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It is an established fact that the application of strict safety procedures is the only panacea to accident, injury to staff, loss of man-hours, risk to health or death.

Our company in realization of the above dangers initiated and has continuously upheld the highest degree of commitment to safe working measures by staff and other persons dealing with us.

It is to further strengthen the above resolve that management directed its Health safety and Environmental Management System (HSE MS) to be documented and that they should address all fundamental issues concerning the company. This document is therefore expected to provide the advocacy that is needed to inculcate safety consciousness in all company staff as they carry out their individual and collective assignments. Management hopes that this effort and its full utilization would yield expected results.

DANELEC LIMITED is an indigenous Company involved in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering works, and general Oil field services  The management is aware of the hazardous nature of our jobs and intends to always execute all phases of our work in a safe and economic manner. It is our policy to carry out our operations in such a way that the health, safety, environment matters as well as our client rules and regulations shall be strictly observed.In order to achieve these goals DANELEC LIMITED management shall continue to accept both its legal and moral obligation towards its work force by creating a safe, secured and a healthy working environment, well defined accident prevention measures and training for all employees. The company shall do every thing within it’s reach to minimize the impact on the environment in which all its operation are carried out and shall ensure the protection of life and property of the neighboring Community in which its operates.The company strongly believes that health, safety, environment and security targets must be given equal priority as well as production and financial targets.To this end, every DANELEC LIMITED employee must integrate HSE policy into all the company daily activities especially during job planning and execution.Every employee is expected to report unsafe condition to their foreman and suspend unhealthy and dangerous operation until safe work system is ensured. It will be the duty of every employee to take reasonable care of health and safety of himself, his fellow employees and other persons who may be affected by his actions at work. All employees should be aware that HSE is a line management responsibility; hence part of our commitment shall therefore be to provide a good working environment for all.It is mandatory for line management and supervision to ensure that all personnel are aware of and adhere to company Safety rules and regulations.

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Disciplinary measures against offenders of safety rules shall be enforced irrespective of status. Consequence Management is in place.Finally, management is aware that no matter how well written a policy is, its implementation and success lies squarely on every individual worker’s effort, therefore the cooperation of everyone is required to achieve the stated goals.


DANELEC LIMITED Management is fully committed to HSE and has a management system to enhance the credibility of its HSE policy and objectives and to communicate HSE issues. In practice, management is committed to providing enough resources to perform all HSE critical activities to the right quality and within agreed schedule. The management is also committed to develop, operate and adhere to the HSE policy and to achieve strategic objectives.

The Company’s HSE culture is based on:Setting clear objectives and targets for HSE and reviewing performance at regular intervals.Belief in company’s ability to continually improve HSE performance.Unconditional acceptance by all staff of compliance with HSE policy and its implementation principles as pre- requisite for employment.

The demonstration of DANELEC LIMITED management commitment to HSE include amongst others:

o Playing a direct role in implementing the HSE plan.o Setting a personal example in day – to day work.o Putting HSE matters high on the agenda of business meetings, from

management level downwards.o Communicating the importance of HSE considerations in business

decisions.o Recognizing good performance when objectives are achieved. o Encouraging employees’ suggestion for measures to improve HSE

performance.o Including HSE planning and review in the company’s business planning

cycle and meeting structure.o Attendance and chairing of HSE meetings.o Maintaining an open approach to external liaison with authorities and the

general public.o Conducting HSE audits or inspections personally.o Communicating with subcontractors on HSE matters.o Setting specific HSE tasks and targets for individuals.

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The purpose of this HSE plan is to ensure that we carry out appropriate action to comply with all applicable regulations governing construction, general industry and client requirement and to provide a standard procedure for all work activities necessary for the enforcement of health and safety policy, for conducting safety audits and reporting to supervision.

Provide a standard method of reporting occupational injury, illness or fatality to client.

Provide a standard method of storage and disposal of hazardous waste in accordance with statutory requirements.

Provide a basic outline for DANELEC LIMITED and Client required employee training and documentation.

Provide a basic outline for the establishment of site medical and sanitation facilities and arrangement of outside medical back up.

Provide for basic fire prevention program and ensure that hazardous, flammable and combustible materials are handled and stored in accordance with applicable standards.

Ensure that all required written procedures are in place and conform to all required regulations.

Eliminate or reduce personal injury and damage to properties, materials and equipment.

HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT DANELEC LIMITED recognizes the hazardous nature of its operations and the adverse consequences of its failure to observe, assess and control or completely eliminate the acts and conditions that’s could result in accidents or incidents. DANELEC LIMITED is therefore committed to executing its activities to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and the safety of persons living in the vicinity of the installation. The company goal of NO LII in every project will be achieved by maintaining proactive HSE programs designed to preventAccidents and incidents.

