  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    Bardavid, Joshua EllotBardavid Law roadway Site New York NY

    US Departe f sice

    Ecti Oc migato Rw

    B fmm pplO f lk

    5 leeburg Pik, Sute F Chuc Vg 5

    OHS/ICE c of h Consel - NYC Federa Paza, 11th oorNw York NY


    Date o this notce: //

    co a cop o Boad co od th abocd ca




    D cDon ah

    Um ck

    For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit

    Cite as: Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)



    S epatet of JsieExecutive Oce r Imigration Review

    Decisio of the Board o igaio Appeals

    Fs Cc, Vigii 2

    e A01 9890 ew Yo N





    ON BHALF OF RESPODENT Jsha . Badad Esqe



    Aam P FelerSeo Aoey

    Ul 04

    oce Sec 2 l 2(a)(7(A)()I) Ac [8 SC 8(a)(7(A)()] mgra - n ad mmgra sa ey docen

    odged: Sec. 21(a)()(A)( I Ac 8 U.SC 18(a)()(A( Prese whu eg admed or pared

    AICATIO Mn o emae waer o dcumeay reeme

    The Depae Heland Secuy ("HS) imey apeas a Igan Judges

    Jne 8 01 ecsn ecnng susa eher ud o adssly ganig theespoden a wae the reqemen ha he an a passp mgan sa eetypem r er dcumean usan o secn 1 ( f he Ac 8 SC 118() andoderng he respode admed o e ned Saes as a awl peen resde The HSappeals coesng each o hese deenans he appea wl e dsmssed

    Bey he espnde a ae and czen eme wh was admted he ed Saesas a awu pemanen resen on January 20 990 e he Uned Saes on or ao Ags 2009 a aeed Yemen (.J a 2; h. 3 a D a 9) Wen e atemed o oard acnecng re gh n Saudi Aaa o eruary 200 e was peened m ardgand tus rerng e ned Saes de s cuso o he edera Bureau

    Iesgans y Ls (J a ; x 3 a D a 19 xh. 9) The respden wasumae permie e e Uned Saes Ocoe 9 010 wng ega acon e aes sc cur e e rese aempe eer e e aes a JFKArpr n a dae e was neewed y a usms and Brder Peco ce and wassered a oce o Appea ("A) chargng m as nadssle as ne n n pssesson o aald e documen psua seco 1(a)(7)(A)()() he Ac, 8 SC l 82(a)(7)(A)()(I) (x Ta C) hs NTA alleged a e esde had abadned hsawl permae resen sas y remag aroa m Jy 009 Ocer 010 a peod excess 1 year Ex 3 Ta ) Te respode woe a lee o e DHS asseng ha sT A shd e wdraw ecase e espode was preene m reg o e ed

    Cite as: Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    A41 989 55

    tates wti 0 ays du o s eoous cso o te "No Fly st (Exh 3, ab at1) s Notce to par was o e wt he Immraton Cou

    Th H susqunt d a suprsdg otic o Appa on om 16, 010caging sam goun o inadmissiy, whic w with th migraon Cou (x

    1) Howe hs T A aeg that the resoe ha anon hs lawl enent sitstatus wn on o aout Fuay 27 207, te spont ha t to th nitd ttsaer esig outs the ntd tas r a cotiuous peiod of ong an a

    O Ma 2, 202, th H odgd adtional cg o nadissilit un section212a6)C o th ct, 8 C. 182(a6(Ci, assing that t sponnt sougt tooc a immigaon bnet by aud o aeral misprsntaon suppo otis aditonal chrg, t H allg that te esponent kowingl includ fals imationn a Form N-00, picao r Natualization, whic the sponnt ha subi to t SCstos and igation ics C) o ul 18 208 On arch 25, 21 trspot l a otion to mnat pocengs, guing not on tat s ot niss

    as caged but also algng uerous eggious vioations of s ue ocess igts o suchsevi tat pocdigs sou tminatd

    a ecso dat ue 28, 203, te mmigation Jug dnid te spoents moo toemnat rejctg hs ous due procss oaton cams. n assessing th st od oinaissiy une sctio 2 2(a)(7)(A)()) e mmigaton Jug und that responntwas properly considred o be an arg ae because e ad atdy be absnt om teUned tates r a cotinuous prod xcss o 8 days uring is 2006-2007 tp aoad Jat 9) econ 01(a)(13 )(C) o th c, 8 U C 10 a (Ci) owe, e unthat t respodent qualie as a rtuing est despit te lack o a valid enty document, ash ad not anon s aw rmannt sdnt status ad gatd a dsctioa wavr

    of th qumt tat psnt ali een ocumntation u scton 211) o th Act M ofR 25 &N Dc 6 (BIA 201) of 19 &N c 749 B1988 Accodigl the matio udge dd ot sustain e st cg of naissili at 916

    I atio th mmigation udg u ta h co d not suppot te assto that thersponet had comttd au or wlly miseprsent a matia ct whn h ap tonauaiz, suc a th loged chag of nadmissibiliy sction 2 2a6i of e Actcoul ot b sustne J at 169 Th H has tim appal ths cision

    O appeal, h has sumitt a v horough bef chalengig th miation

    Judges determations that t esponde d no abado s awl pmant sdnt status,a te respoen ha ot comte mmgatio au, nd tat th responen md asecton 2b) waver a mar o dsrto, s we as ous sbsss otan aco tese eteinatons resons, t resodent s subme qua coreesirepy be etng eac cotento made b e H. Upon reiw we d tat te pesa not rase any ssues tha wr no compresy n, i our w, coct adessdby th migaton udg n s vry etaed dcison Th aton ugs csoncontas etesv nngs o ct as we as etad ega dscssos an deerinaos whicrss n at etal th agments b te aes. n short, we nd o basis to distub the


    Cite as: Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    A41 989 55

    rtin ud wrned din w m hi dtintin theein we hi tit nuin t mit th pndnt r th rn prvided in hi iin . t-9 Givn u relutin th D' ppe i th epnn vr w ecin t dthe irtin ue dn f th pd' min t tent d n nuruim f d pe vitin th repndnt lnh ed unt pp

    Rpndnt Rp ief 577

    rdiny the lwin rdr wil b ntered

    ORDER he H' pp i dimd nd th rpnent i ered dittd t thenitd t


    B AR :


    Cite as: Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)




    N YO, N OK

    le o A9

    he ae of

    bd Hakei ae


    RGS: A (a)()(C)(i)

    A 1(a)()()(i)()

