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  • 8/22/2019 AA-041




    Department of Industrial Economics and Technology ManagementNTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Alfred Getz vei 1, N-7034 TrondheimNorway

    email:[email protected]


    We consider a methodology for modeling,simulation and design of complex economicsystems which we call $JHQW 1HWV. It isspecifically designed to represent complexsystems composed from independent entitiescalled DJHQWV which transform and exchangeinformation and other resources takingindependent and coordinated decisions on thebasis of incomplete information about state ofthe whole system and actions of other agents.

    Specifying particular cases of agents we candescribe as Agent Nets distributed systems,which include mobile software agents as well asmany different economic systems. In this paperwe present mathematical description of AgentNets, describe an Agent Net simulatorMODAGENT created for simulation ofmultiagent systems and present a case studydealing with agent modeling of industrialrelations in information industry which haveimplications for electronic commerce.

    ,1752'8&7,21Variety of distributed systems can be described as acollection of relatively independent units called hereDJHQWV which process and exchange information,products, services, money and other resources, formulateand pursue strategies and make decentralized decisionsdirected towards achievement of aims. Taking as areference telecommunications, we can see that in the caseof the global area network such agents are the networknodes which exchange traffic flows and signaling andmake routing and congestion control decisions. In thecase of local ATM networks such agents are localexchanges with admission control units which negotiateresources with users and supervise the user behavior,

    while the users themselves can be considered another typeof agents.

    Another important example of multiagent system ispresented by information industry understood asprogressive intertwining of telecommunication industry,computer industry and content provision. As a result ofderegulation and technological innovation this industry iscomposed from rich variety of enterprises which cancombine different industry roles and engage in complexrelations of competition and cooperation. In this caseagents are enterprises and users of information products.More detailed analysis of information industry asmultiagent system can be found in (Bonatti, Ermolievand Gaivoronski 1998, Bonatti and Gaivoronski 1996,Bonatti HWDO1996).

    Historically the word DJHQW was used extensively ineconomic modeling to describe economic subjects whichmake independent decisions. More recently the notion of"intelligent agents" was introduced to describe computerprograms operating in distributed and networked realitylike Internet and acting on behalf of a human takingintelligent decisions (Boman 97, Jennings HWDO98). In ourmodeling of systems composed of agents we draw uponboth of these notions.

    In all of these cases there exist a number of successfulapproaches for modeling of individual agents. Themodeling of systems of agents is, however, much moredifficult task and became only recently a subject of active

    research. In this paper we consider an approach formodeling of multiagent systems which we call $JHQW1HWV

    Let us start by observing that although multiagent systemsmentioned above are very different by nature, theypossess the following common features, which suggest adevelopment of common methodological approach fortheir modeling.

    1HWZRUNVWUXFWXUH. All these systems can be representedas graphs with agents being the vertices of the graph. Theedges of the graph represent exchanges and interactionsbetween agents. In the case of telecommunicationnetwork these edges correspond to the links betweennodes, while in the case of information economy theedges are supplier-consumer relationships.

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    7UDQVIRUPDWLRQDQGH[FKDQJHRIUHVRXUFHVDQGIORZV. Inall cases agents possess internal resources, transforminput resources and flows in output resources and flows,and exchange traffic flows and resources. In case of the

    network nodes such internal resources are represented byprocessing capacities and buffers, the input flows arereceived packets and inbound connections, the outputflows are outgoing packets and connections. In case ofenterprizes internal resources are production capacitieswhich transform input resources into products andservices. In case of end users internal resources areterminals while input resources are connections, productsand services. Agents exchange flows and resources.Examples of such exchanges include exchange ofproducts for money, exchange of signaling betweennetwork nodes while establishing a connection, exchangeof information for information. In what follows weconsider as UHVRXUFHV all passive commoditiestransformed and exchanged by agents, includingresources in common sense, but also all kinds of products,services, information and traffic flows.

    'LVWULEXWHGDV\QFKURQRXVGHFLVLRQPDNLQJDQGFRQWURO.All agents take decisions, which involve assignment ofinput resources, treatment of input and output resources,selection of partners for exchange. These decisions aretaken in independent and asynchronous way, althoughthey can be coordinated. Examples of such decisions arerouting, admission control and congestion controlalgorithms of telecommunication network nodes,production, development and marketing policies ofenterprises, selection of service providers by end users. In

    selection of decision strategies agents seek to follow theirindividual criterions and aims which may or may not becoordinated with each other. Therefore the design ofmultiagent systems can not be reduced to simple globaloptimization criterions, like minimization of total costs ormaximization of properly defined "public good".

