/HD, you probably have a good idea of how it is impacting your ability to get organized and

effectively manage your time. As you know, many people with AD/HD struggle with inattention, distractibility, impulsivity,

forgetfulness, a “fuzzy” sense of time, procrastination, and a low tolerance for tedious tasks. All of these things contribute to

disorganization and inefficient time management.

We Can Help.

Order and Balance®, LLC specializes in working with clients who have AD/HD and offers a variety of customized coaching and

organizing programs to meet your needs. The Order and Balance®, approach to ADHD coaching is very goal-oriented, strengths-

based, and solution-focused. We help you maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. We work with your AD/HD, not

against it. We help you get organized and manage your time better so you can focus on the things that truly matter to you.

Achieve Order and Balance Now! Schedule a Free 30 Minute Phone Session!

Contact us at: [email protected] Visit us at:

Follow us at:

Tiffany deSilva, MSW, LSW, CTACC: Expert Organizer and AD/HD Coach

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All My ADHD Clients are Creative, Resourceful and Whole.

An ADHD diagnosis is helpful, but it’s the real work in coaching that will change your life.

From high school and college students to adults in their ‘60’s, my clients are affirmed through my comprehensive coaching in their strengths, talents and capabilities. ADHD Coaching is both directive and interpretive in nature. My clients’ require my excellent listening skills to redirect attention to achieve their goals. Clients set the agenda and come prepared to be transformed –

I suggest tools and strategies tailored to your brain style for you to be successful.

• You may come to coaching to learn about time management and discover a strength to compensate for the challenges of your ADHD;• You may come to coaching for academic challenges and learn that you’re in the wrong program;• You will come to coaching to learn that Interest is everything.

Please visit and read my blogs about life in Georgia with ADHD, everything from the dog that ate a $1000 sock to stories about life with two children with ADHD. I’ve lived it all. And that and my training is why I’m good at ADHD Coaching. Making a difference in your life is why I coach.

The first five new clients to contact Maureen Nolan, ACC at [email protected] or 404-713-0488 and use the code word licorice will qualify for a $60 coaching session.

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Becca  Colao  |  |  |  [email protected]  |  781.894.2343  

Becca Gross Colao combines her academic training in Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences with her diverse work experience to offer clients a Problem-Solving and Systems Approach to coaching. "She has an affinity with inattentive ADHD and enjoys working with professionals, graduate students, and small business owners."

We work together so you can:

 Stick with your priorities  Learn how you function best  Notice opportunities instead of challenges  Increase your reserves  Increase self-confidence  Do more of what works  Increase resilience  Get and stay organized

How does coaching work? Typically we work together by phone 3X’s a month for 45 minutes each time.

What's next? Contact [email protected] for a complimentary call to see if coaching is a fit.

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This AD/HD workbook isone in a million!

“Kerin’s understanding, borne of her many years of working

in the field of AD/HD, has given her the ability to write a work-

book that is an essential and comprehensive resource.” Roy J. Boorady, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine

Director, Psychopharmacology Service, NYU Child Study Center


Featured in this invaluable workbook are:• More than 50 reproducible diary pages that help childrenexperience and acquire a positive attitudes self-image!

• Exercises that encourage children to communicate theirinner thoughts, develop self-awareness, accountability, anddemonstrate their courage

• Individualized step-by-step prompts that focus on time-management and many other AD/HD challenges.

• Result-oriented activities for parents and caregivers thatencourage constructive, positive actions

• A customized Home/School Accountability Form for par-ents and teachers designed to im-prove daily correspondence andcollaboration for Parent/Teacherconferences.

• Tools for helping teachers, stu-dent-teachers and classroom aidesto identify and cope with AD/HD is-sues.

• Practical applications for schoolpsychologists and clinical practition-ers to be used on a one-on-onebasis or in a group setting

Get the full details at www.ReachBeyondADD.comor call 888-761-6268 to order by credit card today!

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Geraldine Markel, Ph.D. [email protected]

Are Distractions Sabotaging Your Efforts to Get Ahead?

Plagued by technology, an unruly mind, or interruptions? Stop feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, and stressed.

Discover simple strategies that can have a profound effect on your work/life. Rid your life of 8 common distractions that lurk around you!

If you hate to read, but love to talk, then contact Geri for brief, results-oriented coaching. Write to: [email protected] or call: 734 761 6498 for a complimentary consultation.

This and other books are available as print, digital downloads, and as a visually pleasing 28 item card deck. ORDER NOW!

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Who's Nick The Coach?

