
ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011 - 1 -

============================= ACIPSS-newsletter - collecting intelligence news of today that will become intelligence history of tomorro w - ================================================= ============ nr: 25/2011 date: 21 June 2011 from: contact: [email protected]

(weekly @ is for transmitting purposes only!)

ISSN: 1993-4939 Disclaimer: Please see at the end of this newslette r! Contributors: Florian TRAUSSNIG; Oliver PLAUDER Table of contents: TOP HEADLINES

2322/12 Angela Merkel’s mania for austerity is des troying Europe 2323/12 Verteidiger fordert Freispruch für Breivik 2324/12 Raja Pervaiz Ashraf wird neuer Ministerprä sident

HOT SPOTS / WARS 2325/12 Turkish warplane 'missing' near Syrian bor der

US 2326/12 U.S., Japanese defense officials to meet t o discuss Osprey issues 2327/12 U.S. designates Boko Haram leaders ‘Global Terrorists’ 2328/12 U.S., New Zealand Sign Defense Cooperation Accord 2329/12 US Senator Urges Independent Probe of Nati onal Security Leaks

FORMER SOVIET UNION 2330/12 Ukraine: Frauenrechtlerinnen von ukrainisch em Geheimdienst entführt

THE IRAN SPECIAL 2331/12 As Iran Talks Falter, Fears of Military Ac tion Increase 2332/12 Report Says U.S., Israel Targeted Iran Wit h 'Flame' Virus 2333/12 G5+1 asks for more time to mull Iran's pac kage of proposals 2334/12 Nuclear Talks Begin, Iran Wants Sanctions Lifted 2335/12 President: IR Iran ready for Moscow talks 2336/12 „USA plante Cyberattacke gegen unsere Atom anlage“

NEAR / MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA 2337/12 Tensions Soar In Egypt As Election Result Delayed 2338/12 Uncertainty Over Mubarak's Health Stokes E gypt Tensions 2339/12 Egypt's Mubarak Reported Clinically Dead 2340/12 Syria: Red Cross Evacuation in Homs On Hol d 2341/12 UN Observers Committed To Syria 2342/12 UN Members Differ on Conditions for Withdr awing Syria Observers 2343/12 Russia Resupplying Base in Syria, DOD Spok esman Says 2344/12 Syrian Government Forces Escalate Attacks 2345/12 USA planen Deal mit Assad 2345/12 Gewehre für die Rebellen aus der Hand der CIA 2347/12 Afghan Transition Timeline Remains on Trac k, Official Says 2348/12 Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Nayef dies

FAR EAST & ASIA 2349/12 Indonesian court sentences Bali bomber to 20 years in jail 2350/12 Pakistan's Political Crisis Grows as PM No minee Faces Arrest 2351/12 Burma President Promises 'Second Wave' of Reforms

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2352/12 Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Begin Coalition Talks 2353/12 Vertragsentwurf über CIA-Gefängnisse in Po len gefunden

UK 2354/12 UK to Allocate $1.5 Bln to Build Reactors for New Submarines 2355/12 Communications Bill: 'No plans' to spy on postcards 2356/12 Terror accused Shasta Khan denies jihad pl an at Oldham home

NORTHERN IRELAND 2357/12 Families claim soldiers given go ahead to shoot-to-kill 2358/12 Secret Troubles memo could prompt fresh le gal action 2359/12 Secret government papers reveal ‘Motorman’ plans 2360/12 Ex-RUC 'withholding court files' 2361/12 Ballymurphy: track down the massacre paras 2362/12 Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness to meet Quee n 2363/12 32CSM claim discovery of ‘tracking device’ 2364/12 Top dissident says Sinn Fein 'must be genu ine' about talks 2365/12 Man arrested in dissidents probe 2366/12 Old Bailey bomber Marian Price 'moved to h ospital' 2367/12 Man injured in leg in Belfast gun attack 2368/12 RAAD republican group threatens more PSNI attacks 2369/12 One in four in IRA members were informers Smithwick Tribunal told 2370/12 Value of ex-garda's anti-subversive work q uestioned 2371/12 Omagh bombing civil retrial 'could mean re latives testify again' 2372/12 Nail bombs ‘must have been planted’ - righ ts watchdog 2373/12 Fresh bid to clear Bloody Sunday victim's name 2374/12 Hammond assurance on Trident plans 2375/12 IRA still have a big say in Sinn Fein, say s ex-MLA and RUC man 2376/12 40-year-old conviction quashed

GERMANY 2377/12 Mutmaßlicher Spion studierte in Münster 2378/12 Karlsruhe verzögert ESM - Gauck spielt mit ! 2379/12 Jens Voigt: Minister Geibert ist zu kurz g esprungen 2380/12 Schlaf Deutschland, schlaf … die Moslems s chießen scharf! 2381/12 NSU-Terroristen: Verfassungsschutz unter D ruck 2382/12 "Soko verhielt sich dämlich, Geheimdienst dämlicher" 2382/12 Stalinistische Gefängnisse: Ich war 19 - u nd naiv 2384/12 Geheimdienstoperation "Rennsteig" wird im Landtag beleuchtet

AUSTRIA 2385/12 Geldwäscheverdacht: Staatsanwaltschaft kla gt Mensdorff-Pouilly an 2386/12 Hinweise auf Arbeit Heinrich Harrers für d ie CIA aufgetaucht

AMERICA (CONTINENTAL) 2387/12 Sohn von wichtigstem Drogenboss Mexikos ge fasst

AFRICA (SUB-SAHARA) 2388/12 Analysis: Intervention options in northern Mali 2389/12 Frustration Mounts in Nigeria After 3 Days of Deadly Violence

SPYCRAFT 2390/12 Hot mini portable Spionage-Kamera für inne re Sicherheit

INTEL HISTORY 2391/12 Als die CIA Bürger zu Versuchskaninchen ma chte

HOT DOCS ONLINE 2391/12 What’s Next in Afghanistan, and More from CRS 2392/12 Kiriakou Calls Leak Prosecution Selective, Vindictive 2393/12 Rio + 20, and More from CRS 2394/12 State Secrets Protection Act Introduced in House 2395/12 DNI Directive Seeks to Tighten Protection of Intelligence 2396/12 History of Executive Privilege, and More f rom CRS


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2397/12 Henri Bohnet: Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung i n Serbien

CONFERENCES / LECTURES 2398/12 Security Leaders Briefed on New U.S. Afric a Strategy 2399/12 Hörspielnächte in der Trinitatiskirche 2400/12 Einladung zur IV. Ordentlichen Generalvers ammlung des Vereins ACIPSS

TOP HEADLINES 2322/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Angela Merkel’s mania for austerity is destroying Europe --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

(newstatesman) The German Chancellor is terminating growth and pushing us towards a new Depression. Which world leader poses the biggest threat to global order and prosperity? The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Wrong. Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu? Nope. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un? Wrong again.

The answer is a mild-mannered opera fan and former chemist who has been in office for seven years. Yes, step forward, Chancell or Angela Merkel of Germany, whose solution to Europe’s financial crisi s – or lack thereof – has brought the continent, and perhaps the world, t o the edge of a second Great Depression. “World Bank warns that euro colla pse could spark global crisis”, read the headline on the front of the Obse rver on 17 June.

(a) 06/angela-merkels-mania-austerity-destroying-europe

(b) Merkel: "Gefährlichste deutsche Politikerin sei t Hitler": el_Gefaehrlichste-deutsche-Politikerin-seit-Hitler

2323/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Verteidiger fordert Freispruch für Breivik --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (Welt) Wegen "Notwehr": Die Verteidigung von Anders Breivik plädiert im Osloer Prozess auf Freispruch. Auch der Angeklagte durfte reden. Im Schlusswort beteuerte Breivik, "keine mentale Störu ng" zu haben. Die Verteidigung beim Prozess gegen den Massenmörde r Anders Behring Breivik plädiert auf Freispruch wegen "Notwehr". Im Falle e iner Verurteilung solle Breivik aber nicht in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen w erden, sondern eine "möglichst milde Strafe" erhalten, sagte Anwalt Gei r Lippestad in seinem Schlussplädoyer in Oslo. Lippestad musste formell e inen Freispruch fordern, weil sein Mandant auf nicht schuldig plädiert hatte .

ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011 - 4 - e106697981/Verteidiger-fordert-Freispruch-fuer-Breivik.html 2324/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Raja Pervaiz Ashraf wird neuer Ministerpräsident --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (welt) Der umstrittene frühere Energieminister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf ist in Pakistan zum neuen Ministerpäsidenten gewählt worde n. Dem Politiker wurde in der Vergangenheit immer wieder Korruption vorgew orfen. Der mit Korruptionsvorwürfen konfrontierte Politike r Raja Pervaiz Ashraf ist zum neuen Ministerpräsident Pakistans gewählt w orden. Seine Ernennung sicherte sich der 61-Jährige Wasser- und Energiemin ister mit Unterstützung der Regierungskoalition unter Führung der Pakistani schen Volkspartei (PPP). /Raja-Pervaiz-Ashraf-wird-neuer-Ministerpraesident.html

HOT SPOTS / WARS 2325/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Turkish warplane 'missing' near Syrian border --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

(bbc) Turkey's government has called an emergency security meeting amid reports that one of its fighter jets was shot down by Syrian security forces. The Turkish military lost contact with an F-4 Phantom over the Mediterranean Sea, south-west of Hatay province.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told a news conference there is still no confirmation of what brought the jet down, nor of the fate of its two crew.

(a) (b) Türkische F 4 stürzt vor syrischer Küste ab: -tuerkei-syrien

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UNITED STATES 2326/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- U.S., Japanese defense officials to meet to discus s Osprey issues --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (usaf) Senior Defense Department officials will bri ef a Japanese delegation at the Pentagon on July 22 on recent incidents invo lving U.S. MV-22 and CV-22 Osprey aircraft variants, Pentagon Press Secreta ry George Little said today. "This is a tangible demonstration of how seriously the Department of Defense takes the issue and inquiries made by the g overnment of Japan on this matter," Little said. 2327/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- U.S. designates Boko Haram leaders ‘Global Terrori sts’ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (compassnewspaper) The Unites States (U.S.) State D epartment yesterday designated the commander of Nigeria-based militant group Boko Haram Abubakar Shekau as Specially Designated Global Terr orist. Shekau is the most visible leader of the Nigeria-ba sed militant group Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati Wal-Jihad, commonl y referred to as Boko Haram. The U.S. also designated Khalid al-Barnawi and Abub akar Adam Kambar, who have ties to Boko Haram and have close links to al- Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organizatio n. m_content&view=article&id=4751:us-designates-boko-haram-leaders-global-terrorists&catid=35:headlines 2328/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- U.S., New Zealand Sign Defense Cooperation Accord --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (defensenews) The United States and New Zealand sig ned an agreement to expand defense cooperation on June 19 but the deal does not alter Auckland’s longstanding ban on port visits by nucle ar-armed American warships, officials said. The accord was the latest in a series marking U.S. attempts to shift its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific, as Washington keeps a wary eye on China’s rising power. 2/306190010/U-S-New-Zealand-Sign-Defense-Cooperation-Accord?odyssey=nav |head

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2329/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- US Senator Urges Independent Probe of National Sec urity Leaks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) An influential U.S. senator has added his voi ce to a growing chorus urging an independent probe of national security le aks to the news media.The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Joseph Lieberman, appeared on U.S. television Sunday. Last week saw Democratic senators block a Republica n motion calling for a special prosecutor to investigate recent disclosure s of classified information pertaining to alleged U.S. activities r egarding Iran, use of drone aircraft and the war on terror. ependent_probe_of_national_security_leaks/1212166.html

FORMER SOVIET UNION 2330/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Ukraine: Frauenrechtlerinnen von ukrainischem Gehe imdienst entführt --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (shortnews) In der Nacht zum heutigen Samstag sind drei in der Ukraine verschwundene Aktivistinnen der Frauenrechtsgruppe Femen wieder aufgetaucht. Diese erheben nun Vorwürfe gegen den G eheimdienst der Ukraine. Die Frauen waren am helllichten Tag entführt und vo n Geheimdienstleuten der Ukraine verhört worden. Bei den Verhören waren die Frauen neuen Stunden "un ter moralischem Druck und ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt" befragt worden. Ein er Frau wurde ins Gesicht geschlagen. Die Frauenrechtsorganisation ist international für durchgeführte Aktionen gegen Prostitution, Sextourismus und Wahlbetrug bek annt. Dabei zeigen die Frauen oft nackte Haut. Auch beim Eröffnungsspiel z ur aktuellen Fußball-EM war die Gruppe aktiv. htlerinnen-von-ukrainischem-Geheimdienst-entfuhrt

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2331/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- As Iran Talks Falter, Fears of Military Action Inc rease --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) LONDON - The near failure of talks in Moscow and the pending imposition of a full oil embargo by the European Un ion have deepened the dispute between Iran and the international communit y, and increased concerns about military action. Two days of grueling talks did not narrow the gaps between the West and Iran. The negotiators could only agree to hold low er level talks in the coming weeks. Mark Fitzpatrick at London’s International Institut e for Strategic Studies calls the Moscow meetings “a disappointment,” and h as little hope for the follow-on talks. oscow-military/1216722.html 2332/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Report Says U.S., Israel Targeted Iran With 'Flame ' Virus --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rfe) There's been no official reaction yet to a “W ashington Post” report saying the United States and Israel jointly develop ed a computer virus called "Flame" aimed at disrupting Iran's nuclear p rogram. The June 19 report, citing Western officials, said the development of the malware, discovered last month on computers used by the Iranian Oil Ministry, began five years ago. The report said the U.S. National Security Agency a nd the Central Intelligence Agency worked with Israel’s military o n the project. iran/24619892.html 2333/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- G5+1 asks for more time to mull Iran's package of proposals --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (irna) An informed source at Iran’s nuclear negotia ting team in Moscow session says the G5+1 has called for more time to a nswer Iran’s requests in connection with the Baghdad proposed package. The Iranian official said complicated nature of the talks and careful definition of Iran’s stances by the nuclear negotia ting team to the other party have been the main reason for the G5+1 reques t for more time. He said the Iranian negotiating team had in the two -days of talks with the G5+1 delegation offered comprehensive proposals and detailed explanations on its stances to the other party, prompting the G5 +1 to ask for more time to contemplate on the proposals. time-to-mull-Iran_s-package-of---proposals/80190531

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2334/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Nuclear Talks Begin, Iran Wants Sanctions Lifted --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) MOSCOW - With Iran facing new oil export sanc tions in less than two weeks, talks over Tehran's nuclear program opened o n Monday in Moscow with a new spirit of urgency. Iran immediately asked Western nations to ease sanc tions as a precondition to stopping its nuclear enrichment project. The dem and was made to representatives of the five permanent member nation s of the United Nations Security Council, plus Germany. They met with Irani an negotiators in the third effort in three months to try to persuade Teh ran to drop plans to enrich uranium to 20 percent. iran-wants-sanctions-lifted/1212564.html 2335/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- President: IR Iran ready for Moscow talks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (irna) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to negotiate with the Group 5+1 in an u pcoming meeting slated for June 18-19 in Moscow about 20-percent uranium e nrichment. President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in an exclus ive interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine in Tehran o n Sunday. “Building confidence is a mutual issue and we shoul d see what does the other side of the negotiating table does and if the y take a positive step, we are all ready to cooperate and we hope to take c oncrete steps in Moscow,” the president added.,-IR-Iran-read y-for-Moscow-talks/80188232 2336/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- „USA plante Cyberattacke gegen unsere Atomanlage“ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (focus) Offiziell haben die USA nicht zugegeben, St uxnet entwickelt zu haben. Dennoch wird der Virus den USA und seinen Ve rbündeten zugeschrieben. Der Iran behauptet nun, der Westen habe weitere Ang riffe geplant. „Auf Basis der vorliegenden Informationen planten A merika und das zionistische Regime (Israel) zusammen mit dem MI6 ( dem britischen Geheimdienst) eine massive Cyberattacke gegen die i ranischen Anlagen“ sagte Geheimdienstminister Heidar Moslehi dem Staatsferns ehen am Donnerstag. Der Angriff sei nach dem jüngsten Treffen über das iran ische Atomprogramm in Moskau geplant gewesen und die drei Länder verfolgt en ihr Vorhaben noch immer. Der Iran habe aber Abwehrmaßnahmen ergriffen . Die internationalen Verhandlungen in Moskau über das umstrittene iranis che Atomprogramm hatten am Dienstag keinen Durchbruch gebracht. ziert-westen-usa-plant-cyberattacke-gegen-unsere-atomanlage_aid_771093.htm l

