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AAUW-Nevada County March 2019 Vol 82 #7



Peace Lutheran Church

828 West Main, Grass Valley By Jo Ann Schilling, Co-VP Programs We are very happy to announce that our March program will feature a presentation by Katy Dynarski, who is a recipient of an AAUW Funds grant. For many years our Branch has supported AAUW's Educational Opportunities Fund (EOF), now part of AAUW Funds. To celebrate our Branch's 75th anniversary, we created the Diamond Jubilee Endowment Fund for EOF grants and fellowships. These support women seeking graduate degrees in STEM fields and women preparing to enter new STEM careers. The grants also fund community organizations that support women and girls. We are particularly excited to have Katy as she is President of an organization that is partially supported by a grant from our Endowment Fund. Girls' Outdoor Adventure in Leadership and Science (GOALS), based in Davis, California, was launched as an AAUW-funded initiative that builds capacity for gender-marginalized youth to grow their identities as leaders and scientists. This is done through

immersive experiential learning while backpacking through the Sierra Nevada mountains. GOALS started out as a wild dream of a group of UC Davis graduate students in October 2017 and came to life the summer of 2018. Katy will be sharing some of the ways that GOALS has impacted participants, leaders, and program developers alike, and why engaging youth from all walks of life is critical to the future of science. When she is not working for equity in science and outdoor spaces, Katy works as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis studying climate change mitigation through soil management.


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This generosity is another example of why I am so proud to belong to an organization

that cares about its members.

If you are interested in finding out how you can help

Paradise Branch members, please go to www.aauw- and click on “news”.

President's Letter By Virginia Horowitz, President

SOS for Paradise Branch Answered We belong to a wonderful organization! As you know Paradise, California was recently devastated by a terrible wildfire. What you probably didn’t know is that there is an active AAUW Branch in Paradise and 42 of their members lost their homes. State AAUW is still totaling the number of gift cards that other AAUW members sent to help, as more are donated daily. However, we do know that AAUW Branch members donated many thousands of dollars worth of cards. AAUW Branch members throughout California, Oregon, North Dakota, Louisiana and Washington stepped up and answered the SOS. At a recent Branch meeting in San Diego the Co-President of AAUW California, Jan Niemeier, told the members and guests about the Paradise fire and how so many Branch members had lost their homes. After hearing about Paradise and the loss of member’s homes, one of the guests, a Tech Trekker from 2017, donated a $25 gift card that her grandmother had given her. Some Paradise Branch members need more help than others and the Paradise Branch Board meets regularly to distribute gift cards. These cards are also shared with their Tech Trek families. This generosity is another example of why I am so proud to belong to an organization that cares about its members. In providing feedback to our Board in the fall about what you find inspiring about our Branch, the friendship and support of our Branch members was very high on your list. If you are interested in finding out how you can help Paradise Branch members, please go to and click on “news”.

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Elected Officers President Virginia Horowitz President Elect Bup Greenwood Program VPs Fran Erickson and JoAnn Schilling Finance Officer Shirley Zeff Secretary Susie Monary-Wilson Membership Deb Cubberley AAUW Funds Melanie Heckel Appointed Officers Communications Laurie Alire Tech Trek Martha Rees Interest Groups Stephanie Norton Local Scholarship Susan Fivelstad Public Policy Carolyn Feuille Publicity & Web Martha Rees and Laurie Alire Ways & Means Ann Shulse Parliamentarian Cece Royal

Table of Contents

AAUW Nevada County Branch Officers

Tech Trek 7

Local Scholarships 7

AAUW Fund News 8

Welcome Two More! 8,9

NC Branch Public Policy 10

Interest Groups 11

Calendar 12

Underwriters 13

March Meeting 1 President's Letter 2

AAUW NC Branch Officers 3

February Board Highlights 4

February Financial Report 4

Branch Meeting Schedule 4

Tapas & Trivia 5,6

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February Board Highlights By Susie Monary-Wilson

At its February meeting the Board approved the expenses for participation in the Inter-Branch Council Equal Pay Day at the State Capitol. The Board was asked to consider adding a new position, Fundraiser/Event Planner, to our Standing Committees. This potential new position will be discussed at a Board meeting in the near future. And the Board discussed the fundraising success of Tapas and Trivia.

Board meetings are usually held monthly on the Wednesday prior to the Saturday general meeting, September through May, from 1 to 3 PM at Brunswick Village. All members are welcome!


