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Credit Repair Champion,LLC. Business & Finance's METHOD #9 of 12 on how to

add post primary trade lines.

We understand that by the time you have gotten to us, youhave been ripped off by scam artists and that is the reason we wrote thiscourse. These Methods on how to post primary trades. We will show you2 techniques, the authorized user method, and the account assumption method . You can choose which one works best for you according to you or your clients needs.DISCLAIMERS: we are only giving you the information and the steps to add real trade lines to a credit report the legal way that does not involve UCC1.PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS:

1. This is INFORMATION that you have READ! We cannot read this course for you! You have to read it a few times in order to get the gist of this, because it is new information. We are breaking this information down to the best of our ability. We arenot responsible for your level of understanding. Some people learn faster than others. Please do not call us teeing us you are not good at reading or understanding. We assume that if you purchased this information, you can read and comprehend.

2. The Account Assumption method is (although not first devised by us, it wasas is now written broken down, restructured and COMPLETELY A DIFFERENT MODEL than what it was originally in the early 1980's---however, we are currently in 16 ;lawsuits as plantiffs vs. scam artist simply reposting our information as their own and even having the nerve to

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place copy rights in India and China despite our prior predated copywrite and 97.6% word match between our program here and theirs)---(SADLY, that little 2.4% they reworded was severe enough that it effectively made the process they are selling illegal and whoever tries it will go to federal prison no doubt so beware). ***tip, anycredible information will NEVER COST UNDER $500-$5000 PERIOD, it is as pure as that. That is unless you are me, which is a heavy beleiver in FREE SOURCE INFORMATION andACCESS, if its available for free for big markets to get and sell as a bundle WHY CANT THE LITTLE GUY DO THE SAME? ) I was saying to start step 2 here, the account assumption #9 of 12 method is a little tedious but

equally 100% effective when donecorrectly.As proved by our success on 642 of 642 experimental trials (have not to date of this letter being

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written sold to a client) 3. There is no quick fix when you are doing things the

legal way.---only thing

quick is a jail sentence if you skip steps of the law and allow the devil and greed rule you towards false filings. 10 by 10 by 10 is all I can say to those folks and enjoy your short lived fake life while you can, it will catch up to you. if not here, the at judement day, which no man,woman, nor child of understanding will escape.

AUTHORIZED USER METHODAdding Trade linesThe simplest, easy and FASTEST way to add trade lines is AUTHORIZED USER (AU) accounts. This manual will teach you how to acquire AU accounts.An authorized user is someone other than the account holder who can be added to a credit card account. If you have poor credit, having yourself added as an authorized user to the account of someone with a high credit score, low account balance and high credit limit, can improve your credit scores in a couple of ways. To begin with, the positive credit activity will begin appearing on your credit reports. Making a positive impact on your FICO scores.Additionally, the new credit line will increase your available credit and, at the same time, lower your debt ratio which can further improve your credit scores:Adding Trade lines is not a new practice. It is a simple a coin termed by credit repair/improvement companies. Adding trade lines is the old school credit boosting method called “PIGGYBACKING” Piggybacking is LEGALand recognized by FICO credit scoring.PIGGYBACKING Piggybacking is the act of improving your credit score or rating by becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. By doing this, you receive all the benefits of having good credit without actually having built any of the credit yourself. It is most often used by parents with their children or with spouses. In recent years, the practice has become controversial because companies sprang up to act as middlemen, matching

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up strangers – one with bad credit, one with good.It been a practice for quite some time for persons who wanted to establish credit or improve their credit to be added as an authorized user on a relative’s credit card. The account is considered just the same for credit scoring as if it were owned by the authorized user. The authorized user benefits from the good credit history provided by the owner of the account. However, it can also have a downside. If the owner of the account did not pay the account agreed and on time, the negative actions would also affect the authorized user.

Credit Bureau EXPERIAN supports and recommends piggybacking as a way to boost your credit score. Here is Q & A excerpt from their website concerning this method:Dear Experian, My wife had no credit history before we were married. I set her up as authorized user for a couple of my frequently used credit cards. Does this help her build up her credit history? HNADear HNA,Including your wife as an authorize user will help her establish a credit history.Authorized user accounts are included in a credit report and can be considered when making lending decisions.However, an authorized user has no responsibility for repayment of the debt.For the reason, they often have less bearing on the lender’s decision, and may not be included in some credit score calculations.Although authorized user accounts are not always included in credit scores, they will result in a credit history being established and eventually can help your wife qualify independently for her own accounts.Adding your wife as a joint account holder may be more beneficial if you aretrying to establish a credit history that will enable her to qualify for credit on her own more quickly.As a joint account holder she will share full responsibility for the debt. Joint accounts will appear on both your report and hers, and will be included in credit score calculations, which is essential to qualifying for credit independently.Thanks for asking.CREDIT BUREAU REACTION This practice attracted the attention of FICO as well as the three credit bureaus and resulted in the “FICO 08” scoring model which was designed toignore authorized user account when calculating credit scores.

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But FICO 08 also caused a problem. According to FICO, the government informed them that ignoring authorized users would obstruct FICO’S compliance with the EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITY ACT, Regulation B – a rule that requires lenders to consider shared accounts of spouses when determining a married person’s credit risk. By ignoring these accounts, FICO 08 would be in violation of Regulation B.According to FICO, it has since adjusted the formula of FICO 08 to include authorized users while reducing the impact of piggybacking. This means thatas it now stands, authorized users continue to be included in FICO’S formula.HOW IT’S DONESolicit credit card account holders with high credit scores, offering to pay them for the right to add authorized users to their accounts. Then assign a client to one or more these accounts. These authorized users cannot use thesecredit accounts or gain access to any personal or financial information they contains. But by being tied to them, authorized users can take advantage of the payment histories to improve their FICO scores.The account will appear on the authorized user’s credit report at the end of the BILLING CYCLE of that account. That can happen in as little as 10 – 14 days depending on the timing of the creation of the account.Understand that credit card companies are not concerned about the credit history of authorized users. They don’t not even perform a credit check. Since the account is already open under the original applicant’s credit (and that credit was sufficient), credit card companies usually allow one or two additional authorized users.Contact the customer’s service department or account servicing department of your credit card company. Ask whether or not they allow authorized users.Obtain a copy of an Additional Cardholder Authorization form. These will vary from lender to lender, but essentially the document tells the original borrower that he or she is responsible for any debts accumulated by authorized users.Carefully review the document with proposed authorized user. Original borrows also have the power to remove authorized users at any time.Most credit card companies allow you to create authorized user accounts online, check with each credit card companies or bank that theaccount is with to learn how to add AU accounts ONLINE.HERE ARE SOME SAMPLE SITES: drive/self-services/add-

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THE ASSUMABLE ACCOUNT METHODS. TURNING BAD DEBT INTO A POSITVE PAYMENT HISTORY.Many brokers have flooded the web with claims of adding primary trade lines or transferring seasoned primary trade line into a new party’s name. theconcepts are vaguely understood at best, the truth is these companies have no business purporting these claims because of what they’re really doing is enticing a customer to pay them for a made-up payment history on an account that never existed, for promissory note that was never signed.

