Page 1: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not

P R O S P E C T U S2 0 2 1

D re a m . . . B e l i e v e . . . B e g i n . . .

Page 2: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not

Drink ing f rom the beaut i fu l chal ice of knowledge is better

than adorn ing one with gold and rare gems.

P R O V E R B S 2 0 : 1 5 ( M S G )

Are you aware of God’s ca l l ing in your l i fe?

Do you want to be equipped so that you can l ive out th is ca l l ing?

Do you want to be more effect ive in min ist ry?

Do you want to grow in spi r i tua l i ty?

Do you want to embark on a pract ica l and personal ly enr ich ing journey?

Are you looking for tools to fac i l i tate personal spi r i tua l format ion and growth?

Do you perhaps want to prepare for another ro le of min ist ry in future?

Page 3: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not





C O U R S E SI N 2 0 2 1

Int roduct ion

Spir i tua l i ty

Music and Spir i tua l i ty

An Introduct ion to Spir i tua l Accompaniment

A Framework for New Generat ion Min ist ry

Pastora l Support I

Pastora l Support I I

Pract ices of Community

Old Testament

New Testament

Leadership – Leading and Faci l i tat ing Group L i fe

Fee Structure and min imum academic requirements

Contact in format ion

Relat ionship wi th SATS

Recogni t ion of Pr ior Learn ing – Mosaïek

Spir i tua l i ty

Music and Spir i tua l i ty

Spir i tua l Accompaniment

A Framework for New Generat ion Min ist ry

Pastora l Support I & I I

Old Testament

New Testament

Leadership – Leading and Faci l i tat ing Group L i fe

Pract ices of Community












Page 4: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not

M osaïek is a contemplat ive, miss ional , fa i th communit y.

This descr ipt ion br ings the fo l lowing aspects into focus, namely:• Spir i tua l i ty• Relat ionship wi th God• Relat ionship wi th each other• Relat ionship wi th the wor ld.

This means that any t ra in ing model at Mosaïek is presented in such a f ramework and therefore t ra in ing is s imul taneously a process of equipping people that , u l t imate ly, leads to t ransformat ion, whi le tak ing p lace with in a fa i th community and with a focus on the wor ld.

M o s a ï e k


To develop and implement a training model that is theological ly founded on the Bible and presented in a hol ist ic, integrated, contextual and practical way.

G o a l s

Tr a i n i n g O u t c o m e s

The Academi str ives to present theological ly founded (Bible -based) learning exper iences through a holist ic process that integrates and contex tual ises a l l the spir itual, rat ional and practical elements that wi l l enable students to l ive with purpose .

Vi s i o n






Mosaïek Academi has implemented a hol ist ic approach to tra in ing. This means that your theological studies wi l l not only be a cognit ive exercise but wi l l a lso be integrated with spir i tual , pract ical and physical components. I t wi l l be a whole-person learning exper ience.

Integrat ion. The di fferent e lements of the tra in ing wi l l not take place in isolat ion. Instead, a l l facets wi l l be connected in an interdiscipl inary way to better understand the bigger picture.

Context analysis. This means that your context is appl ied to learning methodologies. The tra in ing is bui l t on a strong theological foundat ion that underpins al l pract ical ski l ls development. The object ive is not only to gain knowledge but a lso to equip students with ski l ls that wi l l enable them to apply the Bible and theological knowledge to contemporary s i tuat ions.

Training is pract ise-dr iven. Thus, students are given pract ical ski l ls that wi l l help them to funct ion more effect ively in their part icular area of ministry. Distance learning is integrated with regular face-to-face interact ive opportunit ies between students and lecturers that promote exposure to pract ical theology.

Mosaïek Academi is missional ly focused, and therefore each subject area stands in the service of the musicological command to the Church.

Mosaïek Academi also guides students through a process of discover ing their g i f ts and ministr ies, employing a number of measurement tools to assist students further to reach their fu l l potent ia l in ministry.

