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    The focus, again, is on both the Middle East and the porous-border; the info gleaned from multiplesources is again provided with attitude that is directly derivative of the database. Also cited is thelatest lib-argument against trusting the GOP, ultimately playing the trump-card, a SCOTUS-appointment ;thus, there are definable limits beyond which the die-hard Dems simply will not budge. One would thinkthat the accumulation of anti-BHO evidence should suffice to suggest at least for two years the GOPshould be provided sway in both houses of Congress, but the most that can be coaxed out of these libs isthat BHO aids/abets evil but is not, himself, evil; trotting -out all the 30s -Nazi observations falls upondeaf-ears, as a sense of deep-rooted neo-i solationism prevails *no matter what reasoning is invoked+.

    The Endowment For Middle East Truth [EMET]Invites you to a Phone Seminar:

    Lessons from Israel's War in Gaza

    Tuesday, August 19 th , 20141:00 PM - 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)Call-In Number: (712) 432-0075

    Participant Code: 397784* NO RSVP Required

    Featuring:Ambassador Yoram Ettinger

    Brief mention is made of two flicks that have opened last week [A Most Wanted Man , the last movie of Philip Seymour Hoffman for which he will be a good-bet to win aposthumous Oscar] and this week [The Giver , which Opened Soft ]; the former wasviewed on Friday and the latter will probably be viewed next weekend. After the movie,a companion helped me appreciate the import of both the flick and the reviews thereof;it was concluded that international espionage begets betrayal, despite the highest of

    motives and careful execution. One review of THE GIVER' REVIEW was that of a MOVINGCAUTIONARY TALE OF AMERICA'S SLIPPERY-SLOPE TOWARDS 'UTOPIA' [but, actually, itseems it depicts a dystopia+; the question has been raised as to Why Harvey Weinsteinis Backing this Pro-Life, Anti-Nanny State Film that has been praised by Laura Ingraham ; my guess is that people are increasingly incensed with how BHO grew Big Governmentto 1984 -like proportions [and inherent fears]. Here is another sorta-positive REVIEW:This is a very respectable movie that teaches a lesson about how life, freedom, risk,reward, and pain are inextricably linked and, if some allegedly benevolent dictatorshipcomes up with a way to get rid of the pain, all the other things are erased,too. Unfortunately, it's not as entertaining as the best of the young-adult fiction thatcaught fire after this story was written.

    Levity: American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter, Tina Cleveland , andher fianc, Paul Sirimarco, had some fun in their car with a sing-a-long dance party to Youre The One That I Want from the musical Grease .

    It is alleged that the Abington Township, PA Police [where I live] conducted an unlawfulsearch: NO WEAPONS FOUND In the morning of August 16 th , 2014, an Abingtonpolice officer pulled-over a car in front of the house of the passenger in the rear seat.The cop stated to them that he was going to search the vehicle and them without their
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    consent. After he told the officer he did not consent to a search, the guy with thecamera recorded the interaction. He was told to drop the camera; the officer turned itoff (as seen in video), claimed he had a weapon (despite the fact that he does not ownany weapons), tackled, handcuffed, and finally searched him (without consent).

    Acuity Flagpole Project

    To eliminate the risk of spamming those [gluttons-for-punishment] who might wish to read the backlog ,each compilation [< 2 megs] has been uploaded, yielding the entire set of Action -Items generatedsince December [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, and XXVII]; they can be searched for key-words, and appended is the incomplete-XXVIII.{The prior six months entries *anti -BHO+ will be added *focusing on BHOs Scan dal-Sheet and theeffort to defund ObamaDontCare, spotlighting Cruz+. } More than 3000-pages have been composedduring the past year, and the reader is invited to ID any internal contradiction *for there arent any!+.

