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This summarizes, primarily, the three conference-calls regarding Israel’s invasion of Gaza; also included

is a time-line that provides raw-data reflecting the exigencies of this war and my personalized four-part

“take”  on the forces at-play [A view from the PMO in Jerusalem]. My views are c/w those of John

Bolton’s Gatestone Institute [There Must Not Be a Ceasefire and War "Statistics": The New York Times

Deceives Again]; the bottom-line point is that BB’s activities must be supported, fully-recognizing that

BHO’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood constitutes the theme of all his [mis-]behavior patterns.

In conjunction with concern regarding the “coat-tails” of the PA-gubernatorial race, note

that Minority Leader Costa said Dems can take state Senate if Wolf expands lead over

Corbett,  a point I have been incessantly making for two years and that prompts me—

until Corbett holds a PSU-themed “endless” press-conference—to hope still that Cawley

might supplant Corbett. For what it’s worth, I fervently want Corbett to win (noting

emergence of Wolf ’s tax-and-spend policies and Corbett’s anti-“Pension Bomb”

forthrightness) but, channeling Guzzardi (I suppose), one must impose tough-love.

First, a few political observations are provided, tethered to key-issues previously explored extensively;

“personal priorities” remain focused on two items of unfinished business [Temple U’s Lerro (no one

called-back, not surprisicngly) and starting a Log Cabin Republican Chapter in PA (officers have emergedand model-bylaws have been obtained, but organizational logistics pend)]. Many of the domestic-issues

are highlighted during the weekly Heritage-Action “Sentinel” call [which some consider to be “dry” but

upon which news-gluttons such as myself routinely feast], inasmuch as they reflect what’s happening

behind the scenes; such behavior is more revealing than that which might be highlighted on newscasts

for [in particular] the true-conservatives reveal themselves as RINOs open themselves to be discredited.

It is desirable, at the onset, to cite Dinesh D’Souza’s book [ America], three weeks after

having distilled the first five chapters thereof and one week after having distilled three

subsequent chapters  thereof. Chapter 9  depicts the decline of racism [as MLK, Jr.

“appealed not for new rights but for the enforcement of rights already granted in 1776],

Chapter 10   explains why the value of prosperity [derived from its underlying merit]extends to the collective, and Chapter 11 undermines the claim of exploitation by noting

the existence of mutual-consent. [The photos between Chapters 10/11 serve to remind

the reader of what he had, by now, presumably seen in the Documentary.]


"Why Am I Moving Left? I used to be right down the middle. But America's changed, and

so have I," by Thomas E. Ricks,  former WSJ and WashPost military reporter, on Politico

Magazine: "I have again and again found myself shifting to the left in major areas such

as foreign policy and domestic economic policy. ... [Some factors:] Disappointment in

the American government ... Torture. I never expected my country to endorse torture.

... How we fought. ... Intelligence officials run amok. ... Growing income inequality. ...

Bailouts for bankers. ... Democracy for sale. ... Gun massacres." {Personal experience

talking with him when he spoke years ago @ the National Constitution Center

undermines  this claim, for he was totally anti-Iraq, AFTER the successful surge; it is

notable, of course, that this “conversion” is dutifully transmitted via Politico.}

This-a.m., I sent Bill Godshall [“Smoke-Free Pennsylvania”] an item-of-interest,

claiming E-Cigs are Safe; this-p.m., he remitted his compilation of articles about

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Marsha Blackburn: Illegal Alien Children 'Pawns' in Obama's 'Political Agenda'  - On the

border crisis, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is leading the Ted Cruz brigade in the House.

Illegal Alien Children Dumped in Maine 

Maine Gov. Blasts WH After Discovering Illegals Dumped in State on Conference Call  

500+ migrant kids sent to PA

90% of Illegals No-Shows in Dallas Immigration Court

La Raza President: 'Un-American' to Protest Illegal Immigration


$840 Million of Border Crisis 'Emergency' Spending Bill Goes to Other Issues  

House Republicans unveiled their own fix to the border crisis,  including changes to a

2008 anti-trafficking law that would make children from Central America be treated the

same as minors from Mexico or Canada.





Gang of Eight Republicans Promise: We're Not Trying to Sneak Our Bill Through - Senate“Gang of Eight” Republicans are vowing not to try anything sneaky, as Congress

considers legislation to address the border crisis.