Technological resources are ut i l ised to enhance the overal l t ra in ing exper ience.

Mosaïek Academi is ecumenical in i ts approach, and therefore students from any church background are welcome to register.

To present courses that address the specif ic needs of people who fol low Jesus Christ ;To equip students so that they are able to embrace their cal l ing;To establ ish Chr ist ian values in people's l ives;To integrate personal growth and spir i tual i ty with healthy theology, thereby enhancing the student's re lat ionship with God;To pract ise theology by discerning, studying the Word and explor ing context, a l l within a fa i th-community f ramework;To guide students towards making a di fference in their community.


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Page 5: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not

O v e r v i e w01 S P I R I T U A L I T Y

A study in Chr ist ian spi r i tua l i ty is important because i t equips a student wi th the abi l i ty and sk i l ls to understand and adapt, i f necessary, one’s own spi r i tua l i ty miss ion towards an understanding of the spi r i tua l i ty of others, which wi l l enable one to accompany others in the i r journey.

This module is not only about being informed, but a lso about being t ransformed. Emphasis wi l l be p laced on knowledge integrat ion.

O u t c o m e sIdent i fy and evaluate severa l c lass ica l and contemporary express ions of Chr ist ian spi r i tua l i ty ;Def ine, compare and evaluate a var iety of def in i t ions of Chr ist ian spi r i tua l i ty ;Out l ine and assess d i fferent express ions of spi r i tua l i ty ;Out l ine and evaluate the var ious pract ices of spi r i tua l i ty ;Faci l i tate a pract ica l instance of contemplat ive spi r i tua l i ty ;Descr ibe and evaluate the d iscovery and development of one’s own spi r i tua l i ty and fa i th;Journey with in the context of one’s fa i th community and socia l context ;Descr ibe and evaluate spi r i tua l i ty and i ts re lat ionship wi th other d isc ip l ines.

• •

Classes11:30 – 12:301 March & 3 May 2020

AssignmentsAssignment dates to be d iscussed and conf i rmed at Lecture 1

Retreat Weekend5 – 7 June 2020

Exam17 October 202009:00 – 12:00

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O v e r v i e w02 M U S I C A N D

S P I R I T U A L I T YO u t c o m e s

Understand spi r i tua l i ty ; Understand the sc ience of music;Understand the interact ion and re lat ion between music and emot ion;Understand the ro le of emot ions with in l i turgy;Understand and apply l i turgy wi th in a speci f ic church serv ice;Understand and apply the impl icat ions for a congregat ional sett ing.

• ••


Classes09:00 – 16:00Class 1: 7 March 2020Class 2 & 3: 3 – 4 Apr i l 2020Class 4: 10 October

AssignmentsAssignment dates to be d iscussed and conf i rmed at Lecture 1

retreat Weekend5 – 7 June 2020

Exam17 October 202009:00 – 12:00

A study of music and spi r i tua l i ty is of paramount importance as i t he lps the indiv idual to understand and appreciate the va lue and ro le of music wi th in (but not l imi ted to) a community of fa i th.

Students wi l l be able to gain understanding of and appreciat ion for the purpose of music in the i r spi r i tua l i ty and that of others.

Students wi l l a lso be equipped to fac i l i tate people involved in the area of worship, wi th the re levant knowledge and theory to implement and evaluate music wi th in a fa i th community, inc luding the re lat ion and interact ion of music and spi r i tua l i ty.

Students wi l l be able to apply th is knowledge with in the i r respect ive contexts.

