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Electrical power has become a basic necessity of our daily life. Maximum percentage of total power generation is obtained by conventional power plants. Of these, steam, diesel and gas turbine power plants are high-speed systems where always 3-phase alternators are used. Generators play a major role in the production of electricity. In large scale industries manufacturing generators, insulation design plays a vital role. Insulation is known to be the heart of the generator. If the insulation fails, generator fails which leads to loss of crores of rupees. The latest technology for the insulation in the world adapted is VACUUM PRESSURE IMPREGNATION which is of resin poor thermosetting type. This type is preferred as it is highly reliable and possesses good mechanical, thermal properties and dielectric strength. As the quantity resin used is less, the overall cost of insulation is reduced.In our project we have made a detailed study of the VPI System of insulation.