    PCONS C 19()NA 1 ()


    oshua Baa, sq1 Boadway, Thid FlooNe Yo, Y 11

    Nusa Chouhy, s qmea Cii Lieies Union2 Boad See, h FlooNw Yo, Y 4


    Faud o ill miseesenaion o obaian mmigaio ee

    o i ossesson of a ald eny doumen

    oion o TeminaeWaie doumenay equemen


    dam ele, Seno AoeyDHSC, Ofe of e Chief Cunse2 Fedel Plaza, oom 3ew Yok, NY 8


    bul aeim Thabe d (esod) was amed o e ie Sas ("S)as a awl emaen eside "P) on anuy 99 e ha aen seel s aboadsine is iniial eny he Damen of omed Seuy ("DS) agues a sondeis inadmissile beause he abandone is P saus ad aemed o oue an iigaionne y aud o maea miseesenaon Fo he easons ow e o ds as e esa a eode amsse ne ee ge ee,esonden l e admed o e S as a g P

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)



    esode is a ye ye ol aie a ciize of eme. e acquied LP sai 99, hough is he, a naualize US. ciize xhs 3, Tab C. ugus 9,esoe uchase a oui ice o eme. xh. 3, Tab D a 9 e le he US ougus 6, Howee, he was eee om euig o he U.S whe he aemed boa his conecig igh i Saui abia o Febuay 4, 21 See i. see also xh. 9 3] He was ie ha he ha bee lace o he Feeal Bueau o esigaio "FBI)o Fy is and wol o be emie o boa any commecial gh o e US xhs. 3,b D a 9 9 a 4.

    O Aus , , esoe's couse le a lawsui wih he U.S Disc Co he Disic of Oego, challegig he U.S goee's admiisaio of he "No Fly Lis

    See xh. 3, Tab D a 89] see aso af, IO Ci O ugs 6, 0, his counsel ed moio a elimiay ijucio equiig he U.S. goee o allow esode oeu o e U.S xh. 3, Tab a . e ws emied o eu o Ocobe 19, 0xhs 3 Ta D a 8

    O Ocobe 9, 00, esoen aeme o ene he US a Joh F Keeyenaional Aio "JFK io) in New Yo New o. He was soe ad ieiewedby a Csoms a Bode Poeco "CBP oce, Joseh ajes "Oce Taj es). xh e e ieiew, esode was esoally see wi a Fo 86, Noce o e"NTA''), chagig him as an aiig alie who was iamissible ne N a)A)i)I) , i ha he was o i ossessio of a alid eny docume xh. 3, ab CDS aleged ha esode ha abaoed his LP saus by emaiig aboa moe haoe yea om Jly 9 unil Ocobe 0 d. Ta N was ee led wih he Co.

    O Noeme 1, , esoe se a lee o DS d., Tab D e age haDS should wiaw he NTA because he US goee had eeed him om euigo he .S. wihi 18 ays, as siulae by he esiecy equiemes LPs, de o hiseoeous iclusio o he "No Fly is. I. a 181 see lso N a)3)C)ii) ONoeme 6 1, DS seed a sueseg N o esode and he Cou, iiaighese emoal oceedigs. xh. ] DHS lodged he ame chage of iadmisibili d.owee, i lieu o he cual alegaios icluded i he iiial NTA, he sueseig NT

    assee ha esoen had abadoed his LP sas when, "on o abou Febuy , 0,esoe ha ee o he Uie Saes ae esidig ousie he Uied Saes aconus eo o oge h o ea A a mase caea eang on Jaua 5

    Te Cou eeaely ase eiece sowig why esone was laced o he "No Flyis an consieed whehe e migh e ae elief base on ossie eosoleme DS i o ouce any eiece o his issue The Cou is lmed o e

    eco ee a oes o aw negae ec om esoe's cluso on elis.

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    0 epondent conceded eice o the NT A and admited allegtion one tough hree budeied allegaion u though ix and the chage o inadmiibiliy

    On y epondent led a motion o teminate hee poceedng In uppo o

    hi moion he gued tha DHS ould be unabe to ho tht he abdoned hi ttu nd thaS a ithot lega toity to chage [hm as haing abandoned hi at. ot teinte at 15 n an Ode dated une 1 the Cou denied he motion The Coteoed that S a entited to he e oppounity o poe tha epodent adoned tu oeoe he Cot a ithot juidiction to cnide a calenge to DS' deciio

    t commence ema poceeding a i i a matte o poecuoial discetio 8 CF 91

    On ay DHS eed epondent th a Fom I1 dditiona Chage ondmiibilityDepotability I- chging hm emoabe unde I 1aCi in that he ought to pocue an immigaion ene by aud o maei

    iepeentation [Ex A In suppo of thi addiional chage DS aleged ha epondenoingly included ale inomation on the om N4 Appcation Ntuizioatuaization pplction hich he ubmited to he U Ctizenhip and ImmgoSeice UCI on uy 1 8 HS aeed tht eonden med he aematon hen he igned the aplcaon on ubmon ad gain e h nauizatiointeie i Oce Fan Catia Ofce Catia On My 1 eponden

    cceded eice o the bt deied the dditiona ca legation and chage oidmisiy

    On arch epondent ed a moton to teminate poceeding In addition tgung that he i no nadmiibe he contend tht h ght to due oce o egegiou

    iolated y the cion o DHS conideed indiidly and coectiey hat oceeding houdbe teminated


    xh xh

    NT A seed No 1O;I-1 eed ay

    xh he epment' umion o an 11 Tb -;

    Alegation u states: On o about ebuay you etued to the United tate aesg otsd te n Sas a coos po of ong ha o ya Aegaioe tte: On o ao Octobe 1 you ae at oh F ennedy nteaiona Apoin amaca Ne Yo an aped admion to the nited State a a emanenteiden Alegation ix tates: Yo ae an immigant not in poeion of a alid unexiedimmigat ia eenty pemit bode coing cad o othe lid eny document equed the Imigaion an Natonaity At to i: You aanone you a emanent eidence h nie Sas n you emained ouide he nited St a continuou peiod oonge than one yea


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    Eh :

    Eh 4

    Eh h Eh Eh. :

    Eh 3


    eonden' ubmion uoing hi oion o eie o My 5, 0,ab Feonden ubmon pong h moo adouen o Ma 9,

    , Tb D;eponden' ubmion o Sep 6, 0, Tb M;eponden bmion o Oct 0, a N;eponden bmion o ay , 0;dence o eponden' os emeni paoepodent decaraton n upor o hi moton r a emnay injuncon,No c75 D Or ug , 0S Com d Bode oecion, Into Field Manua Chle ller, ed, e 8eponden mion o Seembe 8,

    o he earig held on Ocober , , a no recoded proerly on he Cou'ga do ecodng yte, uch a mn tee ade by eponden and hcoe are nde he pate oinly creaed anc o h oon o he heg dplaed to accacy h racp a adited no edence

    E. oi tcion of audo e om he heng o Ocobe , 0

    N RN

    In hi moion toermnae eonden rge ha DHS o egegoly ioled h g

    that hee proceedg hould be emned Speccally, he ague h rgh to due roceha een ioaed i u reect lac o noice; pejdce om an x acounictio; 3 lac o acce o documen o whch he ealy etitled d S'eal o grn hm oo o i t ach o eonden' gumen ddeedeately belo or he eao ha lo, eonden' moon i denied