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O v e r v i e w03 A N I N T R O D U C T I O N


O u t c o m e sGained knowledge regarding the theory and pract ice of spi r i tua l d i rect ion;Be able to d ist inguish between spi r i tua l guidance, coaching, mentor ing and counsel l ing;Understand and descr ibe what an integrated, hol ist ic spi r i tua l i ty looks l ike;Have basic knowledge of the Bib le and how one should re levant ly apply i t wi th in the context of spi r i tua l d i rect ion;Integrate certa in aspects of the composi t ion of humans for a hol ist ic approach to spi r i tua l d i rect ion.Have basic knowledge regarding emot ions and how to deal wi th them;Have some ins ights regarding spi r i tua l growth and a deepened prayer l i fe wi th specia l reference to se l f -knowledge, se l f - ins ight, consciousness of the deeper d imensions of one's own exper ience, images of God, etc;Have a basic knowledge of how to v iew di fferent re l ig ions f rom a Chr ist ian perspect ive.

Classes18:30 – 21:00Class 1: 3 March 2020 Class 2: 4 May 2020Class 3: 23 June 2020 Class 4: 28 July 2020Class 5: 15 September 2020

Assignments1: 30 Apr i l 2020 2: 19 June 2020 3: 28 July 2020 4: 25 August 2020 5: 6 October 2020

retreat Weekend22 – 24 May 2020

Exam17 October 202009:00 – 12:00

Students wi l l be enabled to apply the i r knowledge in the context of church min ist ry, personal enr ichment and academic endeavours.

On complet ion of th is module, one should have gained some ins ights and personal exper iences in the art of spi r i tua l d i rect ion.

In addi t ion, students should have exper ienced inner growth and a deepening of re lat ionships with se l f , others and God.

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O v e r v i e w04 A F R A M E W O R K F O R


Students wi l l be equipped to apply the i r knowledge in the context of church min ist ry, personal enr ichment and academic endeavours.

On complet ion of th is module, one should be able to guide and accompany others on the i r spi r i tua l journeys.

O u t c o m e sSel f-knowledge, leadership and the ro le of the youth workerDevelopment of the adolescent and young adul tSpir i tua l i ty in adolescents and young adul tsNew Generat ion Min ist ry and eth ica l issuesPastora l Perspect ives ( issues that adolescents and young adul ts face and how to help)

• ••

Classes11:30 – 12:30Class 1: 16 February 2020Class 2: 8 March 2020Class 3: 24 May 2020Class 4: 20 September 2020

Assignments1: 26 Apr i l 2020 2: 3 May 2020 3: 30 Augustus 2020

Retreat Weekend26 – 28 June 2020

Exam17 October 202009:00 – 12:00

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O v e r v i e w05 PA S T O R A L S U P P O RT

I & I IO u t c o m e s

Equip the student wi th very basic counsel l ing sk i l ls ;Present the student wi th some basic theoret ica l perspect ives regarding counsel l ing, psychology and theology;Prov ide the student wi th pract ica l exper ience with in the f ie ld of pastora l support , and to integrate th is pract ice wi th theory;Assist the student in the i r own personal growth and learn ing;Assist the student to be able to prov ide support in the community effect ive ly;Further, the student’s interest in the f ie ld and cont inued learn ing, as wel l as developing the i r own personal growth, both interpersonal ly and with in the community.

• •


ClassesI : 12:00 – 14:00 I I : 15:00 – 17:00Class 1: 8 March 2020Class 2: 19 Apr i l 2020 Class 3: 2 August 2020

AssignmentsTo be done in c lass1: 19 Apr i l 20202: 2 August 2020

Retreat Weekend22 – 24 May 2020

Verbal Exam4 October 2020Past I : 12:00 - 14:00Past I I : 15:00 - 16:00

This module represents the start of an exci t ing journey into the h istory, theory and pract ica l wor ld of hol ist ic care. Wholeness, as presented in th is module, is an integrated approach to theology, psychology and medic ine that a ims to connect wi th the indiv idual ’s unique exper ience through the narrat ive or storyte l l ing. This approach leads to a journey that can be v iewed hol ist ica l ly in an indiv idual ’s l i fe , to br ing support and/or effect ive ins ight that may lead to t ransformat ion or growth. This d isc ip l ine is of part icu lar re levance, especia l ly to people who would l ike to explore the i r g i f t ing and cal l ing into the journey of the counsel l ing profess ion, together wi th learn ing more about themselves. The module wi l l address pract ica l sk i l ls l ike work ing with stor ies/narrat ives, connect ion, re lat ionships, personal growth and t ransformat ion.