    Last night, an update of the Senate-handicapping was completed with my son, startingwith the data available @ Real-Clear-Politics ; to varying degrees, more recent data have

    been factored-in [all of which appear to support R>D] citing Louisiana as an example[High-Flying Landrieu Orders 'Review' of Her Taxpayer-Funded Chartered Flights andOwner Of Charter Flight Company Won't Confirm Landrieu Claim ]. Without expendingexcess energies wandering to other sites [Nate Silver, WaPo, NYTimes, etc.], note thatthe two R-seats coveted by Dems [Kentucky and Georgia] are increasingly safe for theGOP and that, because this yields a total for the Rs of 48 seats, the Senate would beflipped by winning three of the seven toss-up R-states: consider:

    In Kentucky, PPD [Dem-financed] polled from 8/7-8/10 (recently) andfound McConnell +5. In Georgia, InsiderAdvantage polled from 8/12-8/13 (very recently) and

    found Perdue +7 . *In Alaska, o nce Tuesdays unpredictable primary results are known, thethree candidates competing for the GOP-nod will coalesce, yieldingdominant support for the winner; during recent days, for example, JoeMiller was endorsed by Sarah Palin and Mark Levin . In Arkansas, PPD [Dem-financed] polled from 8/1-8/3 (recently) andfound Cotton +2. In Colorado, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24,and found Udall +4; yet, the same folk who tossed Dem -Senators whovoted for gun-laws will undoubtedly attempt to bring Colorado a moreconservative Senator.In Iowa, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24, andfound Ernst +1. In Louisiana, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24,and found Cassidy +1. In Michigan, Mitchell Research polled on 8/5 (recently) and foundPeters +1 .In North Carolina, Rasmussen Reports polled from 8/5-8/6 (recently)and found Tillis +5.
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    Thus, if current trends continue and the nominally-blue states stay Dem while the red-states *that mostly voted for Romney+ would flip to the Rs, yielding a 52 -48 R-margin.

    High-profile Dems [such as 'SNL' ALUM JOE PISCOPO] are PUBLICLY becoming Republicans] and Demsare Trying to Break the GOP Wave in States because they are mostly-Repblican; Obama's dismalapproval ratings jeopardize Dem control of the Senate and destroyed any chance the party had ofreclaiming the House. If Obama's ratings remain at near-record lows, Dem hopes of clawing back someof its 2010 losses in Governors' races could also be dashed. While almost all national attention is focusedon Congressional elections, some states have critical gubernatorial elections that will impact the 2016landscape. {It would seem BHO is headed for another shellacking!} Invoking the Law and Order slogan*popularized by RMN as he targeted burbs+ Could Help Republicans Win in November and 2016 .

    This Poll encapsulates the atmosphere: Voters Most Interested in the Election Break forGOP - A new Fox News poll finds Dems with a 7-point lead over Republicans in thegeneric ballot. When asked which party they would vote for if Congressional electionswere held today, 46% of voters answer Democrat while 39% pick Republicans. Among

    those voters interested in the upcoming election, however, Republicans edge Dems by asingle point, 45-44%. This 8 point swing towards the GOP is the " enthusiasm gap ," onwhich the November elections will turn.

    This is why I have been laboring to establish ASAP a PA-Chapter [with selected county-level subchapters]of the Log Cabin Republicans ; even the WaPo recognized that Social conservatives are becomingpolitically isolated, as the Republican Party increasingly is dominated by libertarians . Yet, as noted byJonah Goldberg, it is vital not to lose sight of the GOPs ethical moorings; as the partys tent isenlarged, it must capture the thrust of the ideas of those who worry about societal disintegration.Ultimately, however, the need for Big Government to become unobtrusive must be based on the intentsimply to exclude it from all rooms of a private home *including, in particular, the bedroom+.

    Illustrative of this goal is citation of a topic thats near/dear to my heart *as an anti -tobacco activist sincethe 1970s+: GIBRALTAR'S CIGARETTE SMUGGLING EPIDEMIC IS ALLEGEDLY THE FAULT OF BIG GOVAND 'HEALTH' CAMPAIGNERS. Thats why, for example, the Dems who are pushing to restrict e -cigs[despite their only being hot steam-delivery devices, supplying nicotine without CO/tar] are publichealth hazards.

    Meanwhile, BHOs domestic -antics alienate everyone except for his loyal-base [JudgeDemanded Answers After IRS Contradicted Sworn Testimony and a PHOTOGRAPHERDELETED OBAMA DANCING PHOTO AFTER GOING VIRAL and watch why Obama's'vacation from hell ' went south; the plan to snag two weeks off in Marthas Vineyardis an utter failure [justifiably] noting that, As the World Boils, Fingers Point at BHO . Yet,A RINO lamented BHO Will Face '20-to-30 Years of Disparagement' from Ex-Staffers andObama claimed I'm Not That Powerful . Illustrative of his profound pacifism [detailed lastweek] was his absence [along with that of Biden/Hagel] from this weeks funeral forthe highest-ranking officer killed in combat since Vietnam.

