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Veni, Vidi, Vici ("I came, I saw, I conquered") Please draw a life line with the high and low points of your experience. Choose events you are comfortable sharing and that are appropriate for this learning context and goals.

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The Immigrant Settlement ProcessThe ways in which groups of immigrants or individual settle in Canada varies. Age, class, education, gender, occupational class, etc. all play a role in the settlement process. The following are description of some of the many and varied experiences by immigrants. For a complete document of possible thoughts and feelings, issues, needs and resources required for immigrants at the different stages and time lines please visit,

0-6 months – Culture Shock

Sense of being on holiday, fascination with things unique to new home, favorable or unfavorable comparison of new home to old, sense of displacement, delight in new things, etc.

6 months to 3 years – Honeymoon

Sense of being in a “honeymoon” phase, remembering original reasons for move, happiness over move, anxiety over separation with what is familiar, sense of mourning of old life, hope and expectations, etc.

3 years to 5 years – Growing Pains

Sense of permanent disassociation from old life, realization that there has been a shift in values, practices and norms, identifying and familiarity with new home, desire to “go back”, to make sure that leaving was the right thing to do, on-going questioning of reasons for leaving, etc.

5 years and on-ward – Home to stay

Sense of belonging, becoming a resource for other new immigrants, revised cultural identity, etc.

The Job Loss Process

Shock! Relief! Sadness! Excitement! Frustration! Lack of energy! Hopelessness! Determination! These feelings are experienced differently from one person to another depending on how you became unemployed, how long you have been out of work, and whether you can provide for your family or others who depend on you. However, most unemployed people

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describe similar patterns of emotions that they describe as an "emotional roller coaster". To learn more about this topic refer to Amundson, Dr. N, Borgen, Dr. W., At the Controls: Charting Your Course Through Unemployment Nelson Canada, Scarborough, Ont. 1992. ISBN # 0-17-601997-9.

A. What Happened? - First negative reactions to job loss (shock, anger).

B. Leaving a Job/High School -Thinking about job loss (worry, sadness).

C. High Hopes - Acceptance of the loss (determined, on top of things)

D. Thinking about Job Search (hopeful, optimistic, proud)

E. First reactions to stress associated with job search (pressure, discouragement, fear, anger, desperation).

F. Protection from job search related stress (apathy).

G. Turning the rejections inside (feeling worthless, isolated, lonely, drifting).

H. At this point, you approach a cross-road. You can either figure out ways to cope or you can give up.

Your basic needs such as financial, people support, sense of purpose and routine have to be dealt with during job search.

Strategies to Consider when dealing with Job Loss

Talk it out with trusted ones. You are not the first or last to go through this experience. It is natural to have these feelings and you deserve their support.

Acknowledge that your family may be reacting to your job loss. Patience is good company.

Network and talk to a mentor (or get one).

Think positively.

Set a daily routine. Use an agenda planner and plan your days

Set small goals that you can achieve daily (for example: revise resumes, complete portfolio, research companies, etc.)

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Reassess your skills and abilities. Do you need to consider upgrading or further training?

Consider volunteering to gain more experience.

Don’t stay at home un-involved with life. If the job search prolongs into months, join a gym and exercise or develop a hobby or interest.

Self-care can be energizing.

Resource adapted from “Coping with Job Loss” YWCA Discovering Life Skills, Volume 7 Pages 105-109

Career Counselling SkillsEstablishing Rapport

Welcoming words and body language. Easy topics of conversation to place clients at ease (Was it easy to find the office? Did you have a good drive here today? Etc.).

Minimal Encouragements

Short expressions (verbal and non-verbal) to indicate interest in clients story and feedback (I see, go on, etc.)

Non-Verb al Cues

Body language, working environment, interruptions, posters, cartoons, signs around the office, etc.

