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Accelerating a Stochastic Seismic InversionAlgorithm using OpenCL-based Heterogeneous

PlatformsTomas Novais Ferreirinha

Abstract—Seismic inversion algorithms have been playing akey role in the characterization of oil and gas reservoirs, wherethe retrieved subsurface elastic models need to be reliable toimprove decision making, for example decisions about welllocations, thus maximizing the extraction of such resources.Since these algorithms usually rely in computer simulations thatgenerate, process and store huge amounts of data, their usagein the industry is often limited by their long execution times. Asa result, the demand for an efficient and accelerated executionof these algorithms is not only required to decrease the time todecision, but also to allow the development of larger and higherresolution models of the subsurface. In accordance, this thesisproposes a novel parallelization approach of a state of the artStochastic Seismic Amplitude versus Offset Inversion algorithm,exploiting heterogeneous computing platforms based on a unifiedOpenCL programming framework, thus enabling the applicationto be executed in devices with different architectures and fromdifferent vendors. To take full advantage of the computationalpower made available by systems composed of multiple (andpossibly different) CPUs and GPUs, a spatial division of thesimulation space is performed, enabling the parallel simulationof multiple regions of the geological model. With this approach,a performance speed-up as high as 27.65× using two distinctGPUs was achieved, without compromising the accuracy of theobtained models.

Index Terms—Heterogeneous computing, graphics processingunit, OpenCL, seismic inversion, parallel computing.


In the last few decades, high-performance computing in-frastructures have become essential tools in the oil and gasindustry, in order to satisfy the ever growing needs for oil andgas production and exploration. As a result of the increasedcomputing capabilities that have become available to thisprospecting industry, complex computational models of theEarth’s subsurface can now be applied to locate and estimatereserves and to diagnose and improve the performance of theproducing fields. However, due to the amount of data thatis generated, processed and stored, applications used in thisindustry are often characterized by huge execution times (upto months), often limiting their usefulness in most cases.

Stochastic algorithms have been playing a key role in thecharacterization of oil and gas reservoirs, where accuratepredictions are required even in the presence of scarce in-formation available. Accordingly, complex geological inter-pretations of the subsurface properties are usually attainedby using approximate computational models. However, theseapproximations often result in subsurface models with a highlevel of uncertainty, leading to a faulty understanding of the

geological structure and to subsequent drilling errors, withrather expensive consequences not only in terms of investmentcosts but also in terms of the environmental impact. Therecently proposed Stochastic Seismic Amplitude Versus Offset(AVO) Inversion algorithm [1]), based on a Direct Sequen-tial Simulation (DSS) [2] approach represents a promisingmethodology to solve geophysical inversion problems, improv-ing the generated models at the cost of a significantly morecomplex processing of the gathered data.

To the best of the authors knowledge, only one parallelimplementation of the DSS algorithm was proposed to exploitmulti-core Central Processing Units (CPUs) [3], by applyinga straightforward functional decomposition of the algorithm.Such approach presented considerable limitations not onlyin terms of scalability but also in the capacity to exploitmodern heterogeneous computing systems composed of mul-tiple processors. Nevertheless, the generic parallelization ofgeostatistical simulation methods has already been studied [4],where three distinct levels of parallelization were identified:realization level, path level and node level. In such broaderscope, some related stochastic algorithms have already beenoptimized and parallelized using multi-core CPUs [3]–[6] andGraphics Processing Units (GPUs) [7]. All these implemen-tations presented different approaches to maximize the paral-lelization of the algorithm, while trying to avoid as much com-munication overhead as possible. However, whenever highlyparallel environments are considered, non fully distributedmaster-slave approaches are still prominent. In these cases,the master node often becomes a performance bottleneck asthe number of parallel processing threads increases, since ithas to satisfy the requests of every slave node. Furthermore,the increasing communication overhead between the multipleslaves and the master node can only be hidden by allowingasynchronous communications, which often prevents an exactreproducibility of the results.

Accordingly, an efficient parallelization approach of theStochastic Seismic AVO Inversion algorithm is herein pro-posed, by considering highly heterogeneous platforms com-posed by several devices with different computational capabil-ities. Such a flexible solution is achieved by using the OpenCLAPI, allowing each part of the algorithm to be easily migratedamong the several coexisting CPUs and GPUs. Therefore, theproposed parallelization approach stands out from the currentstate of the art in the following aspects:

• Improved scalability, by executing the stochastic simu-lation procedure in a completely distributed processing

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scenario;• Guaranteed reproducibility of the attained results;• Efficient and scalable implementation in highly heteroge-

neous processing environments.This paper is organized as follows. A contextualization

and a brief description of the algorithm being parallelized ispresented in Section II. The proposed parallelization approachis described in detail in Section III, serving as a backgroundto the following section where the single and multi-deviceparallel solutions are described. An experimental evaluationof the developed implementations is presented in Section V.Finally, Section VI concludes this paper, summarizing themain conclusions and contributions.