    In PA, a few events suggest increasing hope that the GOP can right itself within the next three months[AG KANE'S NEW PRESS SECRETARY CHANGED HIS MIND; Poll: Large majorities of PA voters supportincreased investments in US energy infrastructure ; and Chaka Fattah Jr. pled not guilty in fraud case ] while reminders abound regarding weaknesses within the GOP [Chairman: Liquor, wine prices not rising
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    in PA; and every time Penn State comes-up, in any context]. Some claim Corbett could still win , althoughthe best medicine may be humor [PA politicians raise $25K for charity with bad jokes ; Bykofsky'sComedy Night fundraiser surpasses half a mil ; and Politicians Try Humor at Philly Charity Fundraiser ].Having attended this event twice in the past, it should be noted that a good, relaxing time is shared.

    Regarding gun-laws, it was reported nationally that, in PHILLY, a Man got a loaded guninto a federal building and an FBI office with a fake police badge ; in the wake of protestsin Missouri, a Dem is pushing a Ferguson gun bill [prior to knowing the key-facts] whileStore Owners 'Use Their Own Guns' As Police Back Away In Ferguson . Meanwhile,Giffords and Mark Kelly's Gun Control Group Now Pushes Temporary Gun Confiscation and, illustrative why gun-control tends to empower the perp, note that Court Recordsshow that an Illegal Alien Had Girlfriend Buy Him a Handgun and that a Carjacker wasShot and Killed After Throwing Female Driver to the Ground . Finally, know thatBillionaires, Millionaires 'Pouring Money' into Washington State Gun Control Initiative . Just as I suggested hospitals either install metal- detectors or forego being gun -free,note that looting should prompt reassessment of the appeal of 'gun free zones .''

    Regarding the latest race-rioting , it seems the Dems are politicizing the idea that local police entitiesshouldnt be so well armed *despite the fact that they were criticized years ago for over -dependenceupon state-intervention]; note how key-data are emerging:MICHAEL BROWN SUSPECTED OF STRONG ARM ROBBERY; COP NAMED Eyewitness: Michael Brown Ran from Cop Car, 'Doubled Back' and Charged at OfficersObama Mentor Charles Ogletree: Arrest Cop Who Killed Michael BrownObama Mentor Charles Ogletree on 'Three Days of Rioting' in Ferguson: 'It's Just Starting'Horowitz: On Ferguson, Libertarians Playing with FireRUPERT MURDOCH: 'MAJOR CHANGES' NEEDED IN U.S. 'OR FACE MORE FERGUSONS' *US has historichigh in unemployment. Must open opportunities, fix schools, or face more Fergusons. + At Ferguson Rally Al Sharpton Says 'We Are Liberators,' Not Looters

    NEW BLACK PANTHERS AND AL SHARPTON DEBATE TACTICSCNN's Granderson, Wall Slam 'Charlatan' Al Sharpton DEMOCRAT LASHES OUT AT DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR OVER FERGUSON WAR ZONE' FMR NYC POLICE COMMISSIONER 'DISTURBED' BY POLICE TACTICS IN FERGUSON Upset with the Fox News Channels coverage of the Michael Brown shooting case, Alan Pyke [DeputyEconomic Policy Editor for ThinkProgress] wrote *I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon; theevil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual+ and then deleted *Deleting my hateful Roger Ail es tweet from earlier. Hoping that another human being dies is a shittything to do, and I'm sorry+ a tweet where he expressed hope that Roger Ailes would die a slow andpainful death. In the interim, Breitbart News had posted a story about his thoughts.Rand Paul is staking out new ground talking about race and police brutality. [oops!]Paul and Cruz weigh in on Ferguson McCaskill: 'We need to demilitarize'; the response by law enforcement was the problem instead of thesolution. Melissa Harris-Perry: America Treats Black Men Same as Dred Scott Days LOOTERS STRIKE FERGUSON STORE ALLEGEDLY ROBBED BY MIKE BROWNROBBERY TAPE HUMILIATES MEDIA'S 'GENTLE GIANT' NARRATIVE CNN: VIDEO LOOKS 'WORSE THAN WHAT IT IS' Ingraham: Why Aren't There Protests Against Rahm Emanuel? FORMER GEORGE W. BUSH SPEECHWRITER: RAND PAUL GAVE 'AID & COMFORT' TO RIOTERS
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  • 8/11/2019 Action-Items CCXXXIV [Illegals, Racism, Israel,Islamism, EMET, Abington]