Open / Close Questions

Questioning techniques used facilitate a conversation and expand, clarify or determine understanding of issues in the exchange of information, (tell me more about that? (open), You expect to complete your professional accreditation this fall? (close)

Reflection of Feeling

Statements or questions to clarify clients feeling and assist clients to own them. To be reflected with the same level of feeling (I see you are sad about the loss, it’s a natural feeling to have, how can you take care of yourself while you grieve the loss)

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Stataments that allow counsellors to check the accuracy of the perceived message. A form of ‘test’ to of client’s self-understanding that serves as confirmation of the counsellor’s same understanding, (today we agreed we would clarify your employability issues….. and now, in your own words, can you enumerate for us what you see as your career accomplishments so far?, Of all the strengths we’ve discussed today….., which ones would you list as the most relevant?, We have acknowledged that it is not job related skills but your behaviour during job interviews that is getting in the way…., can you tell me which communication skills you want to focus on developing in order of priority?


Accurately repeating what your heard from your client. Verbalizing your understanding of what the client means with her/his statement. A skills used to clarify and focus dialogue and process between client and counsellor, (I heard you say that your family is not supportive of your need to get a job in your previous profession. I understood you say that you will like help finding a part time job, in a women only environment and in some kind of helping position because you believe your family will not be too opposed to such an option, is my recollection of your words correct?

Emphatic Responses

Statements intended to respond to clients feelings. Feel ‘with’ the client, not ‘for’ the client. We respond emphatically by showing them attending, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings and summarizing (From your point of view…, As you see it…., I’m picking up that you….)


We show respect to our client with the unconditional belief our client is worthy and can change or do something about his/her current employment situation.

Locus of Control

A skill used to getting clients to recognize their own behaviour(s). It can be external (“unless I go to a job finding club I can’t bring myself to look for work alone”) or internal”, ( I am job searching wherever I am and with whomever I meet”).

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Problem Ownership

A skill to help counsellors determine if there is a roadblock in the counselling relationship and who owns the problem, the client or the counsellor. The process of seeking clarification as to who owns problem answers the question “whose needs are not been met at present?”.

If client owns the problem, the conversation begins with an empathic response.

If the counsellor owns the problem, the conversation begins with an “I or WIN statement”

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Job Search Tools & InformationPersonal Tools

Resume and cover letters (master, targeted, general)

Professional portfolio (traditional) or E-Portfolio (electronic)

Calling cards

Personal web pages


DATA, bio’s, professional briefs,

Employment Related Information

Visible and Hidden Job Markets

Labour Market Information

Employment services and supports

Professional accreditation and regulatory associations

Role play – In pairs (Counsellor & Client)

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Using these questions as a guide, interview your colleague and practice some of career counselling skills to obtain information. By the end of the interview you should have answers to some of the questions below.

What brought your client here, what would he/she like to get by the end of the session – as an outcome?

Where is your client in the job search process?

What does your client know or has done already?

What are the immediate needs (info & tools)?

What are the long term needs (ultimate goals)?

What is your client’s next step?

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EO Service Delivery Model Employment Service Model – One point of service (pp 17)

Main premise of new model (pp 16)

All service providers will be required to provide the full range of employment service components at each point of service.

They include service providers who specialize in particular client groups (such as disabilities, aboriginals, women, etc.)

Guiding principles of the new model design (pp 14)

Aligned with MCTU principles Customer centered (respond to needs of

individual, employer, community) Adaptable (to the needs of individual, employer,

community) Coherent (reduces barriers to access)

Job Retention


Resource &


Job Search

Job Matching,

Placement &

IncentivesOther Employment Ontario programs

Client Services Planning &


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Outcome based and accountable (meets provincial standards of quality service)

Evaluation- Service Quality Dimensions of Success (pp 40)

50 % Effectiveness (Participant suitability, Service Impact)

40 % Customer Service (Service Coordination, Customer Satisfaction)

10 % Efficiency (Funded Activity, Communicating

Overall Service Structure Model

Intake (pp15)

Suitability (pp 20)

Client Service Planning and Coordination (pp 19)

Assisted Services (pp 23)

o Job Search (

o Job Matching,

o Job Placement & Incentives

o Job Retention

Unassisted Services (pp 21)

o Resources & Information

Successful Outcomes

o Employment

o Training (for employment)