Serious Silly Loves a Laugh

and like a lot of ADD'ers

Born to Explore

Sailing to Buenos Aires at 20 Estes Park And...

A professional AD/HD coach. Certified counselor. Licensed third age (50+) coach. Executive and management coach. Former career guidance center director for the Illinois Board of Education. With an MA in psychology. With twenty years of management experience. Helping individuals find success in work, school and relationships for thirty years. Certified to teach Accountability that Works, Focusing, Managerial Mediation, Individual and Organizational Transition.

Contact Nicholas Head at Specialized Coaching Services, twitter, Linkedin , email, or 602-314-4571.

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Ready to Try ADHD Coaching? Looking for a coach who’s flexible, fun and focused? Meet Coach Melissa Fahrney and get her Expo Offer: FREE COACHING FOR A MONTH! (via phone or skype) For more details and to register visit

soon to be Or contact via email: [email protected] Phone:1-888-327-5727 Melissa specializes in working with teens and college students, but welcomes ADDers of all ages who want to Master their Mountains using the power of Heart I.Q.!

Melissa Fahrney, M.A., CPC ADHD & Life Coach, HeartMath® 1:1 Provider,

Adult ADDer, former school psychologist, mom of 4, Lover of the Rocky Mountains, Nordic & downhill skiing

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Robin Roman Wright, AD/HD & Career Coach

Partnering with Teens & Young Adults Ages 15 - 29

 Coaching services might help you with: 

Time management and study skills Career planning: 

o  Identifying your talents, skills and strengths, choosing a major or launching a job search Goal Setting and supporting you in a structured way as you implement plans and take action!

Complimentary 15 - 30 minute inquiry session - discuss your coaching needs and learn about my approach!

Professional Member ADHD Coaches Organization


Call (978) 447-1496 or visit to learn more! Free videos explain coaching and demonstrate methods teens can use to find a rewarding career path! 


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A must read for anyone who has wanted to learn about the entirecoaching process as it relates to youth with ADHD, incorporatingcoaching skills, parenting skills and valuable information for allreaders. Sleeper-Triplett’s industry and practical expertisemakes this book an extraordinary resource.

A Breakthrough for


By Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC

Available at • 800-233-9273

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Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC is a pioneer in the field of ADHDyouth coaching and has beenworking with young people fornearly 35 years. As cofounder ofthe Institute for the Advance mentof ADHD Coaching and Directorof Coach Training for the EdgeFoundation, Sleeper-Triplett isseen by many of her peers as theforemost expert in the field ofADHD coaching for youth. Hercompany, JST Coaching, LLC,provides premiere coach trainingand coaching worldwide.

Empowering Youth With ADHD is the essential resource for coaches interested inexpanding into a new niche; for parents hoping to provide young people with ADHD a moreholistic treatment, and for mental health professionals struggling to understand coaches’ role.

Empowering Youth With ADHD offers insight on

• Assessing a young person’s readiness for coaching

• Helping young people stay focused and achieve goals

• Adopting coaching language, through sample coaching dialogues

• Applying practical coaching techniques to solving real-life problems

In this enlightening guide, author Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, Master Certified Coach to hundreds ofyoung people with ADHD, shares her unique, step-by-step coaching plan for creating positivechange for youth with ADHD.

“Empowering Youth with ADHD is a must read for any educational, medical or mental healthprofessional committed to helping teens and young adults with ADHD.

Empowering Youth with ADHD is an exceptionally well-written, diverse volume. It is a must for all professionals. Sleeper-Triplett’s approach to coaching is reasoned and reasonable. The strategiesoffered in this volume can make an immense, positive difference in the lives of youth and youngadults with ADHD.”

Sam Goldstein, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Attention Disorders

“Sleeper-Triplett has that elusive combination of heart, intelligence, energy, and spirit that have madeher the pre-eminent coach and coach trainer for youth with ADHD. With Empowering Youth withADHD, Sleeper-Triplett’s tireless commitment to meeting the needs of this underserved populationtakes on a new and inspiring trajectory!”

Susan Sussman, M.Ed., MCC, SCAC

“Written in a clear and straightforward way by one of the true pioneers of the coaching field, thisbook demystifies coaching and explains in great detail everything you need to know about thecoaching process. Whether you are a professional coach that wants to learn more, a parent, or ayoung person considering coaching, this book will be of enormous benefit to you.”

Kevin Murphy Ph.D., The Adult ADHD Clinic of Central MA and co-author of “ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says”

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ADHD Awareness Expo

September 12th – 18th