Rubio: No Immigration Reform Until Obama Deals With Border [belated declaration]


Rick Perry Slams Critics’ Claims He's 'Militarizing' Border 

BHO’s Proclivit ies:

Obama's biggest White House 'fails' 

Henninger: 'Most Provincial' President Tells World 'Drop Dead' 



Goodbye to the Republican Wave? [wishful thinking c/o the NYTimes]

Obama Warned Democrats to Avoid Repeat of 2010 Midterm Elections 

Regarding the Senatorial race in Montana, it may be recalled that significant attention is

being paid by Sen. Reid [and other Dems] to the native Americans; this is viewed as

explaining why they are pushing the “Redskins” issue and why Sens. Tester and Walsh

hailed new Land Buy-Back agreements in Indian Country.  Thus, although

RealClearPolitics  rates this “lean-R,” it’s probably going to be reassigned as “solid-R”

because Walsh [D, Montana] plagiarized his War College thesis and Walsh’s “Brings Jobs

Home Act” is  identical  to legislation  written by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) that

failed in 2012, when Stabenow was running for reelection. Senator claimed PTSD after

caught plagiarizing master's thesis. 

The NY-Times and WaPo websites provide a break-out, and commentary from the LA-

Times appears corroborative.

Hillary :

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Hillary Book Rank Dips Below Two Anti-Clinton Books 

Latest front in Clinton wars: Virginia suburbs - "The backdrop [is] the Virginia suburbs, ...

where a onetime congressional staffer who made her name digging up dirt on the

Clintons, Barbara Comstock, is trying to win a seat in Congress ... Lining up behind

Comstock are some of the Clintons' chief '90s-era adversaries, including Ken Starr, Dan

Burton and David Bossie. Determined to stop her is a host of Clinton loyalists led by

[Gov.] Terry McAuliffe ... Comstock's bid against Democratic Fairfax County Supervisor

John Foust has reopened the old wounds of Travelgate, Filegate, Monicagate."

GOP ’ s Civil-War :

Tea Party’s Joe Carr Looks to Ride Anti-Amnesty ‘Wave’ Past Lamar Alexander 


Tennessee Tea Party Leaders: Lamar Alexander a 'Mushy Moderate' 


Rand Paul Scrubbed Anti-Israel Student Reading List from Website 


Russia firing artillery into Ukraine in escalation of conflict 

State Dept.: Russia attacking Ukrainian military targets 

Ukrainian PM resigns, says parliament could no longer do its work 

Ukrainian journalist working for CNN detained by pro-Russian rebels 

OPINION: What US needs to do with Putin, Ukraine 

Majority think Putin has upper hand in Ukraine 

TIME COVER,  "COLD WAR II: The West is losing Putin's dangerous game," - His

increasingly overt goal is to splinter Europe, rip up the NATO umbrella and restore

Russian influence around the world. As if to put an exclamation point on that manifesto,the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine apparently resumed their antiaircraft attacks less than

a week after the destruction of Flight 17. ... And Putin evidently will keep going as long

as each new crisis only makes him stronger. The 21st century czar has mastered the dark

art of stirring up problems that only he can solve, so that Western leaders find

themselves scolding him one minute while pleading with him the next. The crisis in Syria

last year is a perfect example.

Israel & Islamism:

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ISIS Orders Women to Undergo Genital Mutilation 

Danon handled the BBC very well 


IDF Video Proves Hamas Fired from a Hospital 

The UN’s Propaganda War Against Israel 

Israeli Ambassador REAMED-OUT CNN for not reporting UN statement that says Hamas makes

UN schools a target

CNN Exposed  –  Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist Blows The Whistle: CNN Is Paid By

Foreign And Domestic Government Agencies For Specific Content

Israel surprised by number and sophistication of Gaza tunnels 

Why a Gaza cease-fire could reinforce long-term conflict 

Sen. Graham: White House 'throwing Israel overboard' 

Howard Stern Gives Impassioned Defense of Israel 

Fears grow that Hezbollah may join Hamas in fight 

IRAN SUPREME LEADER: Only solution is Israel's destruction 

Kerry Wrestles With Egypt and Turkey, Because Gaza Isn't Tough Enough [c/o lefties]PRESSURE ON ISRAEL 

FAA LIFTS TRAVEL BAN TO TEL AVIV, a prohibition that had brought the agency furious criticism

from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg; the agency said it

lifted the ban after it worked 'with its U.S. government counterparts to assess the security

situation in Israel."

At LOVE Park, advocates for Israel, Palestine face off  

Letter-to-the-Editor [probably to the Inqy , noting authorship of the article that provoked it]:

To the editor,

For years we have been told that support for Israel limited American influence in the

Middle East. But the current conflict has been different. Major Arab states, including

Egypt have recognized Hamas for what it is, a terrorist organization that is the

Palestinian version of the Islamists spreading hate throughout the region, political

siblings of those now persecuting Mosul’s Christians, and threatening Iraq, Afghanistan,

Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other relatively moderate Arab states. These neighbors have

recognized Hamas for the danger it represents, withholding the usual reflexive


It is painful to watch the destruction of civilian lives in the Gaza fortress that Hamas

built in and under homes, schools and hospitals, just as it is painful to see selective

outrage over the death and destruction in Gaza that is but a fraction of the carnage in

Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere in the Middle East. The effort Israel has made to minimize the

loss of civilian lives is unique in the annals of warfare, while Hamas has literally poured

billions of dollars in aid and many hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete into the

ground to build bunkers, rocket launching sites, and 80 foot deep tunnels that have only

one purpose, to facilitate attacks on Israel’s Jews. Arab recognition of Hamas and it’s

credo as an existential threat to the future of not just Israel but to the Palestinians, the

region and even the Western world is fortunate, not a problem as the Inquirer suggests.