Financial Report By Shirley Zeff, Financial Officer

Branch Finances (As of 1/31/19) Checking Balance: 26,157.33 Savings Balance: 7,238.70 Total Funds on Hand: 33,396.03

Total Restricted Funds: (28,361.60) Total Unrestricted Funds: 5,034.43


Branch Meeting Schedule By Fran Erickson, Co-VP Programs

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL EVENTS 2019 GENERAL MEETINGS: 3rd Saturdays of the month, 9:30 to 11:30 AM (program begins at 10 AM) in September, October, November, January, February, March and April, at Peace Lutheran Church, 828 West Main, Grass Valley.

MARCH 16 - Katy Dynarski, recipient of an AAUW Funds grant, and President of Girls' Outdoor Adventure in Leadership and Science (GOALS), an AAUW-funded initiative APRIL 20 - Dr Anya Stanger: What Is Feminist Activism? and Dr. Keller Miller: Actualizing Feminist Activism MAY 18 - Luncheon at Lefty’s in Nevada City. Details to follow.

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Tapas & Trivia: Terrific! By Bup Greenwood, President Elect

Photos by Ed Sylvester and Sue Miller

Stephanie Facchini, “Tonight was a GIGANTIC success, if you were to ask me!! That was so much fun and I heard quite a few people say 'count me in for next year'”. Andrea Vetter, “We have never had so many tickets sold at any previous event I've been involved in since I joined AAUW in 2012. Everyone worked together so well and I did hear that we had many guests who weren't members, so our community outreach goal was met big-time!”

Joyce Regan-Goar , “It was such a fun evening!” Tapas & Trivia was a huge success—and it was fun, as mentioned by members and by many guests. The resourceful winners--Susan Lewis, Susan Mahaffy, and David Alkire, of “L + S Jr.” pictured right—made up the only three-person team. They were followed in second place by our own Carolyn Feuille, Robert Murley, Jo Ann Schilling and Jerry Faught! (below) Victors won delectable chocolate trophies from Lazy Dog Chocolateria. Congratulations to all on an evening filled with laughter and friendly competition!

The numbers tell the story. We had 20 teams sign up, sold 195 tickets, and earned an estimated $14,000 for scholarships—over $10,000 for Local Scholarships, and more than $3,500 for AAUW Funds grants and fellowships. For comparison, last year’s Unique Woman event, the most successful up to that point, brought us $8,888 for scholarships: T&T broke that record by $5,000!

The auction made over $11,000—including very generous donations of $4,000 to “Fund A Need” from 15 wonderful donors, some of whom were AAUW members, but others from the community. The most expensive auction item was the week in a Tuscan Farmhouse at $4,500, followed by weeks in the wine country and in Bali for $2,500 each, but most items ranged from $100 to $300. The Live Auctioneer, CJ Brantly, was personable and skilled, highlighting the reason we raise money, equity for women, and encouraging guests to donate from their hearts. Our success was due to a wonderful team of women who worked hard and had fun, many of whom I mentioned last month: Laurie Alire, Deborah Cubberley, Susan Fivelstad, Melanie Heckel, Virginia Horowitz, Ellen Keeshan, Susie Monary-Wilson, Sharon O’Hara, Martha Rees, Cece Royal, Kathleen Shaffer, Ann Shulse, Mary Sivila, Bernadette Sylvester, Shirley Zeff. All were on the committee and spent months planning for Tapas & Trivia. Thank you for those generous hours and for your skillful problem-solving.

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We were joined by many others—Arts and Crafts, especially Teri McConnell and Stephanie Norton, who made decorations; Andrea Vetter, Margaret Munson and the entire posse of those who made food: Sandy Davison, Fran Erickson, Susan Frater, Ellen Keeshan, Robin Laverty-Reves, Cece Royal, Ann Shulse, Karen Smith, Bernadette Sylvester, Rose Tammi, Judy Wilkins, Carolyn Woods, and Shirley Zeff. Yum! The food made us an instant hit, and the planning was obvious in the variety and range of the tapas offered. As guests came into the Fellowship

