

Experience | Reliable Implementation | True Partnership | Product Support

ABACUSABACUS®® E-Click E-ClickEbanking solution

Welcome !!!

Novi Sad, september 2010.


✔ Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✔ e-Click – Key features & Modules

✔ e-Click - Technologies

✔ e-Click – Workshoop

✔ Concluding Remarks

About PREMIUM Software...✔ The company founded in 2005.✔ The Target Segment: Financial institutions✔ IT solutions for banks and insurance companies

– ABACUS® corebanking solution

– Premium® coreinsurance solution

– e-Click® ebanking solution

✔ References - Completed projects– CBS Bank d.d. Sarajevo

– LHB Banka d.d. Banja Luka

– NLB Razvojna banka a.d. Banja Luka

– NLB Tuzlanska banka d.d. Tuzla

– Jugins osiguranje a.d. Novi Sad

– Globos osiguranje a.d. Beograd

– Drina osiguranje a.d. Zvornik

– EMAC Global, London, Srbija, Crna Gora

✔ All solutions based on Oracle platform 10g/11g

Others have said ...

Premium Software in past the choice of representatives of the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA), members of management of Banca Intesa Beograd, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Agency for Small and Medium Business, Secretary of State for Employment of Serbia, the magazine "Economist Magazine" and "Blic" was elected in 50 most successful companies in the category of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Serbia.

Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✗ Using e-Banking services from the client is still notsufficiently represented

✗ In the markets of Serbia and BiH, there are only two solutions✗ Existing vendors are permanently involved in “the division of

cake“– Costs for new customer

– Cost per transaction and data transfer

– The costs for managing customer - account

– Costs of renewal digital certificates

– Maintenance costs

– Other expenses

✗ Difficulties (structural and financial) to implement new services

✗ Banks need to compete with the offer of services, not to offer identical services

✗ Reputational and operational risks of participation by third parties


✔ Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✔ e-Click – Key features & Modules

✔ e-Click - Technologies

✔ e-Click – Workshoop

✔ Concluding Remarks

What is e-Click?

✔ e-Click is ebanking solution for corporate and retail clients

✔ e-Click is product of company PREMIUM Software based on the latest software and security systems protecting electronic information

✔ e-Click are made (ex)bankers

e-Clickkey features

● True relationship banking functionality

– single unified view of the customer's many relationships with the bank

– scalable and flexible to meet the changing demands of the retail and corporate customers

– provides banking customers real time access to their relationships with the bank

● New-generation technology

– built on industry-standard platforms Java and XML, the solution is platform independent

– interfaced with any core banking solution directly or through an industry standard middleware

– open architecture

● High flexibility for customization

● Highly secure and supports different authentication mechanisms and robust security features

e-Click and existing solutionsFeature e-Click Existing


Differentiation from other banks - making unique offer electronic services to customers

Client segmentation - customization services for customers and users

Efficiency in the implementation of additional services

The bank is issuing a digital certificate

The possibility of using other digital certificate

Independence from suppliers eBanking solution

Support for the accounting agencies

Transaction costs and portfolio management accounts

Latest Technology

Market presence


● Sales&Controling– contracting services in the sales network bank– management, control and monitoring of service in the back-


● Client Portal– designed for bank clients

● Interfaces – interface to the corebanking and CRM systems

e-Click modules








Backoffice POS


Frame Relay 68KTCP/IP

Client Portal


Sales&ControlingFront&Back office


Sales&Controling Module✔ Contracting

– Customization of individual services for each client – Determine the account to which the client works– Registration of persons and their roles – Issuance of digital certificates - one coming in the bank

✔ Management of control registers and mode of operation of the system– Banks– SWIFT (BIC codes)– Control transfers to the accounts of public revenues– Other Registers

✔ Management and oversight of the system– View active users and transactions– Log record all activities on the system– Mode system

✔ Warnings and Alerts– E-mail and e-Click notifications to end users and backoffice

Client PortalBasic Services

✔ Home page

– Insight into the current account balance by currency

– Insight into the last N transactions

– Inquiry into the daily changes

✔ Payment in Local Currency

– Payments out of the transaction and other deposit accounts

– Import payment orders from the file (H, P formats)

– Patterns of payment orders

– Payment Validation

✔ Payments in foreign currency

– Order for payment in foreign currency (ex 1450)

– Cash flow (ex 743)

✔ Currency Exchange

– Transfer between accounts

– Course customization for each client

Client PortalBasic Services

✔ Foreign exchange banks - historically

✔ Archive of account debits&credits - historical

✔ Download account excerpts in various format (PDF, Excelm XML, ASCII)

✔ Inbox

– Confirmation of receipt of a digitally signed client instruction

– Confirmation of transaction

– Other notices from the Bank

✔ Signing and canceling of transactions

– The signing of transactions clients with 1024 bit digital certificate

– The possibility of signing two authorized persons

– Cancellation transactions

Client PortalAdditional Services

✔ Payrolling

✔ Suspension of the wage

✔ Lock Account

– Info on the blocks

– Request for lock ✔ Transfer of deposit

✔ Transfer to overnight

✔ Loan Application

✔ Cards

– Transfer to card

– Insight into the transaction (authorization)

