
Patient information

Abdominoplasty(tummy tuck)

Golden Jubilee National HospitalAgamemnon StreetClydebank, G81 4DY(: 0141 951

Reviewed: May 2015Next review: May 2016

Version 8


About this booklet

The purpose of this booklet is to give you information about your operation and the care you will receive from staff.

During your stay with us, our primary concern will be your comfort and return to good health. If you have any questions or concerns, our staff will be pleased to assist you in any way they can.


The booking office staff will make admission plans with you and will make this as easy as possible.

You may have been asked some personal details before you arrive which we may need to ask you again at admission. These may include contact numbers, your GP’s name, address and telephone number and other relevant information.

If at any time during your pre-operative assessment or any other medical assessments you would like to be chaperoned then please tell a member of nursing staff.

What is an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)?

Abdominoplasty is an operation to remove excess fat and skin from your tummy and may involve tightening of your abdominal muscles.



Before surgery

You will be asked to attend for pre assessment to ensure that you are fit for surgery and anaesthetic. This will be either at the Golden Jubilee Nation Hospital or your own local hospital. Please bring along any tablets you are currently taking. You may be asked to provide a urine sample and a sample of blood will be taken.


The procedure can take between two and four hours. There are different types of tummy tucks depending on how much skin and fat is to be removed. Your surgeon will explain which type is most suitable for you. The nurse will prepare you for theatre and walk you to the theatre department. If you have been given a sedative you will be taken to theatre on a trolley.

Surgery usually requires a one or two night stay and is done under a general anaesthetic, you will be sent out your fasting instructions and admission times by letter prior to your surgery date. The surgeon will visit you on the morning of surgery to discuss the operation, mark the site with a pen and ask you to sign the consent form for surgery, this confirms that you understand the risks and benefits and gives your permission for the procedure to go ahead. You may also be asked to consent for photographs to be taken as part of your medical record.



After surgery

You will have to rest until the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off. You will be given painkillers to help relieve any discomfort. You may have drains at each side of your tummy to allow blood and fluid to drain away from the surgery site. You may have a drip in your arm to keep you hydrated, this is usually removed when you are able to drink enough fluid.

Your wounds will be covered with a dressing and you may have a support garment over these. You should be able to walk to the toilet with the nurse in the evening, unless your surgery was carried out much later in the afternoon.

Your drains will usually be removed the next morning. If they are still draining, they will be monitored and removed when the drainage stops or is very little.

Deeper wounds will take longer to heal and dressings may be needed for a few weeks. You will be given an appointment to return for a wound check in one week. Stitches are usually dissolving so will not need to be removed.

You will be given advice by the nursing staff how to move so as not to put any strain on your wounds. It is normal to experience some tightness around the wounds. You should continue to wear the support garment given to you or strong cycling / control pants for four to six weeks.

Side effects:

• Bruising: this can be painful and take a month or so to clear. • Swelling: this may not completely settle for a few months. • Scarring: this usually fades over the course of a year, but won’t

completely disappear.



Going home

Rest this evening and avoid strenuous activities.

In the first 24 hours you must not:

• drive;• drink alcohol; or• use machinery.

Take your usual medications and any that you may have been given by the nurse today.

It is normal to feel some pain after surgery. You will be prescribed painkillers during your stay in hospital, and will be given some to take home.

Ongoing recovery

If a follow up appointment is required, you will be advised of this on discharge. Contact the hospital immediately after discharge for any advice.

Contact your GP if:

• You have severe pain not relieved by medication.• You have excess bleeding from the wound site.• You have extreme redness or swelling around the wound site or

drainage of pus.• You are unable to pass urine.• You have continual vomiting.• You have a fever.

In the event of an emergency, you should go to your nearest Accident and Emergency.



Specific advice for discharge


You will feel tired for the first few days following surgery. Rest for some of the time, but gradually increase your activity until you feel able to resume normal activities; this will take a few weeks. You should not go to your bed as if you were ill. Avoid heavy lifting for six weeks following surgery. It is advisable to wear your support stockings during the day until your activity has increased to near normal levels.


Your surgeon and nurse will give you specific instructions on when to shower or bathe. Keep wounds dry unless instructed that it is safe to get them wet. i.e waterproof dressings


At your follow up appointment your GP or surgeon will advise when you can start to drive again. You should also check with your car insurance company.

Pain relief

Continue to take the painkillers given to you on discharge.

Returning to work

You will normally need six weeks off work depending on how well you recover from your surgery. Depending on what job you do, you may require longer, e.g. if you carry out heavy physical work.




If you have any problems or questions, please contact the day unit on 0141 951 5301 during Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm. Out of hours you should contact the Senior Nurse via the switchboard on 0141 951 5000.




Please call the above number if you requirethis publication in an alternative format

(: 0141 951 5513

Golden Jubilee National Hospital Charity Number: SC045156
