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Advertising AgencySubmitted by



Tazeen Ahmed (04)

Adil Ansari (05) Basmah Ansari (07)In SPECIAL STUDIES IN MARKETINGOf



Certified that this project report ADVERTISING AGENCY is the bonafide work of NAME OF THE CANDIDATE(S) are below:




Tazeen Ahmed04_______________________

Adil Ansari05_______________________

Basmah Ansari07_______________________

Who carried out the project work under my supervision. _________________________




Through this acknowledgement, we express our sincere gratitude towards all those people who have helped us in the preparation of this project, which has been learning experience.We would like to thanks the Co-ordinator , the faculty , the librarian and the administrative staff of Department of Bachelor of Business Management Studies, Rizvi College Of Management Studies Mumbai University, for their support.

Finally, We express our sincere thanks to Proff. SAMEER CHARANIA who guided

us through out the project and gave us Valuable suggestion and encouragement.

TABLE OF CONTENTSSr. No.ParticularsPage no.








a) Log 5 Communications



















INTRODUCTION TO ADVERISINGAdvertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. This type of work belongs to a category called affective labor.

In Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward." The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.Advertising is paid communication through a non-personal medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled.Modern advertising was created with the innovative techniques introduced with tobacco advertising in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays, which is often considered the founder of modern, Madison Avenue advertising. In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at $142.5 billion in the United States and $467 billion worldwide.


An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. It is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Agencies may be hired to produce single ads or, more commonly, ongoing series of related ads, called an advertising campaign.

An ad agency has writers, artists, media experts, researchers, television producers, account executive, etc. these specialists work together to understand fully the advertisers requirements and develop suitable advertising plans and strategies.The Association of Advertising Agencies of America (AAAA) defines advertising agency as An independent business organization composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services.Advertising agency is one of the most important components of advertising industry. It has played a significant role in the development of modern advertising. The advertising agency has evolved to provide the specialized knowledge, skills and experience needed to produce effective advertising campaigns. It provides a quality range of service greater than any single advertiser could afford or would need to employ. An advertising agency is a firm that specializes in the creation, design and placement of advertisements, and in the planning and execution of promotional campaigns for products and services of their clients.ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF AN ADVERTISING AGENCY

The activities within an advertising agency are typically divided into 4 broad groups: account management, the creative department, media buying, and research.

i) Account Management : Works closely with the client to map out their communications needs and define the role the agency can play in helping meet their business objectives. Engages agency resources as appropriate and ensures all the work done for the client is suitable for their business and that projects run smoothly. On a day-to-day basis, this means creating agency teams to work on specific projects, communicating the agency opinion in formal points of view, presenting work, and setting timelines and budgets. There are a number of levels within the account management group.ii) Creative/ Services Advertising can take many forms (TV commercials, radio spots, print ads, and outdoor billboards to name a few), but collectively they are referred to as the creative. Development of the creative is typically done in teams of two. A Copywriter (words) and an Art Director (visuals) work together to create rough versions of the ads including: TV storyboards, print layouts, and radio scripts. Creative teams can work successfully together for years -- often hired, fired and promoted together. The Creative Director , who approves all the work before it is shared with the client, has a tremendous influence on all the work an agency develops, ensuring that the work is unique and appealing while strategically on target. Once an idea for a radio or TV ad is ready to be brought to life, a Producer joins the team. The producer coordinates with the outside resources necessary to produce finished ads. He estimates the cost to produce the ads, writes contracts, and coordinates the production from start to finish. The Traffic Manager performs a similar function for print ads, estimating costs and coordinating these jobs from start to finish. In addition, the Traffic Manager is also responsible for getting all ad materials where they need to go.

iii) Media Planning and Buying Typically, the largest portion of a marketers budget goes towards buying media. This places a huge responsibility on the media planning and buying department. Media Planners determine what combination of TV, Radio, Magazines, etc., would reach as many target consumers as possible at the lowest cost. The result of their research and analysis is the Media Plan, a calendar of scheduled advertising The measurements they use include: Reach: what percentage of the target audience will be exposed to the ad Frequency: how many times the average consumer in the target audience will be exposed to the ad Effective Reach: also referred to as 3+ reach, quantifies the percentage of the target audience that will be exposed to the ad more than three times Media Buyers take the media plan recommended by the planners and negotiate its purchase as inexpensively as possible.