Seismic reflection data plays a key role in hydrocar-bon reservoir geo-modelling work-flows. Numerical three-dimensional subsurface Earth models, built from availablewell-log and seismic reflection data, are usually consideredessential tools for reliable decision making and risk analy-sis [8]. A geostatistical (or stochastic) framework allows theintegration, within the same model, of a broad set of datawith very different scale support, namely well-log data, whichis sparsely located along the study area but has a very highvertical resolution; and seismic reflection data, which coversa great spatial extent but has a low vertical resolution [9].Unfortunately, the integration of the seismic reflection data isnot straightforward within the modelling work-flow, since it isan indirect measurement of the subsurface elastic propertiesof interest, such as P-wave velocity (Vp), S-wave velocity(Vs) and density (ρ). Before this data can be integrated, theso called seismic inverse problem needs to be solved [9].However, due to measurement errors and approximations inthe physical models that are often used to solve the seismicinverse problem, this is a ill-posed and highly non-linearproblem with a non-unique solution [9], [10].

High quality pre-stack seismic data with high signal-to-noise ratio and with a considerably high fold number is becom-ing the standard in exploration and characterization projects.For this reason, there has been an increase on the numberof available inverse techniques for pre-stack seismic reflectiondata (e.g., [11], [12]). At the same time, due to the advantageson uncertainty assessment and data integration, geostatisticalinverse procedures are increasing its popularity in seismicreservoir characterization studies. Accordingly, a state of theart geostatistical pre-stack seismic inversion methodology [1],[13] that allows the inversion of pre-stack seismic data directlyfor density, P-wave and S-wave velocity models is hereinadopted. Contrary to most inversion procedures that simplyinvert the seismic reflection data for acoustic and elasticimpedance, this particular inversion methodology is able toindividually invert each of the elastic properties of interest.

The adopted methodology consists on an iterative geo-statistical inverse procedure based on two main concepts: agenetic algorithm that acts as a global optimizer to ensure theconvergence of the solution from iteration to iteration; and astochastic sequential simulation (Direct Sequential Simulation

(DSS), co-DSS [2] and co-DSS with joint probabilities distri-bution [14]). This stochastic sequential simulation algorithmallows the calculation of a set of subsurface Earth models,each called a realization, that honour the experimental data(available well-log data); the prior probability distribution (ora target one) estimated from the well-log data; and a spatialcontinuity pattern, as revealed by a covariance model (e.g., intwo-point geostatistics a variogram). The iterative geostatisti-cal pre-stack seismic inversion methodology is summarized inthe following modules (see Figure 1):

• Joint simulation of density, P-wave and S-wave velocities1) Stochastic simulation of Ns density models condi-

tioned to the available well-log data with DSS [2];2) Stochastic co-simulation of Ns P-wave velocity models

given the Ns previously simulated density models withco-DSS with joint-distributions [14];

3) Stochastic co-simulation of Ns S-wave velocity modelsgiven the Ns previously simulated P-wave velocitymodels with co-DSS with joint-distributions [14];

• Optimization for the iterative convergence4) From the triplet of elastic models computed in the

previous stage, calculation of Ns angle-dependent syn-thetic pre-stack seismic volumes using Shueys linearapproximation [15];

5) Comparison between each synthetic angle gather withthe corresponding real angle gather on a trace-by-tracebasis; and calculation of Ns local correlation gathersfor each location within the seismic grid;

6) Selection of the areas with the highest correlationcoefficient, by simultaneously considering all angles tobuild the best ρ, Vp and Vs models, by using a geneticbased algorithm;

7) Compute the local correlation model regarding the bestgenerated , Vp and Vs models; Iterate from 1) until thematching criteria (i.e., global correlation between theoriginal and the synthetic pre-stack seismic) is reached.

Each stochastic simulation procedure (blocks 1,2 and 3 inFigure 1) can be summarized with the flowchart presented inFigure 2, composed by the following processing blocks:

A. Randomly selection of a node from a regular grid;B. Construction and solution of a kriging system for the

selected node, by linear interpolating the previously se-lected conditioning data [16];

C. Estimation of a Local Cumulative Distribution Function(LCDF) at the selected node, by using the previouslycomputed simple kriging estimate that considers both theoriginal and the previously simulated data [2];

D. Draw of a value from the estimated LCDF, by using aMonte Carlo method;

E. Repeat from A, until all nodes have been visited by therandom path.

The co-simulation variant of this algorithm enables the sim-ulated variable to be conditioned by other previously simulatedvariables, without any prior transformation of the secondaryvariable. In this case it is only used for the simulation of Vp(conditioned by the previously simulated density model) andVs (conditioned by the previously simulated Vp model). When