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2337/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Tensions Soar In Egypt As Election Result Delayed --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rfe) The decision by Egyptian election officials t o delay declaring a winner in the country's presidential ballot has sen t tensions in the country soaring. With both candidates -- Muhammad Morsi of the Musli m Brotherhood and former General Ahmed Shafiq -- claiming victory, analysts say the postponement risks undermining public trust in the process. The situation could become explosive, says Shashank Joshi, a regional analyst with London-based Chatham House. ection-results-delayed/24621487.html 2338/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Uncertainty Over Mubarak's Health Stokes Egypt Ten sions --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rfe) Egyptians, already on edge after the dissolvi ng of an elected parliament and awaiting official results of recent presidential election, are expressing skepticism about information on the health of ousted former President Hosni Mubarak. The 84-year-old Mubarak is reportedly in a coma, bu t life-support systems for his heart and other organs have been removed. .html 2339/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Egypt's Mubarak Reported Clinically Dead --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) Egypt's official news agency said former pres ident Hosni Mubarak, the man long seen as the symbol of stability in the Mid dle East but who was ousted in a popular uprising, has been declared cli nically dead, but security sources told news agencies the report was premature. Egypt's MENA news agency announced that his doctors declared the 84-year-old Mubarak clinically dead late Tuesday, but secur ity sources later said he was on life support. ed-clinically-dead/1213148.html

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2340/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Syria: Red Cross Evacuation in Homs On Hold --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (globalsecurity) Attempts by the Red Cross to evacu ate civilians from the battered northern Syrian city of Homs appear to be stalled Thursday, as government forces continue their military offensive against the city and its surroundings. New reports also claim that gover nment troops shelled a group of mourners in the southern flashpoint city o f Dara'a, killing a large number of people. Rabab al-Rifai, a spokeswoman for the ICRC, said th e team remains in another part of Homs and will continue to attempt t o enter the badly hit neighborhood of Hamidiya. a/2012/syria-120621-voa04.htm 2341/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- UN Observers Committed To Syria --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rfe) The head of the UN observer mission in Syria says UN forces there have come under fire recently but are committed to staying in the country. Maj. Gen. Robert Mood said questions about cancelli ng the mission were premature and noted, "We are not going anywhere." "Violence including shelling, small arms fire and o ther incidents are coming much closer and we have been targeted severa l times over the last few weeks. This violence to the UNMOSs [United Nati ons military observers] in itself but also because it made it very difficul t to execute the mandated activities of my mission led me to the dec ision a few days ago to halt the activities of UNSMIS. I made that decision based on the risks on the ground and based on the fact that the risks mad e it extremely difficult to implement mandated tasks," Mood told reporters a fter giving the UN Security Council a closed-door update on the situat ion in Syria. 670.html 2342/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- UN Members Differ on Conditions for Withdrawing Sy ria Observers --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) U.N. diplomats say Syria's increasing violenc e is forcing them to consider an early end to the country's U.N. observe r mission, which suspended patrols on Saturday to keep its unarmed s taff out of danger. Officials and experts say the 47 nations making up the mission also have different positions on who decides when the troops will leave Syria and whether a pullout is justified. The almost 300 U.N. military observers in Syria hav e a mandate that lasts until July 20, but escalating battles between gover nment and rebel forces mean the operation may end sooner. conditions-for-withdrawing-syria-observers/1213068.html

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2343/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Russia Resupplying Base in Syria, DOD Spokesman Sa ys --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (DOD) A Russian cargo ship reportedly carrying atta ck helicopters to Syria turned back today when its British insurer canceled coverage, but a Defense Department spokesman said three other Russian vesse ls will carry supplies and possibly troops to the Russian naval base at th e Syrian port of Tartus. Russian military officials have said the supplies a re intended for their own resupply and force protection, Pentagon spokesm an Navy Capt. John Kirby told reporters today. 808 2344/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Syrian Government Forces Escalate Attacks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) Syrian government forces stepped up their att acks across the country Sunday, employing artillery barrages in the flashpo int city of Homs, as well as the suburbs of Damascus and Aleppo, and the towns of Rastan, Telbiseh and Deir ez Zor. Webcam images showed thick plumes of smoke rising f rom artillery strikes across the besieged city of Homs Sunday, as shells crashed into apartment blocks and other buildings. Witnesses report increa singly desperate conditions, with little respite in the shelling. ensifies_attacks_after_un_mission_suspension/1212108.html 2345/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- USA planen Deal mit Assad --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (n-tv) Die Vereinigten Staaten setzen fast alles da ran, Syriens Präsident Assad aus dem Amt zu heben. Darauf lassen zumindest Medienberichte schließen: Der US-Geheimdienst CIA verschafft Assad -Gegnern danach Waffen, während Washington dem Machthaber schon vorsorglich ein Exil in der Schweiz bereitet. Er ist verantwortlich für den Tod von Tausenden Ziv ilisten und Oppositionellen. In seinem Kampf gegen Regimegegner greift Baschar al-Assad auf die ganze Durchschlagskraft seines Militärs zur ück. So lauten die Vorwürfe gegen Syriens Präsidenten. Vor einem Verfa hren vor einem internationalen Gerichtshof muss er sich trotzdem n icht fürchten. Zumindest wenn stimmt, was die britischen Tageszeitungen "Gua rdian" und "Daily Telegrafph" berichten. d-article6556941.html 2346/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Gewehre für die Rebellen aus der Hand der CIA --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (tagesanzeiger) Seit Wochen wird die syrische Oppos ition aus der Südtürkei mit Waffen versorgt. Die Aktion wird laut Berichten vom US-Geheimdienst geleitet. Der CIA gehe es dabei nicht nur um die Un terstützung der Rebellen.

