Page 1: Abstract(Iqbal's theory of personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud)

Iqbal’s Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud

The ever-changing paradigms in the West, pertaining to the study on man have caused much

chaos and confusion in the minds of the masses not only in the West but also to a certain extent

to the people in the East. This situation warrants the introduction of Islamic psychology, which

provides a holistic and all-encompassing explanation on man. The study has indicated that topics

on human nature and personality theories are interrelated and therefore they are inseparable. The

researcher has highlighted the fact that man, being a universe on the micro-level, has been

constantly researched upon from the ancient to the modern times using philosophical as well as

scientific approaches. Overall, this study in the area of philosophical psychology is a contrastive

analysis on the personality theories showcased to the world by Freud and Iqbal. In analyzing the

data pertinent to the study, the researcher has used the historical and content analysis methods.

As a prelude to this endeavour, the researcher has explored the historical and philosophical

developments that have taken place in the areas of human nature and personality in the West and

the Islamic world. The researcher believes that the role of Islamic psychology as an ‘arbitrator’

can harmonize many of the ideas on man found within Western mainstream psychology.

Through the contrastive analysis, it has come to light that Freud and Iqbal had conceptualized

their theories on personality as a response to the demands and challenges of their time. Besides

that, factors like their personality, philosophy towards life, education and their travels have

influenced directly or indirectly in the conceptualization of their theories. The study has

indicated that all ideas said by Freud on human nature and personality are centered around his

ideas on the human sexuality. His concept on human nature is one that is pessimistic and

deterministic at the same time. To him, man is an intellectual beast who is doomed to fail as he is

caught between the warring parties of his psychic components. However, Iqbal, who had a strong

religious background, promoted many positive ideas on man, and on the latent powers of the

human psyche. His theory of personality is not only dynamic in nature but inspires man to sink

into his psyche to bring out all that are latent and positive residing in it. Iqbal believed that by

actualizing the hidden powers within man, he could transform this world into a better place for

the benefit of all humanity. This act, in turn, will bring one in close contact with God. Taken as a

whole, his theory on personality gives man a dignified position as the vicegerent of God

(Khalīfatullāh fī al-Ard), who is able to create a better world. The findings of the research have

highlighted the fact that regardless of the latest development in the areas of human nature and

personality development, the study on man will be a perennial one. Besides that, the findings

have indicated that the least educationists can expect through the application of Freud’s ideas on

man in the field of education is to civilize the uncivilized part of his human nature. Conversely,

the findings have also indicated that Iqbal’s ideas on human nature and personality development

are very much in line with the spirit of Islamization of Psychology. Moreover, his ideas on man,

which are dynamic in nature, can yield positive results when applied in the fields of education,

motivation, human capital development, leadership training, etc.

Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak Publication: 'Iqbal's Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud' ISBN: 978-3-659-33955-4