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Page 1: Academic Words List a-E

'abase'  'lower; humiliate''abash'  'embarass''abate'  'subside; decrease; lessen''abbreviate'  'shorten''abdicate'  'renounce; give up''aberration' 'deviation from the expected or the normal; mental irregularity or disorder''aberrant'  'abnormal or deviant''abet'  'aid, usually in doing something wring; encourage''abeyance'  'suspended action''abhor'  'detest; hate''abject'  'wretched; lacking pride''abjure'  'renounce upon oath''ablution'  'washing''abnegation'  'repudiation; self-sacrifice''abolish'  'cancel; put an end to''abominable'  'detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad''abominate' 'loathe; hate''aboriginal'  'being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native''abortive'  'unsuccesful; fruitless''abrade'  'wear away by friction; scrape; erode''abrasive'  'rubbing away; tending to grind down''abridge'  'condense or shorten''abrogate'  'abolish''abscission' 'cutting off; separation''abscond'  'depart secretly and hide''absolute'  'complete; totaly unlimited; certain''absolve'  'pardon (an offense)''abstain'  'refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice''abstemious'  'sparring in eating and drinking; temperate''abstinence'  'restraint from eating or drinking''abstract'  'theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational''abstruse'  'obscure; profound; difficult to understand''abundant'  'plentiful; possesing of riches or resources''abusive'  'coarsely insulting; physically harmful''abut'  'border upon; adjoin''abysmal'  'bottomless''abyss'  'enourmous chasm; vast bottomless pit''academic'  'related to school; not practical or directly useful'  

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'accede'  'agree (1) ''accelerate'  'move faster''accentuate'  'emphasize; stress''accesible'  'easy to aproach; atainable ';'accesory'  'additional object; useful but not esential thing''acclaim'  'applaud; announce with great approval''acclimate'  'adjust to climate''acclivity'  'sharp upslope of a hill''accolade'  'award of merit''accommodate'  'oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt''accomplice'  'partner in crime''accord'  'agreement (1)''accost'  'approach and speak first to a person''accoutre'  'equip''accretion'  'growth; increase''accrue'  'come about by addition''acerbity'  'bitterness of speech and temper''acetic'  'vinegary''acidulous'  'slightly sour; sharp,caustic''acknowledge'  'recognize; admit''acme'  'top; pinacle''acoustics'  'science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in''acquiesce'  'assent; agree without protesting ''acquire'  'obtain; get''acquittal'  'deliverance from a crime ''acrid'  'sharp; bitterly pungent ''acrimonious'  'bitter in words or manner''acrophobia'  'fear of heights''actuarial'  'calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics''actuate'  'motivate''acuity'  'sharpness''acumen'  'mental keeness''acute'  'quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe ''adage'  'wise saying; proverb ''adamant'  'hard; inflexible ''adapt'  'modify; alter ''addendum'  'an addition or supplement ''addiction'  'compulsive, habitual need ''addle'  'muddle; drive crazy; become rotten ''address'  'direct a speech to; deal or discuss with'

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'adept'  'expert at ''adhere'  'stick fast''adherent'  'supporter; follower''adjacent'  'adjoining; neighboring; close by ''adjunct'  'something added on or attached ( generally nonessential or inferior) ''adjuration' 'solemn urging''adjutant' 'staff officer assisting the commander; assistant''admonish'  'warn; reprove ''admonition'  'warning''adorn'  'decorate (1)''adroite'  'skillful (1) ''adulation'  'flattery; admiration ''adulterate'  'make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances ''advent'  'arrival ''adventitious'  'accidental; casual''adversary'  'opponent''adverse'  'unfavorable; hostile ''adversity'  'poverty; misfortune ''advocacy'  'support; active pleding on something's behalf ''advocate'  'urge; plead for ''aegis'  'shield; defense''aerie'  'nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk)''aesthetic'  'artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful ''affable'  'easily approachable; warmly friendly ''affected'  'artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress ''affidavit'  'written statement made under oath ''affiliation'  'joining; associating with ''affinity'  'kinship''affirmation'  'positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath ''affix'  'fasten; attach; add on ''affliction'  'state of distress; cause of suffering ''affluence'  'abundance; wealth ''affront'  'insult; offense; intensional act of disrespect ''aftermath'  'consequences; outcome; upshot ''agape'  'openmouthed''agenda'  'items of bussines at a meeting '

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'agent'  'means or instrument; personal representative; person acting in an official capacity ''agglomeration'  'collection; heap ''aggrandize'  'increase or intensify''aggregate'  'gather; accumulate ''aggressor'  'attacker''aghast'  'horrified''agility'  'nimbleness''agitate'  'stir up; disturb ''agnostic'  'one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality ''agog'  'highly excited; intensly curious''agrarian'  'pertaining to land or its cultivation ''alacrity'  'cheerful promptness ''alchemy'  'medieval chemistry''alcove'  'nook; small; recessed section of a room ''alias'  'an assumed name''alienate'  'make hostile; separate ''alimentary'  'supplying nourishment ''alimony'  'payment by a husband to his divorced wife (or vice versa) ''allay'  'calm; pacify ''allege'  'state without proof ''allegiance'  'loyality (1)''allegory'  'story in which characters are used as symbols; fable ''alleviate'  'relieve''alliteration'  'repetition of begining sound in poetry ''allocate'  'assign''alloy'  'a mixture of metals ''alloy'  'mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate ''alude'  'refer indirectly ''allure'  'entice; attract ''allusion'  'indirect reference ''aloft'  'upward''aloof'  'apart; reserved ''altercation'  'noisy quarrel; heated dispute ''altruistic'  'unselfishly generous; concerned for others ''amalgamate'  'combine; unite in one body ''amass'  'collect''ambidextrous'  'capable of using either hand with equal ease '

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'ambience'  'environment; atmosphere ''ambiguous'  'unclear or doubtful in meaning ''ambivalence'  'the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes ''amble'  'moving at an easy pace ''ambrosia'  'food of the gods''ambulatory'  'able to walk; not bedridden ''ameliorate'  'improve''amenable'  'readily managed; willing to be led ''amend'  'correct; change, generally for the better ''amenities'  'convenient features; courtesies ''amiable'  'aggreable; lovable; warmly friendly ''amicable'  'politely friendly; not qurrelsome ''amiss'  'wrong; faulty''amity'  'friendship''amnesia'  'loss of memory''amnesty'  'pardon ''amoral'  'nonmoral''amorous'  'moved by sexual love; loving ''amorphous'  'formless; lacking form or definition ''amphibian'  'able to live in both land and in water''amphitheater'  'oval building with tiers of seats ''ample'  'abundant''amok'  'in a state of rage''amplify'  'broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger ''amputate'  'cut off part of body; prune ''amulet'  'charm; talisman ''anachronistic'  'having an error involving time in a story ''analgezic'  'causing insesivity to pain ''analogous'  'comparable''analogy'  'similarity; parallelism ''anarchist'  'person who seeks to overturn the esablishment government; advocate of abolishing authority ''anarchy'  'absence of governing body; state of disorder ''anathema'  'solemn curse;  someone or something regarded as a curse ''ancestry'  ' family descend ''anchor'  'secure or fasten firmly ''ancilliary'  'serving as an aid or accesory; auxiliary ''anecdote'  'short account of an amusing or interesting