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Der US-Geheimdienst hat offenbar im Syrien-Konflikt seine Hände im Spiel. Eine kleine Gruppe von CIA-Beamten sei seit mehrere n Wochen im Süden der Türkei stationiert, von wo aus sie die syrische Opp osition mit Waffen versorge. Dies berichtet die «New York Times» und b eruft sich dabei auf einen Mitarbeiter der US-Regierung und einen saudia rabischen Geheimdienstoffizier, welcher mit der klandestinen Operation vertraut ist. -afrika/Gewehre-fuer-die-Rebellen-aus-der-Hand-der-CIA/story/29144634 2347/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Afghan Transition Timeline Remains on Track, Offic ial Says --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (DOD) An International Security Assistance Force of ficial charged with leading the transition to an Afghan-led security fo rce says the plan is proceeding on schedule along with the anticipated c ompletion of the NATO mission by the end of 2014. In a briefing for Pentagon reporters via satellite from Afghanistan, British Army Brig. Gen. Richard Cripwell ISAF strat egic transition group director, said “The importance of this process cann ot be overstressed,” noting Afghan National Security Forces now have res ponsibility for the security 75 percent of the country’s population. 824 2348/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Nayef dies --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

(bbc) Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has died "outside the kingdom", the royal court has said. Prince Nayef, who was also deputy prime minister and interior minister, had left the country for a holiday and medical tests late last month. UK PM David Cameron praised the prince's "dedication" and US President Barack Obama focused on his role in fighting terrorism. 8

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FAR EAST & ASIA 2349/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Indonesian court sentences Bali bomber to 20 years in jail --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (cnn) A court handed down a 20-year sentence Thursd ay for an Indonesian man convicted of helping assemble the bombs that killed more than 200 people in Bali in 2002. The Jakarta court found Umar Patek, 45, guilty of t aking part in premeditated murder and conspiracy to smuggle explo sives and firearms for use in terror attacks. Patek had faced a maximum penalty of death, and the courtroom was packed for the verdict delivered by a panel of five judges . bali-bombing-verdict/index.html 2350/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Pakistan's Political Crisis Grows as PM Nominee Fa ces Arrest --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) ISLAMABAD - One of the candidates chosen to r eplace Pakistan's ousted prime minister is facing an arrest warrant, underly ing the ruling party's inability to escape its image of corruption. On Tuesday, Pakistan's Supreme Court disqualified P rime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani after he defied its order to start an i nvestigation into corruption allegations against President Asif Ali Z ardari.

(a) d-for-pakistani-pm-nominee/1216354.html

(b) Political Crisis a Blow to Pakistan's Governmen t: ect-new-prime-minister/1215802.html

2351/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Burma President Promises 'Second Wave' of Reforms --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) Burmese President Thein Sein has promised wha t he calls a "second wave of reforms" aimed at developing the impoverish ed country's long-stagnant economy. Since taking office last year, the former army gene ral has already presided over several political reforms, including the relea se of hundreds of political prisoners and allowing opposition groups back into politics. ises-second-wave-of-reforms/1212750.html

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EUROPE (GEOGRAPH.) 2352/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Begin Coalition Talks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rfe) Alexis Tsipras, leader of the antibailout Syr iza party, has conceded defeat in the June 17 parliamentary elections in Gr eece. Initial results give the conservative New Democracy party 29.5 percent of the vote, following by Syriza with 27.1 percent, an d the Pasok Socialist party with 12.3 percent. New Democracy party head Antonis Samaras said the v ote shows that Greeks want to remain in the eurozone. austerity/24617259.html 2353/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Vertragsentwurf über CIA-Gefängnisse in Polen gefu nden --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (derstandard) Die polnische Regierung wollte mit de n USA offenbar zunächst einen Vertrag abschließen, bevor mutmaßliche geheim e CIA-Gefängnisse für Terrorismus-Verdächtige in Polen eingerichtet werde n sollten, berichtete am Dienstag die polnische Tageszeitung "Gazeta Wyborcz a". Die Staatsanwaltschaft, die in der Sache ermittelt, ver füge über einen Vertragsentwurf, der die Details der Zusammenarbeit der polnischen und der US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste regeln sollte. Die Unterschrift eines US-Vertreters fehle jedoch. Die USA hätten Polen ausge lacht, weil sie keine Spuren hinterlassen wollten, so ein Informant gegen über der Zeitung. -Vertragsentwurf-ueber-CIA-Gefaengnisse-in-Polen-gefunden

UNITED KINGDOM 2354/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- UK to Allocate $1.5 Bln to Build Reactors for New Submarines --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (rian) The UK will allocate 1 billion pounds ($1.5 billion) for building two reactors for next-generation nuclear-powered su bmarines, the BBC reported on Sunday.

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The contract, expected to be announced by Defense S ecretary Philip Hammond, is part of plans to replace the Vanguard fleet, whi ch carries the Trident nuclear deterrent. The work will be carried out at the Rolls-Royce fac tory at Raynesway, Derby, and will create 300 jobs. 2355/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Communications Bill: 'No plans' to spy on postcard s --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) The Home Office says it has no current plans to force the Royal Mail to store data on all letters and postcards passing through its system. The provision is included in the government's draft communications data bill, published this week. But the Home Office said the bill would just mainta in existing powers relating to postal data. And it stressed that only data about mail - not its contents - would be retained if the law was ever enacted. 2356/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Terror accused Shasta Khan denies jihad plan at Ol dham home --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) An Oldham woman whose husband admitted planni ng terrorist attacks has been accused in court of trying to carry out "jihad at home". Shasta Khan, 38, has denied being involved with her husband's plans to attack Bury's Jewish community. At Manchester Crown Court, Mrs Khan denied engaging in preparation for terrorism and possessing information useful for ter rorism. 23588

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NORTHERN IRELAND (This section is edited by Oliver PLAUDER , ACIPSS’s expert on the IRA) 2357/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Families claim soldiers given go ahead to shoot-to -kill --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) Some families of people shot dead by the Army during the Troubles claim they have found evidence that soldiers were g iven a green light to shoot-to-kill. Relatives for Justice said it has seen secret docum ents which proves the Army was given a virtual amnesty. It said senior government and Army figures agreed t he move during a meeting on 10 July 1972. 093 2358/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Secret Troubles memo could prompt fresh legal acti on --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (guardian) A secret memo that urged the army to she d its inhibitions in the "war" against the IRA and be "suitably indemnified" could prompt a fresh wave of legal action, lawyers in Northern Ireland h ave said. The expression of enthusiasm for military action wi th apparent disregard for any legal consequences, at the height of the Tr oubles in July 1972, has surprised human rights groups, who are still pursui ng justice for victims. reland-troubles-memo 2359/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Secret government papers reveal ‘Motorman’ plans --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (derryjournal) Recently uncovered minutes of a secr et meeting attended by the Secretary of State, senior civil servants and M I5 officers just before Operation Motorman in 1972 show that the government believed British soldiers should be protected against prosecution. The document, which was discovered in the national archives at Kew by Relatives for Justice, contains minutes of a meetin g held at Stormont Castle on Monday July 10, 1972 - less than three we eks before Operation Motorman, when thousands of British soldiers storme d into the ‘no-go’ areas of the Bogside, Brandywell and Creggan, shooting de ad two people. nment-papers-reveal-motorman-plans-1-3965176 2360/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Ex-RUC 'withholding court files' --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

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(belfasttelegraph) Former RUC officers are trying t o withhold court documents linked to an investigation into a police shooting in Mid Ulster 30 years ago because of a conflict of interest, a p reliminary inquest hearing has been told. Lawyers representing families of several IRA men ki lled at around the same time - amid claims of a shoot-to-kill policy - are seeking to obtain court transcripts. al/northern-ireland/exruc-withholding-court-files-16175445.html #ixzz1yWlJOcY5 2361/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Ballymurphy: track down the massacre paras --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (belfasttelegraph) The Historical Enquiries Team is scouring the world for former paras and other witnesses to the Ballymurphy massacre in which 11 people were shot dead by members of the regiment. The killings took place over two days following the first internment swoop on August 9, 1971. Nigel Mumford, a member of Second Para who witnesse d part of the slaughter in west Belfast, has now come forward to the Belfas t Telegraph to admit firing two shots. al/northern-ireland/ballymurphy-track-down-the-massacre-paras-16175312.html#ixzz1yWn4m6aU 2362/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness to meet Queen --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) Sinn Fein has agreed to a historic first meet ing with the Queen following a special meeting of the party. Martin McGuinness is due to meet the Queen and shak e her hand at a charity reception in Belfast next week. The former IRA leader has been a major figure in th e Irish peace process and has been deputy first minister of Northern Irel and for five years.

