  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO Partly

    I) REACH regulation : By work ing w ith Accor, you accept and assure to compliance with its "Declarat ion of compliance with the REACH regulat ion"

    Do you agree to fill in Accor "Declaration of compliance with the REACH regulation" ? Yes

    Registration of substance : have you registered or pre-registered some substances ? Yes

    Do you know if products that you use contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)

    above 0,1% w.w ? If so, can you provide us with the necessary information ? Yes

    If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, can you provide us with complementary

    information ? Yes

    If yes answered to the question above : are you working on replacing Substances of Very

    High Concern with less dangerous ones ?No

    If SVHC are found in your products can you provide us with the list of these substances ? Yes

    If SVHC are found in your products can you provide us with their proportion in the articles

    ? Yes

    If you wish to attach a document, please indicate "1" in the "Attached Documents" column and the cell will turn green.

    Comments are welcome either in the I column (particular comments) or at the bottom of the document (Line 125 to 128 - G


    SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ACTIONSIf you have any question about this questionnaire, please contact : [email protected]

    Please fill out all blue cells, but in "scale questions" where you are requested to indicate "1" in the appropriate column (N

    filled out.


    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO

    II) ACCOR Sustainable Procurement Charter : Are you com pl iant with the fo l lowing pr incip les/e lements wr i t ten below ?

    a) Social aspect

    Principles of the fundamental agreements of the International Labour Organisation

    Non-discrimination regarding to sex, race, religion, and political affiliation

    Legal local requirements for workplace safety and hygiene

    Legal local requirements regarding working hours

    Legal local requirements regarding minimum salary

    Disciplinary practices (corporal punishment, psychological and sexual harassment, etc.)

    Freedom of association and trade-union activity within the framework of the country's


    Social Audit : have you done some social audits with external partners ? (if yes, please

    provide with the name of the audit f irm and date in "comments" column I) 1

    Ethical charter : does your company have an ethical charter ? (please provide it to us

    indicating 1 in H column "Attached documents") 1

    b) Environmental aspect

    Environmental policy : does your company have one which is closer to the best

    environmental practices of your profession ?

    Compliance with international, national and local environmental regulation concerning the

    prohibition of certain products and processes.

    Commitment to a continuous improvement process (optimum resource management and

    impact control).

    Search for sources of raw material which limit the depletion of natural (biodiversity) and

    non-renewable (oil, methane) resources. 1

    Use of products particularly innovative in protecting the environment (design and use) 1

    Promote systematic recycle waste and manufactured products at the end of their service


    Does your company have environmental engagements and progress objectives to have

    best practices ? (please indicate complementary information in the "Comments" column I)

    Treatment of waste water : does your company manage waste water treatment? Could

    you tell us which stage you have developed ?1

    If the treatment of waste water is realized by City Hall : did your company check if the

    process was good ?1

    Other aspects to mention (please provide any additional information in the "comments"

    column I) No

    Subtotal :

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO

    III) Printing

    a) Information to get from your paper supplier

    Does your company promote paper manufactured with timber from responsibly managed


    FSC (precise Pure or Mixed Source) Yes

    PEFC No

    SFI No

    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I) No

    What is the proportion of post-consumer recycled material in the papers that your

    company promote? (if the cells turns red, please adjust the repartition)

    Between 50 et 69 %

    Between 70 et 89 %

    > 90%

    Do its have recycling labels ?

    APUR (indicate the % of recycled materials) No

    Der Blauer Engel No

    FSC Recycled No

    FSC Mixed Source (indicate the % of recycled materials) Yes

    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I) No

    Does your company promote to your customers papers with internationally renown

    environment labels ? 1

    Nordic Swan No

    EU Ecolabel No

    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I) No

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    Does your company promote chlorine free paper ? 1

    ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free) No

    PCF (Processed Chlorine Free) No

    TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) No

    b) Your printing activity

    Does your company use a computer-to-film (CtF) or a computer-to-plate (CtP) printing

    system ? (if the cell turns red, please adjust the repartition.)

    CtF 1

    Violet laser CtP

    Thermal CtP 1

    Does your company propose a waterless offset printing system? 1

    c) Ink

    Does the inks your company use contain heavy metals, aluminum, lead, hexavalent

    chromium or copper? 1

    Does your company use new kinds of inks : 1

    Plant-based inks No

    UV inks No

    Electron beam inks No

    Water-based inks No

    Does your company use an automatic ink-dispenser system? 1

    d) Waste

    Regarding your supply, does your company use returnable containers or larger packages

    in order to create less waste? 1

    Does your company reuse the mackles ? 1

    Does your company sort the hazardous waste?

    Does your company store the hazardous waste in sealed areas?

    Does the hazardous waste recovery is ensured by a licensed company?

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire


  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO Pa

    IV) Respect Human Health & Environment

    Has your company established a formalized managerial process in hygiene, health and


    Do you communicate with employees on the environmental approach of your company?

    Subtotal :

    Total :


    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO Partly

    I) REACH regulation : By work ing wi th Accor, you accept and assure to compliance with its "Declarat ion of compliance with the REACH regulat ion"

    Do you agree to fill in Accor "Declaration of compliance with the REACH regulation" ?

    Registration of substance : have you registered or pre-registered some substances ?

    Do you know if products that you use contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)

    above 0,1% w.w ? If so, can you provide us with the necessary information ?

    If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, can you provide us with complementary

    information ?

    If yes answered to the question above : are you working on replacing Substances of Very

    High Concern with less dangerous ones ?

    If SVHC are found in your products can you provide us with the list of these substances ?