    When DHS o OI olae t on egulion dung eol oceedg, e SecondCc h e h o a et to ealuae ha reie i de, any See Wdon


    7F3d 5 d C 993 nder Wldon, a eglaoy iolaton h occu durng eo

    oceedng eqe teminaton o he poceedng in to ccmance e oledegulation mlgted o oec ndaenal rgh gneed y the US Conuon o

    a fedea ae, o i he olaion did no ect a ndmena gh, can e ho ohaeohe peudce the gh poected y he eglaton aldron, 7 Fd at 58 eealo Raa a y 54 F 47, 447 Cr 08) expey mng the hodg nWaldo o olaos at occ urg remoa oeegs

    3 xhibit 8 ee oeed iniialy r idencaon uoe only oee, bh ireled o he eidence ng etimoy nd i their coing be Thu he ourha eedhee exhbt ll admedto he ecod

    4 he Co admted h edence in Ode daed pi


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    a eulaoy on does not a a etal rght, the procedg soud ea oly th esnden shows hat th "inatio acte eer th otcome or eoera iess of h pcedng." Moter v IS, 4 F3 81 386 (d C 997) see also

    Wdo, Fd at 518 (noting at, i no dame rght has been ioatd, t "s st todae acleged proeedg oy upon sog preudi to te rgts sougt to eotecte by t sujct rguatn) te abseceo sch prjudce, tentn wo pce wtd d tenlly unoae buden on te goveens adjudicato oiao s W 7 F 3d a 8

    Lak of Ne

    esone as ta HS d o gve hm roper otice e adonal caallais n c lid to atemt to proe th he badoned hs LPR sas o o edoal ae assty

    1 S eie o acua aegaios no icue in e N

    esoe g hat DHS s probtd om reing o cua legaos notclue i h A beaue e acke notic that DHS wou use suc allgaons gnst imSpec, NT di t eno is attaiet o status n Sud aa or s e tipsaboad. spndt cons t th ue o nlu tos ts precludes S om elgon he t sus cae iamssibility Moreoer, he ighligts e language o theN A hih xiy sats ht e abaoe s sats e [e] eied os eUnd Staes r ts erod of oner han oe year [Ex He reasons at heincusin wor conus cessar iis he ip on ch DHS c ey t on

    those ece o yr

    esponen's au s avaing o egin neihe the NA nor e -26 wincompet o tsedeent he eglins exlin h e N us pro ntce b speciyin "[]e as or alg o e in voaton of aw as wel as "[hehrges ait te ae and e statury prosos aleged to ae be olated A 39)C-) ti cs the N pu Respent o notce ta e s be harged inadssie cse S ble that he ced a vad enr dout. See [x 1 Insupp of ta c OS alleed tat espoent baoed hi stus e e etuedom brd r moe oe ye o Fbruary 27 007 Id Tis algato cobina wt g, suces to pie espoen o the cage agas him and e

    cnduct algiled stue S N 239a( NA ned ot s t s leg DHS st psu Ncessarytt tey ay chn e ece f e v ig simoni evce s lcd Por o Resoetsestimn ce satd a d e on ageato of or xs an eene ohe o ssan e cg of assby Eh T a 3

    Repoden ces t ses o suppor his gumet: e Holder

    88 F3d 6 77d Cr 0, ad Bro v Ahcf 60 d 46 3551 (2d Cir 04) is relace oes cases i upie In


    the Scnd Circ d at petionr's u presighs v hen e A u p n h moe ed n ge r cse was ve , N a- o opotu to b hear


    MQ:.o:M ,

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    maon dg I) n coecon ih tat carg ierr , 588 F3d at 777 conasle DHS's legal ory evolv as aitoal cs emerged over e cors of eproceengs, t as coued o rely on e sam carg of nadmssbly troghou See [Ex Moreover Rspodn as nod o DS's lega heoy regrdng e aggaon o s

    rvel abroad pror o s estmony Ex a ; se ls Rspondent Cosng at 7 (M 25,2013 admtng S's explc nen o use h aggregton of s ps o aemp o rovebndonmnt Brow he Second Crcu exply nod f an aln ws presendh e vidce a a arng at wc he as rprseted ad a cance to rspod and couldve rqus a adjouent if he lt e nedd more m to cosider e vdnc dprepr a ense tn DSs ilre o provd wn ote was no predcia Brown, 303d a 352 Lkewse, ere, Responden was ne of S's ega heory pror o esngand ts had e opporny to respond He nr reqested adon to dress any oS's guents Snc e NT as proper a Respndent ad oppouty o respod,tere was o gregous noce vioaton Terere Responde as led o prove a 'srelian o addoal cts ot xplctly nludd he N as du process violato

    HS ed fter testiy fcer sti

    Rspodet so alleges a DHS tetonaly deayed lg he 26 to dny mnotce of t addona cag gains m an manng oppouy o rspond t Speccally, esondent contens ta DS volaed s rigts en drad e -26 o Ma23 211 but ld to sere nil a year later, aer Ocer Castra sied on May 2,2012 [Ex

    Rspondens gment tt HS ced ipproptely by ng e 26 ar ecmmncmt of proceedgs s coc a mar of la e rguaons xplcy e

    te lg of 26 "{a]t any imedung te procedng' 8 CFR 20( (mpssded Tus, DHS as pmed to wat ul demned t Ocer Catras esmonsppore an additoa carge o nadssb br seving t 261 Femor, eCou rod esponen te opounty o gve ddo stimoy to address te n

    crg r HS l te 26 e ed Based on the cs Responen was gvn nocend a oppory o rspond o e adtoa chage us, s rgts wer not voldro 3 d at 352

    B Pre nictin

    Rspondn aleges at tere ay av ben mpropr ex pare commuon

    betwn e xcuve ce r mmgrato Revw (EOR) ad BP He asks at tsCor asca er e ouiaon ocrr, dscos xn of coa a a rcgs a 77 Ep comuncaos ar ar graon reengs Pursua o te mgrao Cour rac anual 7

    pary ano sa aou a case whe oter prty s o prse an all wenoncaos abou a case s se n te opposg ay Howvr, no acouiaos betwen h ourt an counsl are mpropr nde omucatonregarding seulng a puely adminsrtve aers are no mppr ex rcouas Ecs a rossoas an ugs, a 15


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    Based oniormaon discovered troughhi reques under he Freedom of Iaiot ("OA), Resodent asses taan improper ex parte coucatioouredbeweeEOIR and DHS. Seally, eleed ha OceTajes draed to memoradaon Ooe20, 2012 egadi hs iterviewat JFK Aiort [Ex. 11, Tab X] A redaedcoy ofoe

    emoad ws islosed o Respondet, butUSCISrefed to disclosee unredacted coy. In an afdavt umed to te Distrct Cou, Ocer Taje explaied that the memorndere idenal, exept oe was sgned y m. I . , TabY a 298 The redacted memorduats tat as snt to EOR d Oc Tajs xland tha h "mstaknly addrsd thmoanda o EOR t h vr radd

    d Ta Y a 299 H mant o addrss tR spodnts l-l nstad d ddonally th rdacd mmordm dcas as of sondnt' ssot and om -551 "Prmant Rdt Crd or "grn rdr snt o OR Or Tajs asrs that ts also as a msk dTa Y a 299