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O v e r v i e w06 O L D T E S TA M E N T O u t c o m e s

Understand what the Bib le is .Descr ibe the d istance between our wor ld and the Bib l ica l wor ld.Have knowledge of the author i ty and the inspi rat ion of the Old Testament.Expla in the importance of l i terary genre.Interpret the narrat ive, wisdom, prophet ic and poet ic l i terature of the Old Testament in an accountable manner, and apply your knowledge to contemporary problems.Discuss the development of the wisdom movement in ancient Israe l .Understand and ut i l ise the var ious k inds of psalms as part of your spi r i tua l l i fe .Understand and descr ibe socia l customs dur ing the patr iarchal per iod and the monarchy.Expla in the importance and ro le of the father, mother, host, st ranger, v i rg in, pr iest and s laves in ancient t imes.Gain ins ight into agr icu l tura l pract ices as wel l as the importance of water sources in ancient Israe l .Have knowledge of ar ts and craf ts in ancient Israe l .Descr ibe t ransport , t rave l and t rading pract ices in ancient t imes.Have a better understanding of c loth ing and jewel lery, music and dancing, l i teracy and schools as express ion of cu l tura l pract ices in ancient Israe l .Understand and expla in re l ig ious inst i tut ions, re l ig ious pract ices, death and the af ter l i fe in ancient t imes.Understand and expla in the need for Hermeneut ics in Chr ist ian min ist ry.Use var ious resources to ass ist one in doing exegesis on a var iety of Bib l ica l texts.Interpret the Old Testament in an accountable manner and apply your knowledge to contemporary problems.Understand how to read the Old Testament and apply your knowledge in the interpret ive journey.Discover the re levance of the h istor ica l , cu l tura l as wel l as the l i terary contexts of the Old Testament.

• ••••




CLASSES16 February, 11h30 – 12h30Class 1: 21 March 2020, 09h00 – 12h30Class 2: 5 September 2020, 09h00 – 12h30

Assignments1: 10 Apr i l 2020 2: 24 July 20203: 28 August 2020 4: 2 October 2020

Retreat Weekend Exam10 – 12 July 2020 17 October 2020 09h00 – 12h00

A study of the Old Testament is important because i t prov ides a student wi th the abi l i ty and sk i l ls to understand the content and message of the Old Testament narrat ive, wisdom, poet ic and prophet ic l i terature in the context of church min ist ry, counsel l ing, personal enr ichment and academic endeavours.

I t a lso prov ides a student wi th the abi l i ty and sk i l ls to interpret the Old Testament and knowledge of the socio-cul tura l background of the Old Testament, which in turn wi l l enable one to better understand and interpret the Old Testament text .

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O v e r v i e w07 N E W T E S TA M E N T O u t c o m e s

Understand the ru les of pur i ty in the ancient Mediterranean wor ld and the responses of New Testament authors;Discuss the pol i t ica l and re l ig ious backgrounds of the New Testament, wi th specia l emphasis on the Roman Empire, Judaism and other dominant forms of re l ig ious express ion in the New Testament era;Have a work ing knowledge of the non-canonica l Gospels’ presentat ion of Jesus and i ts impl icat ions for our understanding of h is person and miss ion;Ref lect on the h istor ica l re l iab l i ty of the Gospels. Expla in the Gospel as genre f rom the perspect ive of Mark’s Gospel ;Interpret Matthew, Mark and Luke f rom var ious h istor ica l , theologica l and l i terary perspect ives;Know the unique h istor ica l s i tuat ion, pecul iar i t ies, addressees and purpose of the Gospel of John;Have a work ing knowledge of Paul ’s l i fe and miss ionary journeys, as wel l as the purpose of h is let ters. Understand the h istor ica l background, structure and content of a l l the let ters associated with the apost le Paul . Th is inc ludes the authorship, dates and message of the var ious let ters;Have a work ing knowledge of the h istor ica l background, structure, genre, sources and content of the Genera l Epist les in the New Testament: 1 Peter, Hebrews, James, Jude and 2 Peter ;Interpret the Johannine epist les in terms of the i r respect ive h istor ica l contexts, theology and structure;Discuss the date, authorship, theology and content of the Book of Revelat ion.