(a) 221 (b) Meeting 'part of healing process': al/northern-ireland/ ml#ixzz1yYTLAOy3

(c) Queen-McGuinness meeting 'private':

(d) McGuinness-Queen talks welcomed: al/northern-ireland/mcguinnessqueen-talks-welcomed-16175799.htm l#ixzz1yYUxHnWD

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2363/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- 32CSM claim discovery of ‘tracking device’ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (derryjournal) The 32CSM in Derry claim they have d iscovered a tracking device on one of its members’ cars. A statement on their website the group says: “On br inging his car in for routine maintenance, a mechanic brought to the atte ntion of a local member of the 32CSM that there was something protruding fr om the underside of the rear bumper of his car. discovery-of-tracking-device-1-3970950 2364/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Top dissident says Sinn Fein 'must be genuine' abo ut talks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (belfasttelegraph) A Senior dissident leadership fi gure has challenged Sinn Fein to prove it is serious about talks - before an y dialogue between the two can begin. Carl Reilly, chair of Republican Network for Unity (RNU), was responding to the recent speech by Martin McGuinness at his party 's Ard Fheis. In it, the Deputy First Minister again urged dissid ents to come forward and talk. -news/top-dissident-says-sinn-fein-must-be-genuine-about-talks-16174688 .html#ixzz1yWtERBZf 2365/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Man arrested in dissidents probe --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (belfasttelegraph) A man has been arrested during a planned search operation targeting dissident republican activity i n Northern Ireland. The suspect, 54, was detained at residential premis es in Bavan, Mayobridge, Co Down, on Thursday night. A number of items were recovered during the operati on and have been taken away for forensic examinations. al/northern-ireland/man-arrested-in-dissidents-probe-16172776.html#ixzz1xt5 6Ma4e 2366/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Old Bailey bomber Marian Price 'moved to hospital' --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) The Old Bailey bomber Marian Price has been m oved from Hydebank Prison to a Belfast hospital on health grounds. It follows medical advice from psychiatrists workin g for the South Eastern and Belfast Health Trusts.

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Earlier this year she was moved from Maghaberry Pri son to Hydebank, also on medical advice. 551 2367/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Man injured in leg in Belfast gun attack --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) A man has been injured in a paramilitary-styl e shooting in west Belfast. The 21-year-old was shot in the leg in the Downfine Park area of Turf Lodge at about 22:20 BST on Thursday. He was taken to hospital for treatment where his co ndition is described as stable. 287 2368/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- RAAD republican group threatens more PSNI attacks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) The group behind a bomb attack on a police ve hicle in Northern Ireland this month has told BBC Newsnight it will c arry out further such attacks. Londonderry-based Republican Action Against Drugs ( RAAD) told the programme that it had the same capability as the IRA before i ts ceasefire. RAAD leaders gave Newsnight their first face-to-fac e interview as part of a report on their vigilante activities. Since 2008 the armed group has murdered one man and shot more than 40 others. 327 2369/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- One in four in IRA members were informers Smithwic k Tribunal told --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) One in four IRA members, including some in th e highest echelons, were informers, a tribunal has been told. Former garda Owen Corrigan said the RUC and the Arm y paid "endless sums of money" for poor quality information. He claimed that the British government were putting such pressure on the security services that they were "grateful for any tittle tattle".

(a) 165 (b) Smithwick Tribunal: Owen Corrigan denies he was IRA/Garda double

agent: 474

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2370/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Value of ex-garda's anti-subversive work questione d --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (irishtimes) THE Usefulness of intelligence informa tion provided by a Garda detective who claimed to be the “jewel in the crown ” of the force’s anti-subversive activity was questioned by a lawyer at t he Smithwick Tribunal yesterday. Former detective Owen Corrigan told the tribunal th e work of the Dundalk Garda in combating the IRA and the INLA was “terrif ying and frightening” and deserved to be called “heroic”. In response to questions from Justin Dillon SC, for the tribunal, Mr Corrigan said it had been alleged that he had been missing from duty on the night Warrenpoint businessman and grain smuggler Jo hn McAnulty had been tortured and killed by the IRA. He said the allegat ion had been made by his superior officer in Dundalk, Chief Supt John Nolan.

(a) 20/1224318257627.html

(b) Witness was told of Garda 'leak': 15/1224317981047.html

2371/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Omagh bombing civil retrial 'could mean relatives testify again' --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) Relatives of Omagh bomb victims could face th e "appalling" prospect of having to again testify about their experiences, a court has heard. Counsel for the families said they were horrified w hen they learned of an attempt to include the level of damages as an issue at the civil retrial in October of two men being sued over the atrocity. Judges in the Court of Appeal were told the case ag ainst Colm Murphy and Seamus Daly should focus on the question of liabili ty. 828 2372/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Nail bombs ‘must have been planted’ - rights watch dog --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (derryjournal) A London-based human rights watchdog believes nail bombs were planted on Gerald Donaghey by the security for ces. British-Irish Rights Watch (BIRW) - which has been monitoring events in the North since 1990 - says that, after a “thorough and detailed analysis” of the Saville Inquiry findings on the matter, it has concluded that the teenager did not have nail bombs in his pockets whe n he was killed. Jane Winter, the organisation’s director, says the planting of the bombs “added insult to inquiry and has left Gerald Donagh ey with an undeserved stain on his character - to the great grief of his family. ust-have-been-planted-rights-watchdog-1-3958915

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2373/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Fresh bid to clear Bloody Sunday victim's name --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bbc) The Bloody Sunday Trust is launching a fresh attempt to clear the name of a teenager shot dead in January 1972. A report by Lord Saville found that Gerald Donaghey , 17, was "probably armed with nail bombs but was not a threat at the t ime that he was shot". He was a member of the IRA's youth wing, but witnes ses said he did not have any bombs on him. -west-18454782 2374/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hammond assurance on Trident plans --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (belfasttelegraph) Defence Secretary Philip Hammond insists the final decision on Trident had not been made as he confirm ed a £1 billion contract for reactors to power the next generation of Britai n's nuclear submarines. Replacing Britain's nuclear deterrent has proved a flashpoint for the coalition with Liberal Democrats opposed to "like-f or-like" replacement and Conservatives committed to a full renewal of the UK 's fleet of four Vanguard-class submarines by 2028. al/uk/hammond-assurance-on-trident-plans-16173459.html#ixzz1y4sNDLe9 2375/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- IRA still have a big say in Sinn Fein, says ex-MLA and RUC man --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (belfasttelegraph) Billy Leonard — one of the few f ormer Protestants and unionists to become a Sinn Fein elected representat ive — has spoken for the first time about his reasons for leaving the republ ican party. Talking in advance of the launch of a new book, Dr Leonard has spoken of his time within Sinn Fein ranks, saying he believes that “the tentacles of the army”, the IRA, extended throughout it. al/northern-ireland/ira-still-have-a-big-say-in-sinn-fein-says-exmla-and-ru c-man-16175268.html#ixzz1yWnaxdgH 2376/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- 40-year-old conviction quashed --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 40-year-old conviction quashed (belfasttelegraph) The last man to be handed the de ath sentence in Northern Ireland has had his conviction for murder quashed. Liam Holden, 58, was sentenced to hang for the kill ing of a British soldier in 1972. He said he was water tortured, hooded and had a gun put to his head by soldiers to extract a confession.