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1. Stochastic Simulation of Ns ρ models (DSS algorithm)

2. Stochastic Simulation of Ns Vp models given ρ

(co-DSS algorithm)

3. Stochastic Simulation of Ns Vs models given Vp

(co-DSS algorithm)

4. Compute synthetic pre-stack seismic volumes

and5. Compare against

real seismic data

6. Build best seismic model selecting the higher correlation areas

Best ρ

Best Vp

Best Vs

7. I


te u


l a g




ld is



. Use


t m


ls a

s se



y va






e co




n p



Ns Ns Ns

Fig. 1. Stochastic seismic AVO inversion algorithm flowchart.

Read and Setup Required Data

Generate Random Path

Write Results


no Node simulation procedure: composed by several millions of simulation steps per physical property.



B. Build and solve the Kriging System

C. Estimation of the LCDF

A. Selection of Conditioning Data

D. Generation of simulated value

Every Node Simulated?

Fig. 2. DSS algorithm flowchart. The most computational demanding proce-dure is highlighted.

compared with the other sequential simulation algorithms,such as the Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) and theSequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) algorithms, this is oneof the main advantages of the adopted DSS algorithm. Sincethe node visiting path is random, different runs will producedifferent models and consequently each conditioning data at aspecific grid node may slightly differ from each other [8].

Altogether, this iterative procedure ensures an accuratereproduction of the individual marginal distributions of eachelastic property, as estimated from the well-log data, as wellas the joint distributions between density and P-wave velocityand P-wave and S-wave velocities.

At the end of this iterative and convergent methodology,synthetic pre-stack seismic data can be retrieved, with anaccurate match in terms of reflectors position and amplitudevariations with regards to recorded pre-stack seismic data.In addition, the corresponding density, P-wave and S-wave

velocity models can also be retrieved. This methodology wasalready successfully tested and implemented in a syntheticseismic dataset [1] and it is herein applied to the samechallenging synthetic deep-offshore reservoir.


In order to efficiently parallelize an application, it is impor-tant to define how performance is going to be measured andto identify where and how the parallelization effort is goingto be applied. For such purpose, an extensive analysis of thealgorithm processing modules was conducted and is hereinbriefly described. Such analysis supports a good decision interms of a partitioning of the algorithm, which is essentialin order to enable the development of efficient and highlyscalable implementations.

A. Problem AnalysisIn order to ensure an efficient partitioning and mapping of

the algorithm into the considered parallelization platforms, acomprehensive analysis of its execution and of its implicitdependencies had to be made. For this purpose, a preliminaryquantitative profiling analysis was conducted using the Per-formance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) [17] tointerface with the hardware performance counters, in orderto identify the most time consuming phases. Two distinctdatasets were considered for this characterization: a small one,composed of a grid with 101x101x90 nodes; and a largerand more realistic one, with 237x197x350 nodes. From theobtained profiling results, it has been observed that morethan 95% of the algorithm execution time is spent in thegeneration of /Vp/Vs models using the DSS algorithm (seeblocks 1,2 and 3 in Figure 1), most specifically during the nodesimulation procedure. Consequently, this part of the algorithmwas chosen as the prime focus for acceleration by takingadvantage of heterogeneous computing, since it is the partwhere the parallelization effort may result in a higher speed-up. In addition, other performance counters were used in orderto evaluate the limiting factor of the algorithm performance.It was verified that the application has a significant amountof memory instructions per floating point operation, whichindicates that the application is mainly memory bounded.

The subsequent study considered an analysis of the severalexisting data dependencies of the DSS algorithm. At eachstep of the simulation procedure (processing sequence frompart A to D), conditioning data is selected by finding thek-nearest neighbouring nodes with available data (being thek value defined as a simulation parameter). Therefore, sincethe simulation procedure follows a random-path, conditioningdata is selected from a not strictly defined neighbourhood ofthe node being simulated (see Figure 3). This makes the datadependencies difficult to predict or to confine to a well definedspatial region, since it initially depends on the distribution ofwell-log data and subsequently depends on the positions of thenodes being simulated. Accordingly, the estimation of the localconditional distribution function (part C) at each node makesuse of values obtained from previously simulated nodes (partD), imposing a strict commitment of a set of data dependencieswithin the processing grid.

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Fig. 3. Conditioning data locations during the simulation of a given node,considering k=6.

B. Parallelization Approach

Taking into account the characteristics of the DSS algorithm(the most computationally demanding part of the inversionprocedure), three distinct parallelization approaches can beconsidered: functional-level, by simultaneously executing mul-tiple independent parts of the algorithm; data-level, whereeach part of the algorithm is individually accelerated bysimultaneously processing independent data; path-level, wheremultiple nodes from the random path are simulated at the sametime by different parallel processing threads.