Center and saw those laden buffet tables, the sound of their voices and laughter moved up to “having a good time.” An awed thank you to Deb Cubberley and her entire team of talented chefs for producing such a feast. Our generous Interest Groups donated to the cause, and their leaders put together some wonderfully appealing auction baskets: thank you, Stephanie Norton, Robin Laverty-Reves, Deborah York, Sharon O’Hara, Shirley Racine, Susie Monary-Wilson, Stephanie Facchini and all you members who donated so generously—many of you more than once. We also benefitted from the help of Tech Trek alumna and families: Rachel and Urias McCullough along with TT daughters Ashley and Brittany, Annabelle Owyoung, Maddie Pratt (not a TT but a helpful friend), Teanna Dummett, Faith Stubbs, Isabella Conte, Isabel Luke, Olivia DesAutels, and Jocelyn McKinley. They helped in the kitchen and with the Trivia Game, and were walking good will ambassadors for the entire Tech Trek program and for AAUW. One last shout out goes to the generous volunteers who answered our call for the rehearsal—and to Virginia Horowitz for contacting them one by one. Your help was critical in running the game successfully the next day. More than 20 wonderful members drove down to Peace Lutheran Church the afternoon before Tapas & Trivia to help us walk through the Trivia Game with “team” members, letting us check our instructions and our timing, as well as the arrangement of the chairs and tables. They were patient as we figured it out, and gave us thoughtful, perceptive ideas for improving our logistics. You ladies were the best! Thank you, everyone, for all you did to bring this event to a successful reality!

We have a wonderful AAUW Branch filled with generous, fun, intelligent women who roll up their sleeves and get to work with a buoyant will.

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Tech Trek Update By Martha Rees Tech Trek is off and running! 2019 Nevada County Tech Trek Nominations are in. We have 28 nominees from the western Nevada County Superintendent of Schools (NCSOS) public middle schools and public charters. Interviews (all girls will be interviewed) will be held at the Brunswick/Sutton Flour Garden over a couple of weeks at the end of February/early March, with final selections by April 1st. Special thanks to Faith Yamamoto at the NCSOS office who collected all the forms, scanning and copying them for us. Talk about above and beyond!!! Special thanks, too, to Ann Shulse who stepped up to put together our application and interview appraisal process and handled the review and application distribution to members. And to our fabulous Tech Trek Committee members who are now busily reading all the applications and essays and will be taking the time to interview the girls. What a team! We will keep you posted as we select the seven Nevada County girls we will be sending to 2019 Tech Trek at UC Davis, July 21-27. We’re also beginning to plan for the branch’s display/booth for the April 6th STEAM EXPO, sponsored by NCSOS for all Nevada County students, at the Fairgrounds. And, former Trekker Claire Patterson is coordinating the STEM into Knowledge to be held on April 27th for 5th -8th grade girls, so we’ll have the chance to support her efforts, too. If you have ideas or are interested in volunteering for either or both of the events, please contact me at [email protected]. You can do as much or as little as works for your schedule. THANKS! ________________________________________________________________________________

Local Scholarships By Susan Fivelstad 2018 scholarship recipients include top row l-r: Ashley Votaw (Re-entry Scholarship), Michelle LeFebvre (Sierra College), Sierra Raskie Jeska (Nevada Union High School and our March honoree). Bottom row l-r: Brighten Drake (Ghidotti Early College High School), Abby Weir (Bear River High School), Natalie Johnson (Darlene Paulsen Memorial – Nevada Union High School).

Sierra Raskie Jeska is attending Swarthmore College, with a triple major in Physics, Astrophysics, and Engineering Physics. She is an activist committed to social justice and environmental education. Her passion has led her to STEM, and especially to inspiring women of color to enter STEM fields. AAUW will dedicate six 2019 scholarships, thanks to your generosity at Tapas & Trivia. Thank you for making another year of scholarships possible.

We are about to begin new scholarship applications. We will be looking for female students at Sierra College, or at Nevada Union, Bear River, or Ghidotti Early College High Schools, or women looking to re-enter college or to go after a certificate. We aim to provide opportunities in a number of directions.

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AAUW Fund News By Melanie Heckel, AAUW Funds VP

On January 26th, the same day as our fabulous Tapas & Trivia event, Shirley Zeff and I attended the Inter-Branch Council Luncheon in Sacramento. This was the time to hear from two Educational Opportunity Fund recipients, as well as the opportunity to chat with other AAUW members from the Sacramento Region.

This year, I had a particularly good time. We arrived a little late, so I grabbed the one seat I could find left at one table, and it ended up being a marvelous choice. Most of the women at the table were undergraduates attending U.C. Davis, and they have formed their own on campus AAUW Branch. It may have helped that Davis was my alma mater, but for whatever reason, they were so open and engaging. I really enjoyed our conversation, exchanging information about both of our branches. It turns out we have a common problem, with an interesting twist. You know how we are always looking for younger members? Well, so are they, since their members finish college, then move on, making it hard to keep the branch going. They even had to suspend for a year, waiting for new students to join them.