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The Court of Appeal in Belfast made the ruling on T hursday. al/northern-ireland/40yearold-conviction-quashed-16175463.html# ixzz1yWlbpRq1

GERMANY 2377/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Mutmaßlicher Spion studierte in Münster --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (wn) Einer der beiden Männer, die im Februar in Ber lin als mutmaßliche Spione des syrischen Regimes festgenommen worden si nd, hat über mehrere Jahre in Münster gelebt. Der 34 Jahre alte Akram O. war zwischen 2005 und 2009 in der Stadt gemeldet, an der münsterischen Un i studierte er Jura. Ihm und dem 47 Jahre alten Deutsch-Libanesen Mah-mu d el-A. wirft die Bundesanwaltschaft vor, syrische Landsleute in Deut schland ausspioniert zu haben. Der Fall hatte für Aufsehen gesorgt. Au-ßenm inister Westerwelle bestellte den syrischen Botschafter ein. Einer der beiden Verteidiger O.‘s kommt aus Münster. Es handelt sich um den Strafrech tler Alexander Hafner. Dieser arbeitet in einer Bürogemeinschaft mit ei-ne m syrisch- stämmigen Rechtsanwalt, bei dem O. als Student ein Praktikum absolvierte. e-Landsleute-ausgeforscht-haben-Mutmasslicher-Spion-studierte-in -Muenster 2378/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Karlsruhe verzögert ESM - Gauck spielt mit! --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (theintelligence) Das Bundesverfassungsgericht bitt et Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck um Aufschub und torpediert somit die Pläne der europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs, den undemokratischen d auerhaften Euro-Rettungsschirm ESM zum 1. Juli zu installieren. Ers t gestern hatte ich geschrieben, dass Karlsruhe den ESM aus verfassungs rechtlicher Sicht eigentlich nicht passieren lassen dürfte, heute nun kam es zu einem ersten Etappensieg für diejenigen, die Staatsorgane wie de n Bundestag für wichtig erachten. tschland/4580-karlsruhe-verzoegert-esm-gauck-spielt-mit.html

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2379/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Jens Voigt: Minister Geibert ist zu kurz gesprunge n --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (otz) Ein Kommentar von Jens Voigt über eine Regier ungserklärung, die nur eine Minister-Rede war Das Verfassungsschutzgesetz wird geändert, Leitfäde n sollen die Zusammenarbeit von Justiz, Polizei und Geheimdienst verbessern, rechten Extremisten soll der Waffenschein entzogen werden. Etliche Einzelpunkte der Rede von Innenminister Jörg Geibert wirken schlüssi g, vieles überfällig, manches wie ein Kondensat aus einem Neuerer-Wettbew erb der Behörden. -Voigt-Minister-Geibert-ist-zu-kurz-gesprungen-1950485430 2380/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Schlaf Deutschland, schlaf … die Moslems schießen scharf! --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

(koptisch) Die pakistanische Polizei hat einen französischen Islamisten festgenommen , der jahrelang in Hamburg gewohnt hat und enge Kontakte zu den Todespiloten der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 pflegte. Naamen Meziche, von pakistanischen Sicherheitskreisen zutreffend als “Top- Kader des Terror-Netzes al-Qaida” tituliert, war

laut pakistanischen Angaben vor einigen Tagen in de r Grenzregion zu Iran bei einer Anti-Terror-Operation aufgegriffen worden . Der etwa 42 Jahre alte Meziche war im März 2009 mit mehreren Mitstreitern, inzwischen als sogenannte Hamburger Reisegruppe bekannt, in die Kr isenregion gereist, hatte sich in einem Terrorlager der Qaida ausbilden lassen und wurde 2010 von einem hochrangigen Mitglied des Terrornetzwerks sogar für Anschläge in Europa ausgewählt. In der Grenzregion hatte er sich im Frühsommer 2010 konspirativ mit dem noch flüchtigen 9/11-Verschwöre r Said Bahaji getroffen, das Mitglied der Hamburger Zelle gilt als einer der meistgesuchten Männer der Welt. Deutsche Terrorfahnder haben die Nachrich t über die Festnahme Meziches mit großem Interesse aufgenommen. tschland-schlaf-die-moslems-schiesen-scharf/ 2381/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- NSU-Terroristen: Verfassungsschutz unter Druck --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (ndr) Das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz gerät im Zusammenhang mit den Morden der rechtsextremen Terror-Gruppe NSU in Erkl ärungsnot. Der Geheimdienst hat offenbar frühe Hinweise auf die Ex istenz des "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds" nicht ernstge nommen. Die Linksfraktion verlangt Aufklärung und bezieht sich auf Zeitungsberichte. Die "Berliner Zeitung" und die "Frankfurter Rundsch au" zitieren aus dem Bericht eines V-Manns des Landesverfassungsschutzes von Anfang April 2002. Der schreibt über ein Skinhead-Konzert und darüber, dass die Neustrelitzer Neonazi-Postille "Der weiße Wolf" eine anonyme Geld spende in Höhe von 2.500 Euro erhalten hat. In einem Brief an das Neonazi-Bl att soll sinngemäß gestanden haben: "Macht weiter so, das Geld ist gut angelegt". su147.html

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2382/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- "Soko verhielt sich dämlich, Geheimdienst dämliche r" --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (bundestag) Die gegenseitige Blockade von Polizei u nd Geheimdiensten, die nicht erfolgte Zentralisierung der Ermittlungen bei m Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) und die mangelnden Kompetenzen des Generalbun desanwalts zählen für Wolfgang Wieland zu den zentralen Problemen bei der gescheiterten Aufklärungsarbeit zu der Mordserie, die inzwischen dem "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund" (NSU) angelast et wird. Die Geheimdienste hätten auch wissen müssen, dass das F ehlen von Bekennerschreiben typisch für solche Attentate sei, sagt Wieland im Interview. Wieland ist Sprecher von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Untersuchungsausschuss, der Pannen und Fehlgriffe d er Sicherheitsbehörden bei den Recherchen zu der Erschießung von neun türk isch- oder griechischstämmigen Kleinunternehmern und einer Pol izistin durchleuchtet. Das Interview im Wortlaut: Herr Wieland, in Nürnberg betreibt die Polizei eine Dönerbude, in Hamburg beauftragt man einen persischen Geisterbeschwörer m it Recherchen im Jenseits: Hätten Sie in Ihrer Fantasie mit solch ei gentümlichen Ermittlungen gerechnet? 9510936_kw26_pa_wieland/index.html 2383/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Stalinistische Gefängnisse: Ich war 19 - und naiv --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (brliner-zeitung) Schwanger kam Helga Gäbel 1951 in s sowjetische Untersuchungsgefängnis Potsdam. Acht Monate war sie in Untersuchungshaft, bis sie ihrem Vernehmer gestand, Rotarmisten für de n US-Geheimdienst zum Vaterlandsverrat angestiftet zu haben. Ein Quadratmeter misst der Raum im Keller des alten Hauses in der Leistikowstraße in Potsdam. Er hat kein Fenster. "S tehkarzer", steht an einem Schild neben der Stahltür der Minizelle des e instigen sowjetischen Untersuchungsgefängnisses. Helga Gäbel erkennt nach 61 Jahren alles wieder. Die Treppen, die in den Keller führen, dann rechts der Gang, dann der Karzer. Ihr Lächeln passt so gar nicht zu dem, was sie erzählt. "In diesem Loch war ich drei Tage lang eingepfercht, ohne Esse n, ohne Trinken, ohne eine Toilette. Ich war im sechsten Monat schwanger. Sie wollten mich brechen", sagt die 81-Jährige ohne jeglichen Groll. Als sie endlich rausgelassen wurde, unterschrieb sie ihr Geständnis . "Nach diesen drei Tagen hätte ich alles zugegeben." e-gefaengnisse-ich-war-19---und-naiv,10809148,16424024.html 2383/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Geheimdienstoperation "Rennsteig" wird im Landtag beleuchtet --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (thueringer-allgemeine) Der Streit über die Geheimd ienstoperation "Rennsteig" in Thüringen bekommt ein parlamentarisc hes Nachspiel. Die Kontrollkommission wird sich am Mittwoch in einer S ondersitzung mit den Vorgängen befassen, wie am Dienstag aus SPD-Kreisen verlautete. Dabei erhofften sich die Mitglieder genaue Informationen der Landesregierung.