    New Jersey Taxpayers Foot Christie's $6.5 Million Legal Bill after 'BridgeGate'

    The Dems are erratic:SOROS MADE BIG BET ON MARKET CRASHas Investment Outflow Hits RecordHILLARY DEMANDED 'PRESIDENTIAL SUITE' IN VEGAS Hillarys reputation as a great friend of Israel is fraudulent The Clinton Empire is expanding and radicalizingClinton suddenly liberal outcastTurns to Castro Ben Carson Overtook Hillary In Total Book Sales NOONAN: '16 Battle Heat Up Already

    A note from a self- described *reflecting my view+ incorrigible lib [annotated]:

    Agreements on some topics will not move me to support "your" party. One cannotcount on the following election to get rid of those with whom you disagree after thenext one. Once ensconced, politicians are very hard to displace as you have seen with

    so-called RINOs in many races.

    This is true, particularly noting how dangerous BHO has proven himselfto be; but note two considerations. First, BHO is such a disaster that hemust be deprived of as many support-systems as possible, ASAP.Second, in PA, each governor [after serving two terms] has beenreplaced by one of the opposite party; this provides precedent.

    There are consi derations other than current foreign policy needs and immigration. Take,for example, Supreme Court nominees or social welfare problems. If some socialprograms move to the states as you would advocate, such a transition would destroy a

    very robust federal safety net. That would happen under Rs, given likely Tea Partyopposition if for no other reason to cut budgets.

    This presupposes that there is agreement BHO has been disastrous on currentforeign policy needs and immigration ; the next task is to sho w that hisintegrated pacifism infests all of his principles, but, regardless, the key-worry isthe SCOTUS [the major mechanism by which a POTUS leaves a legacy]. It mustbe appreciated that the major motivation for moving most domestic programsto the state-level is constitution-based; we are a half-century remote from whenIke promoted the national highways as necessary were America to be preparedfor warfare. This is, indeed, c/w the philosophy of the TEA Party Movement.

    And of course there is energy wasted, in my view, on discussing the supposed "rights" ofthe unborn child; this is another view that will not change. Even if, as you suggest,nothing is amended federally, things are happening in the states. Besides, it is asignificant distraction from other issues that matter, especially if you are correct thatpolicies won't change. While you may have views that I can tolerate in this regard, youhave not at all convinced me this is a majority opinion in your crowd. Further, I have noreason to believe that early access to birth control - as opposed to ineffectual focus onabstinence - would be advocated.,d.aWw,d.aWw,d.aWw
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    The recent WaPo article [ vide supra ] illustrates how, within the GOP,the libertarians are dominating the social-conservatives; furthermore,all SCOTUS-justices either voted for Casey v. Planned Parenthood orpledged during confirmation- hearings that Roe is stare decisis [settled law]. And if it is conceded that these issues will [properly] beaddressed on the state-level, there should not be a problem with thesenate flipping to the Rs. *This applies to all social -policy concerns,notably abortion and gay marriage; the latter (except for one recentdecision) is trending towards liberality (as per the SCOTUS decision).+Finally, to illustrate why this parameter should not be weighted, notethat the Church opposes Capital Punishment along with most libs/Dems[again showing it is sympatico with the libs on seeking open borders].

    And you will never get me to accept a gun in every household mentality.

    This mentality doesnt exist within the GOP; everyone should be able to

    exercise their second-amendment rights to engage in self-defense.

    And you'll never get me to accept there is a terrorist on every corner. While it may benave, I will not live my life in fear. If we are so concerned about the potential for unrest,actively support programs that address urban violence - that is a known and very clearthreat to our societal fabric. We have not found a solution to Black-on-Black crime, forexample. It may not be a federal problem to ultimately fix, but it is a federal imperativeto assess what works and what doesn't and to create support for model programs.

