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Felix Liu Hi! My name is Felix and Im currently a senior here at Berkeley. I study Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and run a small consulting organization called Voyager Consulting. I wanted to take this class because a good friend of mine recommended it to me. He said he learned a lot about the problems Americans are facing and that its really an eye opener. Also, I feel that Ive been taking major related classes for the past four years here and want to learn something thats different from all the technical courses that Ive been taking. So far, I find Robert Reich to be a great lecturer and already enjoyed his first two lectures. Another source of inspiration for taking this class was a recent finance course that I took. There, I learned about the different financial models businesses use and the true value of money. But, I wanted to find out more about how these models may have affected Americans and the problems with how our government deals with banks and large corporations. I hope to understand more about the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and just what it means to be wealthy or in poverty. Im excited about this semester and what Ill learn in this class!