    '\QDPLFV. Multiagent systems can exhibit widelydifferent dynamic behavior due to richness of positive andnegative feedbacks usually present in such systems. Theycan have many equilibriums and switch in catastrophicmanner between them. They can exhibit totally chaoticbehavior even in the absence of random disturbances.Design based on the study of steady state behavior is not

    adequate because in many cases such systems changeconstantly. Examples of such nonstationary changesinclude rapid development of mobile networks andexplosion of Internet.

    ,QFRPSOHWHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGERXQGHGUDWLRQDOLW\ . Thereare two main sources of uncertainty in multiagentsystems: external and internal. External uncertainty is dueto the fact that multiagent systems operate in uncertainand changing environment. Changing demand patternsand technological change are two examples of suchuncertainty. Internal uncertainty appears because theagents have limited knowledge of strategies and states ofother agents. Agents should employ decision principles,

    which take into account such uncertainty. However, evenif the complete information would be available it is often

    impossible to use due to constraints on processing times.Therefore it is not realistic to consider agents as beingcompletely rational maximizing some utility function.Instead decisions are made by ERXQGHGO\UDWLRQDO agents

    on the basis of changing set of heuristics based onprevious experience (Arthur, 1994).

    In order to represent these features we consider a class ofmodels called $JHQW1HWV. It is a network like structurewith agents being the vertices of oriented graph whichedges define the exchanges between agents. This structureis associated with appropriate resource space with agentstransforming and exchanging resources from this space.Each vertice of the graph is equipped with the set oftransformation functions and strategies. The state of thevertice (agent) is defined by the vector of internal, inputand output resources. There are dynamic relations whichguide the evolution of the state of the agents similar to

    those considered in the theory of Discrete Event DynamicSystems (Ho and Cao 1991, Gaivoronski HWDO1992, Pflug1992, Cassandras 1993, Rubinstein and Schapiro 1993).

    We utilize the experience accumulated recently in othernetwork models, in particular Petri Nets (Peterson 1981,Archetti, Gaivoronski and Sciomachen 1993), NeuralNets (Hertz et al 1991, Gaivoronski 1994) and BayesianNets (Neapolitan 1990, Archetti, Gaivoronski and Stella1997). Petri Nets are very good in representingasynchronous distributed processes, however it is difficultto use them to represent nontrivial agents with resourcetransformation, exchange and control strategies. NeuralNets are useful models for recognition of complex

    patterns which can be present in multiagent systems,however they are lacking tools for representingdistributed decision making. Bayesian Nets are good inprocessing incomplete information, but again lackingstructure for agent representation. Therefore a newnetwork model is needed for representing multiagentsystems.

    We should mention here related work in other fields,which partially addressed some of the issues treated here.Research in computational economy and market orientedprogramming resulted in creation of several tools fordistributed resource allocation in financial and other fields(Even and Mishra 1996, Steiglitz et al 1995, Waldspurger

    et al 1992, Wellman 1993). Dynamic interactionsbetween economic agents were considered in evolutionaryeconomics (Dosi and Nelson 1993, Lane 1993).

    In order to cope with uncertainties inherent in multi-agentsystems we utilized approaches developed in stochasticprogramming (Birge and Wets 1987, Ermoliev and Wets1988, Gaivoronski 1982, Higle and Sen 1991, Kall andWallace 1994, Mulvey and Ruszczynski 1992).

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2we describe the notion of Agent Net and discuss some itsproperties. Simulation system MODAGENT developedfor simulation of Agent Nets with application to modelingof information economy is presented in Section 3. Section

    4 is dedicated to the case study from modeling of relations

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    between network providers and providers of informationservices over telecommunication networks.

    $*(171(76$JHQW 1HW is composed of two oriented coordinatedgraphs )},(),,{( 351$ where

    $1 - the DJHQWJUDSK defined by the set ofD

    Q vertices$ called DJHQWV and the set of oriented arcs $$1 .Agents possess additional structure which will be definedseparately. Arcs connect those agents which can beinvolved potentially in WUDQVDFWLRQV.