“The best case scenario is that you can get one of these made-up accounts onyour credit report, and then it’s quickly removed,” say Garrick Broughton, a member of the Heritage Foundation and co-founder of Assumable Assets, Inc, Assumable Assets is no longer in business, however, their information taught us how the real and legal account assumption technique works. “The real path to credit improvement isn’t so difficult: you take over an actual financial obligation through a real financial intermediary or bank. The problem is, customers don’t have relationships with bank and intermediaries that they can leverage to just walk in and ask to take over someone’s account.More importantly, the banks are even willing to settle and restructure these accounts to make these transactions work, so far a few hundred people who the staff lovingly refers to as “guinea pig” have seen the result over six month frame. With all of their credit score increases tallied, they’ve experienced roughly 25,000 points worth of score increases, even though Broughton insists they’re not in this business to be a credit repair company.

“Credit repair isn’t what we do, and it’s not our end goal (recall, we are in business of FUNDING & CONSULTNG BUSINESS prospects from ground up using credit repair as our lead in to helping build up client's ability to manage money and control their own marketing skills so as they profit we too profit, yet as they fail we lose our investment as well(On average from 07/24/99-02/03/03 we netted Gains of 367% of our investment on the 168 business affliates we estalished and raised as our own

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children, spending over $1.6 M each in just training BEFORE letting them out on their own and then another $400K average to have team of advisors with them at all times . If you diffuse market inequities by creating a balanced way to shift debt instead of writing it off, you have the potential to solidify the financial sector of the economy very quickly. The credit score improvements are not artificial; they’re the result of a responsible citizen making a conscious decision to make on-time payment- giving them access to mare financial opportunities and leverage.”

Primary trade lines and seasoned primary trade lines once monopolized the credit enhancement industry, and now only a few sparse Craigslist postings remain. Meanwhile, the next generation of credit improvement – one that involves a specific and detailed plan of action and perhaps a varied noteworthy portfolio of assumed obligations – is on the horizon.Debt factoring and debt purchasing companies have been buying and selling portfolios of debt commodities for years, and recently individual buyers have entered the debt purchasing market. Assumable Assets Inc, was the firstcompany to begin selling debt portfolios to individuals with a taxpayer ID number and appropriate business license/professional registration. Then, in late 2008, they began experimenting with the inverse of those transactions: allowing customers to take over an obligation.“At first, it was like, why would a person want to take over someone’s debt?” remarks Greg Holmes, reminiscing on the beginning stages of what would become the first and largest campaign of its kind, “but then, when we really did the math and analyzed the leverage a person could get with multiple streams of opportunity to establish noteworthy payment history, it was remarkable. Almost every American in the credit crunch could use the service.”What makes this method so distinct from the run of the mill primary trade lines (trade lines) scams on the market is that the process is very transparent

and complete. Real debt forgiveness of the original accountholder take

place, an actual payment is made on the obligation, and most

importantly, consumers have the opportunity to assume obligations from multiple financial intermediaries – who handle the reporting to the major credit bureaus.“We aren’t some fly-by-nite that’s trying to report information to the credit bureaus,” says Holmes. We have relationships with financial intermediaries that we used to just buy and sell debt with, we’re leveraging those relationships in a way that has the potential to really balance and eliminate

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market inequities. One the hand, you’re releasing someone from the chains of debt, on the other hands you’re granting a credit-building opportunity to adeserving and hardworking persons.This method may very well be the solution we’ve been looking for.WHAT IS THIS METHOD?Assumable accounts are commodified instruments of debt that can be taken over by individuals, by proxy of Consumer Credit Advocacy firms and Debt Buyers, Sellers and Collection agencies.No individual can legally report a positive credit history, only companies with a relationship and membership to the Credit Bureaus and the appropriate software, user ID and Password can report Credit.The assumption of Debt is beneficial to individuals who have the capacity totake over new financial obligations for the purpose of enhancing their credit portfolio. The assumption of debt is beneficial to individuals who have the capacity to take over new financial obligations for the purpose of enhancing

their credit portfolio. Assuming a debt is the only legal means through which capable individuals can gain access to credit outside of establishing a new credit obligations directly with creditors.

Assuming single debts will enable a person to inherit an account with a payment history. Through proper

negotiation between the credit advocacy firm or collection agency, the owner of the debt, the original creditor and debtor and the new debtor

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can create a positive trade line for an individual.

DEBT SELLERS/DEBT PORTFOLIOSDebt BuyerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA debt buyer is a company, sometimes a collection agency or a private debt collection law firm, that purchase delinquent or charge-off debts from a creditor for a fraction of the face value of the debt. The debt buyer can then collect on its own, utilize the services of another collection agency, repackage and resell portions of the purchased portfolio or any combination of these options.Content

1. History 2. Industry Overview 3. Secondary Market 4. Controversies 5. Reference

History The debt buying industry in the United States began as a result of the saving and loan crisis of the 1980s. During this time banks were closing at an alarming rate and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which insures deposits up to a certain amount received the assets of the bank to cover the expenses associated with repaying the closed banks depositors.

When the FDCI, and eventually the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) took control of the assets they had to find institutions, organizations and private investors that would be willing to purchase the assets of closed banksincluding both performing and non-performing (delinquent or charged-off) accounts.The RTC held auctions around the country allowing various organizations (and even very privileged individuals)to bid for portfolios of mixed assets. At these auctions the bidders were not able to evaluate the assets prior to bidding and most purchasers had no idea what they had purchased until they had left the auction.The eventual availability of these same assets to the general public was the fuel used to launch the debt buying industry.Industry overviewDue to the historic profitability of the business, the debt buying industry has seen dramatic expansion since 2000. Debt buyers purchased approximately

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$110 billion in face value of delinquent debts in 2005, which is about doublethe amount bought in 2000. Credit card debt comprises seventy percent of the accounts sold to debt buyers, followed by automobile loans, telecommunications debt and retail accounts. However, purchased debts can also include personal loans, utility bills, medical bills, primary and secondary mortgages, etc.Depending on the age and history of the debt, a buyer typically pays between 3 and 16 percent of the face value of the debt. Accounts that come directly from the original creditor without having been placed with a collection agency have the highest value, with prices decreasing based on the number of agencies that have previously attempted to collect the debt. Asa result of the 2008 economic downturn, prices for the best accounts have fallen from the 2007-2008 high of 14 cent on the dollar to 4-7 cents. However, the large increase in delinquent accounts as a result of the recession has also resulted in sizable growth in the debt buying industry overall.Debt buyers range in the size from a very small private business to multi-million dollars publicly traded companies – there are currently four publicly trade debt buyers. NCO, previously the largest debt collectors, was taken private in 2006 after merging with One Equity Partners. As the visibility andprofitability of the industry has grown, so too has competition, both in terms of the number of debt buyers and the rising price of bad debt. Additionally, there is a secondary market in this debt, with the debt buyers reselling the debt.Debt buyers may be classified as “active” – those who attempt to collect on the account they purchase, or “passive” – those who invest in the debt and then outsource the collection activities to a separate collection agency or collection law firm.Secondary Market

Due to the varying size of debt buying organizations, not all organizations have the capital required to purchase large portfolios directly from the debt issuer. Historically, small debt buying firms would have wait and purchase their debt accounts from a larger buyer after that large buyer had already collected on the account.Debt buying has historically taken place via the purchase and sale of whole portfolios consisting of a static group of accounts. Debt issuers usually prefer to sell their entire portfolio to a single debt buyer because the issuer isresponsible for supplying the debt buyers with the documentation needed to prove the account in a court of law. This documentation know as “media” in