    T as no mro ex pae ommcaon t t Cor T Cort dd orv ay docmts om DS o CBP o to Rspodt's hg t rcvd a coy o

    Rspods psspo DHS smtd to vdc drng th han d o Octor24 201 Ex 2 Tab 5 sondt dd not ojct o sbmson T ort rcvd coy o t dad mordm rtn by Ocr Tajs n Rod mtd pport of hs closng rgmts and rd moon to rmna on Stbr 18 2012 Sxh Ta X a 292-7 Th Cort as not vd y domt a ar ot nldd

    t ord Ts Rspod as o stablsd that any mpror ex pe commcatoocd

    C.Withhdi f dcets t wc Resdet is legaly etted

    cordng to sondt DHS's lr to provd m crt rddocmnts dd m a ll d fr ag l rmova rocdns as a satorrht to "hav accs o "rcords d docmnts not consdrd th oy Grl o bcod rnng o t alns admsson or prsc n t US] 202BMoov h "hall hav a rasonal ootny to rt vdc o obhalf A 20b))B) and a J's vdnar rlns mst "nsr tat a ptonr fdd d poss os o th ods Sada-Rosals v S 3 F.d 230 2 2d 203

    Rsodnt as ld o so ta DHS thhld ay docmns o h h s lgalyntl T vd that Rspodt comlas as not bn dslosd as rvd ad

    Rsodn prevouy agd a DH gagd a mmssbx commncaonvovng e decve dga audo recordg of oe o e earng cae oadssd ths argt n ts ord datd 4 23

    6 To th xnt that Rondn s cocd hat t or as pjd y mmoradmcas t oad nao tat "f dslosd old hatn avaon scrt Ctas ha rt vd h dacd mmoadm hn Rsodnt sbmd t ntov a v receved uredaced cop o e memradm Mrever, a statdaov h Co as o advrs nc om Rsondt's clson o th "o y st upa ot 1

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)



    lassd ndil y S [Ex 1, Q 2 Gig onscsure of mns n e llwing xmos : 5 FR 552)5) , b)7)C), )e)) is n s ous urie o usn SISs emaios grng nnty S 8

    R 264g), 0 more, Rsnn sui n US Ds Cout s Disri o N ok o adrss is rcise ss Am USS n DHS, c6 EDN 203) On Nomber 30 20 2, s C riew cmea cumns issue Upn is ree i n mens SI S a DHSs o

    ease weoly wld Rspnn Id

    n ddn, Responreis n w cases o supo is g Dn v Hlde, 27 6 9 Cir 200), d Mt f

    M-AM 25 & N 474, 4 20 Nis esuasie ee De N Ccui u a DS a y re elssd nlzn pians n lf of po seiio euese lpsekg dms il i dei

    D n, 62 3 a 32 I cnas, Rsnn is

    esn by cpen ns ve sbmid FOI s o is blf, cinrs of dcmes n si o SS and DS dsls aionldocumens an inmaion iusly wild See [Ex , bs Q, S Frtemo B e MM HS as nobligono rvi c i relev ls is pssssn a wl i cou bo h esnent's meal mp. MM,2 I & N D 480 mpsis ade) cii 8 FR 2402 son s nised ny mal comec issu re Resoe ild o so a SIS oHS ih an ocumens o wc e is laly nled A 240c)2

    . Refus o gra pond roof of his LR sts

    Resone usat vid s consitina g lv an ok n Sby sno vie imwi ofis au saus es n emoa oceisis enil eience o pn esn ss n de xu, de,

    o 8 C R 264Sg) se al so NA 6 SIS wi issue suc eidence i em o ocumn a i n vli l t oceeigs a oncu 8 . 26; se aso A 24

    is ls oiy mnde a SIS iss Rsonen eec of s ss 8 CFR 24g, 1 b reuins ri SS s e xsviy o issue ieni ouets 8 CF R 26; se aso A 264d Js "slexecs pows a uis eea by e c b Aoey eel g

    elin Rsnndoes no ce yrultionmpowng Jsto mnd SS o issuintiy dms , e n Resoe e ee ses

    Cdg a o esnens ms e Co udes s nsn rsauor rigs ee o egregious oa i p rg s eang eRespo's m n seces s dd


    S cages Rspon s dmissl n see gos I) is n


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    i i f v y dc d 2 e cmmed d illlipe mil en rizi [Ex A] e g ed n u

    Invd cme

    enraly l m pe vlid, unxpd vi d p beded i S Se 2() f LPR bn bn r l an yr, ey pen vld, xpr Peren Rdn d l f v 8 R 2 ()(2) e brd n exce f n y, ve, n ad rderd invlidI 0(()()() 8 FR 2 ()2) Likei, bd ,e f ng rp bd, e d be vlid y me ())()) ngl f r i , my b rgde vg lad ced idmbl beg pe i S wiu vlid y dm INA

    22((7({(I Hwver, ey Geer my ga wve l w b bd n xce 80 a f e li "rg rid 2(b) ; 8R 2 (b)(), 2 1 1 4, 24 A rr rid i LPR w i r m mpy vi brd' unlid la pe fHug & D 749, 2- (BI 988) An LPR w bdn i ey fl ly rn rid .

    Rpnde i ppel cnded a vig l beue dmdly w bm S 8 dy uring i 200 p b S IA 0() )Cii)8 (q), 00 ) wr wiv cmey rumn beRpqale rting redn u, 9 I & N D 2

    T C d Repnden p bd wre mpry wn e menng f elw tr "empry n bje exbl di v i plicipng e cicce f Id A my v bequire ieni a immigr b e ii elvely, xedb me ly ev' med v


    28 d (2 C 2002 ngnd S x l Le v y,22 37 0809 (2d C 927). We leng ev s n bd ely v, u rble pbily f in in a id f me pry vi "cn b ed n f lpd im d cin i S x rel


    l v Tull, 49 2d 73 (2 9) d 84S 2 92)) In c e, inen fe vir w b dmed, ll

    rl , 28 F (n Plym, 49 F2d 0)

    eing wer an al nd cnu ru S Co ma consider "the lcan of hs aiy es, prn a job ad w nn r [ ] pc plym r n c m u I & Dec 7 Se e b nd r i wl vy wdly, u[n wll b] n demi e [ e rbly icv aen