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event ''anemia'  'condition in which blood lacks red corpuscules ''anesthetic'  'substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness ''animadversion'  'critical remark''anguish'  'acute pain; extreme suffering ''angular'  'sharp-conrnered; stiff in manner ''animated'  'lively; spirited ''animosity'  'active enmity ''animus'  'hostile feeling or intent ''anneal'  'reduce bitterness and improve toughness by heating or cooling''annals'  'records; history ''annex'  'attach; take possesion of ''annihilate'  'destroy''annotate'  'comment; make explanatory notes ''annuity'  'yearly allowance''annul'  'make void''anodyne'  'drug that relieves pain; opiate''anoint'  'consecrate''anomalous'  'abnormal; irregular ''anomaly'  'irregularity ''anonymity'  'state of being nameless; anonimousness''anonymous'  'having no name ''antagonism'  'hostility; active resistance ''antecede'  'precede''antecedents'  'preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background ''antediluvian'  'antiqated; extremely ancient ''anthem'  'song of prise or patriotism ''anthology'  'book of literary selections by various authors''anthropocentric'  'regarding human beings as the center of the universe ''anthropoid'  'menlike''anthropologist'  'student of the history and science of mankind ''anthropomorphic'  'having human form or characteristics''anticlimax'  'letdown in thought or emotion ''antidote'  'medicine to counteract a poison or disease ''antipathy'  'aversion; dislike''antiquated'  'old-fashioned; obsolete '

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'antiseptic'  'substance that prevents infection ''antithesis'  'contrast; direct opposite of or to ''anvil'  'iron block used in hammering out metals''apathy'  'lack of carring; indifference ''ape'  'imitate or mimic ''aperture'  'opening; hole ''apex'  'tip; summit; climax ''aphasia'  'loss of speech due to injury or illness''aphorism'  'pithy maxim''apiary'  'place where bees are kept ''aplomb'  'poise; assurance''apocalyptic'  'prophetic; pertaining to revelations ''apocryphal'  'untrue; made up ''apogee'  'highest point''apolitical'  'having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs ''apologist'  'one who writes in defense of a cause or institution ''apostate'  'one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs ''apotheosis'  'elevation to goodhood; an ideal example of something ''apothecary'  'druggist''appall'  'dismay; shock ''apparatus'  'equipment''apparition'  'ghost; phantom''appease'  'pacify or soothe; relieve''appellation'  'name; title''append'  'attach''application'  'diligent attention''apposite'  'appropriate; fitting''appraise'  'estimate value of''appreciate'  'be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of ''apprehend'  'arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive ''apprehension'  'fear''apprenticeship'  'time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker ''apprise'  'inform''approbation'  'approval''appropiate'  'acquire; take possession of for one's personal use '

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'apropos'  'with reference to; regarding ''aptitude'  'fitness; talent ''aquatic'  'pertaining to water''aquiline'  'curved; hooked''arable'  'fit for growing crops''arbiter'  'a person with power to decide a dispute; judge''arbitrary'  'capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical ''arbitrator'  'judge''arboretum'  'place where different tree varieties are exhibited ''arcade'  'covered passageway, usually lined with shops ''arcane'  'secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated ''archaeology'  'study of artifacts and relics of early mankind ''archaic'  'antiquated''archtype'  'prototype; primitive pattern''archipelago'  'group of closely located island''archives'  'public records; place where public records are kept ''ardent'  'intense; passionate; zealous''ardous'  'hard; strenuous''argot'  'slang''aria'  'operatic solo''arid'  'dry; barren''aristocracy'  'hereditary nobility; privileged class''armada'  'fleet of warships''aromatic'  'fragrant''arousal'  'awakening; provocation (of a response) ''arraign'  'charge in court; indict ''array'  'marshal, draw up in order ''array'  'clothe; adorn''arrears'  'being in debt''arrest'  'stop or slow down; catch someone's attention''arrogance'  'pride; haughtiness''arroyo'  'gully''arsenal'  'storage place for military equipment''articulate'  'effective; distinct ''artifact'  'object made by human beings, either hand-made or mass-produced ''artifice'  'deception; trickery (1) ''artisan'  'manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to an artist '

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'artles'  'without guile; open and honest''ascedancy'  'controlling influence; domination''ascertain'  'find out for certain''ascetic'  'practicing self-denial; austere ''ascribe'  'refer; attribute; assign ''aseptic'  'preventing infection; having a cleaning effect ''ashen'  'ash-colored; deadly pale''asinine'  'stupid''askance'  'with a sideways or indirect look ''askew'  'crookedly; slanted; at an angle ''asperity'  'sharpness (of temper) ''aspersion'  'slanderous remark''aspirant'  'seeker after a position or status''aspire'  'seek to attain; long for''assail'  'assault''assay'  'analyze; evaluate''assent'  'agree; accept''assert'  'declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly ''assessment'  'evaluation; judgement ''assiduous'  'diligent''assimilate'  'absorb; cause to become homogeneous ''assuage'  'ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)''assumption'  'something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of ''assurance'  'promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence''asteroid'  'small planet''astigmatism'  'eye deffect that prevents proper focus ''astral'  'relating to the stars''astringent'  'binding; causing contraction''astronomical'  'enormously large or extensive''astute'  'wise; shrewd; keen ''asunder'  'into parts; apart ''asylum'  'place of refuge or shelter; protection ''asymetric'  'not identical on both sides of a dividing central line ''atavism'  'resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity returning after passage of two or more generations ''atheistic'  'denying the existence of God ''atlas'  'bound volume of maps, charts or tables '

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'atone'  'make amends for; pay for ''atrocity'  'brutal deed''atrophy'  'wasting away''attain'  'achieve or accomplish; gain ''attentive'  'alert and watchful; considerate; thoughtful ''attenuate'  'make thin; weaken ''attest'  'testify; bear whitness''attribute'  'essential quality''attribute'  'ascribe; explain''attrition'  'gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment ''atypical'  'not normal''audacious'  'daring; bold ''audit'  'examination of accounts ''auditory'  'pertaining to the sense of hearing ''augment'  'increase; add to ''augury'  'omen; prophecy ''august'  'impressive; majestic ''aureole'  'sun's corona; halo ''auroral'  'pertaining to the aurora borealis ''auspicious'  'favoring success''austere'  'forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented ''authenticate'  'prove genuine''authoritarian'  'subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will ''authoritative'  'having the weight of authority; peremptory and dictatorial ''autocratic'  'having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial ''automaton'  'mechanism that imitates actions of humans ''autonomous'  'self-governing ''autopsy'  'examination of a dead body; post-mortem ''auxiliary'  'helper; additional or subsidiary ''avalanche'  'great mass of falling snow and ice ''avarice'  'greediness for wealth''avenge'  'take vengeance for something (or on someone's behalf)'aver'  'state confidently''averse'  'reluctant; disinclined (1)''aversion'  'firm dislike'