Accordingly, by observing the set of existing dependenciesbetween multiple parts of the algorithm (see Figure 4), itcan be easily concluded that a functional-level parallelizationwould hardly provide good acceleration results. In fact, al-though parts A and B can be fully performed in parallel, thealgorithm acceleration is limited by the sequential executionof the random path through every node (parts C and D),which still represents most of the simulation execution time.As a matter of fact, by only accelerating parts A and B, amaximum speed-up of 1.4× is achievable. Furthermore, anindividual acceleration of each part of the algorithm wouldhardly give good results too, not only because the multipleparts present few parallelization opportunities, but also becausetheir sequential processing time is not enough to be worththe overhead of transferring data to other devices. In fact, thecomplexity of the algorithm lies in the several millions ofnodes that have to be simulated and not in the simulation ofa single node. Finally, in order to guarantee the same resultsas the original sequential version of the algorithm, a path-level parallelization has to ensure that no conflicts are observedbetween the nodes being simulated in parallel (neighbourhoodsmust not overlap), which introduces serious limitations interms of scalability.

To circumvent these limitations, the proposed approach isbased on a relaxation of the algorithm definition in order toenable an efficient (but still accurate) path-level parallelization.Such a parallel implementation was achieved by: i) dividingthe simulation grid in multiple sub-grids; and ii) randomlyselecting a node within each individual sub-grid at each stepof the simulation procedure. At the end of each step, thewhole set of nodes being simultaneously simulated is updated

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

A. Conditioning Data Search ( 1.7µs)

B. Kriging system computation ( 3.3µs)

C. Estimation of LCDF ( 0.2µs)

D. Generate simulated value ( 11.7µs)







Fig. 4. Functional parallelization of the DSS algorithm, by considering 3parallel threads.













Select one node per sub-grid

Store the new simulated values

Fig. 5. Spatial division of the original simulation grid in multiple sub-grids.

at once in the simulation grid, conditioning the subsequentsimulation steps (see Figure 5). Different number of divisionsresult in different generated models, because the random-pathsare going to be different, and consequently nodes are going tobe simulated under different circumstances (being conditionedby different data). However, this number of divisions must begreat enough in order to completely exploit the computing ca-pabilities of the considered devices. At this respect, it is worthnoting that the considered sub-divisions of the simulation gridare not required to be cubic. In fact, the anisotropic nature ofthe well-log data being processed (sparsely located along thestudy area but with a very high vertical resolution) suggeststhat there are significantly less dependencies in the verticaldirection, which allows for a greater vertical division of thesimulation grid.

Since this approach implies the removal of some datadependencies, the choice of the nodes to be simulated inparallel must be performed with some criteria, in order tomaximize the performance of the algorithm execution and stillensure the reproduction of the spatial distributions and inherentuncertainties of the physical properties being simulated (, Vpand Vs). Accordingly, regarding the generation of the randompath, two distinct criteria can be considered to select thesimulation nodes, namely: i) by following the same relativesub-path in each sub-grid; or ii) by allowing each sub-gridto have its own random sub-path. Taking into account that aslong as the nodes being simulated are sufficiently apart fromeach other (being kept outside of the search ranges), no dataconflicts should occur [18], it can be observed that one of themain advantages of the first mode is that it grants a constantand equidistant distance between the nodes being simulated in

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parallel. In addition, such regularity in the set of nodes beingsimulated in parallel can also present some advantages in termsof the GPU’s implementation efficiency. On the other hand, thesecond alternative presents less restrictions to the consideredrandom path, increasing the number of possible paths andconsequently the number of possible solutions (which issignificant, considering the stochastic exploration-based natureof this algorithm). In this case, since no significant differencesin terms of performance and of quality of the generated modelshave been observed, the second alternative was chosen forfurther evaluation (see Section V), since providing a greaterflexibility to the random path generation is usually a majorconcern in real-life case studies.


Taking into account the presented parallelization approach,the devised methodology to efficiently exploit heterogeneousplatforms composed both by CPUs and GPUs are hereindescribed. For such purpose, a brief introduction to GPU pro-gramming is presented, together with a detailed description ofa single-device and two distinct multi-device implementations.

A. General Purpose GPUs Programming

The GPU is a computer component originally designed toprovide real-time 3D graphics rendering. In accordance, itsarchitecture is significantly different from a CPU, such as toefficiently exploit data-level parallelism. Due to their highlyparallel architecture, GPUs are nowadays widely used asgeneral-purpose accelerators, for highly parallel computationaldemanding applications.