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the debt buying industry may include the original account application, monthly statements, affidavits of sale and charge-off statements. This information is necessary to prove in court that the debtor owes the money and that the debt buyer owns the account.Most of the major banks that sell all or a portion of their charged-off assets sell their accounts to a small selection of pre-approved buyers who purchase using a vehicle knows as a “Forward Flow Agreement”. A forward flow is anagreement between a debt buyer and debt seller to transact a fixed amount ofdebt over a fixed period of time for a predetermined price, for example a debt buyer and debt seller may enter an agreement to transact $ 20 million face value of debt each month for 12 month at a price of 7%.BENEFITParticipating in the preferred means of gaining access to greater financial leverage. In the modern economy, individuals have suffered from a drastic decrease in their purchasing power consequentially forcing individuals to spend less money.As empirically proven by the recessive economy in the status quo low rates of pending result in less profit for business which leads to less investment. Anyone who knows how to calculate the GDP knows that both consumers spending and business investments are two primary components.ESTABLISH FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONAn individual agrees to a financial obligation where the lender agrees to extend credit and the borrower agrees to the terms of service (i.e. Interest Rates, Refund Policy, and Minimum Balance etc.) while many borrowers tends to fulfill their financial obligations, other are incapable of doing so. In fact, a major cause of the current recession is the outstanding debts owed to creditors and banking institutions, upon defaulting on the initial agreement, the financial obligation becomes a debt instrument.

Debt Instrument ProprietorshipOnce a financial obligation is turned over to a collection agency, it becomes an instrument of debt. The instrument represents a financial due that is takenover by the collector. Once an agency takes over an account, they retain the rights to the initial obligation and are responsible for the fate of the accounts.

Including debt forgiveness and reassignment. This is

where the debt buyers and sellers come in. debt buyers purchase entire portfolios of a company’s charged off debt. Now the originalcreditor does not OWN the original debt anymore, but still has the power to

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validate the debt. The good part is that because the debt was SOLD in a portfolio, there is room for NEGOTIATION between the debt purchaser

and the original owner and creditor of the portfolio.Debt portfolio RestructuringThe new proprietor of debt obligations is able to restructure the portfolio in order that the previous owner of the debt is forgiven of financial obligations.Since the debt has already been settled by virtue of the commercial exchange, the reporting agent is able to assign the portfolio as financial leverage to willing signatories who agree to assume the debt.INDEPENDENT DEBT PURCHASE TRANSACTIONA debt portfolio owned by a company exist as a debt instrument, for years only companies with for profit interest have been able to purchase such files.Now individuals have the opportunity to participate in an Independent Debt Purchase Transactions. Instead of responsibility for the financial obligation established by the initial agreement.

ACCOUNT ASSUMPTIONAn individual who participates in an Independent debt purchase transaction is given the opportunity to take responsibility for the obligation by agreeing to make monthly payments on the debt in order that the new financial agreement is representative of a new credit obligation. This allows credit reporting firms to report such data as existing or OPEN credit lines/tradelines.


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This process results in the enhancement of an individual’s credit

score since it is an “actual and existing” representation of credit obligations.The purpose of the credit scoring system is to determine the likelihood that an individual will repay a financial obligation when extended credit. This requires each file being reported to a file ego be an actual and existing obligation.

How to proceed with the accounts assummables method of adding positive trade lines LITERALLY INVERTING BAD CREDIT into POSITIVE CREDIT TRADE PRIMARY LINES instantly.


1. Contact the debt sellers here is a list of them (you may do your own research and find your own)

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2. Find out what kinds of debt they have Establish a relationship with a debt buyer/seller preferably an individual whopurchases debt portfolios.

3. “Shop” for the specific debt that you need

4. Negotiate a price for a single

debt or portfolio (cents on the dollar)

5. Purchase the debt…makes sure you get all the paperwork that comes with that. (assignment of Debt and Title)

Purchase a custom debt portfolio that contains a variety of good accounts that has SOME or mostly POSITIVE payment history (auto, mortgage, revolving, credit cards, payday loans, installment loans, etc) OR NEGOTIATE to purchase single accounts that customizes your client’s situation. (MAKE SURE YOU ACQUIRE ALL DOCUMENTATION OF OWNERSHIP OF THE ACCOUNT and/ or PORTFOLIO)

If they cannot give you the paper work showing your new

ownership of the debt as you being the new owner, donot do business with them.NOW YOU ARE THE OWNER OF

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When and only when you are ready to transfer the debt into the NEW debtor’s name (the person who you want the positive debt to go to)

(A)CREATE an ABSOLUTE ASSIGNMENT OF DEBT agreement with the “assign” to “transfer” the debt for a monthly

negotiated price but preferably PAID IN FULL (depending on the

balance of the account).


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(A)___________________________________ Name of Debtor (the person who owes the debt) (THE DEBTOR) is indebted to the Assignor in the sum of $............................................................

AMOUNT OF DEBT (i.e. $25,000) (THE DEBT)

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(B) The Assignor ____________________________________ wishes to assign to the Assignee, and the Assignee wishes to receive an assignment of the Debt.

NOW THEREFORE In consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. The Assignor hereby assigns transfers and set over unto the Assignee the Debt together with all advantage and benefit to be derived there from.

2. As consideration for the assignment, the Assigneeagrees to pay to the Assignor, concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, the sum of (amount of money to be paid for Assignment of Debt i.e. $20,000).

3. The Assignor hereby acknowledges, covenant and agree that Debt justly and truly owes by the Debtor to the Assignor.

4. The Assignor covenants and agrees with the Assignee that all the request of the Assignee, the Assignor shall assign to the Assignee all its or hisright, title and interest in any security in respect of the Debt assigned by this Assignment, and the same shall be deemed security granted by the Assignor to the Assignee.

5. The Assignor acknowledges and agrees that all itsor his rights in respect of the Debt have been assigned to the Assignee but that the acceptance by the Assignee of this Assignment shall not impose upon the Assignee any obligation to take

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any steps to effect the collection of same or to ensure that the Debt does not become statue barred by the operation of any law relating to limitation of actions, or otherwise.

IN WITHNESS WHERE OFThe parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.WITNESS:(NAME OF ASSIGNOR)


NOTICE AND DIRECTIONTO: (Name of Person who Owes/Owns the Debt (Debtor)TAKE NOTICEThat the undersigned, (Name of Assignor)(the “Assignor”) has assigned to (Name of Assignee) (the “Assignee) all of its right, title and interest in and tothe debt owing by you to the Assignor in the amount of (Amount of Debt (i.e. $25,000) (the “Debt”). You are hereby irrevocably authorized and directed to make all future payments under the Debt directly to the Assignee as follows:(Name of Assignee)(Address of Assignee)(Telephone No. of Assignee)Let this be your good and sufficient authority for so doing.Dated this _________________day of_______________, 20_____.WITNESS:(Name of Assignor)

Now that the debt is officially in their name, its time to negotiate with the original creditor and/or collection agencies using the ABSOLUTE ASSIGNMENT OF DEBT AGREEMENT and DEBT UPDATE LETTER to report debt in the new account owner/s name MINUS the

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negative debt. Once this is submitted, the new owner of the account will only inherit the


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history will be reported to the credit bureaus in their name.