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'avert'  'prevent; turn away''aviary'  'enclosure for birds''avid'  'greedy; eager for ''avocation'  'secondary or minor occupation''avow'  'declare openly''avuncular'  'like an uncle''awe'  'solemn wonder''awl'  'pointed tool used for piercing''awry'  'distorted; crooked''axiom'  'self-evident truth requiring no proof ''azure'  'ski blue''babble'  'chatter idly''bacchanalian'  'drunken''badger'  'pester; annoy''badinage'  'teasing conversation''baffle'  'frustrate; perplex''bait'  'harass; tease''baleful'  'deadly; heaving a malign influence; ominus''balk'  'foil or thwart; stop short; refuse to go on ''ballast'  'heavy substance used to add atability or weight ''balm'  'something that relieves pain ''balmy'  'mild; fragrant ''banal'  'hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality ''bandy'  'discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly ''bane'  'cause of ruin; curse ''bantering'  'good-natured ridiculing ''barb'  'sharp protection from fishhook, etc.; openly cutting remark ''bard'  'poet''barefaced'  'shameless; bold; unconcealed''baroque'  'highly ornate''barrage'  'barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion''barren'  'desolate; fruiteless and unproductive; lacking ''barrister'  'conselor-at-law''barricade'  'hastly put together defensive barrier; obstacle''barterer'  'trader''bask'  'luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth ''bastion'  'fortress; defense '

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'bate'  'let down; restrain ''bauble'  'trinket; trifle''bawdy'  'obscene; indecent''beam'  'ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; course of a radio signal; smile radiantly ''beatific'  'giving bliss; blissful ''beatitude'  'blessedness; state of bliss''bedizen'  'dress with vulgar finery ''bedraggle'  'wet thoroughly; stain with mud ''beeline'  'direct; quick route ''befuddle'  'confuse throughly ''beget'  'father;produce; give rise to ''begrudge'  'resent''beguile'  'mislead or delude; pass time ''behemoth'  'huge creature; monstrous animal ''beholden'  'obligated; indebted''behoove'  'be suited to; be incumbent upon''belabor'  'explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; attack verbally ''belated'  'delayed''beleaguer'  'besiege or attack; harassed ''belie'  'contradict; give a false impresion''belittle'  'disparage or depreciate; put down ''bellicose'  'warlike (1)''belligerent'  'qarrelsome''bemoan'  'lament; express disapproval of ''bemused'  'confused; lost in thought; preoccupied ''benediction'  'blessing''benefactor'  'gift giver; patron ''beneficial'  'helpful; useful''beneficiary'  'person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will ''benevolent'  'generous; charitable''benign'  'kindly; favorable; not malignant ''benison'  'blessing''bent'  'determined; natural talent or inclination ''bequeath'  'leave to someone by a will; hand down ''berate'  'scold strongly ''bereavement'  'state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved ''bereft'  'deprived of; lacking; desolate because of a loss ''berserk'  'frenzied'

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'beseech'  'beg; plead with ''beset'  'harass or trouble; hem in ''besiege'  'surround with armed forces; harass (with requests) ''besmirch'  'soil; defile ''bestial'  'beastlike; brutal ''bestow'  'give''betoken'  'signify; indicate ''betray'  'be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly)'betroth'  'become engaged to marry''bevy'  'large group''biased'  'slanted; prejudice ''bicameral'  'two-chambered, as a legistlative body ''bicker'  'quarrel''biennial'  'every two years''bigotry'  'stobborn intolerance''bilious'  'suffering from indegestic; irritable''bilk'  'swindle; cheat ''billowing'  'swelling out in waves; surging ''bivouac'  'temporary encampment ''bizzare'  'fantastic; violently contrastic''blanch'  'bleach; whiten ''bland'  'soothing or mild; agreeable ''blandishment'  'flattery''blare'  'loud, harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light''blase^'  'bored with pleasure or dissipation''blasphemy'  'irreverence; sacrilege; cursing''blatant'  'flagrant; conspicuously obvious; loudly offensive ''bleak'  'cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable ''blighted'  'suffering from a disease; destroyed''blithe'  'gay; joyous; heedless ''bloated'  'swollen or puffed as with water or air ''blowhard'  'talkative boaster''bludgeon'  'club; heavy headed weapon ''bluff'  'rough but good-natured''bluff'  'pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff''blunder'  'error''blurt'  'utter impulsively''bluster'  'blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptly; bully ''bode'  'foreshadow; portend'

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'bogus'  'counterfeit; not authentic''bohemian'  'unconventional (in an artistic way) ''boisterous'  'violent; rough; noisy ''bolster'  'support; reinforce ''bolt'  'door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric ''bolt'  'dash or dart off; fasten (a door); gobble down ''bombardment'  'attack with missiles''bombastic'  'pompous; using inflated language''booming'  'deep and resonant; flourishing, thriving ''boon'  'blessing; benefit ''boorish'  'rude; clumsy; ungentlemanly''bouillon'  'clear beef soup''boundless'  'unlimited; vast ''bountiful'  'abundant; graciously generous''burgeois'  'middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional ''bovine'  'cowlike; placid and dull ''bowdlerize'  'expurgate''boycott'  'refrain from using or buying ''brackish'  'somewhat saline''braggadocio'  'boasting''braggart'  'boaster''brandish'  'wave around; flourish ''bravado'  'swagger; assumed air of defiance ''brawn'  'muscular strength''brazen'  'insolent''breach'  'breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap ''breadth'  'width; extent ''brevity'  'conciseness''brindled'  'tawny or gayish with streaks or spots ''bristling'  'rising like bristles; showing irritation ''brittle'  'easily broken; difficult''broach'  'introduce; open up ''brocade'  'rich, figured fabric''brochure'  'pamphlet''brooch'  'ornamental clasp''brook'  'tolerate; endure''browbeat'  'bully; intimidate ''browse'  'graze; skim or glance at casually ''brunt'  'main impact or shock ''brusque'  'blunt; abrupt ''buccaneer'  'pirate '

