Download docx - A Year Among the Sidhe


Seelie in the Material Realm

Sprites (1/3)Nixie (1)Grig (1)Brownie (1)Atomie (1)Pooka (2)Leprechaun (2)Faerie Dragon (2)Leshy (1/2-3)Pech (3)Dryand (3)Satyr (4)Pixie (4)Korred (4)Huldra (4)Swan Maiden (6)Nymph (7)Ijiraqs (9)Nerid (10)Kami (2-15)Gathlain (race)Fey Creatures (~)Faun (race)Azata (6+)

Examples of Sidhe Lords

Cernunnos (Timothius?) (30)Powerful Kami (20)Erlking (18)Norn (18)Hamadryad (15) Leanan Sidhe (9)

Outcast Races from Bryn Bresail


UnSeelie in the Material Realm

Mite (1/4)Tooth Fairy (1/4)Chaneque (1)Jack o Lantern (1)Gremlins (1/2-2)Forlarren (2)Quickling (3)Twigjack (3)Spring Heeled Jack(s) (3)Kelpie (4)Satyr (4)Fossegrim (4)Lurker in the Light (5)Lampad (5)Redcap (6)Oceanid (7)Cold Rider (8)Svartalfar (8/race)Nuckelavee (9)Bogeyman (10)Rusalka (12)Kami (2-15)Ankou (14)Fey Creatures (~)

Beasts of the Sidhe Realm (some may be influenced by the UnSeelie, even fewer by the Seelie )

Alpluachra (1/2)Mindslaver Mold (3)Living Topiary (4)Grodair (5)Tendriculos (6)Abaia (10)Linnorms (14)Jubjub Bird (15)Tane (16)Zomok (16)Thrasfyr (17)Irminsul (17)Tunche (17)Sard (19)Jabberwock (23)