    The two considerations are mutually- exclusive; your law -enforcementmodel against Islamic Terrorism was disproven under Clinton [c/o Jamie

    Gorelick ], yielding 9-11; and note how well Rahm is doing in Chicago intackling your goal. They declared WAR on America, and we must act!

    {Will provide follow-up after reactions to these rejoinders have been processed.}

    Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? the final installment of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged film trilogy

    is set to hit theaters September 12 th

    Putin was bellicose, as the Ukraine continued to hang-tough:UKRAINIAN FORCES DESTROY RUSSIAN CONVOY Poland puts on biggest military parade in years Russian cruise missile violation of arms treaty a serious threat Ukraine Destroyed Russian Military Vehicles That Entered in the East Russia Lets Ukraine Inspect Aid Convoy - Russia let Ukrainian officials inspect an aid convoy on Fridayand agreed to let the Red Cross distribute the aid around the rebel-held city of Luhansk, easing tensionsand dispelling Ukrainian fears that the aid operation is a ruse to get military help to separatist rebels.UN Says Ukraine Death Toll Doubled in 2 weeks Rebels Shoot Down Ukrainian Fighter Jet Over East Ukraine Heavy Shelling in Ukraine's Rebel-Held Donetsk Region[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Respublica Nova: The New European Alliance in Need to Ward Off Putin - With the conflict in Ukraineescalating, it is only a matter of time before Russia begins its energetic blackmail. This time not onlyUkraine or Poland will be held hostage, but even Germany might have the gas taps turned off. Gas isafter all Russia's main weapon when it comes to European politics.

    Regarding Worldwide Islamism and anti-Semitism :Schieffer: No Matter How Many Times You Say Bin Laden Is Dead, Terrorism Is AliveTarget: ISLAM - The world's safety requires the destruction of Islam's foundation.Anti-Semitic Flyers Surface at Jewish-Owned Business Near UCLAArab Bank Called Hamas "Paymaster" as Trial Opens in New YorkBritain's 'Murky Anti-Semitic Subculture' TOP UK DEPARTMENT STORE TO SELL HIJABS AS SCHOOL UNIFORMS Cameron: ISIS Are Extremists Abusing Islam UK Supermarket Sainsbury's Removes UK-made Kosher Goods: 'We support Free Gaza' Muhammed Is Britain's Most Popular Boys Name Norway Reagan Fan Parliamentarian Gets Death Threats for Supporting Israel Dutch Security Official: Islamic State Is a 'Plan by Zionists' to 'Blacken Islam's name'

    Five-Year-Old Girl Banned from Eating Chicken Sandwich by Nursery 'Because It Was Not Halal' Morocco Busted Jihadist Iraq and Syria Recruitment Network Two UN Peacekeepers Killed in Mali Suicide Attack 7 Dead as Battle Erupts in Somali Capital BOKO HARAM KIDNAPPED SCORES OF BOYS IN NIGERIA More Women and Girls 'Weaponized Themselves ' and assumed Role Of Suicide Bomber during the pastfew months, and carried out suicide bomb attacks in Nigeria.Pakistan Anti-Government Protestors Press Demands SAUDI ARABIA WROTE $100 MILLION CHECK TO UN 'TO FIGHT TERRORISM' Chinese Media: Is the Islamic State Targeting Us Next? Europe's Jihadist Girls: Teen Rebellion That Kills