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'bucolic'  'rustic; pastoral''buffet'  'table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people help themselves to foodthat's been set out ''buffet'  'slap; batter; knock about''buffoonery'  'clowning''bugaboo'  'bugbear; object of baseless terror''bullion'  'gold and silver in the form of bars ''bulwark'  'earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends ''bumptious'  'self-assertive''bungalow'  'small cottage''bungle'  'mismanage; blunder ''buoyant'  'able to float; cheerful and optimistic ''buraucracy'  'over-regulated administrative system marked by red tape ''burgeon'  'grow forth; send out buds''burlesque'  'give an imitation that ridicules ''burly'  'husky; muscular''burnish'  'make shiny by rubbing; polish ''bustle'  'move about energically; teem ''buttress'  'support; prop up ''buxom'  'plomb; vigorous; jolly ''cabal'  'small group of persons secretely united to promote their own interests''cache'  'hidding place''cacophonous'  'discordant; inharmonious''cadaver'  'corpse''cadaverous'  'like a corpse; pale ''cadence'  'rhytmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat ''cajole'  'coax; wheedle ''calamity'  'disaster; misery''calculated'  'deliberately planned; likely ''caldron'  'large kettle ''caliber'  'ability; quality ''calligraphy'  'beatuful writing; excellent penmanship ''callous'  'hardened; unfeeling ''callow'  'youthfull; immature; inexperienced ''calorific'  'heat-producing''calumny'  'malicious misrepresentation; slander ''camaraderie'  'good-fellowship '

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'cameo'  'shell or jewel carved in relief; star's special appearance in a minor role in a film ''camouflage'  'disguise; conceal ''canard'  'unfounded rumor; exaggerated report''candor'  'frankness; open honesty''canine'  'related to dogs; dog-like''canker'  'any ulcerous sore; any evil''canny'  'shrewd; thrifty''cannon'  'collection of authoritative list of books (e.g. by an author, or accepted as scripture); rule or standard set by ecclesiastical authority''cant'  'insincere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves''cantakerous'  'ill humored; irritable''cantata'  'story set to music, to be sung by a chorus ''canter'  'slow gallop''canto'  'division of a long poem''canvass'  'determine or seek opinions, votes, etc ''capacious'  'spacious''capacity'  'mental or physical ability; role; ability to accomodate ''capitulate'  'surrender''caprice'  'sudden, unexpected fancy; whim ''capricious'  'unpredictable; fickle ''caption'  'title; chapter heading; text under illustration ''captious'  'faultfinding''captivate'  'charm or enthrall ''carat'  'unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold ''carcinogenic'  'causing cancer''cardinal'  'chief''cardiologist'  'doctor specialized in the heart''careen'  'lurch; sway from side to side ''caricature'  'distortion; burlesque''carillon'  'a set of bells capable of being played''carnage'  'destruction of life ''carnal'  'fleshly''carnivorous'  'meat-eating''carousal'  'drunken level''carping'  'finding fault''carrion'  'rotting flesh of a dead body''cartographer'  'map-maker''cascade'  'small waterfall'

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'castigate'  'criticize severely; punish ''casualty'  'serious or fatal accident ''cataclysm'  'upheaval; deluge''catalyst'  'agent which about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged ''catapult'  'slingshot; a hurling machine ''cataract'  'great waterfall; eye abnormality ''catastrophe'  'calamity; disaster''catcall'  'shout of disapproval; boo ''cathechism'  'book for religious instructions; instruction by question and answer ''categorical'  'without exceptions; unqualified; absolute ''cater to'  'supply somethind desired (whether good or bad) ''catharsis'  'purging or cleansing of any passage of the body ''cathartic'  'purgative''catholic'  'universal; broadly sympathetic; liberal ''caucus'  'private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy ''caulk'  'make watertight by filling in cracks ''causal'  'impliyng a cause-and-effect relationship ''caustic'  'burning; sarcastically biting ''cavalcade'  'procession; parade''cavalier'  'offhand or casual; haughty''cavil'  'make frivulous objections''cede'  'yield (title, territory) to; surrender formaly ''celebrated'  'well-known; famous''celerity'  'speed; rapidity''celestial'  'heavenly''celibate'  'unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse''censor'  'overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remarks ''censorious'  'critical''censure'  'blame; criticize ''centigrade'  'measure of temperature used widely in Europe ''centrifugal'  'radiating; departing from the center''centripetal'  'tending toward the center''centurion'  'Roman army officer ''cerebral'  'pertaining to the brain or intellect ''cerebration'  'thought'

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'ceremonious'  'marked by formality''certitude'  'certainy''cessation'  'stoppage''cession'  'yielding to another; ceding''chafe'  'warm by rubbing; make sore (by rubbing) ''chaff'  'worthless products of an endeavor ''chaffing'  'bantering; joking''chagrin'  'vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride); dissapointment ''chalice'  'goblet; consecrated cup ''chameleon'  'lizard that changes color in different situations ''champion'  'support militantly''chaotic'  'in utter disorder''charisma'  'divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader ''charlatan'  'quack; pretender to knowledge''chary'  'cautious; aparing or restrainde about giving ''chasm'  'abyss''chassis'  'framework and workink parts of an automobile''chaste'  'pure''chasten'  'discipline; punish in order to correct ''chastise'  'punish''chauvinist'  'blindly devoted patriot ''check'  'stop motion; curb or restrain ''checkered'  'marked by changes in fortune''cherubic'  'angelic; inocent-looking ''chicanery'  'trickery; deception (2)''chide'  'scold''chimerical'  'fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative''chisel'  'wedgelike tool for cutting ''chisel'  'swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel ''chivalrous'  'courteous; faithful; brave ''choleric'  'hot-tempered''choreography'  'art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances ''chortle'  'chuckle with delight''chronic'  'long established as a disease ''chronicle'  'repport; record (in chronological order ) ''churlish'  'boorish; rude ''cipher'  'secret code '

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'cipher'  'nonentity; worthless person or thing ''circuitous'  'roundabout''circumlocution'  'indirect or roundabout expression ''circumscribe'  'limit; confine ''circumspect'  'prudent; cautious ''circumvent'  'outwit; baffle ''cistern'  'reservoir or water tank ''citadel'  'fortress''cite'  'quote; command ''civil'  'having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite ''clairvoyant'  'having foresight; fortuneteller ''clamber'  'climb by crawlling''clamor'  'noise''clandestine'  'secret ''clangor'  'loud, resounding noise ''clapper'  'stricker (tongue) of a bell ''clasp'  'fastening device; firm grip ''claustrophobia'  'fear of being locked in ''cleave'  'split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to ''cleft'  'split''clemency'  'disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather ''clench'  'close tightly; grasp ''cliche^'  'phrase dulled in meaning by repetition ''clientele'  'body of customers''climactic'  'relating to the highest point''clime'  'region; climate''clip'  'section of filmed material ''clique'  'small exclusive group''cloister'  'monastery or convent''clout'  'great influence (especially political or social) ''cloying'  'distasteful (because excessive); excessivelt sweet or sentimental ''clump'  'cluster or close group (of bushes, trees); mass; sound of heavy treading ''coagulate'  'thicken; congeal; clot ''coalesce'  'combine; fuse ''coalition'  'partnership; league; union ''coddle'  'to treat gently ''codicil'  'supplement of the body of a will ''codify'  'arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classifiy '