    53 - the UHVRXUFH JUDSK defined by the set ofU

    Qvertices 5 called UHVRXUFHV and the set of oriented arcs

    553 . Quantity and other attributes may beassociated with each resource.

    For each agent $DL

    let us define two sets:

    { }1DDD$LMML

    =+ ),(| - the set of agents from which

    oriented arcs point to agentL

    D ;

    { }1DDD$MLML

    = ),(| - the set of agents to which

    oriented arcs point from agentL

    D ;

    Similarly for each resource 5UL

    we define:


    = ),(| - the set of resources from which

    oriented arcs point to resourceL

    U ;

    { }3UUU5M




    = ),(| - the set of resources to which

    oriented arcs point from resourceL

    U ;

    The purpose of the Agent Net is to model transformation

    of resources from 5 by agents from $. Informally,L

    5 is

    the set of resources which participate in transformation

    which result in resourceL

    U . In order to transform

    resources agents make transactions between each other.

    The setL

    $ is composed from all agents which possess

    resources used in transformations performed by agentL

    D .

    6758&785(2)$*(176Agent Nets differ from other network like structures,notably Petri Nets, Neural nets and Bayesian Nets bymore involved node structure which permits to modeldifferent types of agents found in real multiagent systems.


    D is a tuple ),,,,,,,(LLLLLLLL

    '0)6(2,7 where


    - set of internal resources, these resources are

    needed to model production capacities and technical



    - set of input resources, these resources are

    obtained from agents belonging toL

    $ in the process of



    - set of output resources, these resources areobtained by transformation from input resources with the

    help of internal resources and constitute the RIIHU of agent


    D to agents from L

    $ ;


    - set of exchange resources, these resources are

    exchanged by agentL

    D with agents fromL

    $ for inputresources.

    These resource sets are connected with agent and resourcegraphs by the set of constraints, in particular

    C1. For eachLN

    ,U exists +L

    $D such thatMN

    2U .

    C2. For each +LM

    $D existsMN

    2U such that.L

    ,U .

    C3. For eachLN

    2U we haveLLN

    ,75 + .

    C4. For eachLLM

    ,7U existsLN

    2U such that+


    5U .


    - VWDWH of the agentL

    D which is the vector of

    quantities of resources from LLLL (2,7 . Thisvector is indexed by members of resource sets of agent



    and is varying with time W. In this way the state 6W of thewhole multiagent system is composed of the states of

    individual agents: ))(),...,(()( 1 W6W6W6 Q= .

    { }LLL

    M N


    ,7N2M)) = ,),( - the set of

    transformation functions which define relations

    )([)\ M NL


    where \ is the amount of internal or input resourceN

    Unecessary to obtain amount [ of output resource


    U .Similar transformation functions are defined for internalresources and they describe amount of input resourcesnecessary for obtaining of specified amount of internalresource. In this case such functions are used to describeprocesses of investment and development.

    )(W0 - the information available to agent D at time W.

    Generally, it is some subset of the state 6W of agent netobtained with some delay and contaminated by errors.


    - the set of strategies of agentL

    D at time W. These

    strategies depend on the state )(W6L

    and information


    and can belong to several classes 3URGXFWLRQ

    VWUDWHJLHV define amount of output resources to offer.

    ([SDQVLRQVWUDWHJLHV define amount of internal resourcesto add to existing ones. 7UDQVDFWLRQVWUDWHJLHV involvingselection of partner agents to make offer of output

    resources to, fixing the amount of exchange resource

    asked for the output resource, choice of partners for

    obtaining input resources.

    (92/87,212)$*(171(76Agent Net evolves in continuous or discrete time. Itsevolution is driven by transactions between agents. Eachagent selects its production, expansion and transactionprogram according to the set of its strategies and available

    information. Each transaction involves exchange of inputresources for exchange resources which changes the

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    volumes of these resources in possession of agents.Evolution of Agent Net is described in more detail in(Bonatti, Ermoliev and Gaivoronski, 1998).

    Agent Nets can be studied using graph theoretical

    methods and methods used in the study of Discrete EventSystems. There are many open research issues which arediscussed together with some properties of Agent Nets in(Bonatti, Ermoliev and Gaivoronski,1998).


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    discrete time.