Despite being able to execute thousands of threads inparallel, modern GPU architectures have several constraintsthat may limit their performance. In particular, when anapplication is mapped into a GPU, the corresponding threadsare grouped in warps, with all threads performing the sameinstruction at the same time (over different data). Therefore,whenever different threads of the same warp need to executedifferent instructions (usually a consequence of if(condition)statements), there is a significant loss of parallel efficiency,since all threads in the warp will require to pass throughthe instructions of both conditional branches. Furthermore,memory accesses may only occur in parallel provided that thememory positions that are accessed by the multiple threadsof a given work-group obey to some specific restrictionsin terms of the access patterns. As a consequence, sinceeach computational GPU core is simpler than a CPU one,significant performance improvements are only verified whenan application efficiently uses the GPU parallel architecture,demanding a specific optimization effort that frequently leadsto a redesign of the algorithms being accelerated.

B. Single-Device Parallel Solution

As presented in Section III-B, the proposed parallelizationapproach considers a spatial division of the simulation grid(used by the DSS algorithm), in order to allow the paral-lel simulation of multiple nodes. According to the OpenCL

programming model, a data parallel execution of multiplenode simulations is performed by having several instancesof the same kernels being executed at the same time bymultiple work-groups. However, since GPUs are being con-sidered as target devices, those kernels have to be carefullycrafted in order to efficiently exploit the GPU architecture,by minimizing performance loss factors (warp-divergence,non-coalesced memory accesses) and maximizing the deviceoccupancy. Therefore, when migrating the node simulationprocedure of the DSS algorithm into OpenCL code, theapplication has to be functionally partitioned into multiplekernels, achieving a compromise between the granularity ofthe kernels (influencing the number of registers being usedand consequently the occupation of the GPU) and the numberof kernel calls (that have an inherent overhead). After imple-menting and optimizing the proposed parallelization approach,the resulting implementation considered 4 distinct kernels withthe following functionalities:

i - Selection of conditioning data for the nodes beingsimulated in parallel (one from each sub-grid);

ii - Construction of the kriging systems, according to the lo-cations of the selected conditioning data and subsequentlysolve them and estimate the corresponding lcdfs;

iii - Condition the distribution functions by a previously sim-ulated auxiliary variable and generation of the simulatedvalues given the resulting lcdfs by using a Monte Carlomethod;

iv - Store the simulated values into the simulation grid andupdate the information relative to the already simulatednodes (mean and variance).

It must be noted that, with the exception of a task thatwill be further detailed in Section IV-E3, only tasks related tothe node simulation procedure are actually performed by theOpenCL enabled devices, being the host device responsible notonly by the generation and transfer of the data required in thesimulation procedure (overlapped with the computations), butalso by the execution of all the other not so significant partsof the inversion algorithm (see Figure 6). The acceleration ofother parts of the algorithm was not considered because theydid not represent a significant part of the algorithm executiontime.

1) Mapping Methodology: By taking into account the gen-eral constraints imposed by GPU architectures, allied withthe adopted OpenCL programming framework, there are atleast two different ways to map the proposed approach: i)each sub-grid is simulated by a distinct OpenCL work-group,being the inherent parallelism of the algorithm exploited bythe OpenCL work-items within each work-group; ii) each sub-grid is simulated by a distinct work-item. The main differenceregarding both approaches is concerned with the number ofnodes being simulated in parallel, since in the former approachmore resources are being assigned to the simulation of a singlenode, thus limiting the number of nodes that can actually besimulated at the same time. However, since the simulation ofa single node presents few parallelization opportunities, theformer approach is not able to efficiently exploit the wholeGPU architecture, which conducted to the selection of the

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Environment initializion

Read and setup data for the next simulation

Generate Random Path

Prepare and send next set of nodes to

be simulated


A. Conditioning data selection

(DSS algorithm)

Sort relative positions by distance

to a reference

Compute modules 4 to 6

Write file with simulated model


GPP (Host) GPU (Device)

Write Files Thread Main Thread

pos: #nodesdist: #nodes

sorted_pos: #nodes

pos: = #par_nodesrand: 10x#par_nodes







noEvery Node Simulated?

Get simulated grid from device memory


grid: = #nodesEvery Property




Misfit Criteria Met?


B. Build and Solve kriging system

(DSS algorithm)

C. Estimation of the LCDF

(DSS algorithm)

D. Generation of simulated value(DSS algorithm)

Fig. 6. Execution flowchart of the algorithm. The DSS algorithm being executed in the GPU (represented in red) is the most computational demanding part.

second approach. Nevertheless, despite the greater amount ofnodes that can be simulated in parallel with this approach, it ismore memory demanding than the former, since intermediatebuffers need to be replicated for every node under simulation.Hence, in the event that the available device memory is notenough, the simulation procedure can still be performed bysimulating the grid layer by layer, keeping a complete copy ofthe grid being simulated only in the host device. These layersmust contemplate not only the specific sub-grids that will besimulated, but also the neighbouring sub-grids that conditionthe simulation. Nevertheless, some performance losses maystill occur, due to the different execution paths and memoryaccesses from threads of the same work-group to differentregions of the memory, since each thread is simulating itsown node.