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'coercion'  'use of force to get someone to obey ''cogent'  'convincing''cogitate'  'think over''cognate'  'related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature ''cognitive'  'having to do with knowing or perceiving; related to the mental process ''cognizance'  'knowledge''cohere'  'stick together''cohesion'  'tendency to keep together''coiffure'  'hairstyle''coin'  'make coins; invent or fabricate ''coincidence'  'two or more things occuring at the same time by chance ''colander'  'utensil with perforated bottom used for straining ''collaborate'  'work together''collage'  'work of art put together from fragments''collate'  'examine in order to verify autenticity; arrange in order ''collateral'  'security given for loan ''colloquial'  'pertaining to conversational or common speech''collusion'  'conspiring in a fraudulent scheme ''colossal'  'huge''comatose'  'in a coma; extremely sleepy ''comely'  'attractive; agreeable''comeuppance'  'rebuke; deserts ''commandeer'  'to draft for military purposes ''commemorate'  'honot the memory of ''commensurate'  'equal in extent''commiserate'  'feel or express pity or sympathy for ''commodious'  'spacious and comfortable ''communal'  'held in common; of a group of people ''compact'  'agreement; contract''compact'  'tightl packed; firm; brief''comparable'  'similar''compatible'  'harmonious; in harmony with ''compelling'  'overpowering; irrestible in effect ''compensatory'  'making up for; repaying''compile'  'assemble; gather; accumulate''complacency'  'self-satisfaction; smugness'

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'complaisant'  'trying to please; obliging ''complement'  'complete; consumate; make perfect''complementary'  'serving to complete something ''compliance'  'readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requierments''compliant'  'yielding''complicity'  'participation; involvement''component'  'element; ingredient''composure'  'mental calmness''compound'  'combine; constitute; pay interest; increase ''comprehensive'  'thorough; inclusive''compress'  'close; squeeze; contract''comprise'  'include; consist of''compromise'  'adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of ''compunction'  'remorse''compute'  'reckon; calculate ''concave'  'hollow''concede'  'admit; yield''conceit'  'vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor ''concentric'  'having a common centre ''conception'  'beginning; forming of an idea ''concerted'  'mutually agreed on; done together''concession'  'an act of yielding ''conciliatory'  'reconciling; soothing ''concise'  'brief and compact''conclusive'  'decisive; ending all debate''concoct'  'prepare by combining; make up in concert ''concomitant'  'that which accompanies ''concord'  'harmony; agreement betwen people or things ''concur'  'agree (2)''concurrent'  'happening at the same time ''condemn'  'censure; sentence; force or limit to a particular state ''condense'  'make more compact or dense; shorten or abridge; reduce into a denser form ''condescend'  'bestow courtesies with a superior air''condiments'  'seasoning; spices ''condole'  'express sympatetic sorrow''condone'  'overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse''conducive'  'contributive; tending to '

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'conduit'  'aqueduct; passageway for fluids''confidant'  'trusted friend''confine'  'shut in; restrict''confirm'  'corroborate; verify; support ''confiscate'  'seize; commandeer''conflagration'  'great fire ''confluence'  'flowing together; crowd''conformity'  'harmony; agreement (1)''confound'  'confuze; puzzle''confrontation'  'act of facing someone or something; encounter, often hostile ''congeal'  'freeze; coagulate''congenial'  'pleasant; friendly''congenital'  'existing at birth''conglomeration'  'mass of material sticking together''congruent'  'in agreement; corresponding ''conifer'  'pine tree; cone-bearing tree ''conjecture'  'surmise; guess''conjugal'  ' pertaining to marriage (1)''conjure'  'summon a devil; practice magic; imagine or invent ''connivance'  'assistance; pretense of ignorance of something wrong; permission to offend ''connoisseur'  'person competent to act as a judge of art, etc.; a lover of art ''connotation'  'sugested or implied meaning of an expression''connubial'  'pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state ''conscientious'  'scrupolous; careful ''consecrate'  'dedicate; sanctify ''consensus'  'general agreement''consequential'  'pompous; important; self-important''conservatory'  'school of the fine arts (especially music or drama) ''consign'  'deliver officialy; entrust; set apart ''consistency'  'absence of contradictions; dependability; uniformity; degree of thickness ''console'  'lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort ''consolidation'  'unification; process of becoming firmer or stronger '

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'consonance'  'harmony; agreement (2) ''consort'  'associate with ''consort'  'husband or wife ''conspicuous'  'easily seen; noticeable; striking ''conspiracy'  'treacherous plot ''constituent'  'supporter''constraint'  'compulsion; repression of feelings ''construe'  'explain; interpret''consummate'  'complete''contagion'  'infection''contaminate'  'pollute''contemporary'  'person belonging to the same period ''contempt'  'scorn; disdain''contend'  'struggle; compete; assert earnestly ''contention'  'claim; thesis ''contentious'  'quarrelsome (2) ''contest'  'dispute''context'  'writings preceding and following the passage quoted''contiguous'  'adjacent to; touching upon ''continence'  'self-restraint; sexual chastity''contingent'  'dependent on; conditional ''contingent'  'group that makes up part of a gathering ''contortion'  'twistings; distortions ''contraband'  'illegal trade; smuggling ''contract'  'compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease ''contravene'  'contradict; oppose; infringe on or transgress ''contrite'  'penitent''contrived'  'forced; artificial; not spontaneous''controvert'  'oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict ''contusion'  'bruise''conundrum'  'riddle''convene'  'assemble''convention'  'social or moral custom; established practice''conventional'  'ordinary; typical ''converge'  'approach; tend to meet; come together ''conversant'  'familiar with''converse'  'opposite (1)''converse'  'chat; talk informally '

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'convert'  'one who has adopted a different religion or opinion''convex'  'curving outward''conveyance'  'vehicle; transfer''conviction'  'judgement that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief ''convival'  'festive; gay; characterized by joviality ''convoke'  'call together''convulted'  'coiled around; involved; intricate ''copious'  'plentiful''coquette'  'flirt''cordial'  'gracious; heartfelt''cordon'  'extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress''cornucopia'  'horn overflowing with fruit or grain; symbol of abundance''corollary'  'consequence; accompaniament''coronation'  'ceremony of crowning a queen or king ''corporeal'  'bodily; material''corpulent'  'very fat ''correlation'  'mutual relationship''corroborate'  'confirm; support ''corrode'  'destroy by chemical action''corrosive'  'eating away by chemicals or disease''corrugated'  'wrinkled; ridged''cosmic'  'pertaining to the universe; vast ''cosmopolitan'  'sophisticated''coterie'  'group that meets socially; selected circle ''countenance'  'approve; tolerate''countenance'  'face''countermand'  'cancel; revoke''counterpart'  'a thing that completes another; things very much alike''coup'  'highly successful action or sudden attack ''couple'  'join; unite''courier'  'messenger''covenant'  'agreement (2) ''covert'  'secret; hidden; implied ''covetous'  'avaricious; eagerly desirous of ''cow'  'terrorize; intimidate''cower'  'shrink quivering, as from fear ''coy'  'shy; modest; coquettish'

