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Meet a doctor instantly using your smartphone.

Co-designed with doctors and patients.

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Single parents and kids

People with ongoing conditions

Elderly people

Whose problems are we solving?

Who need the doctor most?

Rural Area Citizens

ExpatsTravelers Families Affluent Individuals

Busy Professionals

"No access to a native doctor"

"Doctor too far away"

"No access to native doctor"

"Inconvenience to visit a doctor"

"No time to see a doctor"

"I’d pay for better service"

Who have a clear need, but no or difficult access?

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Whose problems are we solving?

For many,it’s just simple convenience.

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Whose problems are we solving?

For many,it’s just simple convenience.

”I just want to renew my prescription.”

”Trip to the emergency room takes an hour and the

waiting a lot longer.”

”I have a question about an health issue, but it’s not

serious enough to get an appointment.”

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Why we love working in healthcare.

It’s for me. It’s for my friends and relatives.

It’s for everyone. !

It’s challenging, interesting and meaningful.

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Healthcare has intriguing opportunities.


120 startups from the health and wellness industry attended.


(Most of them from Finland.) !

@ Slush, 2013

Page 7: Aalto media lab   20.3.2014 ”You collects and leverages data from your favorite services like Fitbit, Moves, Jawbone and Beddit. Have you ever wondered what

to do with all that health and wellness data?”

”PulseOn tracks your heart rate continuously. But it goes beyond tracking. PulseOn tells you what your heart rate means.” ”Beddit turns your bed into a smart bed. Place the sensor under the sheets and the app gives you personalized coaching how to

improve sleep, recovery and performance.” ”BetterDoctor offers simple to use web and mobile apps that let

you find the right doctor in minutes.” ”Personal weight loss with real dietitians — we’ve built a simple and effective way to healthy weight loss; putting real dietitians

into pockets via a mobile app.”

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Whose problems are we solving?

Let’s talk about data.

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Personal health record.

What if you’d have all your personal data from: Visits to the doctor,

operations and lab tests, symptoms and their diagnosis.

Allergies, medications, psychological evaluations,permanent and temporary conditions.

!Your life style habits, the good and bad.

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Quantified self.

What if you could easily turn daily actives into data: What you’ve been eating?

How’s the air quality?What’s your mood today?

Heart rate? Oxygen levels in Blood? Temperature?How’s your mental and physical performance?

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Healthcare and data.

And finally, what if you had … Your data,

your family’s data and everyone’s data.

In your pocket.

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Today’s task.

Solve a problem in your life by implementing health data into a useful product or service concept. !Conditions: - You would use it - It should be useful daily or weekly - It should be useful when you’re not sick !!!Example of a simple ordinary daily item with great impact:A scale tells me my weight every morning.

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Present the concept in any way you desire,but make a slide with your concept in Fogg’s behavior model.