C. Multi-Device Single-Realization Parallel Solution

Another important aspect that should also be considered isthe possibility of using multiple devices, in order to ensure an-other level of scalability. Accordingly, the proposed approachtakes advantage of the previously described spatial division ofthe simulation grid, and divides the obtained sub-grids betweenthe several OpenCL enabled accelerators. For such purpose,

the original simulation grid is initially divided into sub-grids, being the number of sub-divisions proportional to thenumber of available devices, in order to exploit the increasedcomputational capabilities. The sub-grids are then distributedto the available accelerators according to its computationalcapabilities.

In order to efficiently take advantage of eventually differentcomputational capabilities delivered by different devices, theload is balanced by dynamically distributing the nodes to besimulated between the multiple devices, according to real-timeperformance measurements obtained by OpenCL profilingevents. Therefore, at each step of the simulation procedure thesub-grids are re-distributed according to a traditional iterativeload balancing routine [19].

Since the simulation grid is stored in the device memory(one copy per device), it must be updated with the informa-tion being computed in the other devices after the parallelsimulation of every bundle of nodes. This implies an all-to-all communication scheme and a consequent synchronizationpoint (see Figure 7). After receiving the whole set of newsimulated values, each device updates (in parallel) its simula-tion grid, together with the mean and variance values of thealready simulated nodes, by using parallel reductions. At the

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Device #1 Device #2

Send all simulated data


























Fig. 7. Multi-device Single-Realization approach, by considering two deviceswith different computational capabilities.

end of the simulation procedure, the resulting model may beread from any device, since every device has an updated copyof the simulation grid.

D. Multi-Device Multi-Realization Parallel SolutionAlthough significant improvements can be obtained by

using multiple GPUs to accelerate a single realization, theattained scalability of such approach is limited by the intrinsicdemand to communicate the simulated values upon eachsimulation step and by only parallelizing the execution ofthe simulation procedure. Accordingly, greater performancelevels are expected by considering a parallelization scheme atthe realization level, where several independent simulationsare performed at the same time by multiple devices, thusminimizing the need for communications. In this approach,each device computes a different set of simulations (ρ, Vp,Vs), together with the corresponding forward model andthe correlation related computations regarding those sets ofsimulations (see Figure 8).

Nevertheless, the construction of the best model still needsto be sequentially performed, since it selects the best regionsfrom each generated model by comparing with the currentbest model. Accordingly, after executing a given realization,the synthetic seismic model must be processed by a CPUthread responsible for the best model construction. Hence,beyond the set of CPU threads dedicated to writing the outputfiles, an extra host thread is used to build and select thebest realization, and to build the local correlation cubes (mainthread, in Figure 8).

To maximize the performance, all devices iteratively sim-ulate one realization without any midpoint synchronization.However, when a set of Ns realizations of the inversionalgorithm have been performed, the local correlation cubesregarding the best models that were built have to be created,in order to condition the next generation of simulations. Hence,as soon as the last simulation of the current iteration iscompleted, all devices still under execution are interrupted (in-dicated with a cross, in Figure 8), resuming the simulation ofrealizations once the best local correlation cube is constructed.

Accordingly, the multi-device multi-realization approach isonly limited by the sequential execution of the best modelconstruction procedure, which may only become a bottleneckif the number of devices significantly increases, and by thenumber of realizations per iteration, that limits the numberof devices that can execute in parallel. Nevertheless, the firstproblem can be minimized by accelerating that specific partof the algorithm if deemed worthwhile, and the latter byconsidering the use of both the multi-device approaches (whichmay coexist), in order to provide another level of scalabilityto the algorithm execution.

E. Considered Optimizations

Several optimizations were considered in order to optimizethe performance of the proposed implementations. Such opti-mizations arise both from good GPU programming practices,and from a continuous profiling of the implemented solutions,in order to assess the main limitations and overheads. For suchpurpose, those optimizations were divided into three differentcategories: generic optimizations, which are mainly relatedwith good GPU programming practices that can be similarlyapplied in other GPU programming projects; application spe-cific optimizations, which are related with limitations intrinsicto the algorithm characteristics; and optimizations to the restof the algorithm, which do not specifically concern the partbeing accelerated by using GPUs.