    Hezbollah: Islamic State is a 'Monster' Threatening Gulf Western Countries Struggle with Whether to Send Troops to Iraq - The Obama administration flip-flopped on Wednesday on whether to send troops to Mount Sinjar in Iraq to save tens of thousands ofmembers of the ancient Yadizi sect. At first, the US said that 130 troops would be landing on MountSinjar to aid the evacuation, but then late in the day said that troops would not be necessary since theair strikes had been successful.5 Muslims Brotherhood Supporters Dead in Violent Egyptian Riots Egypt's Mubarak Denied Ordering Killing of Protesters Yemen al-Qaeda Chief Praises Iraq Jihadists - An influential Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen has praised IslamicState jihadists for their "victories in Iraq" but without pledging allegiance to their self-proclaimed"caliph" or leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Libya's Parliament Calls for UN Aid to Quell Militia Fighting Palestinian Authority: US Responsible for Creation of ISIS and for all Conflicts with Islamic Countries Bing West: How to Defeat the Islamic State - By pulling our forces out of Iraq in 2011, Obama claimed,he ended the war. Three years later, the winner of that war is a barbarous Islamist army that hasseized the northern half of Iraq, threatening both Kurdistan and Baghdad. An alarmed Iraqi parliamenthas just elected a new prime minister, opening the door for American assistance.Venzuelan President Nominates Chavez's Daughter as UN Ambassador - In a special event dedicated tosupport for anti-Israeli elements in Gaza, the Venezuelan government announced that Mara Gabriela
  • 8/11/2019 Action-Items CCXXXIV [Illegals, Racism, Israel,Islamism, EMET, Abington]


    Chvez, the daughter of late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chvez, would be making her political debut asan ambassador to the United Nations shortly.Malaysian Teen's Israel 'Like' on Facebook Prompts Death Threats, Sedition Charges

    Regarding Lefties/Neo-Isolationists :Ron Paul: US Should Get Out Iraq and 'Let Them Deal' with ISIS American Muslim Organizations Pen Letter Against Surveillance of Islamist Groups ARAB-AMERICAN GROUP WIELDS BOYCOTT THREAT OVER JOAN RIVERS' PALESTINIAN BARBS Glenn-Greenwald [the columnist famed for coming to the support of NSA leaker Edward Snowden]Somehow-Blames-Israel-for-Ferguson-Riots ; Greenwald cited an Iranian activist named Trita Parsi whoclaimed that "excessive police violence" in Ferguson can be blamed on the fact that the county policechief took a fact-finding trip to Israel in 2011. Parsi tweeted that St. Louis County Chief Timothy Fitchstudied counter-terrorism techniques in Israel in March of 2011.Rob Reiner Likens Hamas to the Tea Party

    Regarding Syria:Islamic State Advances in Aleppo Threaten Assad and Anti-Assad Rebels - While much of the global

    attention on the jihadist terror group Islamic State has focused on its genocidal attacks in Iraq, thegroup's Syria wing has begun to advance through towns in Aleppo province, Syria, trapping moremoderate anti-Assad rebels between the Syrian military and the barbaric war tactics of the Islamic State.Syrian Troops Seized Contested Damascus Suburb Violent Protests by Turkish Locals Force Syrian Refugees Out Syrian Rebels Demand US Airstrikes Against Islamic State

    Regarding Iraq:Maliki Steps Aside, Easing Iraq's Political Crisis Limited U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq Impede Fight Against ISILLINDSEY GRAHAM: 'STRONG INTELLIGENCE' TO SUGGEST ISIS 'A THREAT TO THE HOMELAND'

    Islamic State Now Threat to West, Says U.S. UN Blacklisted Key Islamic State Members and Threatened Sanctions on CollaboratorsJihadists kill dozens in north Iraq 'massacre', officials say Major anti-ISIS Rally Planned for London, Concerns over EDL, Islamist Attendance Islamic State Jihadists: Once you've Beheaded Someone for Fun, Where Do You Stop? 'Very Good Chaps': Anjem Choudary admits pro-ISIS Pamphleteers are His Students Iraq's al-Maliki Gave-up Post to Rival

    THE ECONOMIST is again trying to cover for BHO, both in its cover-story and editorial , claiming that, by going "Back to Iraq, the goal is Getting it right this time ... By combiningmilitary force with political brinkmanship; it is claimed America is making someheadway" based on Obama's "judgment that the jihadists can be properly dealt withonly by creating long-term stability in Iraq. A similar situation exists in Syria. Yet thepresident has long resisted intervening there ... [I]n the long run America is unlikely tobe able to destroy or even contain militant jihadism without involving itself in Syria. Mr.Obama's new approach in Iraq seems to be working. But more decisive action againstthe jihadists will be needed. The Americans are back on the ground, and they will bethere for a while." {Sounds a lot like what Bush- 43 did, eh?-

    Regarding Kurdistan :