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John R. Cohn

1015 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107


As Hamas looks on Egypt with suspicion, U.S. limited 

July 24, 2014


WASHINGTON —To understand the reluctance of Hamas to accept a cease-fire plan

mediated by Egypt, one needs look no further than the coverage Egypt’s state-owned

news media offers of the conflict.

Azza Sami, a writer for the government-owned al Ahram newspaper, took to Twitter to

thank Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his campaign in Gaza. “Thank you

Netanyahu, and God give us more men like you to destroy Hamas!” the tweet read. 

Another columnist wrote he could not support Gazans since they had voted for


The Egyptian media’s attacks on Hamas highlight ama jor change in Mideast politics

that has limited U.S. influence in the conflict: The Egyptian government of Abdel-Fattah

el-Sissi is virulently anti-Hamas, and Hamas does not trust it.

That hasn’t stopped Secretary of State John Kerry from using Egypt’s proposal as a

template for a cease-fire arrangement. On Wednesday, Kerry left Cairo for Jerusalem to

keep pushing for a deal even after Hamas rejected it and Egypt declined to alter itsterms.

Kerry “is trying to light the fuse to solve the problem,” said Jon Alterman, director of

the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a

Washington research center.

Egypt’s standing with Hamas is a turnaround from the role it played in 2012, when

Israel and Hamas last came to blows. At that time, Egypt’s president was Mohammed

Morsi, a longtime figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, the secretive Islamist society that

had close ties with Hamas.

Last week, Egypt presented a cease-fire deal that was similar to the 2012 deal. But

while the deal was endorsed by the Arab League and Palestinian Authority President

Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas called it effectively a surrender that met none of its demands.

The triad of hour-long webinars  focused on Israel [and not Iran, for example]; information gleaned

therefrom emphasizes the fact that Hamas has fired 2100 rockets @ 70% of population [from Haifa to

Eilat], which remains in shelters. Israel has found 30 tunnels thus far, although they have not all yet been

destroyed. Body-counts are often unreliable, so it is simply desirable to note 800 Palestinian-Arabs were

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killed, ½ of whom appear to be aligned with Hamas. Already destroyed is the domestic missile

production capacity; the total has been attenuated from 9K by 2K [although guestimates may be

unreliable], thus far. Thus, the UN Charter justifies defense.

The goal remains to achieve “quiet,”  not necessarily to destroy Hamas or occupy the

entire Strip; the latter may occur in the future, but it would take as long as a year [high

casualties, fighting in populated areas, etc.] The triad of sub-goals includes: [1]—No

Hamas infiltration via tunnels, while using the Iron Dome; [2]—Intelligence to ID the

Hamas infrastructure; and [3]—destroy network of bunkers in Gaza perimeter

(following-up Egypt’s historically-supportive efforts) to allow the IDF to have easy-entry.

Thus, the plan is to reassess key-data after noting what is accomplished, over time. Therefore, this effort

will be as extensive as is needed to end 14 years of almost-daily attacks. It is not a “right/left”  political

football, for mayors and people concur; the IDF must bring peace and quiet to the south [and, as has

now been witnessed, to the entire country]. This is why people will sit in shelters for as long as it is

necessary; also recognized with appreciation by L.A. Consul-General David Siegel are the morale-

boosting rallies that have been held in multiple US cities.

IDF Said Bombing and Deaths at Gaza UNRWA School

May be From Hamas Rocket Falling Short 

LIVE BLOG: Israel's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza [excerpts] 

Thursday, July 24

4:00 p.m. Europe's Aviation Safety Agency, which had issued a "strong

recommendation" against flights to Tel Aviv, retracted its warning on flights to and from


3:40 p.m. Binyamin Netanyahu spoke at the Knesset at a cabinet meeting, saying Israel

is continuing its operation in Gaza in full force from the ground and the air. He opened

his remarks by saying the IDF has delivered a powerful blow to the Hamas

infrastructure. "We are continuing the operation in full strength," he said, adding that

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the IDF was making big gains in Gaza. "In the past day, we have worked to overturn the

FAA ban on flights to and from Israel, and that has gained fruit." He went on to discuss

the fallen soldiers: "In the name of all the people of Israel, I express deep condolences

to the families, the fathers and mothers, of our soldiers that have died protecting our


2:08 p.m. The Egyptian army thwarted an attack against Israel on Wednesday night,

killing a suicide bomber who ran towards the border near Kerem Shalom, Egyptian

military sources said. The Egyptian sources told the Palestinian Ma'an News Agency in a

report published Thursday that the suicide bomber carried an explosive device as well as

wearing an explosive belt on his body. The sources also said that the army destroyed a

vehicle loaded with Grad rockets before they were fired at Israel. The attack on the

vehicle killed two individuals, taking place in the north Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid near

the border with the Gaza Strip.