– Locking Card✔ Standing orders

✔ Brokerage & Custody Services

Client PortalAdministration

✔ Client data and parameterisation mode of individual service✔ Edit personal data✔ Change password✔ Add a new user✔ Customization of the right of access to services for each user✔ Download section✔ Personalization of portal layout

Interface Module




Web Service

xml request

xml response

✔ Catalogue of well structured XML messages

✔ Web Servis real time response

✔ 100% availability and independence from corebanking system in asynchronous mode system

✔ Archiving of all XML message exchange with corebanking system

✔ Alerts and Messaging in case corebanking is down

✔ Synchronous mode system in the event that a bank has a web service (option)

Image: Implementation asihnronog mode


✔ Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✔ e-Click – Key features & Modules

✔ e-Click - Technologies

✔ e-Click – Workshoop

✔ Concluding Remarks

e-Click technologies

✔ Database✔ Oracle 10/11g ✔ PL/SQL store procedures

✔ Midleware✔ Java ADF✔ Oracle Weblogic server (option Appache +

Oracle ADF)✔ SOA&XML

✔ Internet (web browsers)

– Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome

e-Click Security Features

● Transmission level security

– resolves issues of mutual authentication

– message privacy and integrity with SSL

– public key cryptography (PKI with 1024bit key)

● Application level security

– resolve issues of restricted access

– session management & replay attacks

– overall security of the application

● Key features

– Application security and control features, including comprehensive auditing

– Digital certificate and digital signature support

– Separate password to authorize transactions

– Time-out after period of inactivity

– Multi-factor authentication

e-Clickdigital certificate

What is a digital certificate?✔ Electronic ID, stored in a file✔ Information about the holder and the certificate issuer✔ Confirmation of identity (identity of a person), ensuring data

integrity, establishing encrypted communication✔ PKI (Public Key Interface) infrastructure:

✔ “The sum of hardware, software, people, processes and policies that using asymmetric cryptography technology, allows the creation of reliable connections between the public key (the public part of the asymmetric key pair), and identity (and / or other attributes) the holder of the corresponding private key (the private component of that pair) “ - VerySign

✔ CA (Certificate Authority)✔ Supported media

✔ CD/DVD✔ USB flash memory✔ USB tokens with smart cards, (GEMALTO corp.)✔ Tokens (optional)

e-Clickdigital certificate

Bank CA


✔ Bank is issuer !!!

In this example PREMIUM is the bank :-)

e-Clickdigital certificate

e-Clickdigital certificate

e-Clickdigital certificate

✔ Digitaly signed payment order (example)


<Signature xmlns=""><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/><Reference URI=""><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=""/></Transforms><DigestMethod Algorithm=""/><DigestValue>C6BXBBqFWdrbUXMQB7xxlM8IoaM=</DigestValue></Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>CNgfgfm3oKt0Aq/IoEq3L68xZsaCJ/P6sV1PVBBYeS2Lgk/0tOKU3rgjdZyGxqh0NHyXP1vR6LCG4mjbzV7X6fz12z4Wbm+BbjSlgbzWFv266rhA0kVgi56otx000LUbkYnGC/2yoBSVdH5DZgmTJ4jNdFDf70oBPGxx1SMw1iw=</SignatureValue><KeyInfo><X509Data><X509Certificate>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</X509Certificate></X509Data></KeyInfo></Signature></Transakcija>


✔ Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✔ e-Click – Key features & Modules

✔ e-Click - Technologies

✔ e-Click – Workshoop

✔ Concluding Remarks


✔ Challenges in expanding e-Banking service

✔ e-Click – Key features & Modules

✔ e-Click - Technologies

✔ e-Click – Workshoop

✔ Concluding Remarks

e-ClickBusiness Benefits 1/2

● Improved Cross-Sell Framework

– unified view of the customer and customer-centric architecture

– single-point access to all the relationships the customer has forged with a bank

– base and advanced services

– one-stop financial portal for bank's customers

– robust framework for cross-sell opportunities

● Business Agility

– industry standard platforms Java and XML

– provide bank tremendous flexibility to extend its product portfolio

– customize the service according to requirements

– add new business rules, modify existing ones or integrate them with other applications seamlessly

– identify new opportunities and roll out new products

e-ClickBusiness Benefits 2/2

● Robust Security

– extensive application security features

– robust framework to integrate with specialized security software

– enables the bank to offer products that are highly secure

– withstand the onslaught of security threats around Internet transactions

● Customer Delight

– convenience of anywhere anytime banking

– customers can query on account balances and make fund transfers

– bank can proactively send timely information to customers in a completely secure environment

– service capabilities empower customers to manage their banking activities better

– better monitoring of banking transactions in real time

e-ClickImplementation of the system

● Bank acquires edge technology

● There is no third party to the communication client and the bank

● The Bank may modify the system to your needs (source code included)

● Within a few months, the bank returns the funds invested

● Safe and effective implementation of the system


Experience | Reliable Implementation | True Partnership | Product Support

Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!