    7 p wivr bmd n Fm 9, Aplicn v r V Rpne md rm e u Se [x , Tb 7, b 0 65-67



  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    og dee ad ntet t e ae a tempy abee Mate of Ka 5 & Ne 258 263 B 95 Te appat dee to matn hs PR tas wtu moe sot ufet Huag 19 & N De at 55 t e 15 & N De 258) H tet mtbe uppoed by s aton Id

    uelnqed lawl pemet edee a e to omeng le a apeet dwellng plae te [US ang 19 I & N De a 53 s a apltla o a al dwell plae t oty ot d of telf detemae aeag wee e et o a empoy absee abad Id a 535Moeoe e US Speme out a el tat e A doe o mndae o mly ta hetau of ang bee laflly aoded te prvlegeof ed pemaely te US a ammgrat aode te mmgat law wl be deed t a nddal f e deo ted o ede peely ee Sbe t 19 US 65 2 9) ol aommte w dd t peaenty esde n e US but woed dly o eoally weeeg om a epoay aboad whe tey eeed te US.. Rte te as

    ludes seeal mpoa pege amely a an le may ok em denely ee a tempoay abene abad d ae te plege o etabshng peae esdee e US See d

    Typally ale aed e A 212a) bea e bden to poe at e ealy d beyod bt ettled to be admed d ot admble de eo 212 22 Howee f a ale t etable a e a a loabe lm oetug edet tats te bde t DS to poe by "le equoal adog edee at the ale abanoned sas Hg 19 . & N De a 5 Teay bde apples otwtadg egty abene o [e US. Matad Muka 56 3d 85 91 2d C 28

    Te paes aee tat esponen lawlly aqed PR stats o Jauay 2 1990tu .S tze te. [x 2 ab . He a ade meos p aboad d beeadmted epeatedly a n PR T e edee w ad HS plate ta Resodeta peseted a "oloable lam to e edet a DS long a 3 Feb 222013). Aodgy e bden s to HS to poe y "le euol d ogedene at Repodent de o qaly as a etg ede beae e aandoed PR tats

    Hg 19 & N De at 5 Toug a loe ae DS ot met t eavbde

    Findigs of Ft

    espodent as bee LPR r twetytree yeas. Tou Repdents te e ee e s U.S ze. Respnde" s w d ee e aso e in ee

    wie oe o ates ie i ya Saud aba epoet eed twee of islde in Yee se beo PR H w ad e ae nee led o sted

    te US bease Respodet a aed te anal mea to pett any of eatieRespodetas nt we eme e e baned PR sta but as ed me o

    Repodes te beame a US tze metme te 1960s ad ed n te US ppoatey ty yeas epodet etate tat e eted to eme 199

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    ohou he S They incude aorig o Cia f sei mercdise i Neor ad worg as a proco assisa i aa ad Michiga See Eh Tb a 92,0 0809 19 12-3 Addioaly, drove a dlvery c r ed or hi

    osio, he oained corca rivers cses i Caiia, Ida ad ichign, s was a Dve ls es eicate i Mica I ab a 9-96, 0307 0, , 15e so obaie a hazdos mteals orsme" om US i 2008 d, Tb K Hther ende wdi coses i Mcian Id T a 79 14 esode cureny rver i ad imouse servce in New o i Fo his osion, e aended drg corsei New Yor d Tb a 8 H consisey hs pai come axes xs , ab E a ; ab d aiied sevra a ccouns Se [ 5, Ta L a 78 885, 888

    espoden dos o own rea propery n eme or i e en e res oe h says wi s my a s er's po e S, e rens ames wher c d jobs h as livd i Caia da Mic, and w Yor d, Ta L

    ddioy e prchsed a va e S he sied i o eme n 006 r s fiy'sse d Ta L a 1 He cny ons oer ca which e ss r wor

    Te pies dsae o h numbr of s espone as ake abroad, heir ead e eac daes DS reies o he is of trs abroa a espode iclded i his008 nurizaio picaio , Ta 3 4 I ages a e Co so se hesedes bcase espoe swo o her u whe h siged e alcao in 00esodent rgues ha hse des a ccuae Th Cour creds sodes esimo as pssort was stoe rg a si o e 2006 pculy case HS sbmed aYemeni oice reort coig he See x Tb Te Cor diona ndsh esode credy esed at he rovded a reper w a is of esimad aes o i

    rav because e cou ot recal te eact ds d unbeows o soden rearer icude eroeos daes on s apicao A 40c)4) see Eh , ab Onobous eror was a ret ae a recedd te ere date

    espone ais ha sice 990 e has mde aproiaely e o weve isabroad e eieves he rs reed o Yemen ih his er, a S cz, a he ed of 99and emaie ni e ed o 199 H addiioaly remembers a oemoh tip o uabi n 99 o err a reigos lrimage, sho rip o Yee in 1996 d a si-oeg on rip o Yemen i 998, drig whch me e eed care hs aig her

    The aies agee ta esode rae o di Araba i 003 They er aee

    ha he ve wih s dghers fay i yadh ad wored r a cg company r hreeohs owver e dsaee as o he of sas e obae H coeds a eobaed LP sats" d se i to ve wor S b r an udened erio oftm W so dis at a e epd ota som rm o staus araa s co t stts ot to a r cad" d a vs rg s ievew witcr Tas d s tesio e te out e cms a ve ined o saraty t o obe t stts odr to vsit is retis Sd Ara oget some o o citat is t o e a t dd h iaeirme s e a e cod ot ov tere a te im caced" s sas e otd ta e cod ot ot a stats aud aia i 00 n e was std ha con er en md of s icso o he o y is

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    I addt, t art r tat dt ra t m m 006 utl 00,bt dagr a t t f r allg tat spd a m at yar It rl m rpt, w Rt admd h r

    drg 2006 tr T rt s at ba 7, 006, al yar b rdt t S Addtaly fr Taj tt tat CBP ta a databa aldArral/aru Ira y w ds a ara a dar

    tz a rl, h t t l "ay r a CB fr t r w lg al ad b abra was rd a t wt t CP fr Sara d AIS rr t r dts dar t bruary 2,07 N frat w pr at t arg abut pdt xat dau dat 20 t ud ral la S at t d bua 006

    T s r agr a th pr f t rp Rspd tstdtat t rga ur f ts was t st faml m r ral mt

    wr, Jy 2006, rty b wa g t rt, t d at dautr d urgry t a ably [Ex ab wa a ahalfby at ad wa al s ths Id, ab H xtdd t r rurat rugt ts r r t wa rmd Fary , 007 dtrhasd a arli tt t th S a day r tw atr, ltatl rg t t utry Fbruary 27, 007 Ex 2 a

    m s rla ta tht sdt wa abrad at at yar m 206 0 Cur fr d rdbl Rdt'ttmy rgard t ra td t tr INA 0) H ubmtd mad m t r a Rhaltat Ctr d, m, w

    dats tat h autr r m subuxat r x 3, Tab B at 10-1 Adtaly, rd t l Gra spta b Kald, whh tat dt sg a ahzg augtr' urgry at t urgy warm Augut 2, 206, x a y t l jt [Ex Tab , I lr a -ay f s daut lg w ama b a tr m a d war dt' a f s augtr a xla ad btad t mdaldumt d at ab J T rrbat t' rdb tsty rgardgs 2006-2007

    T ars agr at w amt t rt t bruy 0, ta wa y t ad wul t rmd t t t t S ara ht aly as d rt tbr 0, ar bt a

    9 Sbxat a "t a dsplat ad a r yfut a tr gt amt, t tgy r hyal t aratrd al ta jt rfas mais ta s ssally a tly, w may aa ural tgt S Wrl atraa WH a ra sa rpat, W Gva 00b //ra/trataddf


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    \ .

    relmnary junctn m a .S. Dsrct dge n regn.

    n s aval at JKroespdent as quested y CBP cer Tajes.