VOILA! A seasoned trade line is CREATED!

HOW THIS IS DONE?According to the FAIR CREDIT ACT, any reporter of credit MUST

report ACCURATE, UPDATED INFORMATION! When the debt is transferred out of someone else’s name

that TOO must be reported! The DEBT UPDATE LETTER shows you how to get them to report only the POSITIVE payment history because you have

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negotiated it OFF!

THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT623. Responsibilities of furnisher of information to consumer reporting


(15 U.S.C. & 1681s-2) (a) Duty of Furnishers of Information to Provide Accurate

Information(2) Duty to correct and update information. A person who regularly

and in the ordinary course of business furnishes information to one ormore consumer reporting agencies about the person’s transaction orexperiences with any consumer and (B) has furnished to a consumer

reporting agency information that the person determines is notcomplete or accurate, shall promptly notify the consumer reporting

agency of that determination and provide to the agency anycorrections to that information, or any additional information, that is

necessary to make the information provided by the person to theagency complete and accurate, and shall not thereafter furnish to theagency any of the information that remains not complete or accurate


FAIR CREDIT ACTConsumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate,

incomplete or unverifiable information. Inaccurate, incomplete orunverifiable information must be removed or corrected, usually within

30 days. However, a consumer reporting agency may continue toreport information it has verified as accurate.


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UPDATE LETTER (list below) to the creditor from a NEW DEBTOR that includes this clause from the Fair Credit Act to report debt in the new account owner’s name MINUS the negative debt.

Example: When original creditor OR collection agency attempts to collect a debt, they have the power to negotiate with the debtor to remove the negative item from the credit bureaus in exchange for an agreement to pay. This is power they have in the Fair Debt Collection Acts.The original creditor will be used as a catalyst to report the newly negotiatedtransferred debt in the NEW debtor’s name. Here is the DEBT UPDATE LETTER to send to the ORIGINAL CREDITORS.


DateYour NameYour AddressCity, State, ZipCreditor’s CompanyCreditor’s Company AddressCity, State, ZipRE: Acct # XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Dear (CREDITOR’S NAME)I am writing to you today regarding account #4236-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

which was originally held by __________________________. I have legally assumed this debt as a good will because ____________________has been unable to pay it and have paid it off in full I have documentation to prove it. (See attachment).The purpose of my correspondence is to see if you would be willing to make

a “goodwill” credit adjustment on the reporting of this account as

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PAID IN FULL to the three credit agencies under my name.Name:DOBSSNADDRESS

I would like to STRESS that the information currently

being reported is accurate, (I am not disputing anything with _____________). I am singly asking ____________for a courtesy gesture of goodwill in having the credit bureaus adjust this account with the new account holder. I do recognize that this request is unique and that it may not be ______________normal policy. Please consider that the Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 623 (attached) demands that all accounts be reported and updated accurately if that account was reported to that credit agency.

Therefore, a company does have the

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obligation to adjust and update any account with the credit agencies according to the Fair

Credit Act. I’m hoping that ______________will do that in my case for this account.Your kind consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.Best Regards,Your Signature

THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT623. Responsibilities of furnisher of information to consumer reporting


(15 U.S.C. & 1681s-2) (a) Duty of Furnishers of Information to Provide Accurate

Information(2) Duty to correct and update information. A person who regularly

and in the ordinary course of business furnishes information to one ormore consumer reporting agencies about the person’s transaction orexperiences with any consumer and (B) has furnished to a consumer

reporting agency information that the person determines is notcomplete or accurate, shall promptly notify the consumer reporting

agency of that determination and provide to the agency anycorrections to that information, or any additional information, that is

necessary to make the information provided by the person to theagency complete and accurate, and shall not thereafter furnish to theagency any of the information that remains not complete or accurate.

7. Wait at 30 – 45 days for debt to be updated or a response from the creditor. Then check your credit report.

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FAQ’SWhere Do I get the accounts from?You can find a list of Debt Sellers or do your own research in your local listings we are not responsible for you finding a good debt seller neither will we find them for you. This course gives you the information, we don’t not do the work for you.

How much do they cost?I vary but they are normally pennies on the dollar. Some vendors sell only portfolios and some will sell single accounts you have to do your own research, start contacting them.

How long will the trade lines stick?Yes. For 7-10 years, because you won them, it’s legally your debt.

Will the debt sellers put the trade lines on for me?No, they will not, and do not ask them to . do not ask them for advice either, their job is to sell you the accounts. This is the reason you purchased this course is to do them yourself.

Have your guys used this method?Yes

Does your company post trade lines?No, we are not interested in doing them. We provide information.

After I buy the trade lines, how do I get them on a credit report?Read Steps 6 thoroughly.

How long does this take?From the time you submit the information from the creditors anywhere between 14-45 days, depending on the creditor’s reporting cycle.

Why do I have to send info to original creditor?Because they hold the original agreement and made the initial report to the credit bureaus.

If you have any additional questions that is not address in this information DO NOT CALL US but please email us [email protected]

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We answer the emails within 24-48 hours.

This information contained in this manual is for entertainment and informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing financial, personal, or legal advice. BCC. Inc will not be held responsible for any personal of financial liabilities. Please consult your CPA or Attorney for Financial and Legal advice. COPYRIGHT 2003 CREDIT REPAIR CHAMPION,LLC DIGITAL PRODUCTS.


1. Create an account with or

2. Check your credit. 3. Create a Fraud Alert. 4. Dispute all negative items on your Credit file with the

following statement using the DELETE BAD CREDIT METHOD included with these instructions.

5. Re-Apply for a Secured Credit Card with Capital One. 6. Start Adding Trade lines.


An initial 90 days fraud alert indicates to anyone requesting your credit file that you suspect you are a victim of fraud. When you or someone else attempts to open a credit account in your name, increase the credit limit on an existing account, or obtain a new card on an existing account, the lender should takes steps to verify that you have authorized the request. If the creditor cannot verify this, the request should not be satisfied. You also request one additional free credit file disclosure. To request you initial 90 day fraud alert online.

An active duty alert is available to persons on active military duty and is

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similar to an initial 90 day alert, except that it lasts 12 months and your name is removed from prescreened offers of credit or insurance for 2 years. Request your active duty alert online.For any of these alerts, you will receive a confirmation when the alert is added to your credit file.HOW IT WORKS:Equifax works with the other two nationwide credit reporting agencies, Experian and Trans Union, so that when you request an alert through Equifax, you request is automatically sent to the other two agencies. Generally the alert will be placed on your credit file with all three agencies within 48 hrs.NEXT STEPS:To place a Fraud Alert on your Equifax credit file:ONLINE: Place an Initial 90 Day Fraud Alert or Active Duty Alert.CALL: 1-800-525-6285 OR WRITE TO: Equifax Information Services LLC P.O. Box 105069 Atlanta, GA 30348-5069

EFFECTIVE AND PROVEN CREDIT REPAIR STRATAGY The basic strategy to repairing your credit is as follows:

1. Get and review your credit report. 2. Analyze your report. 3. Make a list of all items you consider to be questionable or

negative. Clearly identify each item in your report that you dispute, explain why you dispute the information.

