
Thoughts Before Worship:

Today is Stewardship Sunday. This is the beginning of the season of prayerful discern-

ment regarding support for Community United Church of Christ and its work in the

world. We will be focusing today on a passage from the book of Jeremiah, in which the

author presents a vision of restoration and celebration after a long and difficult exile. As

we prepare for worship, think about this story and its relevance for our lives. If you

have requests to add to the prayer list (a public document), go to

pray (a Google Form), or scan the QR code found in the bulletin.

Gathering Music A Variation on Hymns Aaron Ames

Prelude More Precious Than Silver Lynn DeShazo, arr. Mark Hayes

CCLI Song #11335, CCLI License #3154689

Welcome Jonathan Ebel

Call to Worship Larry LeeAs we gather for worship this morning,

Let us fast from despair and feast on hope. We worship, so that we might leave this place and live this fast we choose:

Let us fast from words that destroy and feast on building up.Let us fast from violence and feast on hospitality. Let us fast from discontent and feast on gratitude. Let us fast from anger and feast on patience.

Let us fast from busyness and feast on Sabbath space.Let us fast from worry and feast on trust. Let us fast from complaining and feast on appreciation.

Let us fast from hostility and feast on peacemaking.

We welcome you to our service this morning. Celebrating the diversity of creation, Community United Church welcomes persons of any age, ability, race, gender identity, sexual orientation orlife condition. May the Divine Presence become real to you through this time of worship. We hope you come back!

Note: Our worship services are live streamed. If you prefer not to have the back of your head seen on the live stream worship please do not sit in the first seven pews on the left side (organ/piano) of the sanctuary.

Champaign, Illinois Stewardship Sunday, Worship for Ordinary Time 26B September 26, 2021

Let us fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness. Let us fast from fear and feast on courage. Let us fast from self-concern and feast on compassion.

In all that we do, in worship, work, and in our daily living, Let us fast from despair and feast on hope.

–adapted from Donna Hissrich, St. John’s Episcopal, Worthington

Song Community of Christ Shirley Erena Murray, Meyer Lyon NCH 314, v 1, 3, 4

CCLI Song#1121602, CCLI License#3154689i

*Passing of the PeaceToday, you are invited to remain in your space, turn and greet those around you, makeeye contact across the room and flash a peace sign, or say “Peace” in the commentson Zoom or Facebook Live broadcast.

Children’s Moment

Prelude to Scripture Whether we take what is written in the Bible as fact, metaphor, myth, or story, let us listen now for the meaning it might hold for us on this day.

Sacred Reading from the Original Testament Jeremiah 31:1-6 31At that time, says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. 2 Thus says the Lord: The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, 3 the Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. 4 Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O virgin Israel! Again you shall take your tambourines, and go forth in the dance of the merrymakers. 5 Again you shall plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall plant, and shall enjoy the fruit. 6 For there shall be a day when sentinels will call in the hill country of Ephraim: ‘Come, let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God.’

Sacred Reading from the Gospels Matthew 6:20-21 20but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Postlude to Scripture We conclude this sacred reading with this prayer: May the Spirit bless us with wisdom and wonder as we ponder the meaning of these words for our lives.

Call to Prayer After the sermon, we will pray together and offer up our joys and con-cerns. Your prayer requests will be offered aloud. Whether you are sitting here in the sanctuary, or worshipping with us remotely, you are invited to add your joys and concerns to the prayer list: go to (a Google Form), or scan the QR code found here.

Song Love is Love is Love

Words and music by Abbie Betinis Licensed for non-commercial distribution through the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License

Love is love is love is love, Love is love is love is love, Oh

Love is love is love is love, Oh love is love is love is love, Oh

Love, love, love. All we need is love, love, love. All we need is

Ubicaritas et amor, Where there’s love, love is love.

Love, love, love. All we need is love, love love. All we need is love.