iv) Research and Account Planning Advertising agencies began actively doing research in the 1920s. This research was focused on answering specific business questions about products and consumer preference. Research was typically not an integral part of the creative development process until the introduction of Account Planning. Account Planning began in England during the 1960s. It focuses on consumer attitudes and branding for the goal of creating a unique identity for the clients brand which is distinct from the competition and compelling to the target consumer. Research centers around focus groups where small groups of consumers tell agencies a lot more about what consumers think and feel than a nationwide survey. Account Planners use this information to weave facts together into compelling stories. These stories can form the basis of a brand positioning, a unique product benefit or perhaps even a commercial storyline. Many agencies have created unique planning processes. For example, J Walter Thompson relies on TTB (Thompson Total Branding), McCann has the Brand Footprint, and Bates offers the Brand Wheel.These divisions are usually physically separated, although all four areas work closely together to produce an advertising campaign in its entirety.

Account managers usually have daily interaction with a counterpart at the client's office and coordinate the activities of the other departments according to the client's wishes. The creative department designs original themes or concepts for ads, while the media department places finished ads within the media in which they will receive the most exposure to a target audience. The research department provides data about consumers to help the agency and the client make informed advertising decisions.

Recently added to advertising agencies' roster of services are public relations, direct marketing, and promotional services. Other activities that used to be completed by outside vendors, such as photography and high-tech print work, have been brought in-house in many agencies.

FUNCTIONS OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS1. Contact Department. Creation, sustaining an extension are the three basic functions of the department. It gets new business and tires to continue the existing business. Accounts Executive of the departments is the key man who acts as a liaison between the agency on the one hand and the clients on the other.

2. Media Department. After making the advertisement plan, the agency selects the best possible medium. It is choosing the channels o communication trough which to distribute the advertising. The media analyst and estimators decide the approximate kind and number of potential customers and then to choose the media that get the message to them.

3. Copy Department. The copy director coordinates the work of writing the copy with the assistance of copy chief and copy writer. The advertisement copy is the heart of advertising programme as it contains the message. Copy writing requires imagination, flair and fluency in the language and then to choose the media that copy is the outcome of his interest, mood and ability.

4. Art and Visualization Department. The art director heads this department. He is assisted by artists, lay-out men and visualizers. Art director gets prepared visuals and lay-outs for press advertisements, posters, calenders, printed bulletins, car cards and other out door pieces. Some agencies hire the outside artiste. There should be close cooperation between the department of art and copy as they supplement the work of each other.

5. Production Department. When a copy is ready the agency proceeds to its mechanical production, agencies generally use out side units for these production services. The production manager as to move to the typographers or type setters to have copy set in type, later to the photoengraver for the illustrations. Finally he moves to the electro-typer for electro-types mats or other duplicate material in such qualities as needed.

6. Finance Department. The accountants are responsible to maintain accounts, billing and collecting the dues from the customers. The checking section verifies the production and publicity of each individual case, may be press medium or outdoor or radio or television or cinema etc. The aim is to see that such publicity is really helping the advertiser. It is interested in realizing the goals of publishing whether the advertisement is to day or after a coupe of days or a week or a month.

7. Research Department. This section of the advertising agency is engaged in the study of h effects of sales activities at the end of the point f distribution of a particular product. Sometimes outside research organisations are employed to carry on such research as they are more economical and reliable. The Research director takes the assistance of analyst, investigators, marketing assistants clerks and librarians. All these persons are trained in research work and are in a position to evaluate the information relating to the product.

8. public Relations Department. The birth, growth and survival of an advertising agency depend very much on the public opinions, support and feelings it sis public opinion that decides the destiny of the enterprises. The department establishes an maintains mutual understanding between the organisation an the public. Public relations approach is the product of publicists an advertising men. The department is headed by the Public relations Director who a to struggle hard to have always high opinion about the firm. Once the image is lost the whole business comes to a standstill.

COMPENSATION METHODSAgencies may be compensated in a variety of ways including:

A. Commissions from Mediathe agency is compensated based on the time or space it purchases for its client. The commission is typically 15% (16 2/3% for outdoor), and sometimes has been negotiated downward. The commission system has been the target of criticism for a number of years as critics argue that it ties agency compensation to media costs and encourages agencies to rely too much on expensive, commissionable media such as network television and avoid non commissionable media. Many advertisers have moved to a negotiated commission system that takes the form of reduced percentage rates, variable commission rates and minimum and maximum compensation rates. A recent survey by the Association of National Advertisers found that less than 10 percent of clients pay their agencies a 15% commission. However, most clients do use the 15% commission as a benchmark to evaluate their current agency compensation agreement.

