Download pptx - AC2S: A Call to Serve


Remember this?

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge generated over $100 million dollars and reached more than 440 million people according to Facebook.

Although it went to support a truly great cause, ALS currently afflicts only about 3,000


Currently, in the TCDSB we have 40% of our students living below the poverty line.

That translates to over 35,000 students.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi

“The Simple Path:Silence is Prayer.

Prayer is Faith.Faith is Love.

Love is Service.The Fruit of Service is Peace.” 

― Mother Teresa

We are Called to Serve

What would it look like if we could take the successful strategy of the ice bucket

challenge and combine it with our spiritual call to serve one another?

in support of



Buy a t-shirt for someone who you want to challenge.

CHALLENGE them to do three things:

1. ANSWER the call to serve by performing an act of charity or kindness for another.

2. SHARE the story on social media.

3. PAY IT FORWARD by purchasing a shirt for someone else.

Answer the call.

ANSWER the call to serve by performing an act of charity or kindness for another.

Help hand out food at a homeless shelter.

Volunteer time at a seniors home.

Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.

Do it alone. Do it with a buddy. Do it with a whole group!

Share your story.

SHARE the story on social media

INSPIRE others into action.

Wear your shirt. Take a picture. Tell your story. Hashtag it.

#ac2s #waveofcharity

Pay it forward.

KEEP THE CHALLENGE GOING by purchasing shirts for your friends and colleagues. T-Shirts are only $10!

Challenge family and friends.

Challenge co-workers.

Challenge other schools.



Proceeds from t-shirt sales will go to support the Angel Foundation for Learning

TCDSB staff and students join a campaign to serve others in this the Year of Charity.

TCDSB staff and student communities can unite and strengthen relationships through the service of others.

Local charities have access to potentially thousands of volunteers to assist with their work

Where will your t-shirt take you?