DANELEC LIMITED believes that good HSE performance is an integral

part of efficient and profitable business management.

We will there fore be guided by the following principles:

HSE is of equal importance as other business activities.

No activity shall be carried out unless considered safe.

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Safeguard the health and safety of all employees, contractors and third


Strive to minimize the impact of activities on the environment.

Maintain good relationship with host communities and all


Strive to enhance security of life and equipment

We believe that every job could be done safely.

In the implementation of this policy DANELEC LIMITED will observe the


1. All staff will undergo induction training on their first day of work. This

will be enhanced and reinforced through daily toolbox meetings.

2. All equipment to be deployed on the project shall be subjected to SPDC

pre-mobilization process and certified.

3. All technical personnel on the project shall be certified to possess

appropriate professional competence.

4. All key operations shall be subjected to hazard analysis and appropriate

controls shall be implemented during execution.

5. Plans and procedures shall be in place to respond to any emergency or

loss of control.

6. Scheduled Audits, inspections, drills for emergency preparedness and

other programs as a continuous machinery for identifying hazards, unsafe

acts and conditions at the work place shall be carried out.

7. Rewards and sanctions scheme will be introduced to ensure compliance

with safety and health rules, regulations and safe work practices.

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HSE POLICIESIn addition to the HSE management policy statement; the following related policies have been put into place: DANELEC LIMITED HSE POLICIESIn addition to the HSE management policy statement, the following related policies have been put into place:Drug and Alcohol policyCommunity Relations policy Health policyNo recreational swimming policy Security Policy Environmental Policy Safety policyUse of personal protective equipment policy

These policies address specific risks that can have negative impact on lives, assets, the Environment and health of our Client, workforce, sub – contractors, host communities and other parties that injury might be affected by company activities.


It is DANELEC LIMITED policy to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with host communities.

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To achieve this goal, DANELEC LIMITED will cooperate with and work through the CLO’S in the local communities to ensure that the local communities are aware of DANELEC LIMITED activities and to ensure that any conflicts are resolved in a timely manner.


The DANELEC LIMITED will operate a healthy workplace with no health incidents and

improve the health awareness of its employees. To achieve this goal DANELEC

LIMITED will embark on these strategies:

Pre –employment medical examination to determine fitness for employment.

Fitness certification will be issued and revalidated annually.

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Reduction of exposure to hazardous substances, noise, vibration, chemical handling, and

manual lifting

Prevention of malaria and other diseases

Construction material and equipment shall be appraised to control health risks. Those

proven or known to be injurious to health shall be discarded or minimized with use of the

MSDS control.

Work site supervision will be very intensive especially in the area of controlling hazards

and their effects.

DANELEC LIMITED will provide a qualified nurse OR First Aider at the work site with

adequately stocked first aid box. Maintain a retainer clinic where referrals are done or

seek medical assistance from clients medical centre.

There will be no use or possession of intoxicants or illicit drugs by any person on any of

the project work sites. Persons found to be in possession or under the influence of such

substances shall be terminated from the job.

SAFETY POLICY DANELEC LIMITED aims to ensure that risk to personnel and equipment involved in the execution of the contract are identified, assessed and controlled to ALARP and that recovery measures are in place if otherwise. A system of incidents and accidents reporting will be implemented.

Pre a- mobilization inspection shall be carried out on all equipment including hand tools to be deployed for the contract.

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DANELEC LIMITED will adhere to company’s journey management procedure that will include testing and selection of drivers, route mapping to facilitate planning and tracking of crew movement, training on defensive driving course and daily journey hazard analysis. Job hazard analysis shall be performed for all critical activities during every project; this will be cascaded to staff in toolbox talks and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) briefings. These will be documented as evidence of compliance of safety requirements. Daily inspections will be carried out on all work areas.All personnel on the project shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Safety shoes, coveralls and hard hats will be provided to all employees as a minimum.Muster points will be located within construction site.All company personnel will receive will receive a safety orientation before they commence work.


Whistle to alert everybody around.

Try and put off the cause of accident if the safe and possible

Remove the victim immediately from source of danger

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Apply first-aid if the injury is minor.

Keep in safe and convenient position and eliminate crowding to ensure good ventilation.

Evacuate victim to retainer clinic for medical attention.

Constitute Investigation panel.

Follow-up recommendation.

ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROCEDUREVisit scene of accident immediatelyInterview as many people as possible related to the accidentInterview witnessesStudy possible causes of the accidentAsk for other peoples opinion on the cause(s) and remedyWrite a report immediately Correct the conditions as much as possible urgently

Inform the management immediately and follow up for company corrections of the conditions resulting in accident

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ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Waste constitute environmental nuisance if not properly collected, handled and disposed. Waste shall therefore be collected, handled and disposed off in an environmentally safe manner as not to cause injury/impact negatively on plants, animals and the environment.The environmental impact of each activity shall be routinely monitored and controlled and corrective action taken as necessary.

All practical measures will be taken to minimize the generation of waste and to manage and dispose of unavoidable waste in an environmentally acceptable.Construction wastes will be managed by segregating them in properly classified bins.All chemicals shall be transported, stored used and disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. All chemicals will be accepted from a supplier with the appropriate MSDSIn all proper precaution shall be taken to avoid pollution to air, land or water.Dumping of waste into creek, rivers and swamps are not allowed.


DANELEC LIMITED shall comply with the Nigerian environment protection laws and

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regulation, maintains precautions to avoid the discharge of pollute in the air, land or

water. It shall dispose its waste of any kind in appropriate and in an approved manner. In

cases of pollution reports immediately to the project engineer.

ECURITY POLICY DANELEC LIMITED intends to manage security affairs as an integral part of its HSE program and as part of company’s business to eliminate losses of materials and to

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eliminate injuries to personnel and property of all staff, client and third party involved in her activities.

DANELEC LIMITED will employ adequate number of experienced security guards.Access to project work sites will be controlled to prevent unauthorized entry as follows: Access will be allowed to only those persons who that have official business and possess valid induction badge with valid photo identification badge. Only staff that has completed the minimum induction safety training would receive their access badges.

Security personnel at the work site will be linked by GSM handset

All staff shall be with PPE appropriate for the activities carried out.

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR EQUIPMENTWhere manual tools are used, they shall be maintained and properly stored in the toolboxes. Particular attention will be paid to hammer , files e.t.c Defective tools shall be removed for the good ones.Power driven tools or appliances shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions.Only power driven machinery approved by the client can be used for work.

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Staff shall be trained on HSES related issues to improve safety awareness.

Courses on Environmental AwarenessDefensive DrivingOperational HealthPersonal SecurityUnsafe Act auditingFire fightingWaste ManagementErgonomicsMalaria PreventionStress ManagementAids and the workplace

Shall be periodically organized to be conducted by the client, the Red Cross Society and other related agencies.A chart covering all staff for the year is drawn by safety officer and approved by CASHES coordinator. Result of all training shall be documented, appraised from time to time, to monitor effectiveness.

Orientation and induction programmes will be organized for all new intakes before being allowed to work in client’s facility.


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HSES incentive shall be in form of souvenir to all staff who participated in achieving nil Lost Time Injury within the schedule period.The type and magnitude shall depend on management decision, to be reviewed upwards when higher LTI free Man-hours are achieved.80,000 LTI free man hours is chosen which when attained the workforce is entitled to souvenir.The following souvenirs are suggested (subject to approval of management).


Breach of HSE rules shall be viewed seriously. To this the following guidelines are set by management to forestall recurrence

First Offender Oral Warning

2nd Offender Written Warning

3rd Offender Written Warning

4th offender Suspension

Unrepentant Dismissal

Also promotion to the next grade maybe hindered if employee is known to ignore self working practices.All punitive measures meted out shall be published on the HSE board and filed for future reference by the safety coordinator.

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IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES:Waste Management issues shall be part of the agenda for HSE meetings;DANELEC LIMITED shall include waste management issues in routine HSE inspections and findings shall be properly documented and following up.DANELEC LIMITED shall be responsible for the management of wastes from her activities in line with SPDC requirements and policies.


Site Cashes Meeting with the management will be held once a month. This meeting is exclusive of the Tool box Meetings which is held every day.


The Site Supervisor and Safety Officer are in charge of all daily safety briefing.

The Object of such briefing is to discuss unsafe acts/conditions observed in the course of executing the project laying emphasis on working tools and equipment handling.

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MANHOUR EXPOSUREThis is the total number of hours of employment including overtime and training but excluding leave, sickness and other absences.The man-hour Exposure form is used to record this weekly basis, Thursday to Wednesday.Before end of work on Wednesday, the information is passed on to the client’s project Engineer or representatives.


On noticing fire:Raise alarm by shouting “fire, “fire, “fire”Dial 144 and call the fire serviceOn hearing the siren, if available on it for 2 minutes

Fighting the fire:Attack fire with the available extinguisher, ensuring you have position close to the exit for a quick and safe retreat.Close to the door and leave the building if there appears to be danger to life.