B. Fee, Cost and Incentive-based Systemsin situations where billings are low, and/or the client does not wish to pay a direct commission, an agreement may be reached in which the agency is compensated in the way of a fee, cost-plus or incentive-based compensation system.

1. Fee arrangements are of two types: a fixed-fee method where the agency charges a basic monthly fee for all of its services and credits to the client any media commissions earned. Under a fee-commission combination the media commissions received by the agency are credited against the fee. If commissions are less than the agreed-on fee, client must make up the difference.

2. Cost-plus agreementunder this compensation method the client agrees to pay the agency a fee based on costs of its work plus some agreed-on profit margin. This system requires the agency to keep detailed records of costs incurred in working on a clients account.

3. Incentive-based compensationwhile there are many variations on this system, the basic idea is that the agencys compensation level will depend upon how well it meets predetermined performance goals for its clients such as sales or market share. Incentive-based compensation. Incentive based compensation systems are becoming more prevalent as marketers are seek to make their agencies more accountable and reduce costs.

C. Percentage Chargeswhen agencies purchase services from other outside agencies they typically add a percentage in the form of a markup charge as their compensation. These markups usually range from 17.65 to 20 percent.

TYPES OF ADVERTISINGAdvertising is the promotion of a companys products and services carried out primarily to drive sales of the products and services but also to build a brand identity and communicate changes or new product /services to the customers. Advertising has become an essential element of the corporate world and hence the companies allot a considerable amount of revenues as their advertising budget. There are several reasons for advertising some of which are as follows:

Increasing the sales of the product/service

Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image.

Communicating a change in the existing product line.

Introduction of a new product or service.

Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.

Thus, several reasons for advertising and similarly there exist various media which can be effectively used for advertising. Based on these criteria there can be several branches of advertising. Mentioned below are the various categories or types of advertising:i) Print Advertising Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers

The print media have always been a popular advertising medium. Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice. In addition to this, the print media also offers options like promotional brochures and fliers for advertising purposes. Often the newspapers and the magazines sell the advertising space according to the area occupied by the advertisement, the position of the advertisement (front page/middle page), as well as the readership of the publications. For instance an advertisement in a relatively new and less popular newspaper would cost far less than placing an advertisement in a popular newspaper with a high readership. The price of print ads also depend on the supplement in which they appear, for example an advertisement in the glossy supplement costs way higher than that in the newspaper supplement which uses a mediocre quality paper.

ii) Outdoor Advertising Billboards, Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events

Outdoor advertising is also a very popular form of advertising, which makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. The most common examples of outdoor advertising are billboards, kiosks, and also several events and tradeshows organized by the company. The billboard advertising is very popular however has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passers by. The kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company products but also make for an effective advertising tool to promote the companys products. Organizing several events or sponsoring them makes for an excellent advertising opportunity. The company can organize trade fairs, or even exhibitions for advertising their products. If not this, the company can organize several events that are closely associated with their field. For instance a company that manufactures sports utilities can sponsor a sports tournament to advertise its products.

iii) Broadcast advertising Television, Radio and the Internet

Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several branches like television, radio or the Internet. Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they have been introduced. The cost of television advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement, the time of broadcast (prime time/peak time), and of course the popularity of the television channel on which the advertisement is going to be broadcasted. The radio might have lost

its charm owing to the new age media however the radio remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers. The radio jingles have been very popular advertising media and have a large impact on the audience, which is evident in the fact that many people still remember and enjoy the popular radio jingles.

iv) Covert Advertising Advertising in Movies

Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies, television shows or even sports. There is no commercial in the entertainment but the brand or the product is subtly( or sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show. Some of the famous examples for this sort of advertising have to be the appearance of brand Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruises phone in the movie Minority Report, or the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded.

v) Surrogate Advertising Advertising Indirectly

Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law. Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to heath are prohibited by law in several countries and hence these companies have to come up with several other products that might have the same brand name and indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or beer bottles of the same brand. Common examples include Fosters and Kingfisher beer brands, which are often seen to promote their brand with the help of surrogate advertising.

vi) Public Service Advertising Advertising for Social Causes

Public service advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective communication medium to convey socially relevant messaged about important matters and social welfare causes like AIDS, energy conservation, political integrity, deforestation, illiteracy, poverty and so on .Oglivy once said, "Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes.". Today public service advertising has been increasingly used in a non-commercial fashion in several countries across the world in order to promote various social causes. Priyanka Chopra is riding high these days with back-to-back successes and endorsements and inaugurations and everything else under the sun.