2:00 p.m. Rocket sirens went on in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Hof Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat and

Kiryat Malachi.

12:40 p.m. Turkey is working with international partners to negotiate both a cease-fire

in the Gaza conflict and access for humanitarian aid, the Turkish foreign minister said on

Thursday. "The US, Turkey, Qatar and Egypt have been working for the last five days to

ensure an immediate cease-fire," Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview with Turkish

broadcaster AHaber, adding Turkey was in constant contact with Palestinian leaders.

12:29 p.m. Rocket sirens heard in Ashkelon, Netivot and communities near Gaza.

11:35 a.m. Code Red rocket alert sirens sound in Sderot.

11:34 a.m. Several pieces of rocket shrapnel land in Tel Aviv.

11:30 a.m. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke with British Foreign

Secretary Phillip Hammond on Thursday where he expressed regret for the heavy

civilian casualties in Gaza but insisted that the IDF is doing its utmost to prevent such

casualties. The PM also added that nothing would prevent Israel from continuing to

protect its people from Hamas tunnels which "penetrate our country."

11:22 a.m. Sirens sound in central Israel and the Sharon region for second time in

minutes. Iron Dome intercepts 6 rockets.

11:05 a.m. Rocket alert sirens sound in Kfar Saba and Petah Tikva.

11:00 a.m. Rocket barrage fired from Gaza reached as far as Emek Hefer and Binyamina

while explosions were heard throughout the greater Tel Aviv area. Sirens went off in

Ramat Gan, Givatayim and Herzliya. 

10:46 a.m. Brazil on Thursday recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations in

protest over the IDF's operation in the Gaza Strip. A statement put out by the Brazilian

foreign ministry said that Brazil considers “escalation of violence between Israel and

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Palestine” as unacceptable. “We strongly condemn the disproportionate use of force by

Israel in the Gaza Strip.” 

8:30 a.m. The IDF took some 150 Hamas terrorists prisoner after they surrendered in

last night's offensive on the neighborhoods of Khan Younis and Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

The prisoners will be transferred to the Shin Bet for questioning regarding the

movements and operations of Hamas in Gaza.

8:02 a.m. Rocket sirens activated in Gaza frontier towns.

7:05 a.m. The FAA lifts its flight ban to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport after reassurances

from the Israeli government of new security measures put in place.

6:27 a.m. The IAF struck over 30 terror sites in Gaza overnight, says Army Radio.

6:11 a.m. Palestinian youths in Bethlehem clashed overnight between Wednesday and

Thursday with Palestinian security forces and Israeli military, showing solidarity as

fighting continued to rage in Gaza, displacing thousands more Palestinians in thebattered territory.

Palestinian riot police were seen trying to prevent youths from getting near Israeli

soldiers but eventually moved aside as scores of youths streamed into the streets

throwing stones and firebombs at Israeli soldiers, who responded with tear gas and

skunk water fired from a cannon.

4:41 a.m. Palestinian health authorities reported that 18 people were killed in IDF

operations in the last few hours, according to AFP. The health officials said the

Palestinian death toll in Operation Protective Edge had reached 714.

3:21 a.m. More than half of the Palestinians want an immediate cease-fire between

Israel and Hamas, according to a public- opinion poll published Wednesday. An

overwhelming majority of respondents, 93%, said they had a negative view of the US

role in the crisis.

1:53 a.m.  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon "expresses his outrage and regret at the

placing of weapons in a U.N.-administered school," a United Nations statement said.

UNRWA is sheltering 102,000 people in 69 of its schools amid the renewed violence. "By

doing so, those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and

endangering the lives of innocent children, UN employees working in such facilities and

anyone using the UN schools as shelter," the statement said. {Remember, the rockets

were then returned to Hamas.}

1:09 a.m. In the last 24 hours, over 95 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, the IDF


12:44 a.m. The funeral for Paratrooper St.-Sgt. Li Mat, 19, will take place Thursday at 6

p.m. at the Har Herzl military cemetery, the IDF announced.

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12:05 a.m. The ADL condemns the vote by the UN Human Rights Council to establish a

commission of inquiry into Israel’s alleged human rights violations in Gaza, calling it

"absurd" and “another shocking perversion” of the Council’s mandate.