4. Write a dispute letter bureaus. 5. Send the letter to the credit bureaus. Make sure you send it

registered or certified mail. 6. Document you efforts. Record when you send your letters, and

the result. 7. Wait for the bureaus to investigate your claims. 8. Analyze the results. 9. Specialized techniques. Was the item deleted or changed to

your satisfaction? You may continue steps 1, 2 and 3 above until you feel the dispute is settled satisfactorily. Remember, there is no charge for a reinvestigation. If you don’t get the results you want, dispute the listing again.

That’s all there is to it. Seems easy enough buy must have patience,

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because the credit bureaus are not always very cooperative. The make their money by providing credit reports to lenders not by fixing bad information in their databases.

1. ANALYZE YOUR CREDIT As for Jan 1, 2004, due to the new FCRA Act of 2003, all credit bureaus willbe required to give out one free credit report per year. They are rolling this program out slowly as the year rolls on. You can see when you are eligible for a free report. Note: The Credit Bureaus are not required to give out your credit score for free. If you want to order your score in addition to your free reports, most are charging about $5.95. The free reports are good for 30 days only, so make sure you print your reports if you get them online.You can order your free annual credit report online at by calling 1877-322-8228, or by completing the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mailing it to: Annual Credit Report, Request Service, and P.O.Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.When you order, you need to provide your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth. To verify your identity, you may need to provide some information that only you would know, like the amount of your monthly mortgage payment.

2. ANALYZE YOUR CREDIT REPORT.After reviewing his credit reports, Eduardo made copies, and then highlighted everything he saw as a negative listing. Most of them were medical collection, and were easy to spot. However, he does notice that one of the bureaus is reporting him as late on a payment to one of his credit cards, and he knows he paid it on time.In addition, Eduardo has read that as part of the new FACTA legislation to protect consumers from identity theft, he was suppose to have been notified of the negative mark. He is sure he was never notified.

3. RANK QUESTIONABLE/NEGATIVE ITEMStep 2 covered how to identify items, both positive and negative on your credit report. Now you have this list, you should rank each item according tothe amount of damage they are doing to your overall credit picture. Rank themost damaging information first, followed by the next most damaging information, Followed by those items which are neutral. Do this for each credit report, as remember, they may not all have the same information on them. They may even have duplicate information. If this is the case, you willneed to write to each credit agency individually for each duplicate item.

The items here are listed in order of descending importance with the first item being the “most damaging” to your credit.

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BANKRUPTCYFORECLOSUREREPOSSESSIONLOAN DEFAULTCOURT JUDGMENTSCOLLECTIONSPAST DUE PAYMENTLATE PAYMENT CREDIT REJECTIONSCREDIT INQUIRIESAlso, if your creditor has NOT NOTIFIED you of negative information they have recently place on your credit report, they are currently in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You can used this to pressure the original creditor to remove the listing by reminding them they are in violation of the FCRA by not notifying you.


What should you Challenge?Everything and you should always shoot for a complete deletion. Don’t bother challenging the information within a collection listing, charge-off, court record, repossession, foreclosure, or settled account. As the basic nature of these listing is negative, changing the information within the listingwill yield no improvement. Severely negative listing, such as these, must be disputed on the basis of complete deletion or not be disputed at all.

What items are the toughest to get off your report?You will have the toughest time getting bankruptcies and foreclosures off of your credit report as these things are so easy for the credit bureaus to verify. In the case of a bankruptcy, you most likely will have a few trade lines saying “included in Bankruptcy”. If you want to challenge your bankruptcy, you need to clear off all credit lines mentioning a BK FIRST.


This is important, as you must be able to tell when letters were sent and received. It gives you some leverage with the CRAs if they don’t respond in the time frame required by law. KEEP ALL OF YOUR CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS AS PROOF!!


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As soon as you have ordered your credit reports and photocopied your order letters and checks, you must create a precise organizational system to track your correspondences with the credit bureaus and your creditors. Why is thisnecessary? Unfortunately, credit items you have worked so hard to remove Mysteriously reappear. If this happens, it is usually easy to have the items deleted permanently if you show your complete records on the first removal.Why take a chance? As you proceed through these steps, keep copies and record of all correspondence you send and receive. Copies of all correspondence are a must, as well as note on all telephone conversations! Also, if you should encounter any special difficulty and would like help in repairing your credit, you will need these records to proceed.Every time you have a telephone conversation with a creditor, you must document the conversation by recording the name of the person whom you spoke, his name or her position, the date and time of the conversation, what was said in the conversation, and what was agree upon…


Once the credit reporting agency has received your dispute letter, they are obligated to investigate. This obligation is not contingent upon you having been denied credit. According to the Fair Credit Reporting ACT OF 1997 (see attachment 3) the credit bureaus must take the following steps.

1. The credit reporting agencies must resolve consumer’s dispute within 30 days limit.

2. In response to consumer’s complaints that documentation in support of their disputes was disregarded, the credit bureaus have to consider and transmit to the furnisher all relevant evidence submitted by consumer the first time.

3. Consumers will receive written notice of the results of the investigation within five days of its completion. Including a copy of the amended credit file if it changed based on the dispute.

4. Once information is deleted from a credit file, the credit bureaus cannot reinsert it unless the entity supplying the information certifies that the item is completed and accurate and the credit bureau notifies the consumers within five days.

The Federal Trade Commission says that inaccurate credit report is the number-one source of consumer complaints, and that it is quite common for problems to take six or more months to be resolved. All of the big-three agencies are working on making sure that all disputes are handled within 30 days.

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If the new investigation reveals an error, you may ask that a corrected version of the report to be sent to anyone who received your report within the past six months. Job applicants can have corrected reports sent to anyonewho received a report for employment purposes during the past two years. However, this is unlikely to repair any damage done when your credit report was first pulled, so don’t waste your time or energy on this approach.

8. EVALUTE THE RESULTS OF YOUR REPAIR EFFORTS.You did save the original credit report your ordered, didn’t you? And each item you challenged? Good, you will need them to evaluate how well you did. Its all part of Step 5 above, documenting your efforts.When you get your “repaired” credit report back from the credit bureaus, they will summarize what changed on your credit report due to your challenges. You can compare this list to your own notes or just to the previous credit report.9. SPECIALIZED TECHNIQUES:Depend on the type of listing, you may also want to try these separate techniques.

1. Collections: – you should always try to use the debt validationtechnique on collections. This should be in addition to your credit repair efforts with the credit bureaus.

2. Charge-offs: Try disputing the information within the listing, like the date the account was opened, the high balance, the amount owed, etc. if any of the information is incorrect, you have a good chance of getting the whole thing deleted off of your report.

3. Judgments: if you were never served for a judgment, you mayhave a chance of getting it vacated (voided), or there may be other technicalities that you can use. File for a Motion to Vacate.

The results of each item will have been resolved in one of five different ways:

1. If the listing is not mentioned in the results list, you must have forgotten to include it, or your request was not sufficiently clear. You will need to dispute the item again in your own next dispute letter. The bureaus are legally obligated to respond in writing within 30 days, so if they don’t it is highly unlike they are ignoring you.

2. The dispute item was investigated but verified. If you don’t get the item removed, most likely, the credit bureaus will have just

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given you a cryptic reason as to why like “item verified”. The creditor may have responded to the credit bureau’s request for re-verification. They may have simply said that they listing wascorrect, and in this case, the bureau will take their words for it. Now it is up to you to prove to the bureau that the item is not correct. The law required that the bureaus accept any proof you may submit, as well as to pass any documentation you provide on to your creditor for consideration, so be sure to send any documentation you can, if you didn’t do it the first time. You could also try disputing the listing again at the future time. Whoknows, you may get lucky, and a different employee of the creditor may not be able to verify the item.