However, the actress makes it a point to keep her feet grounded and do her bit for the society. She participated in SAVE CHILDREN campaign.

vii) Celebrity Advertising

Although the audience is getting smarter and smarter and the modern day consumer getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a majority of advertisements, there exist a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their products. Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up celebrities for advertising campaigns, which consist of all sorts of advertising including, television ads or even print advertisements.MARKETING STRATEGIES Client Testimonials Tried and true, the client story of success is often one of the first things that catches the eye when looking at potential vendors. Common mistakes include testimonials that are too enthusiastic or those that are benign but packed as if theyre something special. Most importantly, testimonials should reflect issues of interest to the target audience.

Case Studies With more complex situations, companies want to drill down into specifics of how a company does what it does. The changing nature of the search marketing industry means a continuous set of problem/solution exercises. Case studies present a picture of a companys breadth and depth of ability to solve a variety of issues.

Industry Awards Getting recognized by a respected third party can mean a quick trip to the credibility club. However, such awards are only as meaningful as the credibility of the entities giving them out. Outside of OMMA, ad:tech and MIXX, search marketing has not had much in the way of industry awards compared to other industries like public relations. However, the Direct Marketing Association is launching a search marketing category in this years DMA07 ECHO Awards.

Being Quoted by the Press, Blogs Being cited as an authority on a particular topic in a high profile publication can transform an agencys reputation and credibility overnight. Getting profiled with a photo on the cover of a regional print publication had amazing effects for TopRank but not nearly as much as getting mentioned in a very favorable light in The Economist or mentions on blogs such as Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land and the Yahoo Search and Search Marketing blogs.

Rock Star Employees & Thought Leaders Because of conferences, blogs, forums and the love/hate relationship mainstream media has with the search marketing industry, certain people have become well known as subject matter experts and pundits. Having one or more of these rock stars on staff can give the indication that the agency has a competitive advantage. How many agencies would jump at the chance to have someone like Danny Sullivan as an employee?

Speaking Gigs Baring it all in front of an audience so to speak, can go both ways. If the speaker knows their subject matter and can entertain as well, speaking at conferences, regional events and at Universities can be very productive. However, if the speaker does not prepare, present well or know their stuff things can go badly.

Web Sites Design & Functionality A web site still says a lot about a company and were as guilty as many, perhaps more so, for not updating our company web site in a very long time. TopRank is in a unique situation in that despite the sorry state of our web site, we receive 3-5 inquiries per day anyway. If that was not the case, our web site would have been updated several year ago. In a way, our blog has become our company web site but we do realize the power that a properly designed and informative web site can have at fostering a sense of authority and credibility. Finishing touches are in progress and a new site will be launched soon.

Editorial Contributions to Industry Publications Contributing articles to prominent online or print publications gives companies an opportunity to show their unique problem solving abilities and expertise. By association with the publication, the agency also gets a boost in the credibility department.

Advertising One way of buying your reputation is to advertise in all the places your target audience looks for credible information. This takes a crack creative team and a very healthy budget.

Conference Sponsorships Primary sponsorships of the Platinum, Gold and Silver sort at prominent industry conferences can put companies front and center of the most desirable audience: Companies looking for more information on the industry and vendor sourcing. This also takes a healthy budget and as such, gives the impression that the sponsoring agencies are also very healthy. Media sponsorships are another avenue for promotion with most going to prominent print publications and some online pubs. Rarely if ever, is an agency allowed to be a media sponsor unless their blog or newsletter is highly visible and relevant.

Frontline Staff - Answering the phone, speaking to prospects in meetings, networking online and offline, front line staff behavior can have leave a big impression (good or bad) on potential clients.

Existance or Lack Thereof, of Embarrasing Employee or Executive Photos/Videos Online If youve been to industry conferences, especially search marketing or blogging related events, then you know that attendees are packing. Packing cameras that is. Why some companies actually promote irreverent behavior of employees, I dont really know. In fact, some agencies might even take seemingly blase photos and make them seem somewhat irreverent in the name of humor. Without context, such images can be as damaging to a brand as if they were true.