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Erfurt. Bereits am Mittwoch will sich die Parlament arische Kontrollkommission in einer Sondersitzung mit den V orgängen befassen, wie am Dienstag aus SPD-Kreisen verlautete. Die fünf Mi tglieder des Kontrollgremiums erhoffen sich genaue Informationen der Landesregierung über die Vorgänge. Und auch im NSU-Ausschuss kommt das Thema auf die Tagesordnung, sagte die Vorsitzende des Gremiums, D orothea Marx (SPD). /detail/-/specific/Geheimdienstoperation-Rennsteig-wird-im-L andtag-beleuchtet-138560838

AUSTRIA 2384/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Geldwäscheverdacht: Staatsanwaltschaft klagt Mensd orff-Pouilly an --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (krone) Alfons Mensdorff- Pouilly - genannt "Der Jä ger" - wird angeklagt. Wie die "Krone" Freitagmittag erfuhr, hat die Staat sanwaltschaft Wien unter anderem wegen des Verdachts der Geldwäsche einen St rafantrag gegen den Lobbyisten eingebracht. Mensdorff- Pouilly drohen d emnach bis zu fünf Jahre Freiheitsstrafe. Eine Untersuchungshaft werde nicht verhängt, weil keine Fluchtgefahr bestehe. klagt_Mensdorff-Pouilly_an-Geldwaescheverdacht-Story-325412 2385/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hinweise auf Arbeit Heinrich Harrers für die CIA a ufgetaucht --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (krone) War Heinrich Harrer, legendärer erfolgreich er Bergsteiger und Vertrauter des Dalai Lama, nicht nur Mitglied von S A, SS und NSDAP, sondern auch Mitarbeiter der CIA? Dem Journalisten und Auto r Gerald Lehner seien Dokumente zugespielt worden, die nahelegten, dass H arrer in den 1950er- Jahren in der tibetischen Hauptstadt Lhasa für den US- amerikanischen Geheimdienst gearbeitet habe. Bei den Dokumenten gehe es um zwei Briefe Harrers a n den Ersten Sekretär der US- Botschaft in Indien, Fraser Wilkins, vom Ju li bzw. August 1951. Die Botschaft habe diese Dokumente mit dem Vermerk "Sec ret" an das Außenministerium in Washington weitergeleitet und i n 24 Punkten Kommentare zu Harrers Schreiben angefügt. Der Kernsatz, der au f eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit des Kärntners mit den Amerikanern hi nweise, finde sich unter Punkt drei der Kommentare: "Heinrich Harrer, der di skret und erfolgreich mehrere Missionen im Auftrag von amerikanischen Off iziellen in Indien in Bezug auf den Dalai Lama abgeschlossen hat, scheint das Vertrauen und die Treue des Dalai Lama zu genießen." _Heinrich_Harrers_fuer_die_CIA_aufgetaucht-Echt_oder_Intrige-Story-324924

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AMERICA (CONTINENTAL) 2386/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Sohn von wichtigstem Drogenboss Mexikos gefasst --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (google) Das mexikanische Militär hat den Sohn des wichtigsten Drogenbosses des Landes gefasst. Jesus Alfredo Guzmán, Sohn von Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, wurde nach mehrmonatigen gemeinsamen Ermitt lungen mit dem US-Geheimdienst in Zapopa nahe Guadaljara festgenommen , wie die mexikanische Marine mitteilte. Wegen Drogenkriminalität steht er seit 2009 auf der US-Fahndungsliste. Jesus Alfredo Guzmán alias "El Gordo" (Der Dicke) s ei einer der wichtigsten Anführer des Sinaloa-Drogenkartells seines Vaters, sagte ein Marinesprecher. Der 26-Jährige habe die Reichtümer seines Vaters verwaltet. hK6GP8IUkYS9ohBzISNkKaI5a3dw?docId=CNG.39d0f18c5c6a71e03c20ebb11500d030.591

AFRICA (SUB-SAHARA) 2387/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Analysis: Intervention options in northern Mali --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (irin) The African Union (AU) and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) have been taking a dual-track appro ach in Mali in recent weeks - diplomatic negotiations with the rebels and Islamist groups who have taken over the north, while calling on the UN Security Council to draft a resolution and approve a military mission. Analysts question whether either option is likely to work, and if so, which? “Using force is not the first option. The first opt ion remains to get results through negotiations with the ones with leg itimate demands,” ECOWAS Commission President Kadré Désiré Ouédrogo said las t week. vention-options-in-northern-Mali

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2388/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Frustration Mounts in Nigeria After 3 Days of Dead ly Violence --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (VOA) DAKAR - Frustration over Nigeria's handling o f a security crisis is mounting after three days of violence killed at lea st 80 people in the country's north. Three days of deadly violence in northern Nigeria h ave intensified criticism of the government's handling of militant Islamic sect Boko Haram, whose attacks have killed hundreds this year, despi te a heavy security deployment. n-nigeria-after-3-days-of-deadly-violence/1215962.html


2389/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hot mini portable Spionage-Kamera für innere Siche rheit --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

(r4i-dsi) Beschreibung: Hauptmerkmale:

• IR-Lampen ermöglichen es bei geringer Beleuchtung Umfeld zu arbeiten

• Akku kann durch Nokia Handy-Akku ersetzt werden

• Unterstützung für SD-Karte bis zu 8GB Speicher, um das Video aufzuzeichnen

• mit Auto-Ladegerät Adapter und Halterung

Technische Daten: Synchron: Video Auflösung: 640 x 480 Typische Mikrofon Reichweite: 3m File Format: MP4-AVI Sensor: CMOS Bewegungssensor

Stromversorgung: Austauschbarer Li-Akku Material: Metall Zubehör: Handbuch / USB Kabel / Halterung / portabl e Sonderpreis: 58,60 € ion-kameras/hot-mini-portable-spionage-kamera-fur-innere-sicherheit.html

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INTEL HISTORY 2390/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Als die CIA Bürger zu Versuchskaninchen machte --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (diepresse) Das Projekt MKULTRA gehört zu den dunke lsten Kapiteln in der Geschichte der Geheimdienste. In den 1950ern und -6 0ern benutzte die CIA die Bevölkerung für Experimente zur "Gedankenkontro lle". Ein Geheimdienst, der Bürger des eigenen Landes zu menschlichen Versuchskaninchen für Drogen, Elektroschocks und Hy pnose macht. Was nach kruder Verschwörungstheorie oder Hollywood-Thriller klingt, war in den USA vor fünfzig Jahren Realität. MKULTRA hieß das Projekt, mit dem die CIA herausfin den wollte, wie man die Gedanken von Menschen kontrollieren kann. CIA-Direk tor Allen Dulles segnete das geheime Projekt im April 1953 ab. Schon zuvor h atte es Versuche mit gefangenen gegnerischen Soldaten und Spionen gegebe n - nun wurden die Experimente im größeren Stil aufgezogen. 7844/Als-die-CIA-Buerger-zu-Versuchskaninchen-machte

HOT DOCS ONLINE 2391/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- What’s Next in Afghanistan, and More from CRS --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) An updated report from the Congressional Rese arch Service proposes a series of questions to help inform and guide congre ssional debate on the future of the U.S. war in Afghanistan and its after math. See In Brief: Next Steps in the War in Afghanistan? Issues for Co ngress, June 15, 2012. (b) Other new and (mostly) updated CRS reports that Con gress has not made publicly accessible include the following. Navy Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism Operati ons: Background and Issues for Congress, June 13, 2012 (c) The Navy Biofuel Initiative Under the Defense Produ ction Act, June 13, 2012 (d) Navy Ship Names: Background For Congress, June 15, 2012 (e)

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Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Backgr ound and Issues for Congress, June 14, 2012 (f) Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker Modernization: Backgro und, Issues, and Options for Congress, June 14, 2012 (g) Coast Guard Cutter Procurement: Background and Issu es for Congress, June 13, 2012 (h) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act: A Summary of Superfund Cleanup Authorities and Relate d Provisions of the Act, June 14, 2012 (i) Employee Stock Options: Tax Treatment and Tax Issue s, June 15, 2012 (j) Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), June 15, 2 012 (k) U.S. Response to the Global Threat of Malaria: Basi c Facts, June 15, 2012 (l) U.S. Response to the Global Threat of Tuberculosis: Basic Facts, June 15, 2012 (m) U.S. Response to the Global Threat of HIV/AIDS: Bas ic Facts, June 15, 2012 (n) U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues , June 15, 2012 (o) Drought in the United States: Causes and Issues for Congress, June 12, 2012 (p)