Classes16 February: 11h30 – 12h30* Dates subject to change depending lecturer ava i lab i l i ty Class 1: 4 May 2020 Class 2: 22 June 2020 Class 3: 3 August 2020 Class 4: 31 August 202019h00 – 21h00

AssignmentsAssignments dates to be conf i rmed by lecturer at f i rst c lass

Retreat Weekend10 – 12 July 2020

Exam17 October 202009h00 – 12h00

The f i rst un i t deals wi th the cul tura l background of the New Testament.

The second sect ion deals wi th the h istor ica l background of the New Testament, as wel l as Jesus and the Gospels.

Study Uni t 3 focuses on the Book of Acts and Paul .

Study Uni t 4 focuses on the Genera l Epist les of the New Testament and the Book of Revelat ion, as wel l as the quest ion regarding uni ty and divers i ty in the New Testament.

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O v e r v i e w08 L E A D E R S H I P –


O u t c o m e sIdent i fy the menta l p ictures that leadership evokesIdent i fy leadership sk i l ls in var ious case studiesIdent i fy leadership sk i l ls across mult ip le leadership stor iesDef ine the term leadership in your own wordsInterpret var ious leadership modelsUnderstand and address the b iggest fears of leadersExpla in the concept of Servant LeadershipUnderstand and ut i l ise the servant models as a reference for leading groups and teamsUnderstand the impact of servant leadership on groupsShow a deep understanding of the servant leadership example of Jesus Chr istDescr ibe the concept in f luenceExpla in var ious inf luencing techniques, tact ics and the i r impactDescr ibe the purpose of authent ic leadershipExpla in and ut i l ise the methods and pract ices of authent ic leadershipDescr ibe the meaning of personal leadershipExpla in and ut i l ise the pract ices that ass ist in developing personal leadershipDiscover what i t means to l ive a l i fe of ba lanceDiscover what i t takes to lead eth ica l ly wi th a c lear and unquest ionable moral compassApply the sk i l ls , techniques and process of developing a team over a pro longed per iod of t imeIdent i fy the character ist ics of teamsIdent i fy and counter the dysfunct ions of teamsMediate conf l ict and disagreement between group and team members construct ive lyGive feedback to group members in a construct ive manner that leads them to develop and growShow and pract ice the s igns of a good l is tenerUse a narrat ive approach in fac i l i tat ing group l i fe

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Classes* Dates subject to change depending lecturer ava i lab i l i ty Class 1:16 February 2020, 11:30 – 12:30Class 2: 21 March 2020, 09:00 – 12:30Class 3: 5 September 2020, 09:00 – 12:30

Assignments1: 10 Apr i l 2020 2: 24 July 20203: 28 August 2020 4: 2 October 2020

Retreat Weekend10 – 12 July 2020

Exam10 – 12 July 202009h00 – 12h00

Introduct ion to the module

Leadership theory

Servant leadership

Inf luence

Authent ic leadership

Personal leadership

Balance, eth ics and moral i ty

Bui ld ing teams

Working in teams

Tools to make teams last

Narrat ive group l i fe

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O v e r v i e w09 P R A C T I C E S O F

C O M M U N I T YO u t c o m e s

This course meets ten weeks onl ine (which inc ludes required synchronous and/or asynchronous part ic ipat ion in vocat ion and format ion groups) for a tota l of 40 instruct ional hours. Students are required to interact wi th the mater ia l , wi th each other, and with the instructor regular ly through onl ine d iscussions, reading, and other ass ignments that promote act ive learn ing.