    Per al rcedre cer Tajes ake

    espndent a seres questns and ansers c e memralze n a Fr 877 Recr S Sement n mnsatve Prceedngs. e saved te cmpleed Frm 87

    ("Q&) t a dataase accessble t all CBP cers. [Ex 2 Tab ].

    cer Tajes use a telepc rac nerpreter drng te nterve Te nterveas t ad r vde recred Drg te nere espnent as asked a seres qests au s l n te U.S. ccrng e & cer Taes ased Resndet ea a ermanent address. Respndent ansered "Wen I settle dn n te [.S.] I ll get ermanent address. [E. Tab a ]. Wen asked lng e ntended t stay te ..e respded tat e as t se ecause e ad "ebts t pay . d at . ddtnlyen asked abt te pse f s trp e exlaed " lve n e S.] s at t lve ereand suprt myself and y mly. I I as sc] rc I ldn t ave t lve n te U.S.]. d.Respndent als as qestned aut s stats n Sa raa. e exlaned at e le

    because e a "t sccessl n [s] r. d. at 6. e dd nt exlan r rvde r te ye f staus e ad acred n aud raba. esnet sgned te Egls & at ecnclsn te nterve altg t as nt rea bac t m n rabc pr t m sggt. Id.

    0 I ts clsng DS argues at Respdent abadned s LP status ased n par n sms recet stay arad uly 27 29 ctber 9 2 en e reveted reng e t s nclsn n te "N ly Lst. ever n ctber 2 2 te DSatey a sated n te recrd " just ant t make t clear. Te gveet s nt

    way sae r r usng te tme erd en te respndet a t te cuntry ome e tred t ge ack as au Feruary 21 t en e actally came back cter 19 2 as a ctr t e cnsdere n eter r t e abandned s stas Ex.T at 3]. Te DHS atey rter agreed tat DHS as nt seekng t se tat vst sstae carge f nadmsslty prsuant IN 212(a)(7)()()() ncldg t prve tatRespndet ad ee abrad r mre an 18 days r a s green cad as n lnger vldccrdgly te Cur as t cnsdered ts tr n s analyss.

    ven f te Cu were t cnsder ts trp t s plan tat Respndent ntened t ret te .S. Ideed e ed st t e remved m te "N Fly Lst and alled tretu. ee Lat v l r 1 v. 75 (D r) . rever even DSs stlatn

    te Cor ld nd tat his bsence teporr becue s lure t retu n less te year a a rec ret f the . goeet's res all t eter e sincluio o te No Fly Lit ." Ths, is protrcted say was caed by reao beyod [is]cnrl an r c [e] as respoibe." .FR. 22.2(a)(3) see als

    Pym ris

    9F.d 73 (lg ta a veye r abra as "emrary en te U.S. gveent adprevente te aes retng t te U.S.) .

    OcerTaje as bee BP cer r pproxtey eigt yers. s r s tes etite a e s ntereed toad of divds seeg amss nt te .. an

    as antane recrs e apprxmaely 5 nvdals wt "adverse acts r tse ere paced reorceengs.

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    pie gee to wte e Q&A i ccuae ecion o Roden'inew i Ofr je . Accordng o Oce Taje Q&A i ccu. See E. Ta 1 Howeve Reponden aege at e covered eve ero er king a end toeiew t documnt n Abc wh im a w d aer i ineew. On o e eo w

    i aged aemen a he knew e w gong o be deye ecue e w o o hecoun o ong."Id.

    b 1 10. He conend e od Ocer a e he knew heod be ad becu oven had oed m om aveing eg monh"e ao beievd ha e id not I I wa rc I woudn' av o ive t Unie Sa."I. Howev e uie conced h h co no emeer if he mae he emen.He o ea notd ta e ha eor rob nd med he v ben codung te inevew beca e h u arved in te S . a weno gh.

    T Co nd h Ofcer credb eed abo i neview w Reonden.A 0(c) () . H mon wa nteay conen nd detied nd ws rgw aw. crdiiy e uoed by te QA wic ea evdence of

    e inviw Se ezceek v S 75 F.3d 11 16 ( Cr 16) (ndng a record adey pbc ofca n he oin cou o he due . . eviec ong ndc oeiiy") . e Reodent ws genea cree te Cou egrd e cotemoneound detd nu of he Q&A as ore ribe Ronden' mmo o he picuaemn e de uing he ineiew eca e a twen-our igh and oentayegh-ou econ a JK hi nding i e ubntiaed b e c t Reponnckowege ta e dc mbeng et o ote ven n i ncudng iv aboa.


    HS argu a Rponen' atinmen o immgion u in Sud bi ingu doive" on e uion of bnomnt. On ce owver Cou da HS h no me i uden of owng y cea nequvoca nd convncng vience Reondent dd no nn coninuou nen o rurn to t .S. io eonden'psor e o obned n Sau Arabi emn uncea. eponden coma t u e oned bot o geen crd" and a v." There re igicndeence wn ee wo r o u in he .S. uc a h deciion oe nonwe ueo. Snce te on docmenon o au w ncded n i ppwch wa on 006 he Cou as no ocuen evidence upon wich o rey. uwe obanig enn reidet" au n ano cony wou unrmne eondenagnt hat e awa antne h nn to o the S. S s not ho h heoband ch ta Accong th out nd th t evidnc do not uneivocyeabh hat Reoet oban LPR a n Si Aaba and hu cannot be ingotiv a o wth h aandon tau te US

    Aavy HS at tat may of Rondn' rp aroad we no mo.HS i on of n abod incud n Rpondn' nauizaion caonargung a ih eceton of a ing t o Saud Aaba egiou urpe 994,non of Rondn tr aoa wre d eod o tme . Ta 3 a . ReD ntn at wou o n t .. ong enou o o dbs ut oand e to emen engt pro of time o iv wt and ow i amiy. HS Coin

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    at 6 Resoent only ete to the U. when he "accuuate ets theeaer d eedeo e to "ake oney eea[] the ae .

