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What is Action Research?

BySumreen Rafi


According to the experts . . .

it is . . .

“a cycle

“a cycle of posing questions,

“a cycle of posing questions,

gathering data,

“a cycle of posing questions,

gathering data,reflection,

“a cycle of posing questions,

gathering data,reflection,

& deciding on a course of action.”

Origin and FounderKurt Lewin is generally considered

the ‘father’ of action research, first coined the term “action research” in 1944.

A German social and experimental psychologist, and one of the founders of the Gestalt school,

He was concerned with social problems, focused on participative group processes for addressing conflict, crises, and change, generally within organizations.

Kurt Lewin described it as a process of ...


Kurt Lewin described it as a process of ...



Kurt Lewin described it as a process of ...



and Searching

“Inquiry or research in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance.”

It is based on the close

interaction between

practice, theory and


Action research is known by many other names;

Participatory Research, Collaborative Inquiry, Emancipatory Research, Action Learning, And Contextual Action Research

but all are variations on a theme.

Action Research requires that we

REFRAMEthe problem

by looking at it in different


from different perspective


as a part of a larger


As Implement the Plan . . .

Control the progress

As You Implement the Plan . . .

Control the progress

Collect the data (evidence)

As You Implement the Plan . . .

Control the progress

Collect the data (evidence)

Present periodic reports

Another essential element of Action Research is . . .

“A cycle of action and reflection is the heart of

action learning.”

Information must be captured and then made institutional (institute by authority)

In a nutshell . . .

Action Research seeks to accomplish two goals:

In a nutshell . . .

1.Stimulate Learning and

Action Research seeks to accomplish two goals:

In a nutshell . . .

1.Stimulate Learning and

2.Make a Difference.

Action Research seeks to accomplish two goals:

What is Not Action Research?

It is not a library project where we learn more about a topic that interests us.

It is not about doing research on or about people, It involves people working to improve their skills, techniques, and strategies.

It is not about learning why we do certain things, It is about how we can change our instruction to impact students.

CharacteristicsUtility aspect of the people’s point of view.Produces knowledge to guide practice in modification.Action taking and evaluating.Collaboration between action and result.It modifies a given reality or develops a new system.Knowledge is generated, used, tested and modified in it.

The systematic efforts to gather information from various sources

that will help us identify the needs of victims in our

community to do research.

Needs Assessment


School Improvement

Improvement in professional


Provide opportunity for

faculty to research

Raise community engagement in


Encourage students to


Types of Action research

Contextual Action Research (Action


Traditional Action Research

Educational Action


Radical Action Research


1.Lack of Time

2.Validity as Research

3.Unfamiliarity with Research methods

4.Action Research produces results which

are not Generalizable

5. Representations of the process of action

research may confuse, rather than


6. The Rhetoric of Action Research may be

Confusing, or in contradiction with the

main principles of the process