Message Of Feasts, Hope, and the Future Jonathan Ebel

Silent Meditation

Ringing of the Singing Bowl

Call to Offering God transforms what we give into a Feast of Hope for the Future – the future of the

people in pews, Zoom boxes, and Facebook profiles today, tomorrow, and for gener-

ations to come. God also transforms what we give into a Feast of Hope for future

generations of Campus Ministry students, Jubilee Café Guests and Volunteers. But

that’s not the end of the story. Through the open and affirming, just peace, progres-

sive faith values proclaimed and embodied by this community of faith, God will trans-

form your financial gifts into a feast for hope-hungry folks in a future we have yet to

even imagine. Will YOU help spread the feast? This week we continue to receive a

special Love Offering for the UP Center of Champaign. To share financial gifts big and

small, please visit and donate. If you are worshipping here

in the sanctuary, you may also place offerings in the offering plates as you leave the

sanctuary. To give to the special offering we will receive today for the UP Center,

please place those offerings in the globes. You may use the special offering tab under

“donate” on the website. May God bless the gifts and the givers.

Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Song Standing at the Future’s Threshold Words by Paul R. Gregory, Music by Arthur S. Sullivan, NCH538 v1, 4, 5

Words copyright © 1985; rev. 1994 Rev. Paul R. Gregory

Commissioning of the Community

Pastor Connie Bandy will be on call for pastoral care needs today, September 26 through Wednesday, September 29

Guess Sabbatical Pastor Bill Lawser begins his ministry with CUCC Thursday, September 30 and will lead his first worship service Sunday October 3.


Postlude How Firm a Foundation Todd Beaney, ©2006 Lorenz Publishing Co

Worship Licenses Words for Hymns reprinted with permission under One License #A-734456. All rights reserved. (4/22) Words for Hymns reprinted with permission under CCLI Music Copyright License #3154689. All rights reserved 10/21) Words for Convergence Songs reprinted with permission under Convergence Music Project License #100002047 (10/21) ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC musical compositions performed under permission CCS PERFORMmusic License #13830 (6/22) Video clips shown with permission under CVLI License #504305331 (12/21) Worship streamed live on Zoom and Facebook Live with permission under CCLI Streaming License (3/22)

Pastor: Rev. Leah Robberts-Mosser [email protected], sabbatical - 1/3/2022

Director of Youth Ministries:

Jessica Smiley | [email protected]

Commissioned Minister of Congregational Health: Linda Morgan | linda-

[email protected]

Faith Community Nurse Johnalene Radek | [email protected]

Parish Associate: Rev. Connie Bandy | [email protected]

Director of Music Ministries: Kathy Lee | [email protected]

Community United Church of Christ Staff

Community United Church of Christ805 S. Sixth Street, Champaign, Illinois, 61820

Phone: (217) 344-5091 | Website: | Email: [email protected]

United Church Foundation (UCC Campus Ministry)

Director of Campus Ministry: Reverend Nate Brantingham | [email protected]

Your Ministry Team Leaders

Moderator: Elizabeth Shack*

Past Moderator: Jon Ebel*

Incoming Moderator: Erin Ewoldt*

Clerk: Shane Brownfield*

Pastoral Relations Committee: Cara Finnegan

Personnel Committee: Anna Barnes

Community Building: Peg Wade* and Randy Musser

- Care Team: Jeff & Tina Stovall - Prayer Shawls: Elena Kasper

- Meal Train: Jennifer Robbennolt

- Driver’s Ministry: John Osborne

- Card Ministry: Peg Wade

- Healing Music Ministry: Marilou Hinrichs

- Health and Wellness Team: Doug Irwin

Children & Family: Julie McClure* and (pending) Finance: Roger Wade* (treasurer), David Will-cox (financial secretary)

Identity: Keri Evans* and (pending) Mission: Jeanne Ward* and Kristy Brownfield Sound & Ethical Practices (SEP):

Kyle Mahannah and Grant Robbennolt* -Buildings & Grounds: Tom Ward and

Matthew Hart -Contracts & Insurance: Andrew McClure

UCC Campus Ministry Liaison: Ilsa Kantola*

Worship: Chase Skye and Susan Pawlicki*

- Sound Coordinator: Roger Wade

Ministers: The Community of Community UCCPreaching : Jonathan Ebel

Liturgist: Larry LeeUshers: John Cowsert Greeter: Tina Cowsert

Organist: Aaron Ames Singers: CUCC Choir, Audio/Video: David Gerstenecker, Lance Larkin, Roger Wade

Serving Today