1) Optimization of the DSS Algorithm Kernels: To envisagea high performance implementation of the DSS algorithm,several optimization procedures are worth to be considered.A significant improvement comes from an efficient usageof the GPU local memory, not only to optimize parallelreductions, often required to compute the mean and varianceof the previously simulated nodes, but also to reduce themean access time to the frequently accessed global memorybuffers. Furthermore, the inherent parallelization overhead wasminimized by performing the data transfers with a minimumnumber of OpenCL enqueue buffer calls as possible. Toattain this objective, a compromise was achieved between thegranularity of the kernels (influencing the number of registersbeing used and consequently the occupation of the GPU), andthe number of kernel calls (which is related both with thenumber of different kernels and with the number of divisionsof the simulation grid). The inherent data structures, as wellas its corresponding indexing, were also optimized in order toincrease the coalescence of memory accesses.

2) Application Specific Optimizations: A significant partof the simulation execution time lies in the pre-conditioningsearch of the input data, during the first steps of the simulationprocedure. The main reason for this overhead arises fromscarceness and uneven distribution throughout the simulationgrid of the input data, leading to significantly larger executiontimes when processing nodes from regions with few availabledata. To overcome this problem, the processing of nodeslocated in sub-grids where there is few available data (bothin the sub-grid being simulated and in the neighbouring sub-grids) is postponed. This pre-conditioning can be performedduring the definition of the random path, since, for each step

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Device #1

Device #2

Write simFiles #1/#2

Write iterFiles

Main thread

Simulation of ρ/Vp/Vs

Forward Model

Compute Correlations

Write Models in File

Write Best Model in File

Build Best Realization

Build Local Correlation Cube


(a) The simulation on device #1 is canceled because enough realizations have already been computed and, as such, this realization is no longer needed.

realization Ns-2 realization Ns-1 realization 0

iteration i-2 iteration i-1

Fig. 8. Temporal diagram of the multi-device multi-realization approach, considering two devices with different computational capabilities and four realizationsper iteration.

of the simulation procedure, it is only required to know thenumber of nodes that will be available in each sub-grid, butnot their exact positions. As a result, the execution time ofthe first steps can be significantly reduced at the cost ofsome extra steps at the end of the simulation procedure, whenthere is already a significant amount of available data, thusreducing the global execution time. A collateral benefit ofthis postponing method also arises in terms of the quality ofthe obtained results, since it avoids the simulation of nodesfrom regions with few data in a close neighbourhood (seesection V-B).

3) Other Optimizations: Some optimizations outside themain simulation procedure were also considered in the pre-sented implementation. One of such optimizations refers to theusage of the bitonic sorting algorithm, in order to optimize thesorting of the array that stores the nearest relative positions toa given reference, according to the non-euclidean distancesbetween nodes (used to support the data pre-conditioningsearch procedure). Moreover, the output files that have tobe written during the execution of the algorithm are alsowritten in parallel by a different CPU thread, in order toavoid as much overhead as possible, thus becoming completelyoverlapped with the GPU computations. The acceleration ofother parts of the algorithm was also considered. However,the characteristics of such parts were not appropriate for GPUcomputing (e.g, the generation of the random path presented tobe inefficient, mainly due to the warp divergence introducedby the simulation postponing optimization and by the non-coalesced memory accesses caused by its random behaviour).


The proposed parallelization was evaluated in terms ofthe attained performance of the algorithm execution and interms of the quality of the inversion results, considering theadopted relaxation of the original algorithm. In both cases,the execution was evaluated using two distinct datasets: onewith 101x101x90 nodes and another (more realistic) with237x197x350 nodes.


System 1 System 2 System 3CPU i7 3820 Xeon E5-2609 i7 4770KRAM 16 GB 32 GB 32 GBGPU 1 Hawaii R9 290X GTX 680 GTX780 TiGPU 2 GTX 560 Ti GTX 680 GTX 660 Ti

A. Performance Improvements

In order to measure the performance of the proposedparallelization approaches, the execution times using multipleheterogeneous environments (see Table I) were compared withthe execution of an optimized serial implementation of thealgorithm in an Intel i7-3820 processor, by considering the- O3 compiler optimization flag, when executing 5 iterationscomposed by 8 sets of simulations each over the larger dataset.

Figure 9(a) shows the obtained performance results whenconsidering several single device mappings (programmed withthe same OpenCL source code). From the obtained results, itwas observed that the execution time was significantly reducedin all the considered mappings. In particular, it was obtaineda speed-up of 18.06×, when considering the execution ofthe algorithm using a GTX 780 Ti GPU, and a performanceimprovement of 5.90× when the algorithm was mapped intothe CPU. In the latter case, the obtained speed-up is evengreater than 4 (number of CPU cores), due to the exploitationof the hyper-threading technology. It is also worth noticingthat the multiple considered systems use different CPU de-vices, which justifies the full-algorithm speed-up discrepanciesbetween systems.