    If SVHC are found in your products can you provide us with their proportion in the articles


    If you wish to attach a document, please indicate "1" in the "Attached Documents" column and the cell will turn green.

    Comments are welcome either in the I column (particular comments) or at the bottom of the document (Line 125 to 128 - G


    SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ACTIONSIf you have any question about this questionnaire, please contact : [email protected]

    Please fill out all blue cells, but in "scale questions" where you are requested to indicate "1" in the appropriate column (N

    filled out.


    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO

    II) ACCOR Sustainable Procurement Charter : Are you com pl iant with the fo l lowing pr incip les/e lements wr i t ten below ?

    a) Social aspect

    Principles of the fundamental agreements of the International Labour Organisation

    Non-discrimination regarding to sex, race, religion, and political affiliation

    Legal local requirements for workplace safety and hygiene

    Legal local requirements regarding working hours

    Legal local requirements regarding minimum salary

    Disciplinary practices (corporal punishment, psychological and sexual harassment, etc.)

    Freedom of association and trade-union activity within the framework of the country's


    Social Audit : have you done some social audits with external partners ? (if yes, pleaseprovide with the name of the audit firm and date in "comments" column I)

    Ethical charter : does your company have an ethical charter ? (please provide it to us

    indicating 1 in H column "Attached documents")

    b) Environmental aspect

    Environmental policy : does your company have one which is closer to the best

    environmental practices of your profession ?

    Compliance with international, national and local environmental regulation concerning the

    prohibition of certain products and processes.

    Commitment to a continuous improvement process (optimum resource management and

    impact control).

    Search for sources of raw material which limit the depletion of natural (biodiversity) and

    non-renewable (oil, methane) resources.

    Use of products particularly innovative in protecting the environment (design and use)

    Promote systematic recycle waste and manufactured products at the end of their service


    Does your company have environmental engagements and progress objectives to have

    best practices ? (please indicate complementary information in the "Comments" column I)

    Treatment of waste water : does your company manage waste water treatment? Could

    you tell us which stage you have developed ?

    If the treatment of waste water is realized by City Hall : did your company check if the

    process was good ?

    Other aspects to mention (please provide any additional information in the "comments"

    column I)

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO

    III) Printing

    a) Information to get from your paper supplier

    Does your company promote paper manufactured with timber from responsibly managed


    FSC (precise Pure or Mixed Source)



    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I)

    What is the proportion of post-consumer recycled material in the papers that your

    company promote? (if the cells turns red, please adjust the repartition)

    Between 50 et 69 %

    Between 70 et 89 %

    > 90%

    Do its have recycling labels ?

    APUR (indicate the % of recycled materials)

    Der Blauer Engel

    FSC Recycled

    FSC Mixed Source (indicate the % of recycled materials)

    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I)

    Does your company promote to your customers papers with internationally renown

    environment labels ?

    Nordic Swan

    EU Ecolabel

    Other (please provide any additional information in the "comments" column I)

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    Does your company promote chlorine free paper ?

    ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free)

    PCF (Processed Chlorine Free)

    TCF (Totally Chlorine Free)

    b) Your printing activity

    Does your company use a computer-to-film (CtF) or a computer-to-plate (CtP) printing

    system ? (if the cell turns red, please adjust the repartition.)


    Violet laser CtP

    Thermal CtP

    Does your company propose a waterless offset printing system?

    c) Ink

    Does the inks your company use contain heavy metals, aluminum, lead, hexavalent

    chromium or copper?

    Does your company use new kinds of inks :

    Plant-based inks

    UV inks

    Electron beam inks

    Water-based inks

    Does your company use an automatic ink-dispenser system?

    d) Waste

    Regarding your supply, does your company use returnable containers or larger packages

    in order to create less waste?

    Does your company reuse the mackles ?

    Does your company sort the hazardous waste?

    Does your company store the hazardous waste in sealed areas?

    Does the hazardous waste recovery is ensured by a licensed company?

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    e) Printing

    Does your company use isopropyl alcohol in dampening solution? If yes how much :

    > 6 %

    between 3 et 6 %

    between 0 et 3 %

    Does your company use a f iltering system for used solutions?

    Has your company installed an evaporator to minimize liquid waste production?

    Has your company installed a distiller to minimize solvent wastes?

    Does your company use floating plastic covers to prevent oxidation of revealers?

    Has your company set up other technical process (solvent recycler, energy recovery,

    management and filtering of water)? (please provide any additional information in the

    "comments" column I)

    f) Cleaning / maintenance

    Does your company use cleaning products with high boiling point (> 100 C)

    Does your company use plant-based cleaning products?

    Does your company use an automatic cleaning system?

    g) Certification of factories

    Is your facility certified with an ISO 14001 or EMAS certification ? (please provide any

    additional information in the "comments" column I: certification date, perimeter of

    certification, etc.)

    Does your company have any environmental certifications relative to the printing industry

    (Imprim'vert, PRINT ENVIRONMENT, etc.)? If yes, please provide additional information in

    the "comments" column I

    h) Customers

    Regarding the delivery, does your company use packaging made out of recycled

    materials in the logistic process?

    Has your company implemented a dematerialization system of the customer files?

    (example : ftp server)

    Do you provide advice to customers on innovative methods of printing?

    Do you provide advice to customers on environmentally friendly paper?

    Do you provide advice to customers on best practices to reduce paper waste?

    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014

  • 8/12/2019 ACCOR Sustainable Development Questionnaire



    QUESTIONS YES/NO Not at all / NO Pa

    IV) Respect Human Health & Environment

    Has your company established a formalized managerial process in hygiene, health and


    Do you communicate with employees on the environmental approach of your company?


    ACCOR Confidentiel 3/9/2014