Another young woman seated at our table was one of the speakers, Andrea Morgan, so I was able to chat with her before she spoke. Andrea grew up in L.A. then went to study engineering at Northwestern University in Chicago. After graduation, she obtained a full-time job with the E.P.A. in Chicago and oversaw Wisconsin’s air quality regulation and compliance program. She became very interested in environmental justice as she saw that lower income people suffer disproportionately from air and water pollution. She believes that everyone should have clean air and water, access to parks and recreation and good food. Andrea decided to obtain two Master’s degrees in Environmental Engineering and Public Policy at U.C. Berkeley. Her AAUW Selected Professionals fellowship is helping her meet her goal. Her Master’s project is to develop strategies to reduce diesel pollution in West Oakland. With her two Master’s degrees, she hopes to be in a position to develop new policies for environmental justice. I admire her passion and her goal that everyone will be able to breathe clean air, regardless of income and ethnicity. _______________________________________________________________________________

WELCOME TWO MORE! By Deborah Cubberley,

Membership VP This month we have two new, younger members to tell you about. Both are talented, enthusiastic women. Please be sure to introduce yourselves to them. After attending the second of two general meetings, Amanda Welvaert, a friend of Joan DeMarce-Rutledge, joined us in January. Amanda works fulltime as a physician assistant. She was previously an event planner. Her interests include live theater, reading, rock climbing, hiking, and travel. She is

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also interested in refugee support, ethnic eating, and museums. She has indicated that she is attracted to the following interest groups: Arts and Crafts, Book Discussions, Gourmet Adventures, and World Cuisine. Her mission-related interests include Educational Opportunities Fund (EOF), Local Scholarships, Public Policy, and Programs. Stephanie Owyoung is the mother of one of our former Tech Trek girls and is excited about what we do. Although her address is in Auburn, she is interested in joining our Branch. Her personal interests are reading and crafting. Stephanie has both a BA and MA in business administration (marketing) and presently works full time for Lumina Networks as Marketing Director. She lists Local Scholarships, EOF, Tech Trek fundraising, hospitality, and Programs as her mission-related interests. She states that World Cuisine, Great Decisions, and Arts and Crafts are the interest groups that attract her.

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Nevada County Branch Public Policy

By Carolyn Feuille Your Vote on Public Policy Priorities in California Public Policy priorities are reviewed and revised every two years. In November 2018, AAUW all-member electronic survey went out, asking members to agree with current statements of policy and to offer suggestions for changes. Of the 482 completed surveys, a majority agreed with the current priorities, and some respondents provided suggestions and comments. Below is a concise summary of the proposed Public Policy Priorities for 2019-2020. To achieve economic security for all women, AAUW California advocates:

Pay equity, fairness in compensation and benefits, and economic justice

Training for workforce success

Equitable access and advancement in employment

Strengthening retirement benefits and protecting Social Security from privatization

Policies that support work-life balance, such as medical and family leave and affordable dependent care

To support high quality public education, AAUW California advocates:

Vigorous enforcement of federal Title IX and all other federal and California civil rights laws for education

Adequate, equitable funding for high quality public education

Increased support for STEM programs

Opposition to the use of public funds for non-public elementary and secondary education and charter schools that do not adhere to the same civil rights standards

To guarantee equality, individual rights and social justice, AAUW California advocates:

Self-determination of one’s reproductive health decisions

Access to health care and family planning

Freedom from violence

Strengthening affordable housing programs that improve poor women’s lives

Protection of civil rights for all This April look for an e-mail message from California AAUW Public Policy so you can vote to approve the full document. It will then go into effect in July.

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Interest Groups By Stephanie Norton