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'cozen'  'cheat; hoodwink; swindle''crabbed'  'sour; peevish''craftiness'  'slyness; trickiness''crass'  'very unrefined; grossly insensible''craven'  'cowardly''credence'  'belief''credibility'  'believability''credo'  'creed''credulity'  'belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete''creed'  'system of religious or ethical belief''crescendo'  'increase in the volume or intensity, as in a musical passage; climax''crest'  'highest point of a hill; foamy top of a wave''crestfallen'  'dejected; dispirited ''crevice'  'crack; fissure ''cringe'  'shrink back, as if in fear ''criterion'  'standard used in judgement ''crop'  'cut off unwanted parts of a photograph; graze''crotchety'  'eccentric; whimsical''crux'  'crucial point''crypt'  'secret recess or vault, usually used for burial ''cryptic'  'misterious; hidden; secret ''cubicle'  'small chamber used for sleeping ''cuisine'  'style of cooking''culinary'  'related to cooking''cull'  'pick out; reject ''culminate'  'attain the highest point; climax''culpable'  'deserving blame''culvert'  'artificial channel for water''cumbersome'  'heavy; hard to manage''cumulative'  'growing by addition''cupidity'  'greed''curator'  'superintendent; manager''curmudgeon'  'churlish, miserly individual''cursive'  'flowing, running''cursory'  'casual; hastly done ''curtail'  'shorten; reduce''cynical'  'skeptical or distrustful of human motives''cynosure'  'the object of general attention ''dabble'  'work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around ''dais'  'raised platform for quests of honor ''dank'  'damp (1)'

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'dapper'  'neat and trim ''dappled'  'spotted''daub'  'smear (as with paint) ''daunt'  'intimidate; frighten ''dauntless'  'bold''dawdle'  'loiter; waste time''deadlock'  'standstill; stalemate''deadpan'  'wooden; impersonal ''dearth'  'scarcity (1)''debacle'  'sudden downfall; complete disaster ''debase'  'reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade ''debauch'  'corrupt; seduce from virtue ''debilitate'  'weaken; enfeeble''debonair'  'friendly; aiming to please ''debris'  'rubble''debunk'  'expose at false, exaggerated, worthless, etc; ridicule ''debutante'  'young man or woman making formal entrance into society ''decadence'  'decay  (1)''decapitate'  'behead''decelerate'  'slow down ''deciduous'  'falling off as leaves ''decimate'  'kill, usually one out of ten ''decipher'  'interpret secret code ''declivity'  'downward slope ''decollete^'  'having a low necked dress''decomposition'  'decay  (2)''decorum'  'propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners ''decoy'  'lure or bait''decrepit'  'worn out by age''decrepitude'  'state of collapse caused by illness or old age''decry'  'express strong disaproval of; disparage''deducible'  'derived by reasoning''deface'  'mar; disfigure''defame'  'harm someone's reputation; malign; slander''default'  'failure to act''defeatist'  'attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome '

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'defection'  'desertion''defer'  'delay till later; exempt temporarily''defer'  'give in respectfully; submit''deference'  'courteous regard for another's wish ''defiance'  'refusal to yield; resistance ''defile'  'pollute; profane''definitive'  'final; complete''deflect'  'turn aside''defoliate'  'destroy leaves''defray'  'pay the costs of''deft'  'neat; skillful''defunct'  'dead; no longer in use or existence ''defuse'  'remove the fuse of a bomb; reduce or eliminate a threat ''degenerate'  'become worse; deteriorate ''degradation'  'humiliation; debasement; degeneration''dehydrate'  'remove water from; dry out''deify'  'turn into a god; idolize ''deign'  'condescend; stoop ''delectable'  'delightful; delicious ''delete'  'erase; strike out ''deleterious'  'harmful (1)''deliberate'  'consider; ponder''delineate'  'portray; depict; sketch ''delirium'  'mental disorder marked my confusion ''delude'  'deceive''deluge'  'flood; rush''delusion'  'false belief; hallucination''delve'  'dig; investigate ''demagogue'  'person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people''demean'  'degrade; humiliate''demeanor'  'behaviour; bearing''demented'  'insane (1)''demise'  'death''demolition'  'destruction''demoniac'  'fiendish''demur'  'object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate ''demure'  'grave; serious; coy''demystify'  'clarify; free from misery or obscurity ''denigrate'  'blacken''denizen'  'inhabitant or resident; regular visitor'

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'denotation'  'meaning; distinguishing by name ''denouement'  'outcome; final development of the plot of a play ''denounce'  'condemn; criticize''depict'  'portray''deplete'  'reduce; exhaust''deplore'  'regret; disapprove of ''deploy'  'spread out [troops] in a extended though shallow battle line ''depose'  'dethrone; remove from office ''deposition'  'testimony under oath''depravity'  'extreme corruption; wickedness ''deprecate'  'express disapproval of; protest against; belittle ''depreciate'  'lessen in value ''depredation'  'plundering''deranged'  'insane (2) ''derelict'  'abandoned; neglijent''deride'  'ridicule; make fun of ''derivative'  'unoriginal; derived from another source ''dermatologist'  'one who studies the skin and its diseases ''derogatory'  'expressing a low opinion''descant'  'discuss fully''descry'  'catch sight of ''desecrate'  'profane; violate the sanctitie of ''desiccate'  'dry up''desolate'  'unpopulated''desolate'  'rob of loy; lay waste to; forsake''despise'  'look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful ''despoil'  'plunder (1)''despondent'  'depressed; gloomy''despot'  'tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler ''destitute'  'extremely poor''desultory'  'aimless; haphazard; digressing at random ''detached'  'emotionally removed; calm and objective; physically unconnected ''detergent'  'cleansing agent ''determination'  'resolve; measurement or calculation; decision''deterrent'  'something that discourages; hindrance'

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'detonation'  'explosion''detraction'  'slandering; aspertion ''detrimental'  'harmful; damaging ''deviate'  'turn away from (a principle, norm); depart; diverge''devious'  'roundabout; erratic; not straightforward ''devise'  'think up; invent; plan ''devoid'  'lacking ''devotee'  'enthusiastic follower ''devout'  'pious''dexterous'  'skillful (2)''diabolical'  'devilish''diagnosis'  'art of identifying a disease; analysis of a condition ''dialectical'  'relating to the art of debate; mutual or reciprocal ''diaphanous'  'sheer; transparent''diatribe'  'bitter scolding; invective''dichotomy'  'split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones)''dictum'  'authoritative and weighty statement; saying; maxim ''didactic'  'teaching; instructional ''differentiate'  'distinguish; perceive a difference between ''diffidence'  'shyness''diffuse'  'wordy; rambling; spread out (like a gas) ''digression'  'wandering away from the subject ''dilapidated'  'ruined because of neglect ''dilate'  'expand''dilatory'  'delaying''dilemma'  'problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives ''dilettante'  'aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler ''diligence'  'steadiness of effort; persistent hard work ''dilute'  'make less concentrated; reduce in strength ''diminution'  'lessening; reduction in size ''din'  'continued loud noise''dinghy'  'small ship's boat ''dingy'  'dull; not fresh; cheerless''dint'  'means; effort''diorama'  'life-size three-dimensional scene from nature