Students wi l l have demonstrated capaci t ies to cr i t ica l ly ref lect on the i r current and past exper iences of Chr ist ian pract ices of community.

Students wi l l have demonstrated through part ic ipat ion in local contexts the capaci ty to engage in act iv i t ies and exerc ises re lated to Chr ist ian spi r i tua l d isc ip l ines and pract ices of community.

Students wi l l have demonstrated capaci t ies to engage scr ipture, t radi t ion, and contemporary resources to ref lect theologica l ly on h istor ic and personal pract ices of community.

Students wi l l have art icu lated how community pract ices impact the i r response to the Centra l Integrat ion Quest ion (CIQ) and wi l l ident i fy exerc ises, habi ts, and disc ip l ines to embody these pract ices with in the i r sociocul tura l context .

Classes12:00 – 17:00Class 1: 9 February 2020 Class 2: 19 Apr i l 2020 Class 3: 19 July 2020

AssignmentsThere wi l l be three ass ignments for th is course – due dates wi l l be prov ided at the f i rst c lass.

Retreat Weekend11 – 13 September 2020

Exam17 October 202009h00 – 12h00

Chr ist ian pract ices const i tute the Chr ist ian l i fe . The combined Chr ist ian pract ices of vocat ional format ion, worship, community, and miss ion fac i l i tate the integrat ion of personal , sp i r i tua l , academic, and g lobal format ion into the vocat ion coherence of a Chr ist ian leader through ref lect ion, re lat ionships, and pract ices. Pract ices of Community is an integrat ive course that explores the ident i ty and pract ices of Chr ist ian community as a people ca l led, gathered, and sent by God. Together, professor and students study and enact h istor ic Chr ist ian d isc ip l ines necessi tated by th is d ist inct ive ident i ty (hospi ta l i ty, forg iveness, promise-keeping, t ruth-te l l ing, grat i tude, and test imony) in order to form students who demonstrate capaci t ies to cul t ivate a theologica l ly ref lect ive pract ice of Chr ist ian d isc ip leship.

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1 Y E A R M O D U L E S

F e e s :

Grade 12 is the min imum academic requirement for each course. Should you wish to fur ther your theologica l studies wi th SATS, you wi l l requi re a matr ic wi th exempt ion.

A registrat ion fee of R1 000 per model is payable upon registrat ion. The cost per module is R4 260. This is payable before 1 March 2020 as one lump sum or as s ix month ly insta lments (minus registrat ion fee) of R544 commencing 1 March 2020 to 1 August 2020.

A 10% discount appl ies to students who pay the i r accounts in fu l l by 28 February 2020.

Conf i rmat ion of the registrat ion wi l l be suppl ied upon receipt of the appl icat ion form and proof of payment which must be sent to [email protected].

1 2 W E E K M O D U L E S

A registrat ion fee of R500 is payable upon registrat ion. The cost of the module is R1 440. The remain ing R940 is payable before 10 Apr i l 2020.

Conf i rmat ion of the registrat ion wi l l be suppl ied upon receipt of the appl icat ion form and proof of payment which must be sent to [email protected].

The fees ment ioned above inc ludes the retreat (date as per module chosen - students supply the i r own food), readers, c lasses, admin ist rat ion as wel l as our year ly Conversat ions event that wi l l take p lace 5 & 6 June 2020. For any compulsory reading, the student wi l l be responsib le for buy ing h is/her own text book(s) .