3. The disputed listing was investigated as to the correctness of the information within the listing (such as late pay notations) and the listing was found to be inaccurate or unverifiable. Remember, if the creditor doesn’t respond to the bureau at all, this is the same as the listing being unverifiable. In this case, the negative listing will now show up as a positive listing, or it will be deleted from your report all together. This is the best possible outcome.

If you are not getting the desired results from the credit bureaus Credit Bureau disputes are not handled by computers, but by people, so they possibilities that your claims was misunderstood, overlooked or mishandled is good. Fixing your credit takes time, and there is nothing you can do to expedite the process. However, you can always resubmit your claims.

TIPS FOR RESUBMITTING YOUR CREDIT DISPUTE. 1. Be persistent! Become more insistent, but not more threatening,

with each dispute. As you submit one dispute after another, it may become increasingly difficult to get the checker to initiate an investigation. Your first one or two disputes should be friendly and polite. Just like any other consumers, you can become frustrated and threatening as time passes. You may threaten to hire an attorney, you may threaten to complain to theFTC and your states attorney general, etc but don’t overdo it.

2. Be creative – Create and utilize other techniques that help further the idea that the dispute letter is from a truly wronged and disadvantage consumers. The checker is only interested in investigating disputes that truly are erroneous and damaging. Again, because the agencies are flooded with request, they tend

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to give priority to those that seem most urgent. 3. Do not bombard the credit bureaus with disputes (about the

same listing that is) do not bombard the credit bureaus with disputes. Sending one dispute right after another is wasteful andcounterproductive. You may wind up alienating the credit agency show that they hold up your progress. (Remember, they cannot legally stop you from restoring accurate information but the people who will run the agency, like anyone else, probably do not respond well to harassment.) Also remember, that credit repair is a time-consuming operation requiring great patience. The rule of thumb is to wait 60 days between disputes of the same listing.

SAMPLE LETTERS FOR DISPUTING CREDITSample Letter 1 – Initial letter to credit bureausCredit BureauCredit Bureau AddressSome City, Any State 56789RE: Your Name Your Home Address Your SSN Your DOB

Request to Dispute Account information on My Credit FileI currently received my credit reported and located the following serious problems of inaccurate reporting. This is my very first time disputing my credit report because I have just accepted that I had bad credit and became a victim of it. Please do not regard this investigation as a frivolous letter. (You may use a personalized comment here like, “I don’t know what went on in my name because someone hacked my computer” or whatever the reason why you were not aware of these erroneous derogatory items.)I don’t know what these collection, account are for. (or, if it’s a late charge you can dispute the late payment or anything that is wrong, you can point it out here) I have contacted these collection agencies (or whatever company itis) to validate these debts, so therefore I am disputing the validity of these debts.(List all of your disputed accounts and any other “inaccurate” information along with all the corresponding information regarding that account here)Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the timeframe allowed, please re-investigate and delete/correct this information. Please send me the names and the address of the persons contacted. I shall

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assume that thirty days constitutes a “reasonable time” to complete the actions constitutes non-verification and these item must be promptly deleted according to the Section 611 (a).Also according to Section 611 (a) for the Fair Credit reporting Act, please send me notification that the items have been deleted. Send an update copy of my credit report to the below address. According to the provisions of Section 612, there should be no charge for notification of changes of my credit report.Sincerely,Your Signature HereYour Name Your Home Address Your SSNYour DOB

Sample Letter 2 – Initial letter to credit bureausYour Name123 Your Street AddressYour City, ST 01234The Credit BureauBureau AddressAny town, State 56789DateDear Credit Bureau,This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate credit information. I am very distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile due to its damaging effects on my good credit standing. As you are no doubt aware, credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only accurate credit information. No doubt the inclusion of this inaccurate information is a mistake on either your or the reporting creditor’s part. Because of the mistake on my credit report. I have been wrongfully denied credit recently for a <insert credit type for which you were denied here> , which was highly embarrassing and has negatively impacted my lifestyle.The following information therefore needs to be verified and deleted from the report as soon as possible.CREDITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABCPlease delete the above information as quickly as possible.Sincerely,Your Signature

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Your NameSSN# 123-45-6789Attachment included.

Sample letter 3 Dispute Letter for follow on credit bureau correspondence.In this letter, and all succeeding correspondence with the credit reporting agency, you need to get increasingly threatening.Your Name123 Your Street AddressYour City, ST 01234Credit BureauCredit Bureau AddressSome City, Any State 56789Date:Re: DISPUTE LETTER OF DATE YOU SENT IN FIRST OR SUBSEQUENT REQUESTSDear Credit Bureau,This letter is formal notice that you have failed to respond to my dispute letter of date. I sent this letter registered mail and have enclosed a copy of the return receipt which you signed on some date. As you are well aware, federal law requires you to respond within 30 days. It has now been over thatperiod since you receipt of my letter. As you are no doubt aware, failure to comply with federal regulations by credit reporting agencies are in serious violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and may be investigated by the FTC. Obviously, I am maintaining detailed records of all my correspondencewith you.I am aware that you may have misplaced my letters or have failed to respondto my letter because of an oversight due to the high volume of the requests you receive daily. If this is the case, I’m sure you’ll want to handle this matter as soon as possible. For this purpose, I have included a copy of my original request, of the credit item you have mistakenly place on my records.The following information therefore needs to be verified and deleted from the report as soon as possible:CREDITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABCPlease delete this erroneous item from my credit report as soon as possible.Sincerely,Your SignatureYour NameSSN#123-45-6789Don’t forget to provide copies of your original letter and documentation!

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DEBT VALIDATION LETTER TO BE USED AGAINST COLLECTIONS AGENCIES (EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED)Your Name Your addressCollection Agency’s Name Their AddressDate:Re: Acc# 1234567897 (LIST THE ACCOUNT NUMBER ONLY, NOTHING ELSE)To Whom It May Concern:Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice send pursuant to the Fair Dept Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) that your claim is disputed and validation is requested.This is NOT a request for “verification” or proof of my mailing address, but a request for VALIDATION made pursuant to the above name Tile and Section. I respectfully request that your offices provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you.Please provide me with the following:

1. What the money you say I owe is for? 2. Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I

owe? 3. Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to

pay what you say I owe: 4. Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable: 5. Indentify the original creditor: 6. Prove the statute of Limitations has not expired on this

account 7. Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state 8. Provide me with you license numbers and Registered Agent.

At this time I will also inform you that if your offices have reported invalidated information to any of the 3 major Credit Bureau’s (Equifax, Experian or Trans Union) this action might constitute fraud under both Federal and State Laws. Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found on any of my credit reports by your company or the company that you representI will not hesitate in bringing legal action against you for the following.

1. Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act 2. Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 3. Defamation of Character

If you offices are able to provide the proper documentation as requested in

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the following Declaration, I will require at least 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all collection activity must cease and desist.Also during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered detrimental to any of my credit reports, I will consult with my legal counsel for suit. This includes any listing any information to a credit reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated or verifying an account as accurate when in fact there is no provided proof that it is.If you offices fail to respond to this validation request, within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of such deletion request shall be sent to me immediately.I would also like to request, in writing, that no telephone contact be made byyour offices to my home or to my place of employment. If your offices attempt telephone communication with me, including but not to limited to computer generated calls and calls or correspondence sent to or with any third parties, it will be considered harassment and I will have no choice but to file suit. All future communication with me must be done in writing and sent to the address noted in this letter by USPS.It would be advisable that you assure that you records are in order before I am forced to take legal action. This is an attempt to correct your records; anyinformation obtained shall be used for that purpose.

Best Regards,Your Signature Your Name PrintedRemoving inquiriesRemoving Inquiries

Prepare letters to each inquiring creditor asking them to remove their inquiry. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows only authorized inquiries to appear on the consumer credit report. You must challenge whether the inquiring creditor had proper authorization to pull your credit file.Your letter can go something like this:Re: Unauthorized Credit InquiryDear America Express,I recently received a copy of my TRW credit report. The credit report showed a credit inquiry by your company that I don’t not recall authorizing. I understand that you shouldn’t be allowed to put an inquiry on my file unless I have authorized it. Please have this inquiry removed from my credit

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file because it is making it very difficult for me to acquire credit.I have sent this letter certified mail because I need your prompt response to this issue. Please be so kind as to forward me documentation that you have had the unauthorized inquiry removed. If you find that I am remiss, and you did have my authorization to inquire into my credit report, then please send me proof of this.Thank you in advance.Jane Caveat-DebtorMotion to Vacate a JudgmentVacating a JudgmentDid someone file a judgment against you? if they did, there is a chance you can get it dismissed or “vacated”. Vacating a judgment is basically the equivalent of stamping a big fat red “VOID” on the judgment paperwork.Filing a motion to dismiss a judgment is like filing an appeal on the outcomeof a jury trial. If the outcome was not fair, and you have good reason why the court should overturn its prior ruling, you should file motion. Don’t be intimidated by the thought that you are challenging a court ruling, it happensall of the time.As with many collection agencies, many people who file lawsuits to collect money from you in court didn’t, follow the law. You may be asking yourself why the judge didn’t know about this improper deviation. As in most professions, judges tend to specialize in one type of case. For the same reason that you can’t expect a heart surgeon to know the best psychiatric medications to prescribe to a patient with schizophrenia, a judge doing smallclaims or injury lawsuits may not be intimately familiar with consumer law. Sure they know the basics, but one person can’t know everything. Before deciding on a case, most judges need to look up and study existing statutes and case rulings. In addition, if the person who sues says they followed the correct procedure and the defendant or his lawyer does not dispute it, it’s a sure bet they were given the benefit of the doubt.Another thing to look out for even if the person suing you followed all the right court procedures, you can still win on technicalities. The two biggest reasons a judgment is “won “are A) the defendant failed to respond to the court summons with the proper paperwork in the allowed period of time, andB) the defendant failed to appear for their court date. This is calling winning by default. If you missed your court date, you may still not be out of luck.If you receive a judgment or a writ of restitution and you believe you had a good reason for not responding to the eviction summons or appearing at the “show cause” hearing, there still may be grounds for asking the courts to vacate the judgment. If the court agrees that your may have had a good

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reason for not responding or appearing, the court may decide to set a hearingon your motion to vacate the judgment.First some terms:A judgment is the actual court decision stating that the person suing is in the right. It issues the method to “right the wrong,” such as fines, the actions you need to take to correct the violation or the amount of money you need topay the plaintiff.A writ of restitution is generally used only by landlords. It is basically a court order, in writing, that would be given to a sheriff to evict you if your landlord was trying to get you to move based on non-payment. You don’t need to worry about this document if you are not being sued by your landlord.

1. Vacate basically means dismiss. 2. The plaintiff is the person suing you. 3. The defendant is the person being sued (you)

Prepare Your Motion to VacateThe first thing you should be before preparing a motion to vacate is to look up your states rules of civil procedure. It should spell out exactly what you need to do to file a motion. It will also tell you what reasons are valid, and may include the exact language you need to use. If you don’t follow the procedures, you can get your motion thrown out on a technicality. Here’s a good link: statutes.htmlYou must prepare a Motion and Declaration to Vacate Judgment and an Order to Show Cause.Motion and Declaration to Vacate JudgmentA sample document is included at the end of this article which can be used as a template to write up your motion. This document tells the court why the judgment against you should be vacated. First, you need to identify the case by name and court reference number and all the persons involved in the judgment next, explain your reasons for bringing the motion. State your “procedural defenses,” that is, the good reason(s) why you did not respond to the summons and complaint on time or appear at a “show cause” hearing for example:

1. I responded to the summons and complaint in time, but a judgment was issued anyway without a hearing.

2. I was not able to answer the summons and complaint or appear at the show cause hearing because…

In the same space, also tell the court about your defense to the judgment

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(why the case would have been dismissed had you shown up in the first place). For example:

1. The collection agency never responded to my request for validation, therefore never providing proof that the debt was mine under the FDCPA.

2. The amount of the debt exceeded the states usury interest limits.Please note that the court will only respond to violations of existing laws. They won’t accept reasons like: “My insurance company was supposed to pay this debt and never did; therefore I shouldn’t have to pay this medical bill”.File the PaperworkMost likely, you will have to file your motion at the same court which granted the judgment in the first place, which means that if the judgment was granted in Anchorage, Alaska, and you now live in Miami, Florida, you will have to fly to Alaska to both file the paperwork and to attend the court trail.Go to the courthouse with your typed document and tell the court clerk that you are filing a motion to vacate a judgment. There may be additional forms to fill out at the courthouse, and there was probably be a nominal filing fee. The clerk should know exactly what needs to be done with the paperwork. And can answer all of your questions and even help you fill out the forms.Once your paperwork is in order, the court will notify you of the upcoming court date. The person who originally sued you (the plaintiff in the original suit) will typically have 35 days to respond.Notify the Original PlaintiffIn some cases, once the paperwork is filed the court will notify the plaintiff and /or plaintiff’s attorney. Be sure to ask if the court will serve notice or if you need to, as serving the notice of summons is crucial to winning your case. If its is your responsibility to serve notice, you can hire a third party professional service company for a nominal fee (typically around $35).What if They Offer to Settle Out of Court?Very often the original plaintiff in your lawsuit will come back to you and offer to vacate the judgment, especially if they blatantly flouted the laws in winning the case in the first place and have no proof, say that you were properly served, or that they violated the FDCPA, etc.If they offer to settle out of court, you should demand that they themselves file paperwork to dismiss the lawsuit. Also demand that they notify any collection agencies they may have hired to collect money and also notify thecredit bureaus of the “mistake”. It is also crucial before accepting any settlement offer (in writing, naturally) that they send you copies of any

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paperwork received from the courts about the judgment vacation or dismissal.What Happens at Court?In the best of all possible scenarios, the original plaintiff will not show up for the hearing to dismiss and you will win by default. If this happens, you shouldn’t have to present anything to the court and should receive your dismissal automatically, especially if the original plaintiff never responded in writing to the summons.In the second best of all possible worlds, they show up to the hearing and areunable to disprove your reason for requesting the dismissal:

1. They are unable to show proper documentation that you were properly served.

2. They are unable to show that the debt was legal in the first place (unable to show what the correct debt amount should be, if a contract existed in the first place, etc).