    Resources can belong to one of five top level classes:,QSXW, 2XWSXW, ,QWHUQDO, 'HPDQG and 1HHG.Besides, there are exchange resources which are handled

    by special class $FFRXQWDQW. ,QSXW resources areprocured in the 0DUNHW in exchange for exchangeresources, are transformed by an agent in 2XWSXWresources using ,QWHUQDO resources and offered to the0DUNHW in exchange to exchange resources. 1HHGresources are satisfied by end user consuming 'HPDQGresources procured in the 0DUNHW in exchange toexchange resources. Thus, resources belonging to ,QSXWclass of one agent may belong to 2XWSXW class ofanother agent and to 'HPDQG class of end user. Therelations between different resource classes and classes$JHQW and 0DUNHW are shown on Figure 2, similar butsimpler relations connect 0DUNHW and (QG8VHU

    , Q W H U Q D O

    $ J H Q W

    0 D U N H W

    , Q S X W ( [ F K D Q J H ( [ F K D Q J H 2 X W S X W

    Figure 2: Relations Between Resource Classes andClasses 0DUNHW and $JHQW

    The complex relations which connect agents and endusers necessitated to make further structuring of$JHQWclass into high level subclasses. Besides resource classes,QSXW, 2XWSXW and ,QWHUQDO mentioned above theseclasses include:

    ,QIRUPDWLRQ handles information available to $JHQW;&RQVXPHU procures and handles ,QSXW resources;3URGXFHU transforms ,QSXW resources into 2XWSXWand handles expansion of,QWHUQDO resources;6XSSOLHU handles and dispatches 2XWSXW resourcesproduced by $JHQW;6HOOHU markets 2XWSXW resources;

    $FFRXQWDQW handles the flow of exchange resources,keep balances and generally keeps track of $JHQWperformance;0DQDJHU defines policies executed by other members of$JHQW;

    The top level structure of$JHQW is shown on Figure 3.Many agents will not possess fully developed componentsof thisstructure, in such cases some of components willbe empty. Detailed description of MODAGENT structurecan be found in (Gaivoronski, 1998).

    Another example of multi-agent modeling system isSwarm from Santa Fe Institute (Minar et al, 1996).Compared to Swarm we place much more emphasis on a

    general way to model agent structure and agent strategies.


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    independent from infrastructural services of networkoperators, like, for example, radio and TV service.

    These services are partially substitutable between eachother. End users chooses between different services

    according to the following demand generation model.Attitude of each end user towards any particular service 6


    is characterized by service utility function IL

    [ which isnondecreasing function varying from 0 to 1 which definesthe fraction of need 1 satisfied by amount [ of service6


    This function is characterized by two parameters:








    S2 I1



    Figure 4: Information Service Provision


    - the maximal possible fraction of need which can besatisfied by a given service when its amount [ tends toinfinity, we assume that all D


    sum up to 1.


    - the incremental fraction of the need satisfaction byservice 6


    for small values of[. End user chooses betweenservices by maximizing his need satisfaction within givenbudget (perhaps with some error). This permits us tomodel nonhomogeneous user population with thefollowing service adoption cycle. Suppose that there issome established service and some emerging service. Onthe early stages of service introduction there will be somefraction of "early bird" users which will adopt a newservice even if it costs substantially more than traditionalservice, it is enough that the new service has some newappealing features. On the later stages the main body ofusers will adopt the new service, but only if it willbecome price competitive with the old service. Andfinally, there will remain some fraction of users whichwill switch to the new service only if it will become

    substantially cheaper than the old service.Normally, there is more than one provider of the sameservice on the market, which offer service with differentprices. We assume, however, that there are moreattributes to a service than the price and services fromdifferent providers may differ in many other respects, likequality, etc. Thus, not all end users select provider withthe cheapest service. However, the price remainsimportant attribute of a service and market quotas ofdifferent producers increase and decrease depending onprice. This permits us to differentiate between basicservice with standard quality and more expensive servicewith enhanced quality.

    Finally, we assume that end users follow with some delaythe relative price dynamics of different producers.

    3URGXFHUV. There are three groups of producers:


    .He provides structural information services 6

    and 6

    andinfrastructural service ,

    necessary for provision of6



    . We refer to this agent as 1HWZRUN2SHUDWRU.