    H also aleges that Resoets answes g s iteew wit CBP Oce aeso Octoe 1 , 0 , e e eence of is lack of net to e to te U. eccHS ilits is stateents ican at e ou acqe a eaet wel once esee[ own te S] and tat s ength of say e U . . eee on te aout ofhs des [E a at 4, 1OJ n DH s iew these stateents sow at Resonent oeso e the S as hs eent oe tona DH asses at hs stateet hat hewo ot nee to le in e . . if he was rich indcates that e "i, ot soe, easohe coes to the U. . is to ae oney. H Cosn at Moeoe DH sesses hatespoets ac of tent to retu as een edent thouout is s aoa ien hs weaties to te U and stron tes to Yeen. D cactezes Resodent s l in te U . as"only a noc estence possessn no real roey or sstantia oety ad woi jos

    he wo rotinely uit n orer to get ack to hs ly i Yee . at 1 4. hschaacerzation s at in some esects d the Cou ay d tat an alens ties e not"reasonaly ncate of ] ontning esie an tent to et ae a teoay asece.Kane, 5 I. & N Dec. at 63 . Hoee, a esonet oes ot aon s staus ee esn i ths cotry while wokn to so hs eaties wo ese aoa. Rae, t sResode's ntent wen e eas he U. a toghot hs is aroa that aes.Resonet has eosrate a e itet oe te to ret to te U.. ng each of sts aoad

    H as e to eet its en to sow tat Resondets ohe tis aoa wee otteory ecase he e to atan a connos ntent to ret to e U. e eece

    estashes at the 006 i was teoray seenonth eteso of hs t n oe ocae hs date ntl her ha-o cst was reoe wa an eet ta had a "easoaleossit o occi wthn a sho peo o te h 6 3 a 613. Wen hsdaute ecoeed, Resonen edatey rchsed a cket to te .. n eue essthan oe on. Etene s to ae ees ee re to te U.. tycallqua as "teor Matain 6 F.3d a sggesting he aie ha not aone hestas whe she ie aroa thee es to care e ailng faer is estate see asoPol ris, F.d at 73 nng hat a aoad w "teo en ettoes oett the ing of te e "eee on the coniton o ealt of a ettioes] hsn . . n the te eqe r te to ein to aed to te seteent of hs estate.. us eee ct that e was aroa arote oe ea s not isositie. Instea, hs ntet

    ring that isit contols. Hg & N Dec at 755.

    Repndent hs le an orked n h . r tent-tee eas ony stng hisfamily r severl os eery oe to three years. Ee ccepg he daes se onResponents ntaiztion alcato s ccrate an cong the lse ne o dasaoa with the ationl rips ot whch Resonen testie he Co ns that he hassent apoately hree-ques o the ast twenty-thee es n the U . . C ng eo,1 1 F.3 5 1 , 1 5 th C. 1 7 ng that ngh none hs sats ase on, ne aathe ct hat ae anng PR stats he sent ony wenyto ecent o hs te n the .. .oeoe when Respoen es o Yeme, egess o he enh o hs p, e ewos and he stays at oe oned s he. h. at 1 8 ] . e o te e s

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    rk aoad as raa n 203 Heer hi exr prpo i rg ws ase egh oey o t th U ccdngy sy of trael d ork ws ae as t nus ttn to et to he U.S as a pace of epoyn. See

    b 4 S . 2 . e ct tht can fr to eition i fi ee that heyay cose o mi i Yee, ot dssie Te s eqeen a LRecae his fl e . ws s a peen elg le i e oeso ue hs ntet o retu ecae e eguo eui y 'ned et esdnce


    1 . & N Dec. at 53 ; ee xe, 1 .S . t 2.

    Vwng t ecrd n ts totali, he pitre ta emge i a who ves adors e U . n od t sup i i Ye Rese a an ed e o s ve d ked e i s t etr i Yee. e esio hen i whehe a e ose o s the U. ut whose i epcs, road ma ata LP satu wt andng t de te

    la, e sr yes ccogly D le o w y cler, uqual ndcg evec at esd e LP stus u, luh Rsn is as a retg esdn n gs i a ie A (b)

    B. d o Wi Mseseo

    S ital legs at apyg nauza, epe ough o oba a ne b ad o ly msepeig a te fc," viat fIN 2 12(a(6(C( [Eh ra nd y mrpsetg a maeal c" e eet, alteve s r reabit e o

    y, 52 .3d 1 1 6 C. 08).

    Alh e cd t as t adee he erce beee au adwill sepesent ateal c e ctex f A 21(a((C)(, oe urs Appe e he ta equrs e eee wa srepesen rque oy ege of the l of a rpesetao ee P d 78 F. 47, - ( Cr 209;

    Mwng r


    18 F3d 323, 33 3d i1 99; Wier v S, 1 3 F3 5 554 5 997 Gealy ud eies a ersot o te l of is e see ined to eci e gove ila scce in s ecptio" at of


    22 . & N D 48 24 BIA 98(sebrg, J., corg a dsseg) (cin Maer of -G- I & c 161 (BI156))

    I ctst, h e s e stlse ste crg f remaiet t ll ssntn rl c n e ue an itbet Monter v. Gaes 430 F3d 56 55 (2d 205) ct


    . e Sats, S 5 7 1 8 8) Fst t resoet s he seente o cocele sefc


    3 a 54 Seco h sepsentn r ccae s e elll I A act i wl l i s] ne nal ibrae d f ote s o cnt mtk, lgece nec


    2 3 - ctt tats


    5 F2 1 38 8, (2 96) e llnes" et ierl sats dg a e espoe w e s f rep t e h a i e a f


    l&N e (B 9. h,


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    e c ha b mael d A msrpreta r ccealme is aeal if ias] a ara dc t ic th csi f e [djdicar bd whch i waaddsed] Maer f D-R 25 I&N Dc 445 450 (BA 2011 (cg Kuns 48 U. a772 a cat mted A msrrsa als s matrial if it tds s a

    li f qy whch s rlea he ales ligby ad whch mgh well ha eld apr erat hat h b xcudd Matr f Bosu go 17 &N Dc 25 130 B1 7 hr s rqremt ha th ccealm r msreprsa acally cd theaecy


    25 & Dc. a 4

    Respodes tiztio teew

    allgg ad aral msrepai D rg ha Rpd dlbralyderrpd lh f s rps abad hi aualiza applicat. A discsdele Jly 16 2008 Repd ld a aazat aplcai wih U w hesitc f a pad prer xh 2 Tab 3 a 144 . e esd at he prvded h pee

    h apprxa date f h ral m d ad Arabia pi 2006 bcas he hadl h passp 2006 ad had dfcul rmmbrg h xact das Rpde testd that h dd rw th apcat rr sigg ad submtg U.

    O Fb I 0 200 spde attdd a rw wth USCS Ocer FrCasa sd that rmd Ocr asra at had ridd t ppar wih l etmae f h exact da f tral bcau h passpr had be e. e d hOcr Casa qd a c f hs paspr r hr prf f t dats d h f eac fh rps abrad. [Ex 11 ab O arch 2 200 Rspdet maed U a cpy f hem plce rrt whch sw at his pasp wa s by 27 2006 Ex 2

    ab 2] i c lr ae ha [a] y kw [sic ad ld y a al m papr [cicldg my pasp w sl m Exh 8 a ] .

