Download pptx - About form



What do you know about a form?

Form is formatted document containing blank fields that user can fill in with data.. With paper forms, it is usually necessary for someone to transfer the data from the paper to a computer database, where the results can then be statistically analyzed. Some OCR

systems can do this automatically, but they're generally limited to forms containing just check

boxes. They can't handle handwritten text.

What can you find in the form? .

•Some simple question, that must we fill with data like a name,adress, etc

Why should people fill the form?mostly people fill form to strike a bargain to become much more simpel ,and easy to for ism as well as form make agreement note become legal.And also form have the character of simpel and easy to for ism and therefore form also make work become much more simplity.

What are the advantage of filling form? has to write less is told or remaind what information has to be suplied 3.uniformity for convenience in prossecing 4.form can simplity our work.

How can a form simplify our work? A form can simplity our work with paper form.It’s usually necessary form to transfer data from the paper to a computer database,where the results can the be statistically’s will make detailed information simpler.

Some Kind of form 1. Withdrawal form or saving form

It’s formatted document containing blank field that user can fill with data to taken or saving money.We can find some question like a account number, name of account holder,account type,teller signatur and deposito signature.

2.Order Form

It’s form to order something with user can fill with data. We can find in this form like name,adress,term ,purchase order,date of order,item


3.Medical form

It’s form that user can fill out that helf identify

the medical.We can find in this form like a

name, adress,allergies, insurance and another.

From that we know that the kind of form have the diffrent purpose.

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