Page 1: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption

Francesco Checchi,Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre

Page 2: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Supporting Prevention of Corruption ACAs

(2008-2010) Bratislava regional centre engaged in supporting agencies for prevention of corruption together with the country offices in the region

Content: Why? How ?What is next? (Which of the elements we can bring on

to the next phase of the project?)

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 3: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Why? (we started working with the ACAs)

Support needed by the agencies

ACAs a new phenomenon (promoted by the UNCAC and the international community)

Weaknesses of the preventive ACAs

Use at best our resources

An increasing number of ACAs - limited resources at BRC > need to identity a good entry point for replicability

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 4: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

How? Main components

Methodology for assessing capacity of anti-corruption agencies (function based – utilizes the UNDP CD approach – piloted and adjusted over time).

Conduction of capacity assessments > long term support provided by the country offices and by the regional centre (trainings).

Anti Corruption Practitioners Network (utilizing regional expertise)

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 5: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Methodology for capacity assessment of ACAs: UNDP Capacity development cycle

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Step 3:

Formulate CD


Step 4:

Implement CD


Step 1: Engage

Stakeholders on CD Process

Step 5: Evaluat

e CD

Step 2: Assess Capacity

Assets and Needs

Capacity Developm

ent Process

Page 6: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Support to ACAs: the CD cycle in practice




•Stakeholders engagement

•Identification of capacity gaps

•Report > findings and Recommendations for capacity development

•Report > Recommendation for programmes in support to the Agency




•Country Office long term assistance – support (project)

•BRC : regional trainings and facilitation of knowledge sharing with other agencies


•Assessment of the impact of the CD activities

Page 7: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Methodology for assessing capacities of preventive ACAs : Functions

Anti-Corruption Policy formulation Development of implementation plans Coordinating the implementation of preventive policies Monitoring the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policies Evaluating the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies Conducting Diagnostic and research Legislative Drafting Promoting international cooperation and mainstreaming the international

standards Disseminating knowledge Enhancing civil society participation in the fight against corruption Development and implementation of corruption risk and integrity assessments Enforcement of preventive anti-corruption measures (COI – Asset Declarations

– Gifts)

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 8: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Results so far 7 requests for assistance in the region, 5

assessments conducted before the end of 2010: (Kosovo ACA, Montenegro Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative, Macedonia Prevention of Corruption Commission, Turkey Prime Ministry Inspection Board, Moldova Centre for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption)

Follow up ensured by country offices (projects developed or under development – funds raised)

Structure to follow up at the regional level through the ACPN (e.g. training in Rome) built.

Most importantly UNDP in RBEC strongly positioned in the area of support to prevention of corruption agencies

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 9: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

What to bring to the next phase of the project? In terms of practices / system Utilizing the CD approach and developing a long term cooperation with the

COs (within the identified service lines)

Practice of engaging with the COs in the preparatory or early stage of the projects

Utilizing the network (regional expertise)

Focus area of our work

Substantive /technical in house capacity in the area of support to prevention of corruption agencies

Experience in areas like CoI and Asset declarations > engaging with other agencies (CoI commissions)

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 10: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

New elements

New areas (under chapter 2 of the UNCAC) ?

e.g. Audit - procurement - work with public service agencies (transparency and accountability of the public service’s practices)

Engagement with the civil society / NGOs for prevention of corruption?

AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Page 11: AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011 UNDP BRC, capacity development for prevention of corruption Francesco Checchi, Anti-Corruption Programme Coordinator

Thank you!


AC Workshop _ Bratislava - March 2011

Francesco Checchi,UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre [email protected]