    Ocr Cta has b a aralza cr a h UC fce Dr Mchgr tha eg yas. tsid at s recllct f the rw as imarilld hs riew f ds aralza aplca. weer h deied haspd td hi a hs pasp had b l . ar Ofcr Castia blee hapd mery clamd that h dd ha wh hi f he had k apds passr was sl h wld hae rqed a cpy f e psr i aq Fr Eidc Se Exh. 11 ab a 276 .

    Accdg Ocr astra rma prcds gg aalza ieriwrr at th cr t ac puty crct y rmat ctad ihs apat Ay cgs i rd Basd his prcs Oc aast ta t prba d t t ] h ab t hat w aladystd baus crcs t ta sct wr mad Spccal h bls a h wlda dcad rd k that dats wr stmas f Rpd had dcad hisaplcat r hi tw ha h had a trp r r tha 80 days drg h lataty rd Ofcr Csa tsd that h wud ha sgad rhr d may aedd spds aplcat. r satd ha a abc f r r mr drg s rs ul a rultd a al ddta Ocr ara d haspd did t h hat h had btd stats audi Aaia.

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    Ocer Casa typicaly brigs ay blatant erors o applicaton to e atention o theapplicant duing te iteiew In the list o Respodents ips aoad oe ery is obvouslyeroneos, indicig hat he aegedly retued to the US. ur moths pror o the date e le

    t U.S2

    [Ex. 2 Tab C at 4] cer Casia admied tha he proaly" did o qesoesponent about his because it occured bere the fve-year statory peiod wth hichSCIS as coceed He testifed that he generay does ot cosider avel outside thssttuto peiod to e elevnt to eteinig an alien s eligb ility r ataization Hoeve,he beieves e uesioe Respondent s to e ony tip that was mked as asti loger si months despite the ct at it as outsie the statuory peiod. When questioed as to whyh woud as abut this tip, Oce Castria stated I can ask whatever I want i theseiterviews . I pick n coose what I wt to sk ad what I e is ot reevant" OcerCastra could not specfclly eca quesoning espondent about y other trips

    Respodent testifed that he ws not show ay chages to his appcation at the me o

    s itevew, d he did ot sgn i t e the ntevew as complete s applcatio raspeig bee SCS. See Eh. 5 , b L at 7

    Respondent's inteiew with CBP Ocer ajes

    O Ocbe 9, 2 Ofce a es uestione Respondent aot hs 208 atualzatioappictio he ased wethe he ecalled givng irmation abot his ips aboad in hsappication Respoent estifed ha he staed I pt estimated date o all o y trips. I hado estiate dates becase I lost y assor" Id at he cononted ith one tip lised ihis application as sting o October 20 untl Febray 207 Respondet aied at asa mistae. It wasn e." Id

    Drig the teiew, Ofce Tajes reviewed CBP's ECS" ataase which cotaedthe CB ofcers recor o Respodet's ispectio at th S rcsco Ieatioal Arporto Febra 27 20 He explind o te Cor that, gerally r scody specos hatdo not reslt i eoval poceedings a Q& is ot prepared, an alien is ot ecessaiyitevieed with the assistace o a inteeter, an the aio eerd ito the ECSdaabase is o red bac to te aln to co its accuacy Ofcer Ta es ased Respondethow he asweed he the CB oce i S Fracisco asked hm ho log he had beeaboad Accoding to the Q&, Respondent eplie, eleven moths o somehing ie hat."Accodig o Ofce ajes te TCS databse indicated that Respodet tod the ocer SFrancisco that e ad been aboad eleven monts"


    he recod doe o establs ta Resodent coied o wilyisepesent a maeral ct whe he applie t nae. Whie e Co fnds OcerCastrias testony cedbe he aditted hat his meory o he interiew was based on henora pocedues he ypicay lows ad e otes cuded o Respodet's natrliato

    1 2 Te applicatio ndictes that Respondet le the US. on May 2, 3, ad reed oJnu 1 5 1 993 [. 2 Tab 1 at


  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)


    appci H y idpdy ca g Rpd au ig ip makd ag ge ix mt

    T C crdit Repd timy a pd a pepa wi i

    imtd dte d ta e dd w te pep c diet, iccat dt i ppci I epd de t deu t US. geet, i eemiky e wud kwigy i ip with eg u dae a wud a ccupir t dpaur t [E , Ta 3 t 4] t m, ther i eidc caM, ct ta Rpd w ciet rgdg t ig iteiw it CBP c i S Fcic Oc Taj udecu e aegai a e wigymptd y mti Oce Ci See id, Ta at aegati i heumi y Rpd mi i c tte, c idice t he ive Oce Cai a i papt wa t Ex 8 Te pc ept a cm t w i Yme Fry 0, crdicig t d ite i i appicai [E ,T , 3] gi, i p id cmmi ud mipet matil ct, it i

    uiy t wd igy umi vdc Oc Catia at cadicd teiccurt imati ited hi aizt appici

    Rpde cdiy tied at id i uaizai ppicaie mi cae te pepaer id t m i wh im ad ca ead Egiccdigy, te mii hi iit tmp dece i i ia w igr itti ad t amu u mai mpeti d i,Rpdt cadd n Oce Taje quei ut hi au i he cirmi agt ht wigy mipree c Ocr Catria

    ig viwed cd i iy, Cut tht Rpd aieta did itd t dece r tiay mirprt n c gv c ia ttmp t pcu imgai e, addii charg iadmiiiiy i t tid


    DHS ied t etaih t Rpt i idmie H did a i LPRt ad mit a wai i ce i xc e yea M, did t cmmid wiy miepr m ct w app t rz

    ccrdigy car riw te rcr, te ig rdr wi r:

    T C t tat it i ucar ich py ud te iu t Ci chrg. Repd prpy gd rivig ai put 3Ci i t grd dm ty w tad c Cgrtd Rpdt wivr dr rgy, cu Rpdt geprpry tratd rrivig i DS d ar te rd pvig tht i maeder 3 h C d t ee thi iue hr E mgRpdt a te ud t hw h i t dmie h Cu d ht m ad.

    1 9

  • 8/12/2019 Abdul Hakeim Thabet Ahmed, A041 989 550 (BIA July 29, 2014)



    T I HBY ORD e carg of nmsil s o IA 22a(7)A)((I) NOT SUSAI;

    FRER ODD a Rpd' acao r a wavr pru o IA 2 1 b i GRAND

    T I RH ORD ht e hag of iamii n o A 2 2(a)(6(C)() NO SSND ad

    S HR ORDRD a epon is o h US a LPR r e

    io o s.



    U .S Immigra ion Jude