C A N C E L L AT I O N P O L I C Y F O R 1 2 W E E K M O D U L E

Should studies be cancel led pr ior to 31 May 2020, only the registrat ion fee is payable.Should studies be cancel led af ter 31 May 2020, the fu l l tu i t ion for two months is payable f rom the date of cancel lat ion, for example, i f a student cancels h is/her studies on 5 June 2020, the next two months, June and July, are payable.Should studies be cancel led pr ior to 31 August 2020, the fu l l tu i t ion for the year is payable.

F E E S T R U C T U R E & M I N I M U M A C A D E M I C R E Q U I R E M E N T S

C A N C E L L AT I O N P O L I C Y F O R 1 Y E A R C U R R I C U L U M

Should studies be cancel led pr ior to 30 March 2020, only the registrat ion fee is payable. Should studies be cancel led af ter 30 March 2020, the fu l l tu i t ion for two months is payable f rom the date of cancel lat ion. For example, i f a student cancels h is/her studies on 3 Apr i l 2020, the next two months, May and June, are payable. Should studies be cancel led pr ior to 31 July 2020, the fu l l tu i t ion for the year is payable. Cancel lat ion wi l l on ly be va l id upon receipt of the completed cancel lat ion form ( to be requested f rom Mosaïek Academi) .

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The Mosaïek Academi has s igned an agreement wi th the South Afr ican Theologica l Seminary (SATS) whereby students receive credi ts for completed courses, enabl ing them to f in ish a B-degree in Theology.SATS is an accredi ted, independent inst i tut ion for h igher educat ion in South Afr ica and have more than 3,000 students across the g lobe.

Music & Spir itual ityPRA 1121 Chr ist ian Relat ionships

New Generation MinistryPRA 1122 Introduct ion to youth &chi ldren min ist ryCYM 1126 Connect ing with Chi ldrenBib l ica l Leadership1CYM 2127 Walk ing with wounded chi ldren

New TestamentBIB 1122 1Cor inth iansBIB 2124 Book of ActsBIB 2125 Paul ’s LettersBIB 3129RomansBIB3122 The Genera l Letters

Old TestamentBIB 1124 Old Testament SurveyBIB 2122 The PentateuchBIB 2123 Histor ica l BooksBIB 3121 The Wisdom BooksBIB 3127 The Prophet ic Books

Spiritual ityBIB 1121 Essent ia l B ib le Study Pr inc ip lesTHE 1121 Chr ist ian Foundat ionTHE 1123 The Doctr ine of the Holy Spir i tTHE 1124 Survey of Church HistoryTHE 2124 The Doctr ine of God

Advanced Pastoral CarePRA 3124 Chr ist ian Counsel ing2CYM 2127 Walk ing with Wounded Chi ldrenPRA 3121 Conf l ict &Reconci l iat ion

Vocational LeadershipPRA 1124 Bib l ica l Leadership1

Leading and Faci l i tat ing Small GroupsPRA 1124 Bib l ica l Leadership1PRA 3125 Church Leadership

Spiritual AccompanimentTHE 1123 The Doctr ine of the Holy Spir i tPRA 1121 Chr ist ian Relat ionships

Introduction to Pastoral CareCYM 1126 Connect ing with Chi ldrenPRA 2121 Chr ist ian Counsel ing1

Exempt ion for a maximum of 15 courses for students who have completed one or more courses in the Mosaïek curr icu lum. Of the remain ing 15 courses, a min imum of f ive 3rd year leve l SATS courses must be completed.

Please note that a port fo l io of ev idence needs to accompany the appl icat ion for RPL.


R E C O G N I T I O N O F P R I O R L E A R N I N G – M O S A Ï E K











C O U R S E S E X E M P T E D F R O M S AT SM A X I M U M C R E D I T S 1 8 0

Page 16: Academi Prospektus 2021...spirituality mission towards an understanding of the spirituality of others, which will enable one to accompany others in their journey. This module is not

For further information:

Adele Labuscagne

011 215 7202 [email protected].

Danie l le st reet , Fa i r land, JHB