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or history ''dire'  'disastrous''dirge'  'lament with music''disabuse'  'correct a false impression; undeceive ''disaffected'  'disloyal''disapprobation'  'disapproval; condemnation''disarray'  'a disorderly or untidy state ''disavowal'  'denial; disclaiming ''disband'  'dissolve; disperse''disburse'  'pay out''discernible'  'distinguishable; perceivable''discerning'  'mentally quick and observant; having insight''disclaim'  'disown; renounce claim to ''disclose'  'reveal (1) ''discombobulated'  'confused; discomposed''discomfit'  'put to rout; defeat; disconcert''discomposure'  'agitation; loss of poise ''disconcert'  'confuse; upset; embarass ''disconsolate'  'sad''discord'  'conflict; lack of harmony ''discordant'  'not harmonious; conflicting''discount'  'disregard; dismiss''discourse'  'formal discussion; conversation''discredit'  'defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve''discrepancy'  'lack of consistency; difference''discrete'  'separate; unconnected''discretion'  'prudence; ability to adjust to actions or circumstances''discriminating'  'able to see differences; prejudiced''discursive'  'digressing; rambling''disdain'  'view with scorn or contempt ''disembark'  'go ashore; unload cargo from a ship ''disenfranchise'  'deprive of a civil right''disengage'  'uncouple; separate; disconnect ''disfigure'  'mar in beauty; spoil''disgorge'  'surrender something; eject; vomit''disgruntle'  'make discontented''dishearten'  'discourage; cause to lose courage or hope''disheveled'  'untidy''disinclination'  'unwillingness''disingenuous'  'lacking genuine candor; insincere''disinter'  'dig up; unearth'

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'disinterested'  'unprejudiced''disjointed'  'disconnected''dislodge'  'remove (forcibly) ''dismantle'  'take apart''dismay'  'discourage; frighten''dismember'  'cut into small parts''dismiss'  'put away from consideration; reject''disparage'  'belittle''disparate'  'basically different; unrelated''disparity'  'difference; condition of inequality ''dispassionate'  'calm; impartial ''dispatch'  'speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed ''dispel'  'scatter; drive away; cause to vanish ''disperse'  'scatter''dispirited'  'lacking in spirit''disputatious'  'argumentative; fond of arguing ''disquiet'  'make uneasy or anxious ''dissection'  'analysis; cutting apart in order to examine ''dissemble'  'disguise; pretend''disseminate'  'distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) ''dissent'  'disagree''dissertation'  'formal essay''dissident'  'dissenting; rebelious ''dissimulate'  'pretend; conceal by feigning ''dissipate'  'squader; waste; scatter ''dissolute'  'loose in morals ''dissolution'  'breaking of a union; decay; termination''dissonance'  'discord''dissuade'  'persuade not to do; discourage ''distant'  'reserved or aloof; cold in manner ''distend'  'expand; swell out ''distill'  'extract the essence; purify; refine''distinction'  'honor; contrast; discrimination''distort'  'twist out of shape ''distraught'  'upset; distracted by anxiety ''diurnal'  'daily''diva'  'operatic singer; prima donna ''diverge'  'vary; go in different directions from the same point''divergent'  'differing; deviating''diverse'  'differing in some characteristics; various '

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'diversion'  'act of turning aside; pastime''diversity'  'variety; dissimilitude ''divest'  'strip; deprive ''divine'  'perceive intuitively; foresee the future ''divulge'  'reveal (2)''docile'  'obedient; easily managed ''doctrinaire'  'unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding ''doctrine'  'teaching, in general; particular priciple (religiou, legal, etc) taught ''document'  'provide written evidence ''doff'  'take off''dogged'  'determined; stubborn ''doggerel'  'poor verse''dogmatic'  'opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal ''doldrums'  'blues; listleness; slack period ''doleful'  'sorrowful ''dolt'  'stupid person ''domicile'  'home''domineer'  'rule over tyranically''don'  'put on ''doodle'  'scribble or draw aimlesslyl; waste time ''dormant'  'sleeping; letharging; latent ''dormer'  'window projecting from roof ''dossier'  'file of documents on a subject''dote'  'be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline ''douse'  'plunge into water; drench; extinguish''dowdy'  'slovenly; untidy''downcast'  'disheartened; sad''drab'  'dull; lacking color; cheerless ''draconian'  'extremely severe ''dregs'  'sediment; worthless residue ''drivel'  'nonsense; foolishness ''droll'  'queer and amusing ''drone'  'idle person; male bee ''drone'  'talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee ''dross'  'waste matter; worthless impurities''drudgery'  'menial work ''dubious'  'questionable; filled with doubt ''ductile'  'malleable; flexible; pliable ''dulcet'  'sweet sounding'

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'dumbfound'  'astonish''dupe'  'someone easily fooled''duplicity'  'double-meaning; hypocrisy ''duration'  'length of time something lasts''duress'  'forcible restraint, especially unlawfully ''dutiful'  'respectful; obedient ''dwarf'  'cause to seem small ''dwindle'  'shrink; reduce''dynamic'  'energetic; vigorously active ''earthy'  'unrefined; coarse ''ebb'  'recede; lessen ''ebulient'  'showing exitement; overflowing with enthuziasm ''eccentric'  'irregular; odd; whimsical; bizzare ''eccentricity'  'oddity; iodiosyncrasy ''ecclesiastic'  'pertaining to the church ''eclectic'  'composed from elements drawn from disparate sources ''eclipse'  'darken; extinguish; surpass ''ecologist'  'a person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment ''economy'  'efficiency or consciseness in using something ''ecstasy'  'rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion ''eddy'  'swirling current of water, air, etc. ''edict'  'decree (especially issued by a sovereign); official command ''edify'  'instruct; correct morally ''eerie'  'weird''efface'  'rub out ''effectual'  'able to produce a desirable effect; valid ''effervescence'  'inner exitement or exuberance; bubling from fermentation or carbonation ''efficacy'  'power to produce desired effect ''effigy'  'dummy''effrontery'  'shameless boldness''effusive'  'pouring forth; gushing ''egoism'  'excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others ''egotistical'  'excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited ''egregious'  'notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking ''egress'  'exit'

