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Ressource centre for musical instrument

technology professionals The art of meeting high expectations creatively

European technological

institutefor musical professions

Le Mans - France

Institutional partners

Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (DRAC des Pays de la Loire) • Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale • Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi, de la Formation Professionnelle et du Dialogue Social • Ministère de l’Artisanat, du Commerce et du Tourisme • Région des Pays de la Loire • Conseil Général de la Sarthe • Le Mans Métropole • Ville du Mans • AGEFA-PME • AGEFOS-PME Pays de la Loire / Poitou-Charentes • European Union (FSE, FEDER).

Europiano France • Chambre Syndicale de la Facture Instrumentale • Chambre Syndicale des Métiers de la Musique • Union Nationale de la Facture Instrumentale • Groupement des Spécialistes en Instruments à Vent • Association des Luthiers et Archetiers pour le Développement de la Facture Instrumentale • Groupement des Luthiers et Archetiers d’Art de France • Association Professionnelle des Luthiers Artisans en Guitares et autres Cordes Pincées • CGPME.




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European technological institute for musical professions European non-profit organization dedicated to musical instrument technology professions

contact us71, avenue Olivier Messiaen - 72 000 Le Mans - Francephone: +33 (0)2 43 39 39 00 - fax : +33 (0)2 43 39 39 39

mail : [email protected]

Fonds social européen

• 4 000 m² building

• 130 seat, fully equipped auditorium

• 5 instrument making workshops

• 44 piano tuning studios

• 18 individual musical practice studios

• 10 multimedia and sound design studios

• 1 documentation centre

• 2 200 technical books and specialized library

• 1 applied research laboratory

• 280 students

• 150 000 course hours per year

• 70 professional instructors

• 35 permanent employees

• 340 partner companies

• 50 courses per year for continued educations dedicated to

working professionals


To LEArN A TrADEItemm gives international students the opportunity to learn

their trade, awarding a higher education diploma organized

with the Université du Maine. Four university degrees are

offered: piano tuner, guitar repairer, wind instrument repairer,

and sound engineer.

These courses run on a full-time basis from September to

May, including technical training, professional culture classes,

internship and career guidance and support.

The complete curriculum is in French. Preliminary course for

French higher education is required, should the need occur.

This course may be provided. It lasts from two to nine months

and must take place before beginning of term.

PErFECT TECHNIQuEs THouGHouT A CArEErItemm accompanies professionals throughout their careers

by offering training on new trends and techniques. Lasting

between two to five days, these dedicated training courses

are specifically built for instrument making and repairing

professionals, but extend also to other music technology

professionals such as sound engineers, music teachers, music

school directors and music store employees, providing them

with the essentials of the trade.

To sTAY INForMEDThe institute publishes a yearly periodical: music & technique

addressing issues revolving around technical aspects of

music. Itemm also partakes in the translation of renowned

international industry-specific publications.


Itemm stands for the "European technological institute for musical professions". It is one of Europe’s leading schools for education on all technical aspects of musical instruments: repairing, tuning, restoration and the creation of guitars, wind instruments, pianos and accordions, also providing training to students on the technical aspects of sound and the music industry.

As a European organization which is unique in the world, our institute develops interconnections between the musical instrument industry in France and abroad.

Itemm is a non-profit organization built by musical instrument making, repairing and tuning professionals. It was created following 1988 European Parliament resolution outlining that "it was important for Europe to have an innovative institute which would reassert the value of musical professions [...] and would help to communicate the knowledge needed to establish training courses for these professions".

As an organization, Itemm benefits from state, regional and local funding.

The music instrument making support platform


rEsEArCH AND DEVELoPMENTActing as a go-between for the Arts & Skilled Crafts sector

and the scientific & technical community, Itemm works as a

research and development facility to lead innovative projects.

The institute brings the latest in scientific break-throughs and

discoveries to smaller businesses, allowing them to leverage

the knowledge and capabilities of a well-established R&D


ECoNoMICAL GroWTHItemm also serves as the link connecting the world’s

economic landscape with industry specific concerns by

leading observational and analytical studies on the sector.

It participates in the creation of promotional activities locally

and internationally.

PAFI, THE MusIC INsTruMENT MAKING suPPorT PLATForM Build based on a collaborative process to develop the sector

requiring coordination between musical acoustics laboratories

and an Arts & Skilled Crafts workmen collective, the Pafi tool

is a music instrument making support platform. The goal of

Pafi is to offer a means to characterize, analyze and virtually

develop models within workshops. Pafi is a unique decision

making tool modularly conceived to respond to the need for

innovation and improvement that smaller business face to

remain competitive.

Government endorsed ‘Innovation Hub’ for musical instrument tech-nology professions, the institute contributes to the technological and econo-mic growth of the musical instrument industry.


EXHIBIToNs, TrADE FAIrs Itemm regularly represents musical

instrument technology professionals

at industry related European events as

well as participates in career fairs and

trade exhibitions.

The institute is able to quickly design

small exhibition materials about

musical instrument technology and

present it to various audiences when


INTErNATIoNAL ACTIVITIEsAs a European institute, Itemm

is involved in the international

development of local skills though

the delivery of training across diverse

countries. This materializes either by

sending trainers for specific missions

to share knowledge or by welcoming

international students in its training

centre in France.

Itemm also draw bridges across the

world creating thriving relationships

with international professional

organizations and institutions.

BusINEss INTELLIGENCE & EXTENDED NETWorKItemm is accountable for the safe-

keeping of industry knowledge.

Itemm’s technical and bibliographical

databases may be accessible to large

audiences online. Public access to its

documentation centre is also available

and holds over 2 200 technical

publications and business intelligence

research pieces.

As a government endorsed ‘Innovation Hub’ for musical professions Itemm has a dedicated mission within the industry.