This means, of course, that you should have good documentation on the caseand have it available to present in court.What Happens when you win?You should receive a court document showing that the case was dismissed. Send copies of this document to any collection agency that’s contacted you about the case and to the credit bureaus so they will remove any mention of the judgment from your credit report. Even though you demanded that the defendant do this, it only takes a few minutes and a few stamps to insure thatit gets done promptly by doing it yourself.SAMPLE MOTION TO VACATESample Motion to VacateIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF <YOUR STATE>IN AND FOR THE COUNTRY OF <YOUR COUNTRY><The Original Plaintiff> Plaintiff,Vs.<YOU>DefendantNo. <COURT REFERENCE NUMBER>MOTION AND DECLARATION TO VACATE JUDGMENTNOW COMES the Plaintiff, Pro Se and prays this Honorable Court to Deny the Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Sanction for the following reasons:

1. Relief requested. The Defendant(s) move(s) the court for an order vacating the judgment entered in this action and staying enforcement of the writ of restitution until the motion can be

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heard. 2. Statement of facts and issues. This motion is based on the

following grounds: <enter your reasons: you weren’t properly served, the judgment was entered even though you filed the right paperwork>


………………………………………………………………………….Defendant(s) SignatureDefendant(s) Name (Print)AddressTelephone NumberDECLARATIONI, <my name> declare as follows:

1. I am the defendant in this unlawful detainer action. 2. I request that the judgment entered in this action be vacated for

the following reasons: <give your reasons: A the collection agency never responded to my request for validation, therefore never giving any proof that the debt was mine under the FDCPA. B)the amount of the debt exceeded the state’s usury interest limits>

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of <YOUR STATE> that the foregoing statement is true.Signed in (CITY),(STATE),on (DATE)


What if a removed negative item comes back on my credit report?Ok, you’ve removed a listing and are breathing a deep sigh of relief. Then you get a letter in the mail from a credit bureau telling you the item has been added back on. What happened?Revivified listingsThis is actually becoming more commonplace: since the new credit laws require that the bureaus investigate and resolve your disputes within 30 days, they will sometimes remove the negative information temporarily until they get the information verified as true. Then they will put back any information verified to be true and notify you of this. By law, they can do this, but they have to notify you in writing. However, you can wait60 days and re-dispute the item again. Make the creditor validate the debt

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to you by sending you copies of their findings. (Not computer printouts, but actual signatures and contracts, which may be impossible to do) you can use that information to re-dispute your claim to the credit bureaus.

Disclaimer:The information contained in this document is provided as a service to the community and does not constitute professional advice. We try to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promise or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites and products. Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of a competent professional.

This information contained in this manual is for entertainment and informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing financial, personal, or legal advice. BCC. Inc will not be held responsible for any personal of financial liabilities. Please consult your CPA or Attorney for Financial and Legal advice. COPYRIGHT 2003 Credit Repair Champion, LLC. Business Funding & Cunsulting DIGITAL PRODUCTS.**********Rights shared freely with signatured contracted affilates ,most noteably soon to be Business Owner off on his own (and we here are SO PROUD OF HIM for his incredible speed and steadfast willingness to learn the systems I have layed out from both my own failures and successes, going from over $700,000 in the RED withthis very same company as an individually attached one guaranteed and backed by my meesely then 21 year old military salary and literally no knowledge of business etiquette and obvious even worse pre-planning as I started my credit business WITHOUT A LICENSE on the base not even a 1/2 mile from the same base's FREE CREDIT COUNSELING CENTER.Although I did get some business, I was on a CLOSED TO PUBLIC MILITARY BASE, so only the actual soldiers could see me, and the one's with families lived off post and never knew I existed. Then I had my tour in Desert Shield and Desert Storm over in SAUDI and along southern coast of IRAQI BORDER AND FINALLY INTO KUWAIT! SADLY, our only applause came from the KUWAITIS as westormed through and just as unmerifully killed the same terror-raged iraqi soldiers whom where executing and raping and beheading and hanging the KUWAITI PEOPLE for no reason other than fact that they were at time a democracy government supposedly--but heck, who knows what is true or false any more, really? I mean, am I really real? Any way---congratuations Matt, we are going to miss you and I just know you are going to make us look good. I have never funded a better partner because I truely believe the dividends will reap me 1000 fold, because you are light years ahead of where I was at when I was 10 years beyond your age now. Im not liking your choice of company names, but that is me. Stay in touch, remember, I will never ever hold a tactic from you, never---any questions or problem clients, send them over and I will handle them on the house! Your friend for life, Rodney Eugene Peak,Esq. 06/06/2003 3:19 p:m. CST at the ONE

AND ONLY Belmond Hotel das Cataratas ,Rodovia Br 469, Km 32,

Iguassu National Park, Foz do Iguassu 85855-750, of BEAUTIFUL Brazil just

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opposite the Iguassu Falls! **MY LAST TIME PAYINGBUDDY, you get next one, you had to know you'd owe me one eventually! You know my wife has been eyeing Fowl Cay Resort in Bahamas right???WELL!!!

Get to work earlier than your first employer and stay leter than last, be at your EMPLOYEEs BECKINGCALL MATT because they will MAKE YOU RICK or SICK!





(A)___________________________________ Name of Debtor (the person who owes the debt) (THE DEBTOR) is indebted to the Assignor in the sum of $............................................................

AMOUNT OF DEBT (i.e. $25,000) (THE DEBT)


(B) The Assignor ____________________________________ wishes to assign to the Assignee, and the Assignee wishes to receive an assignment

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of the Debt.NOW THEREFORE In consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. The Assignor hereby assigns transfers and set over unto the Assignee the Debt together with all advantage and benefit to be derived there from.

2. As consideration for the assignment, the Assigneeagrees to pay to the Assignor, concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, the sum of (amount of money to be paid for Assignment of Debt i.e. $20,000).

3. The Assignor hereby acknowledges, covenant and agree that Debt justly and truly owes by the Debtor to the Assignor.

4. The Assignor covenants and agrees with the Assignee that all the request of the Assignee, the Assignor shall assign to the Assignee all its or hisright, title and interest in any security in respect of the Debt assigned by this Assignment, and the same shall be deemed security granted by the Assignor to the Assignee.

5. The Assignor acknowledges and agrees that all itsor his rights in respect of the Debt have been assigned to the Assignee but that the acceptance by the Assignee of this Assignment shall not impose upon the Assignee any obligation to take any steps to effect the collection of same or to ensure that the Debt does not become statue barred by the operation of any law relating to limitation of actions, or otherwise.

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IN WITHNESS WHERE OFThe parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.WITNESS:(NAME OF ASSIGNOR)


NOTICE AND DIRECTIONTO: (Name of Person who Owes/Owns the Debt (Debtor)TAKE NOTICEThat the undersigned, (Name of Assignor)(the “Assignor”) has assigned to (Name of Assignee) (the “Assignee) all of its right, title and interest in and tothe debt owing by you to the Assignor in the amount of (Amount of Debt (i.e. $25,000) (the “Debt”). You are hereby irrevocably authorized and directed to make all future payments under the Debt directly to the Assignee as follows:(Name of Assignee)(Address of Assignee)(Telephone No. of Assignee)Let this be your good and sufficient authority for so doing.Dated this _________________day of_______________, 20_____.WITNESS:(Name of Assignor)