Client List You are who you associate with. Big brand clients brings a whole other set of challenges and opportunities. But seeing those big names often gives lesser known brand prospects a certain kind of warm fuzzy feeling, If this agency made it through the vendor sourcing process with a Fortune 50 company, then theyre probably of the right caliber for my $500m company.

Competitors List Same as item above. When lists of the top agencies are published, lesser known search marketing agencies listed along with other top firms successfully deploying the tactics on the list gain credibility by association.

Search Engine Visibility on Competitive Industry Terms I cant tell you how many times companies have said, We found you on Google by searching for (insert industry term here) and we figured if you can do it for yourself, you can probably do it for us. I know, I know. Theres so much wrong with that kind of ranking logic these days, but its a fact of life in the search biz. Search engine visibility is a form of public relations and showing up for relevant, broad terms (as well as your niche specialties) makes your brand name (if your Title tags are written properly) associated with those terms.

Brand Message, Identity, Logo Theres a lot that goes into creating a brand. I like the definition: A brand is a promise kept. Each interaction between a prospective company and something that communicates information about the agency is an opportunity to make a brand promise. Repeat interactions provide the opportunity to keep that promise. Thoughtful messaging and a well designed logo also convey important messages that evoke feelings which can either build or detract from credibility.

Press Releases Sending out non-news press releases, We just moved to a new building or We launched a new web site design, is worse than not sending any press releases at all. But sending out press releases to wire services and directly to cultivated lists of relevant industry publications sends signals of your credibility. And with clever pitching, they might even get you some press coverage.

Social Media Footprint Forums, Social Networks, Images, Videos, Podcasts The boon in social networks usage by members of the search marketing community gives abundant opportunity to see another side of an online marketing agency. Forums can be very useful to find helpful and knowledgeable staff that work for good agencies. Promoting unique knowledge through social media formats and networks can give important indications of an agencys expertise in formats that can match the information consumption preferences of a variety of potential clients.

Research Published In the same way that faculty at Universities gain prominence and reputation by publishing research in professional journals, companies that have the insight and resources to conduct real research and publish their findings create very strong signals of credibility. It is not only the execution of such research that makes it an effective signal though. The intelligent promotion of these learnings is as much or more important.

Industry Association Involvement Investing in the future of the overall industry through association involvement can give the impression that a company has a higher level commitment than those that are not involved. Being involved with setting industry standards, guidelines and even training programs can set an agency apart and give an indication of their expertise.

CEO, Executive and/or Company Blog Blogs can be exceptionally effective at imparting a companys genuine philosophy and corporate personality. Company web sites tend to be dry and careful or conversely, full of hype. A well written and promoted blog can do absolutely amazing things for an agencys reputation in an industry. Online Marketing Blog is a good example of that.

The Agencys Offices While many internet marketing agencies operate virtually, most maintain physical offices. Depending on the manner in which the agency pitches potential clients, those offices can give an impression of the agencys style, personality and health.

Word on the Street, Buzz, Word of Mouth First and foremost, doing good work is the cornerstone of building positive word of mouth. At the same time, successfully engaging the tactics on this list will build positive buzz, but the longevity of that buzz is only sustainable if the agency has something significant in its ability to deliver results, to back it up. There is such a thing as over-marketing and people are smart enough to realize that one company cant do everything. Making it easy for clients to pass on the good news or making sure testimonials are properly promoted can extend a companys reach with nominal marketing investment.

Being Included on Industry Lists of Top Agencies No matter how you slice and dice it, getting included on a list sends a signal. Lists are inherently controversial because getting included means others are excluded. If you know how to create and promote the right signals, like doing great work for clients and letting the world know about it, getting on the kinds of lists that build credibility is pretty straightforward. Leaving it to chance and expecting inclusion based purely on merit is flat out naive.STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO "ADVERTISING AGENCY"a) Log 5 Communications


LOG 5 COMMUNICATIONSa) INTRODUCTIONLog 5 Communications is a full-service Advertising Agency with its office in Mumbai The Agency is going through a phase of extraordinary growth and new business acquisitions. A hard-driving organization, the Agency offers great opportunities for exceptional advertising professionals to partner the Agency's growth. Excellent work environment and handsome compensation standards. Being a medium whose primary objective is to reach out to humans, it is only natural for advertising to ensure that what goes around, stays around. Being fervent worshippers of creativity, monotony is a death knell for us at Log5Communications. We are a versatile and dynamic advertising agency operating in a nation-wide marketplace, offering 360 communication solutions.Where about:

Contact Address: 303 Saurabh Co. Op Society, Above Andhra Bank, Chakala, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E), Mumbai 400093

Phone / Fax: 42665556/7/8/9/9833247020b) ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE

c) FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENTSDIRECTOR: He looks after the organisation as a whole n helps his employees n encourages them n motivates them as and when it is requiredCREATIVE HEAD: He is the idea processor in the advertising agency and he's also the spirit eternal flame of the agency studio. he supposed to be abnormal person to lead abnormal team of a successful advertising agency, however he can save a lot of money by making the impact with the creative work, more than the material, quantity or even the size sometimes, even the campaign booking would be less if the idea makes this impact which makes people move it themselves from person to another as a word of mouth, and this is the best marketing and advertising ever.COPY HEAD: A copy head is a person who leads the copy writers.A copywriter is a person who writes text, or copy, for clients. Most copywriters work in advertising or marketing, producing copy that's intended to persuade a reader to buy a product or service or otherwise take action. Copywriting involves providing words, which are read or heard in advertisements. This may include slogans or jingles or detailed text for catalogues, brochures, leaflets and journals. Copywriting also takes the form of script for television and film commercial advertisement.

CLIENT SERVICING: No advertising campaign goes from storyboard to sales driver by itself. The client services manager is the ad agency executive who guides the campaign-building process. From client communications and work flow to budgets and billing, client services managers have many responsibilities. Most client services managers start their careers as entry-level assistant account executives, learning the ropes with a shorter list of responsibilities on a limited number of accountsSR. VISUALIZERS/VISUALIZERS: Sr.Visualizer/ visualizers is a position designed by Advertising agencies to assist Art directors, in producing quick & good quality artworks, for presentation (to please the clients). The salary of a Visualizer is very low, usually an average salary of a Visualizer is less than half, or sometimes quarter, of the salary of an Art Director. Visualizer is a special name used in advertising agencies in non-native English speaking countries, Malaysia, Singapore and others.GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Graphic designer involvement may range from verbally communicated ideas, to visual rough drafts, to final production. In commercial art, client edits, technical preparation and mass production are usually required, but usually not considered to be within the scope of graphic design unless the client is also a graphic designer.d) COMPENSATION METHODMostly compensation method they use is a fee agreement in which the agency is compensated in the way of a fee based compensation system.In fee arrangements a fixed-fee method is used where the agency charges a basic monthly fee for all of its services and credits to the client any media commissions earned.They also give discounts t old clients. Sometime they use other methods for compensation as in according to the type of client they are dealing with. As Log5 is a medium sized organisation it is not too expensive but they give their clients value for money.

e) TYPES OF ADVERTISINGLog5 communications is mainly into print media.f) CLIENT-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPClient- Agency relationship is as good as possible. They try to help their client in every possible way.

g) MARKETNG STRATEGYLog5 communication markets itself in three different ways :

a) Online marketing

b)Word of mouthc)Quoted by blogs and press

h) ELABORATION OF ADArt Group is a company that manufactures artificial diamonds and beads. Art Group is one of the old client of Log5 communications.

Meaning , Message and Logic behind this ad is that the artificial diamonds manufactured in Art Group are so fine and so beautiful that the sparrow rather going to a natural flower for nectar it is attracted to the artificial one which is made up of finest artificial diamonds. Thoughtful messaging and a well designed ad convey important messages that evoke feelings which can either build or detract from credibility.

a) INTRODUCTIONb) ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTUREc) FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENTSd) COMPENSATION METHODe) TYPES OF ADVERTISINGf) CLIENT-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPg) MARKETNG STRATEGYh) ELABORATION OF ADCONCLUSIONIn todays world which is fast moving & dynamic, peoples wants, need and desires are changing; its very important to know them and give them what they want. This is the main objective of advertising where ad agency plays major role in market research, making of creative, launching it in the market, taking the feedback of consumer and making any product famous and acceptable among consumers. Ad agencies are playing an important role in shaping present and future of not just

selected brand but of entire company. There is no one -- sure-fire -- best way to advertise your product or service. It is important to explore the various advertising media and select those which will most effectively convey your message to your customers in a cost-efficient manner. Always remember, advertising is an investment in the future of your business.BIBLOGRAPHY
