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Page 1: About Film


Page 2: About Film

What is a Film?

It is a sequence of photographs projected onto

a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and

continuity. It is a connected cinematic narrative

represented in this form.

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Contrasting Types of Film

Basis in Reality: Non-Fictional (or

documentary), or biopics; also Reality Films (or Movies)

- derived from Reality TV

Fictional Film (also called Narrative Film); there are also Docu-Fiction or Docu-Dramas (part fiction, part

documentary) or Semi-documentaries

Length: Feature-length filmsShorts (or short subjects), anthology films (films with

two or more discrete stories), or serials

Audio: Silents Talkies

Quality and Funding:

'A' (or first-run) pictures; mainstream (big-budget Hollywood) studio films, sometimes blockbusters;

professionally-made films

'B' pictures (and lower), also called B-movies, or even Z-movies; independent (aka

indie), avant-garde or experimental-underground

films (usually low-budget), or art-house films; amateur films

or guerrilla-filmmaking

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Visual Presentation: Regular 2-D 3-D or Stereoscopic

Color: Black and white or monochrome Color

Viewing Format: Widescreen 'Pan and Scan' formats

Type: Animated films (hand-drawn, CGI, etc.)

Live-action (or un-animated) films

Language: Domestic films Foreign-language films (sub-titled or dubbed)

Originality: Original version Prequels, sequels, re-releases and remakes


Rated films - regarding the degree of violence, profanity,

or sexual situations within the film: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-

17, or X

Unrated films

Purpose: Message Pictures (usually serious) or Propagandistic

Films Purely for Entertainment


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A. Development The first stage in which the

ideas for the film are created, rights to books/plays are bought etc., and the screenplay is written. Financing for the project has to be sought and

green lit.

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B. Pre-productionPreparations are made for

the shoot, in which cast and film crew are hired, locations are selected, and sets are built.

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STORYBOARD is a visualizing method that create a blueprint of what the shot sequence

should be. The visual images are drawn or made by programs such as

Photoshop. There may also be a written caption as needed for each


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C. ProductionThe raw elements for the film

are recorded during the film shoot.

D. Post-ProductionThe images, sound, and visual

effects of the recorded film are edited.

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E. DistributionThe finished film is

distributed and screened in cinemas and/or released on

Home entertainment.

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Film Genrethe protagonist usually takes a risky turn, which leads to desperate situations (including explosions, fight scenes, daring escapes, etc.). Action and Adventure are usually categorized together (sometimes even as "action-adventure")

An adventure story is about a protagonist who journeys to epic or distant places to accomplish something. It can have many other genre elements included within it, because it is a very open genre. The protagonist has a mission and faces obstacles to get to his destination.

a story that tells about a series of funny or comical events, intended to make the audience laugh. It is a very open genre, and thus crosses over with many other genres on a frequent basis.

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story is about a crime that is being committed or was committed. It can also be an account of a criminal's life. It often falls into the Action or Adventure genres.

Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction.

Epics take an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score.

A horror story is told to deliberately scare or frighten the audience, through suspense, violence or shock.

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War (and anti-war) films acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film.

stories in this genre use scientific understanding to explain the universe that it takes place in. It generally includes or is centered on the presumed effects or ramifications of computers or machine.

are cinematic forms that emphasize full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way (usually with a musical or dance performance integrated as part of the film narrative)

the major defining genre of the American film industry - a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots, elements, and characters (six-guns, horses, dusty towns and trails, cowboys, Indians, etc.).

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B Movie is a low-budget commercial motion picture that is not definitively an art

house or pornographic film.

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Docu-fiction is the cinematographic

combination of documentary and fiction. A film genre which

attempts to capture reality and simultaneously introduces unreal elements or fictional situations.

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Fictional film or Narrative film is a film that tells a fictional or

fictionalized story, event or narrative. In this style of film, believable narratives and characters help convince the audience that the

unfolding fiction is real.

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Limited release is a term for a motion picture that

is playing in a selected few theatre across the country.

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Mockbuster (Knockbuster or a Drafting Opportunity)

is a film created with the apparent intention of piggy-backing on the

publicity of a major film with a similar title or theme and is often

made with a low budget.

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Stage-to-film is a term used when describing a

motion picture that has been adapted from a stage play.

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Television films is a feature film that is a television

program produced for and originally distributed by a television network, in contrast to theatrical films, which

are made explicitly for initial showing in movie theatres.

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Animated film is a motion picture or television film consisting of a photographed series of drawings, objects, or computer graphics that simulates motion by recording very slight, continuous changes in the images, frame by


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