  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Accounting forImpairment of Assets

    2012 13, Term VI

    CA K.P.Rajenran


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  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    Impairment of an asset (whethertangible or intangible) is the fall invalue of an asset, so that itsrecoverable amount is now less thanits carrying value in the statement offinancial position.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    An entity shall assess at the end ofeach reporting period whether thereis any indication that an asset may beimpaired. If any such indicationexists, the entity shall estimate therecoverable amount of the asset.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    An entity shall also test an intangibleasset with an indefinite useful life oran intangible asset not yet availablefor use for impairment annually bycomparing its carrying amount withits recoverable amount.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    An asset is said to be impaired if itscarrying amount is less than itsrecoverable amount.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    arrying amount is the amount atwhich an asset is recogni!ed afterdeducting any accumulateddepreciation (amorti!ation) andaccumulated impairment lossesthereon.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    "he recoverable amount of an asset isthe higher of# the asset$s fair value less cost to sell%


    its value in use.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    &air value less cost to sell is theamount obtainable from the sale ofan asset (that is its mar'et price lesscost to sell).

    ost to sell is the cost of disposal ofan asset including legal expenses,

    bro'erage and other transactioncosts.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    "he discount rate used fordetermining the present value of theexpected future cash flow would bethe appropriate discount rate for theentity after considering the ris'.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    If the recoverable amount of anasset is less than its carrying amount,the carrying amount of the asset shallbe reduced to its recoverable amount."hat reduction is an impairment loss.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    An impairment loss shall be treatedust li'e a revaluation loss.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    "he impairment loss shall normally berecognised immediately in profit orloss

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    *ut if there is any revaluation surplusrelating to that asset, then theimpairment loss can be reduced fromthat revaluation surplus.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    Any reversal of an impairment lossfor an asset shall be credited to profitand loss account.

    *ut any reversal of impairment lossfor a revalued asset should be treatedas a revaluation surplus.

  • 8/9/2019 Accounting for Impairment of Assets


    Impairment of Assets

    "he only exception is goodwill. Animpairment loss recognised forgoodwill shall not be reversed in asubse+uent period.