On hearing the Alarm:Be calm, do not panic.Leave the building quickly and calmly through nearest exit, if not involved in the fire fighting.Assemble at the Muster Point for Roll CallDo not re-enter the building until asked to do so.

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On noticing a shock victimCall for assistance,Identify source of dangerBreak the contract by switching off the current; remove the plug or wrench the cable free ( for bare conductors contact with hand is available if the later is insulated)If this is not possible, stand on non-conductive material (newspaper or rubber mat) and push or pull the casualties clear using a broom or wooden stool.Do not touch the casualty with bare hands.As a last resort, take hold of any loose, dry clothing (not under the arms) and pull casualty clear from the source.

ASSESSING THE SITUATION:Are you or the casualty in danger?Is the casualty conscious?Is the airway open and clear?Is the casualty breathing?Is there a pulse?

UNCONSCIOUS: NO PULSE, NO BREATHINGCall MedicalCommence Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) AS FOLLOWS:Lay casualty back to the floor,Open the airway by tilting the head and lifting chinWith the nose closed, give two inflation through the mouth, pressing your lips over the casualty’s.

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Hazard Effect Management Process

Project specific Hazard and Effect Management plan (HEMP)

The identification and evaluation of hazard at all stages of contract execution and the development of control measures is part of HSE management system. Identification and evaluation of hazards will be carried out for all DANELEC LIMITED operations.The purpose of HEMP is to establish a formal system for the performance and documentation of risk assessment of Health safety and Environmental issues on project site.In line with our guidelines, all project equipment shall be inspected and certified fit for operation by CLIENT prior to mobilization to the site. Site safety officer shall conduct scheduled equipment inspections at the work site.Project activities shall be covered by detailed work procedure, as developed by the project Engineer and site Engineer.

Planning Procedures

Basic HS&E Rules

The HS&E rules, contain in the Company’s Safety Handbook shall be made  available to all employees before they start work. New employees’ HSE Induction, Safety Signs Daily Tool and scheduled (intermittent) safety briefings shall  be used to disseminate information and authenticate the level of HS&E awareness amongst the work force.The site(s) will use the HSE plan as their basis for  site HSE planning . The accountability of HSE planning is vested on the project Manager. The performance standards established for the project will be cascaded through to the staff.Targets and objectives

Minimal disruption to project schedule due to community affairs issues.

Minimal adverse project impact on host communities.Maximal  possible benefits to people from host communities.Zero accident or incidents.Zero lost Time Incidents during execution of project.Zero road/marine accident for drivers/ quartermaster associate with project activities.Zero environmental incidents

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Zero medical emergencies requiring medivacZero health incidents.Zero security incidents.

DANELEC LIMITED Close out investigation of all  accidents, incidents and near misses within 14 days.Audit all HSE&S resourses once every two months.

Emergency PreparednessThe following are the identified potential emergency Scenarios envisaged during the construction phase of the project:MedivacFireCommunity Attack.In the event of an emergency;All personnel on board would move to the nearest and safest location muster point.Communication with all designated emergency contact  points and the incident location will be maintained.Any injured personnel shall be promptly evacuated to the  company’s retained medical clinic.Awareness amongst site personnel on timely response to emergency alarms will be encouraged.DANELEC LIMITEDHS&E Equipment and Equipment HS&E InspectionBelow is a list of HS&E equipment to be used in the project identified by the type and capacity. Site supervisor shall inspect and certify this equipment as fit for purpose on receipt from designated vendors.

Implementation and Performance Monitoring

The following statistical records shall be maintained and reported on a weekly basis during project execution and will be documented in the minutes from the weekly review meetings.

Man-hours. Lost time accidents. LTI frequency. Recordable medical treatment cases/ frequency rate. Material losses/ damage. Environmental incidents. Community related disturbances. Lost time. Communication issues. First aid cases.

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Hazards. Medical or health statistics i.e occupational health record

Incident and Accident Investigation ReportingAll accidents and incidents will be immediately investigated and reviewed as required by procedure. Causes will be determined and corrective actions applied. The resulting corrective actions will be discussed with other work groups/areas during the review meeting ,or sooner, depending on the severity of the incident and the ability and need of other groups to learn from it.The site Engineer and other staff are responsible for the investigation of HSE accidents and follow up investigations.

Occupational Health and SafetyFatigue can result in reduced concentration, which can lead to accidents.DANELEC LIMITED will ensure that adequate personnel are employed to eliminate the effects of fatigue  and under normal circumstances ensure that personnel get at least 8 hours rest in a day, of which a minimum six shall be continuous.