    . He providesinformation service 6

    for which he needs to buyinfrastructural service ,

    from $

    . Alternatively, we referto this provider as ,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFH3URYLGHU. Thus, heis a competitor of$

    , although in order to compete heneeds the service ,

    provided by $

    . Take, for example, as$

    an Internet provider which leases lines from networkoperator to provide information services and take as $

    network operator which is also engaged in provision ofinformation services.


    . He provides

    information service 6

    and is independent from both $

    and $

    . Think, for example, about newspaper publisher orowner of TV channels. His economic function is toprovide a service which can substitute to some extent both6

    and 6

    in case if they become too expensive orinadequate in some other respect

    7KHREMHFWLYHVRI HFRQRPLF DJHQWV. We assume thatend users maximize satisfaction of their needs forinformation services as described above. Providersmaximize their profit by choosing among differentstrategies. These strategies belong to three classes:

    - increase market offer, decrease price and expandprovision capacities if necessary;

    - decrease market offer and increase price, maybemoving to more specialized market niche;

    - keep constant the price and market offer.

    Strategies from the same class differ by amount of changeof price and market offer. Providers choose between thesethree strategy classes according to information about themarket behavior. If profit increased during current periodthen the current strategy is maintained or enforced,otherwise the strategy is likely to change. This is doneaccording to OHDUQLQJ SURFHVV which uses informationabout market behavior and is organized similarly to thelearning process in the theory of learning automata. That

    is, each strategy is characterized by probability accordingto which this strategy is chosen on the next step. Theseprobabilities are updated each period: the probability ofstrategy which improves some specified performancecriterion is increased while probabilities of otherstrategies are decreased. However, probabilities of allstrategies remain positive, which reflects the fact that theprofit maximization is the most important, but not uniquedriving force of agent behavior. Therefore we permit alsothe keeping of the strategy which leaded to profitdecrease, but with smaller probability compared to thecase when this strategy increases the profit.

    Our objective was to model dynamics of competition and

    cooperation between providers $ and $ , penetration ofservice 6

    and dynamics of total market for information

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    services 6

    and 6

    . This was studied under differentscenarios about market and expansion strategies of bothproviders, different provision costs for service 6

    ,different policies of market regulation.












    1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181

    v r r v q







    Information Service Provider Netw ork Operator

    Figure 5: Strong Wins

    620(5(68/76Due to the space constraints we can present results onlybriefly. We observed many interesting phenomena, whichhave convincing economic interpretations, in particular

    - "Strong wins": importance of pursuing aggressivemarket and expansion policies (for those who can affordthem), the provider with strong policies assures himselfthe largest profit share even with somewhat inferiorprovision costs; see Figure 5 where the weaker agent isdriven into bankruptcy.

    - benefits of market regulation which may be performedeither by appropriate regulation body or by agreementbetween providers. Such regulated competition permits tosurvive providers which offer superior service but can notexpand the offer rapidly, in many cases safeguards thetotal market value and in many cases is beneficial to allplayers since it stabilizes the market. This case isillustrated by Figure 6 where compared to Figure 5 anupper limit on price for service ,

    was introduced.

    - tendency of Network Operator to concentrate on his corebusiness when his information service provision costs arehigh and his tendency to compete in information serviceswhen his costs are comparable with Information Service

    Provider. Figure 7 gives breakdown of Network Operatorrevenue for one such case.

    - high instability of nonregulated market when everybodypursues strong policies, price wars (Figure 8);

    - emergence of qualitatively different dynamical patternsof the system evolution which may include in some casesoscillations in vicinities of different equilibriums and inother cases markedly chaotic behavior.

    In this example MODAGENT can be used to identifyregions of agent parameters which guarantee desirablebehavior of economic system.

    &21&/86,216We presented here the concept of Agent Nets formodeling of complex distributed multiagent systems,

    described the system MODAGENT for simulation ofAgent Nets and provided an example of Agent Netapplication to study of competition and collaborationbetween different types of service providers ininformation industry.












    1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181

    v r r v q

    s v

    Information Service Provider Network Operator

    Figure 6: Regulated Price for Leased Lines










    1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181

    v r r v q




    Serv ice S1 Serv ice S2 Serv ice I1

    Figure 7: Network Provider Focuses on Core Business












    1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181

    v r r v q














    Market value Information Service Provider Network Operator

    Figure 8: Price War When Both Are Strong


    The author is grateful to Dr. Mario Bonatti from Italtel for

    useful discussions on the early stages of this project.

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