Arts and Crafts will meet on Thursday, March 7 from 10-12. We'll make decorative beeswax candles at the home of Sue Miller. Supplies will be provided; there is a fee of $5 for the beeswax. Please RSVP to Sue Miller by March 1. Book Discussions Mostly Fiction will discuss The Circle by Dave Eggers on Thursday, March 14 at 1:00 PM. Cece Royal will host the meeting; please RSVP to her. Non-Fiction will meet on March 19 from 12:30 to 2:00 to discuss The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough at Paper and Books (a new book store), 134 Joerschke Drive. RSVP to Deborah York. Gadabouts Musicalitea Sunday, April 7, at 2 PM at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Grass Valley. The 2019 theme for Inconcert Sierra’s annual tea party is Under the Sea- guaranteed to be an afternoon to remember! We will be sipping tea while enjoying many delicacies. We’ll be showing off our theme hats and costumes to win a prize and buying raffle tickets. Please contact Marilyn Chambliss for details and to reserve your ticket at $46.00. M Butterfly Sunday, April 28th, at 2 PM at Nevada Theatre. CATS 2019 production (for mature audiences only) Six tickets are available at the group discount price of $23.65. Contact Shirley Zeff. Gardening Group Thursday, March 28 (rain date 4/4), 10-12, we will meet in the garden of Jennifer Wilkerson for Conifers and Other Evergreens for Winter Interest in the Garden. Please RSVP to Jennifer Wilkerson Gourmet Adventures Saturday April 6, 5:30 PM I'm looking forward to our April event at Chris and John Boykin's house featuring Cuban cuisine! Remember to watch the movie “Chef”--- a fun story about a man finding his passion preparing Cuban food. Cheers! Contact Shirley Racine Gracious Helpers is a Branch interest group that provides meals and support to members who are ill, recovering from surgery, or caring for a family member. Gourmet cooking is not required! Simple fare is often most appreciated, along with the caring friend who prepares and delivers it. We are always in need of volunteers, as not all group members are available at all times. Sometimes they too need help. We hope you will consider joining our team. Gracious Helpers is an easy, enjoyable way to be of service to our long-time members and make new friends as well. For additional information please contact Cheryl Morris. Great Decisions is America's largest discussion program on world affairs. The eight- session program involves reading the Great Decisions Briefing Book (usually ten pages per session), watching a 20-minute DVD, and participating in the discussion. March 12th: Nuclear Negotiations AAUWalkers Crocker Art Museum, Lunch and Lecture Tuesday, March 5. Meet at KMart at 9:15 to carpool. Return time 3:15 $12 per person, unless you are a museum member Regular Hike Monday, March 25, details to follow via email

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March 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2



5 AAUWalkers


7 Arts & Crafts

8 International Women's' Day




12 Great Decisions

13 Board Meeting

14 Mostly Fiction

15 16 Branch Meeting



19 Non-fiction



22 23


25 AAUWalkers

26 Great Decisions

27 28 Gardening Group



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KNCO News Talk 830 By Bernadette Sylvester

A big shout-out to our sponsor of the month - KNCO Radio - for donating advertising time to AAUW for promotion of our Tapas and Trivia scholarship fundraiser. Our own radio personality - Bup Greenwood - along with various cohorts were interviewed by morning news manager Geoff Flynn and two noon time interviews with On The Town hosts Jon Katis and Lorraine Jewitt. Bup and friends did a fabulous job promoting Tapas and Trivia and informing listeners about the mission and goals of AAUW. KNCO is a locally-owned, independent radio station featuring local news and newsmakers and is the go-to place for current happenings such as school snow days and road and other emergency alerts. Our thanks to KNCO and staff for proving they are truly a community partner! ________________________________________________________________________________






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The Lodestone is published monthly, September through May in Grass Valley, CA Copy Deadline…………………10th day of the month before publication

To contact the Nevada County Branch……….530-470-9395

AAUW Nevada County Branch Box 326 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Web: Email: [email protected] Blog: [email protected]

AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, national religion, disability or class. By joining AAUW we belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so all women have a fair chance.


Donor’s Name_______________________________________________________________Amount______________________


(Optional)_In memory / honor of (circle one)__________________________________________________________________


_____Tech Trek [8th grade summer science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) camp]. Please make check payable to AAUW Nevada County

Branch. Note Tech Trek on memo line.

_____Local Scholarships (high school, Sierra College & re-entry). Please make checks payable to AAUW NCB Charitable Trust.


_____ Please make checks payable to the AAUW Fund; National will use your donation where it is most needed to support equity for women. However, you

may note a specific fund, such as the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) or Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF), if you wish.

BRANCH PROGRAMS: Please make your check payable to AAUW - NCB.

_____Angel Fund (dues assistance for members in need). Note Angel Fund on memo line; aid is confidential.

_____Local Branch Operations (Program, Membership, Publicity, Admin. Etc.). Note Branch Operations on memo line.

Mail your donation to AAUW Nevada County Branch, PO Box 326, Grass Valley, CA 95945-0326

Remember: Indicate above to which program you are donating. Write separate checks if you are donating to more than one program. AAUW Nev. Co. Branch is a 501(c)3 non profit, tax ID number EIN 94-6095030.