When analysing the obtained results from the perspectiveof the multi-device approaches (see Figure 9(b)), it can beobserved that significantly higher throughputs were effectivelyattained when considering the multi-device multi-realizationapproach. In particular, a speed-up of 27.65× was obtainedwhen executing the algorithm over both the GPUs fromSystem 3. Such already expected acceleration rate arises not

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CPU(4 cores)

R9 290X GTX 560 Ti GTX 680 GTX 780 Ti GTX 660 Ti




237x197x350 Single-Device Performance Results ρ node simulation procedure Vp node simulation procedureVs node simulation procedureFull Algorithm

System 2 System 1 System 3

(a) Single-Device results.








GTX 560 Ti+ R9 290X

2xGTX 680 GTX 780 TI+ GTX 660 TI




237x197x350 Multi-Device Performance Results

Multi-Device Single-Realization

Multi-Device Multi-Realization

System 2 System 1 System 3

(b) Multi-Device results.

Fig. 9. Execution speed-up results compared to the sequential CPU implementation (executed in system 1), when considering different heterogeneousenvironments, using the dataset with 237x197x350 nodes.

only because a greater part of the algorithm is actually beingexecuted in parallel, but also because there is no communica-tion and synchronization overheads during the node simulationprocedure. In what concerns the multi-device single-realizationapproach, although the obtained speed-up is slightly below thetheoretical limit when considering a simplistic perspective thatsimply counts the number of used devices (a speed-up of 2×is theoretically expected when using two similar accelerators,compared to the use of only one), the load was successfullydivided between the available devices, being the differenceto the theoretical limit mainly justified by the sequentiallycomputed parts of the algorithm and by the communicationand parallelization overheads.

B. Quality of the Results

The quality of the retrieved inversion models regardingthe attained convergence is depicted in Figure 10. The as-sumptions related with the spatial continuity pattern and priordistributions was kept constant for both cases. In particular,by analysing the chart in Figure 10(a), it can be verifiedthat despite the significantly faster convergence rate of theparallel implementation, similar global correlation coefficients(computed by comparing the synthetic with the real seismicmodels) were obtained for 6 iterations (each composed by 32sets of simulations) both in the parallel and in the sequentialimplementations. In fact, as it can be observed in Figure 10(b),where 10 independent runs are considered for each number ofgrid divisions (which corresponds to the nodes being simulatedin parallel), satisfactory results in terms of convergence wereobtained even when large amounts of grid divisions wereconsidered, demonstrating that the adopted relaxation aimingan efficient parallelization do not significantly affect the qual-ity of the results. This can be justified with the consideredpostponing optimization that avoids the simulation of nodesthat have few or no conditioning data in the neighbour blocks.As a result, when the block size becomes smaller (as a resultof increasing the number of grid divisions), a consistent spatialdistribution of the physical property being simulated is grantedduring the first steps of the simulation, thus ensuring thealgorithm convergence.

Figure 11 illustrates the mean model computed with all themodels generated during the last iteration for the proposedparallelization approach, together with the corresponding se-quential approach, for the considered physical properties (ρ,

Vp and Vs). By the interpretation of these vertical sections,it can be observed that the original spatial distributions of thephysical properties being simulated are guaranteed, despite therelaxation that was introduced to improve the parallelization.In addition, both approaches are able to reproduce the mainfeatures as observed in the real elastic models. As in thesequential approach, the parallelized methodology is able tobetter reproduce Vp and density while struggles to reproducecorrectly Vs. This effect is a consequence of the cascadeapproach for generating the set of elastic models. Nevertheless,it should be recalled that the inverted and the real models arenot expected to be exactly the same, given the stochastic natureof the DSS algorithm.


An efficient parallelization of a state of the art stochasticseismic AVO inversion algorithm in heterogeneous platformswas proposed in this paper. The acceleration of such algo-rithms not only allows for faster reservoir modelling, butalso greatly facilitates and provides the feasible means todevelop larger and more accurate computational models of theEarth’s subsurface. To circumvent the strict data dependenciespresented by this algorithm, the adopted approach considersa spatial relaxation of the dependencies and an appropriatecompensation of the adopted division of the simulation grid,thus allowing the parallel simulation of multiple nodes corre-sponding to different regions of the model. According to theobtained experimental results, the proposed approach not onlysignificantly reduces the algorithm execution time (achievingmulti-device speed-ups of over 27×), but also still guaranteesthe quality of the obtained inversion results.


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0:00:00 0:14:24 0:28:48 0:43:12 0:57:36 1:12:00 1:26:24







Time [h:m:s]

Parallel Implementation

Sequential Implementation

0:08:46 1:25:25

(a) Convergence analysis over time.










2⁹ 2¹⁰ 2¹¹ 2¹² 2¹³ 2¹⁴ 2¹⁵ 2¹⁶







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Min Outlier

Max Outlier

Sequential Implementation Median Convergence

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