(a) html (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o)

2392/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Kiriakou Calls Leak Prosecution Selective, Vindict ive --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who is char ged with unauthorized disclosure of a covert officer’s identity and other classified information, says that the case against him is driven by governm ent animosity, and that he is a target of selective prosecution. “When White House aides leaked stories about the he roes who killed Osama Bin Laden, they were not prosecuted. When the Wash ington Post was granted access to the covert director of the CTC for a prof ile of those directing America’s ‘war on terror,’ no one was prosecuted,” his attorneys wrote in a newly disclosed motion for dismissal. (b)

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(a) lective.html (b) 6.pdf

2393/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Rio + 20, and More from CRS --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) New and updated reports from the Congressiona l Research Service obtained by Secrecy News include the following. Rio+20: The United Nations Conference on Sustainabl e Development, June 2012, June 18, 2012 (b) The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): A Legal Analysis, June 7, 2012 (published June 20) (c) Job Creation in the Manufacturing Revival, June 20, 2012 (d) Double-Dip Recession: Previous Experience and Curre nt Prospect, June 19, 2012 (e) Morocco: Current Issues, June 20, 2012 (f)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

2394/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- State Secrets Protection Act Introduced in House --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) A bill “to provide safe, fair, and responsibl e procedures and standards for resolving claims of state secrets pri vilege” was introduced in the House of Representatives this week by Rep. J errold Nadler and several Democratic colleagues. (b) Essentially, the bill (HR 5956) would require court s to render an independent assessment of the validity of a governm ent assertion of the state secrets privilege, rather than simply deferri ng to the claim. When the privilege is properly asserted, courts would be required to consider the feasibility of introducing non-privileged subst itutes for privileged evidence. dler.html 2395/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- DNI Directive Seeks to Tighten Protection of Intel ligence --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) Director of National Intelligence James R. Cl apper issued a directive earlier this month to improve the protection of int elligence information and to help prevent unauthorized disclosures.

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The newly revised Intelligence Community Directive 700 (b) requires a new degree of collaboration between counterintelligence and security activities. While counterintelligence (CI) was scar cely mentioned in the previous version of the policy on protecting intell igence in 2007, (c) it is now being elevated to a central role and integra ted with security.

(a) l (b) (c)

2396/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- History of Executive Privilege, and More from CRS --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (fas) A 2008 report by the Congressional Research S ervice discussed the history of claims of executive privilege, including various unresolved questions surrounding its use. The Obama Administr ation asserted executive privilege today in connection with records sought b y a House Committee. See Presidential Claims of Executive Privilege: History , Law, Practice and Recent Developments, updated August 21, 2008. (b) Newly updated reports from the Congressional Resear ch Service that Congress has not made publicly available include the followi ng. U.S.-China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress, June 19, 2012 (c) Free Trade Agreements: Impact on U.S. Trade and Imp lications for U.S. Trade Policy, June 18, 2012 (d) Madagascar’s Political Crisis, June 18, 2012 (e) Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Political Develop ments and Implications for U.S. Interests, June 15, 2012 (f) U.S. Trade Deficit and the Impact of Changing Oil P rices, June 18, 2012 (g) Unauthorized Alien Students: Issues and “DREAM Act” Legislation, June 19, 2012 (h) Federal Taxation of Aliens Working in the United St ates, May 18, 2012 (i)

(a) l (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

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LITERATURE 2397/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Henri Bohnet: Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in Serbie n --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (kas) In den meisten Staaten Osteuropas hat sich vo r dem Hintergrund ihrer demokratischen Transformation in den letzten 20 Jah ren die Frage der Vergangenheitsbewältigung gestellt. Jeder Staat mus ste eine individuelle Antwort auf diese Aufgabe finden, die den Besonderh eiten der eigenen Geschichte Rechnung trägt. In Serbien hat eine wirk liche Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit bis heute kaum begonnen. Denn trotz d er friedlichen Revolution von 2000, die mit dem Sturz Milosevics e ndete, überdauern in der heutigen serbischen Politik sowohl Strukturen als a uch Personen aus seinem Umfeld.

(a) (b) Die Publikation:


CONFERENCES / LECTURES 2398/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Security Leaders Briefed on New U.S. Africa Strate gy --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (africom) he Africa Center for Strategic Studies (A CSS) opened its annual Senior Leaders Seminar on June 18, 2012, in Arlingt on, Virginia, during which keynote speaker Amanda J. Dory, the Deputy As sistant Secretary of Defense for Africa Policy, for the first time in pu blic discussed the White House's newly updated U.S. policy for sub-Saharan A frica. One of the Africa Center's flagship programs, the t wo-week Senior Leaders Seminar is intended to provide a forum for approxim ately 70 senior-level military officers, civilian security experts, and o ther government officials from 40 African countries, the United Sta tes, and Europe, as well as representatives from international and regional organizations, to review and analyze the evolving African security environme nt and to discuss strategies for addressing challenges and enhancing Africa's security. The seminar was being conducted in a hotel in Arlington , Virginia, a few blocks from the Pentagon and downtown Washington, D.C. 2399/11 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hörspielnächte in der Trinitatiskirche --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (dnn-online) Auf eine "Zeitreise" geht, wer die sec hste Ausgabe der Dresdner Hörspielnächte vom 25. Juni bis 1. Juli in der Ruine der

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Trinitatiskirche an der Haydnstraße 23 besucht. Die präsentierten Hörspiele im "Kino für die Ohren" drehen sich um vergangene h istorische Ereignisse. So zum Beispiel um den Mann, der nach Indien segeln wollte und sich in Amerika wiederfand, oder einen Spion des britischen Geheimdienstes, der die Ermordung Fidel Castros durch die Amerikaner verhin dern soll. Auch einige Abstecher in die Zukunft werden unternommen. Die be iden bekanntesten Sci Fi-Schriftsteller der DDR, Erik Simon und Reinhard Heinrich lesen am Freitag (29. Juni) aus ihrer Zeitreisen-Oper. Im Ke llergewölbe der Kirche lädt eine Zeitmaschine dazu ein, Animationsfilme zu sehen. Wem das nicht genug ist der kann sich an verschiede nen Hörstationen individuell beschallen lassen. Der Eintritt ist an allen Tagen frei. cific/Hoerspielnaechte-in-der-Trinitatiskirche-918960407 2400/12 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Einladung zur IV. Ordentlichen Generalversammlung des Vereins ACIPSS --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ wann: am 28. Juni 2012 Beginn: 17.00 Uhr wo: im Seminarraum SR 39.01 Karl-Franzens-Universit ät Graz, Attemsgasse 8, Erdgeschoss Tagesordnung: 1) Begrüßung und Feststellung der Anwesenheit 2) Entgegennahme und Genehmigung des Rechenschaftsb erichtes und des Rechnungsabschlusses 2010-2012 3) Entlastung des alten Vorstands 4) Wahl des neuen Vorstands und der Rechnungsprüfer 5) Vereinsaktivitäten 2010-2012 6) Vereinsplanung 2012-2014 7) Varia Anträge zur Generalversammlung können bis spätesten s drei Tage vor dem Termin schriftlich beim Vorstand mittels Telefax (0316/380 9730) oder per E -Mail eingebracht werden. Wir ersuchen um zahlreiche Teilnahme! Der Obmann: Siegfried Beer e.h Der Schriftführer: Florian Traussnig

(Hat tip to Florian TRAUSSNIG for this info!)

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Deadline for application: 24 June 2011 ******************************************* This newsletter is EDITED by Stefan Auer and Verena Klug and published by Staff author: Oliver Plauder Disclaimer : • ACIPSS reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality,

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Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Se curity Studies (ACIPSS)

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