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'ejaculation'  'exclamation''elaboration'  'addition of details; intricacy ''elated'  'ocerjoyed; in high spirits ''elegy'  'poem or song expressing lamentation ''elicit'  'draw out by discussion ''elixir'  'cure-all; something revigorating ''ellipsis'  'omission of words from a text ''elliptical'  'oval; ambiguou, either purposely or because key words have been left out ''eloquence'  'expressiveness; persuasive speech ''elucidate'  'explain; enlighten ''elusive'  'evasive; baffling; hard to grasp ''emanciated'  'thin and wasted''emanate'  'issue forth ''emancipate'  'set free''embargo'  'ban on commerce or other activity ''embark'  'commence; go on board of a boat or airplane; begin a journey ''embed'  'enclose; place in something ''embellish'  'adorn; ornament''embezzlement'  'stealing''embody'  'personfy; make concrete; incorporate''embrace'  'hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include ''embroider'  'decorate with needlework; ornament with fancy or fictious details ''embroil'  'throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle ''embryonic'  'undeveloped; rudimentary ''emend'  'correct; correct by a critic''emendation'  'correction of errors; improvement ''eminent'  'high; lofty''emissary'  'agent; messenger''emollient'  'soothing or softening remedy''empathy'  'ability to identify with another's feelings, ideeas, etc. ''empirical'  'based on experince ''emulate'  'imitate; rival''enamored'  'in love''encipher'  'encode; covert a message into code''enclave'  'territory enclosed within alien land ''encomium'  'high praise; eulogy ''encompass'  'surround'

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'encroachment'  'gradual intrusion ''encumber'  'burden''endearment'  'fond statement''endemic'  'prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area  or country ''endorse'  'approve; support ''enduring'  'lasting; surviving''energize'  'invigorate; make forceful and active''enervate'  'weaken''enfranchise'  'to admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote ) ''engage'  'attract; hire; pledge oneself; confront ''engaging'  'charming; attractive ''engender'  'cause; produce ''engross'  'occupy fully ''enhance'  'increase; improve''enigma'  'puzzle; mystery ''enigmatic'  'obscure; puzzling ''enmity'  'ill will; hatred ''ennui'  'boredom''enormity'  'hugeness (in a bad sense) ''enrapture'  'please intensely ''ensconce'  'settle confortably ''ensemble'  'group of (supporting players); organic unity; costume ''entail'  'require; necessitate; invole ''enterprising'  'full of initiative ''enthrall'  'capture; enslave ''entice'  'lure; attract; tempt ''entitlement'  'right to claim something; right to benefits ''entity'  'real being''entmology'  'study of insects''entourage'  'group of attendants; retinue''entrance'  'put under a spell; carry away with emotions'entreat'  'plead; ask earnestly''entrepreneur'  'businessman; contractor ''enumerate'  'list; mention one by one ''enunciate'  'speak distinctly ''eon'  'long period of time; an age ''ephemeral'  'short-lived; fleeting''epic'  'long heroic poem or similar work of art ''epicure'  'connoisseur of food and drink  (1)'

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'epigram'  'witty thought or saying; usually short ''epilogue'  'short speech at conclusion of dramatic work ''episodic'  'loosely connected; divided into incidents ''epistolary'  'consisting of letters ''epitaph'  'inscription in memory of a dead person ''epithet'  'word or person characteristically used to describe a person or thing ''epitome'  'perfect exemple or embodiment''epoch'  'period of time ''equable'  'tranquil; steady; uniform ''equanimity'  'calmness of temperament; composure ''equestrian'  'rider on horseback ''equilibrium'  'balance''equine'  'resembling a horse''equinox'  'period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn ''equitable'  'fair; impartial (1)''equity'  'fairness; justice''equivocal'  'ambiguous; intentionally misleading ''equivocate'  'lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth ''erode'  'eat away''erotic'  'pertaining to passionate love ''erratic'  'odd; unpredictable ''erroneus'  'mistaken; wrong''erudite'  'learned; scholarly''escapade'  'prank; flighty conduct''escapism'  'avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements ''eschew'  'avoid ''esoteric'  'hard to understand; known only to the chosen few ''espionage'  'spying''espouse'  'adopt; support''esteem'  'respect; value ''estranged'  'separated; alienated''ethereal'  'light; heavenly; unusually refined''ethnic'  'relating to races ''ethos'  'underlying character of a culture, group, etc. ''etymology'  'study of word parts ''eulogy'  'expresion of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death ''euphemism'  'mild expresion in place of an unpleasant

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one ''euphonious'  'pleasing in sound''euphoria'  'feeling of great happiness and well-beign (sometimes exagerated)''evanescent'  'fleeting; vanishing''evasive'  'not frank; eluding''evenhanded'  'impartial; fair (2) ''evince'  'show clearly''evocative'  'tending to call up (emotions, memories) ''ewe'  'female sheep''exacerbate'  'worsen; embitter''exacting'  'extremely demanding ''exalt'  'raise in rank or dignity; praise''exasperate'  'vex''exceptionable'  'objectionable''excerpt'  'selected passage (written or musical) ''excise'  'cut away; cut out ''exclaim'  'cry out suddenly''excoriate'  'scold with biting harshness; strip the skin off ''exculpate'  'clear from blame ''execrable'  'very bad''execute'  'put into effect; carry out''exegesis'  'explanation; interpretation, especially of a biblical text ''exemplary'  'serving as a model; outstanding''exemplify'  'serve as a model of; embody ''exempt'  'not subject to a duty, obligation''exertion'  'effort; expenditure of much physical work ''exhaustive'  'thorough; comprehensive ''exhilarating'  'invigorating and refreshing; cheering''exhort'  'urge''exhume'  'dig out of the ground; remove from the grave ''exigency'  'urgent situation ''exodus'  'departure''exonerate'  'acquit; exculpate''exorbitant'  'excessive''exorcise'  'drive out evil spirits''exotic'  'not native; strange ''expansive'  'outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size ''expatriate'  'exile; someone who has with drawn from his native land '

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'expedient'  'suitable; practical; politic ''expedite'  'hasten''expenditure'  'payment or expense; output ''expertise'  'specialized knowledge; expert skill ''expiate'  'make amends for (a sin)''expletive'  'interjection; profane oath ''explicate'  'explain; interpret; clarify ''explicit'  'totally clear; definite; outspoken ''exploit'  'deed or action, particulary a brave deed ''exploit'  'make use of, sometimes unjustly ''expository'  'explanatory; serving to explain ''exposure'  'risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open''expropriate'  'take possession of ''expunge'  'cancel; remove''expurgate'  'clean; remove offensive parts of a book''extant'  'still in existence''extent'  'degree; magnitude; scope ''extenuate'  'weaken; mitigate ''extol'  'praise; glorify ''extort'  'wring form; get money by threats, etc. ''extradition'  'surrender of prisoner by one state to another ''extraneous'  'not essential; superfluous ''extrapolation'  'projection; conjecture''extricate'  'free; disentangle''extrinsic'  'external; not essential; extraneous''extrovert'  'person interested mostly in external objects and actions''extrude'  'force or push out ''exuberance'  'overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness ''exude'  'discharge; give forth ''exult'  'rejoice '
